Membership: Christopher Ganyrog, Romantic Objective Pamela, others
Purpose: To protect the interests of the Planet Yann
Affiliations: Ardina, Clea, Defenders (Hellcat, Nighthawk, Valkyrie (Parrington)), Namorita, Papa Hagg, She-Hulk
Enemies: Yandroth;
formerly Avengers (Ant-Man (Lang), Black Knight (Whitman), Captain America (Rogers), Firebird, Iron Man (Stark), Jack
of Hearts, Justice (Astrovik), Living Lightning, Photon (Rambeau),
Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Silverclaw, Stingray, Triathlon, Vision, Warbird,
Wasp, Wonder Man, Yellowjacket (Pym)), Black Panther (T'Challa), Captain
Marvel (Genis-Vell), Daredevil (Murdock), Dum-Dum Dugan, Fantastic Four
(Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Invisible Woman, Mister Fantastic, Thing), Nick
Fury, Iron Fist (Rand), Order (Dr. Strange, Hulk (Banner), Silver Surfer, Sub-Mariner), Spider-Man (Parker), X-Men (Beast
(Hank McCoy, Chamber, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Phoenix (Jean Grey-Summers),
Professor X, White Queen, Wolverine), others
Base of Operations: Yann, Geuliscwarz system
First Appearance: Order I#5 (August, 2002)
(Avengers: Loki Unleashed#1 (fb) - BTS) - Loki and Sise-Neg engaged in mystic battle on Yann, threatening the entire planet. Ganyrog and the Masters of the Mental Arts went into hiding on one of the planet's moons, leaving behind a recorded message for any other visitors.
(Avengers: Loki Unleashed#1) - The Avengers (Captain America/Steve Rogers, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Thor, Wasp/Janet Van Dyne, Captain Marvel/Monica Rambeau), and Doctor Strange arrived on Yann, finding Ganyrog's message. Yann was soon saved.
(Order I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Christopher Ganyrog lived on the Planet Yann in the Geuliscwarz system. After the Scientist Supreme and ruler, Yandroth, shamed their people and perished, Ganyrog took over as the new Scientist Supreme. After Yandroth was defeated on Earth, he cast a curse on the Earthly heroes, the Defenders, and bound the results of their anger and violence directly to Yann, causing violent seismic upheavals that would eventually lead to world destruction and restore Yandroth to life.
(Order I#5) - Altered that two youngsters had strayed too close to the volcanic upheaval zones, Ganyrog and Romantic Objective Pamela strapped on jetpacks and rushed off to save the kids, only to see a group of Earth heroes (Ardina, Clea, Hellcat, Namorita, Nighthawk, She-Hulk, Valkyrie (Samantha Parrington)) save them first. Using his translation vocarithm, Ganyrog thanked the heroes and introduced himself. He used the healing indigo ray on Hellcat and Nighthawk, and admired the power of the heroes, then confirmed that Yandroth had been behind much of their recent struggles. He revealed that they needed to join forces to stop the Order (the cursed Defenders, Doctor Stephen Strange, Hulk (Bruce Banner), Silver Surfer, Sub-Mariner), or both Earth and Yann would be destroyed.
(Order I#6) - Ganyrog led the full contingent of the Masters of the Mental Arts, authorizing Inertia-sorb blasters and lo-resist field-projectors along with jet-packs, to battle dozens of heroes on Earth in order to stop them from attacking the Order. Yandroth lost his energy form when the Order refused to attack him more, and he returned to human form. Ganyrog arrested Yandroth, determined to hold trial for him in the courts of Yanagar, and to keep Yandroth imprisoned. The Masters of the Mental Arts and the Earth heroes left on good terms.
(Last Defenders#1 (fb) - BTS) - Yandroth escaped from captivity and killed the Ganyrogs. He took over Yann.
Comments: Created by Kurt Busiek, Jo Duffy, Ivan Reis, and Jose Pimentel.
Being the DC buff that I am, I noticed a few interesting bits for this entry. I did notice that there were several interesting points to the characters. The system they're in, Geuliscwarz, is a roughly phonetic pronunciation of Julius "Julie" Schwartz, Silver Age editor extraordinaire. Speaking of the Silver Age, Christopher Ganyrog bears a striking resemblance to DC's Silver Age space hero Adam Strange, right down to the jetpacks, red uniform, and laser guns. Romantic Objective Pamela would be a parody or homage or whatever to Alanna Strange, Adam's wife and for years just the damsel in distress/romantic interest. Yann would be a parody of Rann, the planet that Adam would be teleported to via Zeta Beam. The planet Yanagar would probably be a reference to Thanagar, the planet that some of the Hawkmen come from. The indigo healing ray would be a parody of the Amazons' Purple Healing Ray (no really, that's the name of the device) on Themyscira Island.
--Doctor Worm (Jacob Cundiff)
Profile by Chadman.
Masters of the
Mental Arts have no
known connections to
Christopher Ganyrog and Romantic Objective
(Avengers: Loki Unleashed#1 (fb) - BTS) - Loki and Sise-Neg engaged in mystic battle on Yann, threatening the entire planet. Ganyrog and the Masters of the Mental Arts went into hiding on one of the planet's moons, leaving behind a recorded message for any other visitors.
(Avengers: Loki Unleashed#1) - The Avengers (Captain America/Steve Rogers, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Thor, Wasp/Janet Van Dyne, Captain Marvel/Monica Rambeau), and Doctor Strange arrived on Yann, finding Ganyrog's message. Yann was soon saved.
(Order I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Christopher Ganyrog lived on the Planet Yann in the Geuliscwarz system. After the Scientist Supreme and ruler, Yandroth, shamed their people and perished, Ganyrog took over as the new Scientist Supreme. After Yandroth was defeated on Earth, he cast a curse on the Earthly heroes, the Defenders, and bound the results of their anger and violence directly to Yann, causing violent seismic upheavals that would eventually lead to world destruction and restore Yandroth to life.
(Order I#5) - Altered that two youngsters had strayed too close to the volcanic upheaval zones, Ganyrog and Romantic Objective Pamela strapped on jetpacks and rushed off to save the kids, only to see a group of Earth heroes (Ardina, Clea, Hellcat, Namorita, Nighthawk, She-Hulk, Valkyrie (Samantha Parrington)) save them first. Using his translation vocarithm, Ganyrog thanked the heroes and introduced himself. He used the healing indigo ray on Hellcat and Nighthawk, and admired the power of the heroes, then confirmed that Yandroth had been behind much of their recent struggles. He revealed that they needed to join forces to stop the Order (the cursed Defenders, Doctor Stephen Strange, Hulk (Bruce Banner), Silver Surfer, Sub-Mariner), or both Earth and Yann would be destroyed.
(Order I#6) - Ganyrog led the full contingent of the Masters of the Mental Arts, authorizing Inertia-sorb blasters and lo-resist field-projectors along with jet-packs, to battle dozens of heroes on Earth in order to stop them from attacking the Order. Yandroth lost his energy form when the Order refused to attack him more, and he returned to human form. Ganyrog arrested Yandroth, determined to hold trial for him in the courts of Yanagar, and to keep Yandroth imprisoned. The Masters of the Mental Arts and the Earth heroes left on good terms.
(Last Defenders#1 (fb) - BTS) - Yandroth killed the Ganyrogs.
Ganyrog, Pamela, and the other Masters of the Mental Arts had access to different types of technology, including inter-dimensional travel, jetpacks, healing indigo rays, and translation vocarithms.
--Order I#5 ([Avengers: Loki Unleashed#1 (fb)], Avengers: Loki Unleashed#1, [Order I#5 (fb)], 5-6, [Last Defenders#1 (fb)]
images: (without ads)
Order I#6, p11, pan2 (main)
Order I#5, p12, pan1 (Ganyrog and Pamela)
Order I#5 (August, 2002) - Jo Duffy, Kurt Busiek (writers), Ivan Reis (penciler), Jose Pimentel (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Order I#6 (September, 2002) - Jo Duffy, Kurt Busiek (writers), Matt Haley (penciler), Dan Panosian (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Last Defenders#1 (May, 2008) - Joe Casey (writer), Jim Muniz (penciler), Cam Smith (inker), Stephen Wacker (editor)
Avengers: Loki Unleashed#1 (December, 2019) - Roger Stern (writer), Ron Lim (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 03/31/2007
Last updated: 10/06/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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