Real Name: Eleanor Murch
Identity/Class: Human mutant cyborg
Occupation: Scientist, villain
Group Membership: Exiles (Madison Jeffries, Melter/Chris Colchiss, Orphan-Maker/Peter, Oya/Idie Okonkwo, Nekra Sinclair, Third Eye, Toad/Mortimer Toynbee);
formerly Hellions (Empath/Manuel de la Rocha, John Greycrow, Havok/Alex Summers, Mr. Sinister/Nathaniel Essex, Orphan-Maker/Peter, Psylocke/Kwannon);
formerly the Right
Affiliations: Karen Blake, Sheila Blake, Tammy Blake, Clive A.I., Cypher (Doug Ramsey), Eliot, Madison Jeffries, Leech, Lost Boys (and Girls) (Big Top, Bonzo, Monitor, Shatterbox (Gailyn Bailey & Joseph Bailey), Speedfreak), Artie Maddicks, Matthew, Melter (Christopher Colchiss), Monarch (Jamie Braddock), New Mutants (Karma/Xi'an Coy Manh, Mirage/Danielle Moonstar), Orphan Maker, Oya (Idie Okonkwo), Princess Silkmane, Quiet Council (Apocalypse/En Sabah Nur, Exodus/Bennet du Paris, Emma Frost, Magneto/Max Eisenhardt, Marvel Girl/Jean Grey, Mystique/Raven Darkholme, Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner, Professor X/Charles Xavier, Sebastian Shaw, Storm, Ororo Munroe), Franklin Richards, Santa Claus, Silver Samurai (Kenuichio Harada), Stephen, Nathan Summers, Third Eye, Toad (Mortimer Toynbee), Warlock, Wiz Kid (Takashi Matsuya)
Enemies: Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Abbott, Arcade, Avengers (Black Panther/T'Challa, Thor/Odinson), Dr. Barrington, Sheriff Carl Briggs, Captain (Steve Rogers), the Creation (Kruger), Feculent Unwed, Mr. Gallo, Mrs. Gallo, Gambit, Generation X (Banshee, Chamber, Husk, Jubilee, M, Skin, Synch), Gilgamesh, Gnomes, Goblin Queen (Madelyne Pryor), Hippogriffs, Invisible Woman, Jubilee, Locus Vile (Amino Fetus, Hex Butcher, Mother Rapture, Mudgear the Recanter, Sick Bird, Tarn the Uncaring), Marauders (Arclight/Phillippa Sontag, Blockbuster/Michael Baer, Harpoon/Kodiak Noatak, Prism/Robbie, Riptide/Janos Quested, Scrambler/Kim Il Sung), Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde), Miss Locke, Mr. Fantastic, Mr. Sinister, Reavers (Donald Pierce, others), Ricochet (Johnny Gallo), the Right (Cameron Hodge, others), Cartier St. Croix, Steve, Shadow King, Trance, Wolverine, X-Factor (Archangel, Beast (Hank McCoy), Cyclops (Scott Summers), Iceman, Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), X-Men (Colossus (Piotr Rasputin), Dazzler (Alison Blaire), Havok, Psylocke, Storm)
Known Relatives: Harold Murch (husband)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: X-Factor I#30 (July, 1988); (identified) X-Factor I#33 (October, 1988)
Powers/Abilities: Nanny is a talented scientist and inventor, specializing in cyborg technology. She was a mutant with low-level technology, which she enhanced with a chemical "pixie dust" that kept her victims sedated and subject to mind control. Though the status of her powers post M-Day remains unrevealed, Nanny seems to retain them. Nanny controls a ship with vast resources, including a force field and a teleporting unit. Her ship contains equipment capable of designing vast suits of armor, of keeping mutants in containment, of deaging adults to children, and of detecting mutants from long distances. Her armor, which she is grafted in as a cyborg, has offensive weaponry, including a repulsor field. Nanny's armor is naturally shielded against telepaths, has telescoping arms, a holographic projector, and a jetpack.
After dying in Arakko and going through resurrection, Nanny woke up "honed," meaning her personality, skills, and strength were sharpened to be more focused on her goals and readier to face any threats from Arakko. After dying and being resurrected again, these skills went away.
Height: (As cyborg) 3'
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed
(X-Factor I#40 (fb) - BTS/Hellions I#16 (fb) - BTS) - Eleanor Murch, married to Harold Murch, was a scientist and inventor pioneering the field in cyborg technology. She and Harold both joined the Right, and Eleanor invented technology for them, but she soon learned they were using that technology to create anti-mutant super-soldiers. Secretly a telepathic mutant herself, Eleanor sought to stpp the Right, but they stopped her and gave her the ultimatum to either rejoin them or be imprisoned in an egg costume, where she'd be locked inside. Eleanor refused to work for them, so they locked her in the egg, but she managed to escape the Right, going slightly mad in the process.
(X-Factor I#35 (fb) - BTS) - Determined to save all the specially-powered children of the world and make them into her "salvation army", Nanny first saved young Peter and other children to follow. She kept them in a cold sleep, determined to waken them when they were needed.
(X-Factor I#40 (fb) - BTS) - Nanny claimed that she'd liberated Peter from Mr. Sinister because Peter's powers, too dangerous and uncontrollable, would have made him one of the Marauders. She claimed that the armor she designed for him helped him stop from going down that path.
(Slingers#9 (fb) - BTS) - Not long after taking in Peter, Nanny located young mutant Johnny Gallo and hoped to take him in as her second "Lost Boy".
(Slingers#9 (fb)) - Tracking Johnny to a Food Lion supermarket, a trigger-happy Orphan Maker murdered Johnny's mother before they could procure Johnny. As a crowd drew close, Nanny and the Orphan Maker left before they could take Johnny.
(X-Factor I#35 (fb) - BTS) - Nanny captured young Joey and Gailyn Bailey, mutant children with no parents.
(X-Factor I#30) - Nanny descended her ship onto the roof of a house in a suburb of Omaha, Nebraska.
(X-Factor I#31) - At Nanny's orders, Orphan Maker killed the parents of the child in Omaha.
(X-Factor I#33) - In a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri, Nanny tracked undeveloped mutants Tammy and Sheila Blake, whose parents were home. She woke Orphan Maker up and, though he was sad the kids would be scared of him again, sent him inside, where he froze the children with the "clouds of glory" dust Nanny had given him and then murdered their parents, including Karen Blake. Nanny and Orphan Maker flew away with their new appraisals, determined to get more children. Nanny had Peter go back to sleep.
(X-Factor I#34) - Learning that the Right had provided demons with a list of young mutants to sacrifice, Nanny went on a faster quest to rescue as many mutants as she could. She sent Peter to save a baby in Hong Kong, and he was pleased because babies weren't scared of him. Peter killed the mother and retrieved the baby, and they rushed off to save another child.
(X-Factor I#35) - Seeking to liberate a whole floor of mutant children from an orphanage in Nebraska, Nanny woke Peter up and put five of her kids, calling them her Lost Boys (and Girls), in costumes to help tem. The ship tore through the roof as she recited nursery rhymes to her children. At the same time, demons sought the children and Cyclops and Marvel Girl of X-Factor were looking for his son, Nathan Summers. Nanny, Orphan Maker, and the children broke through to find the babies in containment units. Nanny ordered the children, who she called Shatter-box, Speed-freak, Monitor, Big Top, and Bonzo, to retrieve the babies while Orphan Maker handled the adults. Cyclops' optic blasts bounced off Peter's armor. Nanny opened fire on Marvel Girl, but she blocked the blast with a telekinetic shield. When Cyclops covered Peter in gas from a pipe, Nanny flew over to help him, but an optic blast sent her flying. Furious, Orphan Maker tossed pixie sand at Marvel Girl, but she blocked it, then pulled him outside telekinetically when he opened fire. Nanny defended herself with rockets as the mutants tried convincing her to let them take and protect the children. Orphan Maker tried throwing a section of the roof on the mutants, but Cyclops collapsed it on them. When Nanny heard that the babies were being stolen by demons, she pulled her children back on the ship, pulling the others behind them the vortex the ship generated, escaping.
(Avengers I#299) - Nanny sent Orphan Maker to obtain a young mutant in Connecticut. Peter disconnected the alarm system, then dosed the family with pixie dust. He took the boy, then shot at the parents, but a force field blocked the shot, causing Peter to panic. Orphan Maker rushed the boy back to the ship and they flew to New York. While questioning the strong young mutant, she learned he was Franklin Richards, son of Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman. She called Peter in and scolded him with an electric prod for lying to her. She quickly put Franklin in a suit of armor when the parents and the Captain (Steve Rogers) attacked. Orphan Maker hit Captain America while Orphan Maker's screening device prevented the Invisible Woman from wrapping a force field around him. Mr. Fantastic grabbed the Captain, who destroyed Peter's gun with his tossed shield, then hit Peter below the chin, knocking him backward. Falling on his rear, Orphan Maker cried for his Nanny while Franklin, in his red armor, attacked the heroes. When another hero, Gilgamesh, arrived, Nanny came out in frustration, just as the heroes realized Franklin was in the armor.
(Avengers I#300) - Nanny comforted Peter while Franklin held off the heroes. Nanny finally ordered Franklin to stop when Mr. Fantastic threatened to harm Orphan Maker, wrapping himself around the crying Peter tightly. They left Franklin behind and tried escaping, but the Invisible Woman stopped the ship, causing it to explode. Nanny and Orphan Maker presumably teleported to safety.
(X-Factor I#40) - Nanny lowered her ship over the members of
X-Factor, wanting to track them back to where the babies from the orphanage were
being kept. Orphan Maker was eager to attack them, to steal young Nathan
Summers, but Nanny encouraged him to wait. They tracked X-Factor, seeing even
more mutant kids (Wiz Kid, Leech, Artie Maddicks), but Nanny still wanted to
focus on the babies. Once the babies were aboard X-Factor's ship, Nanny lowered
the ship over theirs and caught it in binding, quoting a nursery rhyme while she
did so. She opened the hatch and sent Peter down to apprehend the babies. After
Cyclops blew a hole through the ship, Orphan Maker and Nanny moved in and
Cyclops blasted Nanny back with an optic blast. Orphan Maker fired on Cyclops,
but Archangel moved him out of the way, then shot metal feathers at Orphan
Maker, but his armor protected him. Beast attacked Nanny, but she activated a
repulsor field, sending him sprawling into her ship, where he broke her console.
As the ship vibrated, Nanny worked to fix things and Archangel grabbed Peter,
who pushed a button to repel him. Archangel slashed Nanny's armor open, however,
thinking she was a robot, and was horrified to find out she was human. As Marvel
Girl landed the ship with her telekinesis, Orphan Maker rushed to help Nanny,
telling the mutants of her origins. Marvel Girl then found her nephew and niece,
Joey and Galen, behind the ship's walls asleep. She woke them up and found them
brainwashed. Nanny and Orphan Maker teleported away to safety, but had to leave
the ship behind.
(Uncanny X-Men I#247) - Nanny and Orphan Maker watched on a screen as Donald Pierce and the Reavers planned to take down the X-Men. They determined to save the X-Men themselves.
(Uncanny X-Men I#248 (fb) - BTS) - Using the Reavers' tech, Nanny tracked the X-Men to a small town in the Australian outback. She could see them with her eyes, but not on her technology.
(Uncanny X-Men I#248) - Nanny told Peter about the X-Men (Colossus, Dazzler, Havok, Psylocke, and Storm) and put together a plan to capture them. Nanny found Psylocke swimming and, using her mental powers and pixie dust, mesmerized the telepath (against whose telepathy Nanny's armor was shielded) into following her and donning a suit of armor. Peter, meanwhile, placed the ship in the path Dazzler and Havok were running in, and knocked them out easily when they tried to investigate. Putting them in armor as well, Nanny sent the trio, with Peter, against the X-Men, and Peter grew jealous that he wasn't in charge. Nanny, meanwhile, tried apprehending wayward mutant Jubilee, who managed to evade her and blow the pixie dust back at her. Using fireworks, Jubilee knocked Nanny on her back, and Nanny couldn't stand, unable to access her jet pack. Orphan Maker rushed to aid her, but Colossus, projected by Storm's winds, bashed in to him, spinning Nanny around repeatedly. Storm managed to free the other X-Men while Peter rushed Nanny back to the ship.. She then rushed to escape, ensnaring Storm, who tried to blow the ship down, in her grapplers. Havok then tried to down the ship with a plasma burst and sent it plummeting to the ground. The X-Men soon seemingly found Storm's corpse inside.
(Uncanny X-Men I#267 (fb) - BTS) - Nanny actually programmed a mechanical mannequin to mimic Storm's appearance and costume and deposited it for the X-Men to find. Nanny deaged Storm and tried making her loyal to Nanny, but Storm managed to escape. Only able to track Storm when she used her powers, Nanny struggled to find her over the following weeks.
(Uncanny X-Men I#265) - Nanny and Orphan Maker tracked Storm to Cairo, Illinois, causing Peter to sulk because he felt Storm should be punished and not rescued.
(Uncanny X-Men I#266) - When Orphan Maker ignored another tracking, Nanny was furious with his sulking. Nanny then saw that Shadow King was after Storm and she used holograms to help Peter realize how deadly the threat was, helping him realize how crucial it was that they save Storm.
(Uncanny X-Men I#267) - Finally tracking Storm and her new ally Gambit, Nanny descended her ship over the plane the mutants were on. Nanny confronted the mutants with a hologram as Gambit hit Orphan Maker with an explosive blast, causing Nanny to let them go as she flew after Peter. Weeks later, they tracked Storm and Gambit to New Orleans, where Nanny disguised her ship as a parade float, and Orphan Maker grabbed Gambit by the foot. When Gambit started easing Nanny's mind with a seeming mutant power, Orphan Maker tossed him aside. Peter then heard Storm in the room full of armors, but couldn't find her. Storm put on the armor Nanny had prepared for her and she fired at the taunting Orphan Maker, blowing up the machinery behind him, then knocking him out with a punch. Gambit then hit Nanny with an exploding card. They left the villains in their sinking ship in the swamp.
(Generation X I#2) - Nanny sent Orphan Maker to kill Cartier St. Croix in Monaco, but when he arrived, his armor began falling off. Peter panicked, calling for Nanny.
(Generation X I#3) - Orphan Maker returned to Nanny and she explained that he was growing and needed new armor.
(Generation X I#4) - In Maine, Orphan Maker went to rescue the disformed boy Eliot, who'd taken a schoolroom hostage and was surrounded by police. Nanny explained to Peter that, since they'd been forced to go independent, they had to use their resources carefully. Hiding out in an ice cream truck, Orphan Maker found members of Generation X (Banshee, Jubilee, M, Skin, Synch) and he rushed to attack Eliot's parents, but Banshee knocked him back with a sonic scream, then M punched him back before he knocked M back. Skin wrapped himself around Peter, causing his armor's conduit charges to fuse together, depleting his power. Orphan Maker fled in his truck.
(Generation X Holiday Special#1) - While Nanny baked cookies for Peter in their cottage, he wrote his Christmas list, but she reminded him they still had an orphan to make, their Christmas tradition. After putting aside Peter's insecurities, Nanny sent him out to find a new mutant, Matthew. On the way, he detected Generation X (Chamber, Husk, M, Skin, Synch) at a mall and he easily knocked them all out with pixie dust. Nanny was proud of him, but still sent him after Matthew. Orphan Maker captured young Stephen on accident, not realizing it was a neighbor, and he fled with the boy when Jubilee tried to stop him. Orphan Maker returned for Matthew, but grew ecstatic when he found Santa Claus inside. Santa told Peter he'd been a bad boy, and Peter soon rushed back to help Nanny, who'd seen Generation X escape with Stephen. Santa and Jubilee visited Nanny's cottage and reawakened the spirit of Christmas within her.
(Slingers#9) - Nanny resumed her search for Johnny Gallo (who had since adopted the super heroic identity of Ricochet), reassuring a jealous Orphan Maker that he would always be special to her as her first foundling. Discovering Johnny's dual identity, Orphan Maker tracked him to Central Park, knocking Ricochet unconscious with "pixie dust" and bringing him aboard Nanny's air ship. As Ricochet woke, Nanny expressed her regret at not having come for him sooner while he was forced to endure a troubled relationship with his father following his mother's death. As Nanny revealed Orphan Maker was set to correct her mistake and kill Johnny's father, Ricochet freed himself and used one of his ricocheting discs to disable Nanny's ship. Preparing to murder Johnny's father, Orphan Maker was confronted by Ricochet, who fell to Orphan Maker's might and armaments. Telling Ricochet not to fight because he was only finishing what was started years earlier, Orphan Maker got angry when Ricochet asked if Nanny wanted him as her second orphan and returned to him years later because she got it wrong the first time around. Furious at the suggestion, Orphan Maker told Ricochet that he was Nanny's special boy and Ricochet wasn't good enough for them. Fighting past Ricochet, Orphan Maker made a quick exit in the Ice Cream truck.
(Wolverine: Killing Made Simple#1 (fb)) - Nanny and Orphan Maker attacked the Abbott's home in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, to recruit one of the world's last mutants, Trance (Hope Abbott). Orphan Maker blew up the house, trying to convince Trance that her parents were bad and she'd be better off without them, but Wolverine slashed Orphan Maker just then. Orphan Maker batted Wolverine aside, then shot him repeatedly, blowing up the house further. Orphan Maker wanted to kill Wolverine, but Nanny ordered him to bring Wolverine in, seeing the potential to de-age and brainwash him.
(Wolverine: Killing Made Simple#1) - Wolverine and Trance were kept restrained aboard the ship, soon coming out with the intention to deage Wolverine. Trance released her astral form, freeing her ally, so Nanny ordered Peter to shoot Trance, but Wolverine stopped the shot, then shredded the side of Peter's armor. Wolverine then stabbed Peter through the chest, causing Nanny to shoot Wolverine, grab Peter, and run in an escape pod. She set the ship to self-destruct, but Trance stopped it.
(Hellions I#13 (fb) - BTS) - Peter wondered about his father, but Nanny told him that he was lucky to have never met him.
(Hellions I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Mutants formed their own nation on the island of Krakoa, and Nanny and Orphan-Maker joined them in living there.
(Hellions I#7 (fb) - BTS) - Nanny learned that the Right had reclaimed her ship. She filed a petition with the Quiet Council to get the ship back, but they didn't respond.
(Hellions I#1) - When Beast and Angel tried separating Orphan-Maker from Nanny, Peter violently lashed out at them until they let him go back to Nanny. Nanny sang Peter a lullaby about dead parents and orphans to calm him down. Later, Nanny and Orphan-Maker were taken alongside Greycrow and Empath before the Quiet Council, who decided to form a group called the Hellions consisting of undesirable and antisocial mutants who would go on missions to try and redeem themselves. They gave them the designation of the Hellions, under the leadership of Psylocke and under the watch of Mr. Sinister, and they planned to assign them missions where they could blow off steam and put no humans in danger. The Hellions were assigned to destroy Mr. Sinister's clone farm at the Essex State Home for Foundlings, where the Marauders had holed up. Nanny confronted Mr. Sinister, warning him not to make any plans for Orphan-Maker, and Sinister was disgusted by her, especially the mouth painted on her egg.
(Hellions I#2) - At the Essex State Home for Foundlings, the Hellions passed local authorities, including Sheriff Carl Briggs and Steve. Inside, they found the Goblin Queen with a corrupted team of Marauders and the two teams soon went to battle. Scrambler touched Nanny's suit, scrambling its abilities, and she fell during the battle, on the floor and unable to move. Blockbuster began pounding on Nanny's armor, but Orphan-Maker rushed to protect her, though Scrambler soon hit Peter as well.
(Hellions I#3) - Nanny and Orphan-Maker, unable to move, lay there in horror as the Marauders tried cracking open their armors. When they breached Peter's armor, a massive amount of acid spewed forth from his form, melting Scrambler's flesh. Nanny tried quoting a nursery rhyme about this, but they kept hacking at her own armor.
(Hellions I#4) - The Marauders breached Nanny's armor, exposing her arm, but Wild Child stopped them from feasting on her. The Hellions were freed and moved through the tunnels, finding the waste-processing center for dead clones, and Nanny was disgusted. Greycrow soon killed the Goblin Queen and Havok blew up the orphanage, destroying the clones and the Marauders within. The team laughed at their own violence and Peter laughed with him, though Nanny told him not to.
(Hellions I#4 - BTS) - Back on Krakoa, Nanny was upset over the destroyed clones and forgot to feed Peter one day. Emma Frost checked on Nanny, believing that any emotional processing she was doing was healthy for her. At Bar Sinister, Nanny confronted Mr. Sinister, promising to get revenge on him.
(Hellions I#5) - Nanny was thrilled to hear that the Hellions had been selected to go on a dangerous mission, thinking it would give Peter a chance to be a hero, until she learned that they would have to use murder and sabotage and that they may not come back alive. The Hellions passed through the Avalon Gate into Otherworld, where in Avalon they met Monarch, who gave them the horse Princess Silkmane, which thrilled Peter.
(Hellions I#6 (fb) - BTS) - The Hellions went on a series of difficult adventures, battling gnomes, hippogriffs, and the Feculent Unwed, and Nanny sustained some damage to her armor and took to riding on the back of Princess Silkmane.
(Hellions I#6) - The Hellions passed into Arakko, where they faced Tarn the Uncaring and his Locus Vile, and Nanny was killed by a shot from Mudgear the Recanter right away.
(Hellions I#7) - Nanny was resurrected on Krakoa, and found that her personality, skills, and physical self "honed" or sharpened toward her own mission. Wild Child was resurrected in the same way, a result of their deaths in Arakko. Nanny put on a new suit of armor and went to Bar Sinister, where she learned the Hellions would be going on a mission to reclaim her ship from the Right, so that she could build a new suit of armor for Peter, who was in stasis after being resurrected due to the dangers of his mutant powers being activated. Psylocke crashed the ship into the Right facility and Nanny and Wild Child shocked the others by savagely ripping into the Right soldiers, revealed to be sentient robots. Their leader, Cameron Hodge, then came out.
(Hellions I#8) - When Hodge started making a big speech, Nanny and Wild Child just ran past him to find her ship, determined to cut to the chase. Inside her ship, Nanny found a small child, the neonate of the Right, a sentient robotic infant, and she carefully hid the child within. After securing the ship, Nanny flew it out of the base, commenting to Wild Child that they could both sense Amenth (Tarn's forces) coming for them. The sentient Right robots were destroyed by a virus uploaded by Psylocke, and Nanny watched Havok go into mourning. She tended to the neonate secretly aboard her ship.
(Hellions I#9) - Spouting nursery rhymes, Nanny built a new armor for Orphan-Maker, though the seams on the armor were much too tight as Orphan-Maker had grown since his resurrection. Peter asked Nanny to help him, as he was in pain, but she left, tending to her neonate privately instead, and Peter saw the new baby inside. The Hellions were sent on a mission to rescue the captured Mr. Sinister. As they arrived in New York, Peter demanded to be called Pete now and continually stated that Nanny was not his mother. Mastermind picked up the Hellions and immediately began messing with their minds. Mastermind soon delivered them to Arcade and Miss Locke.
(Hellions I#10) - Nanny was kept in a dream by Mastermind where she got to take care of every orphan child and be loved by them. Nanny was soon overwhelmed by shadow babies as her dream merged with Orphan-Maker's.
(Hellions I#11) - Psylocke helped the Hellions all join together in their dreams, but soon Mastermind gave the Hellions false memories, making them think that they had scored a major victory against Arcade. The Hellions returned to Krakoa feeling confident and united as a team.
(Hellions I#12) - Not invited to the party, the Hellions were training together while Psylocke, Havok, and Mr. Sinister left for the Hellfire Gala. Nanny was prepping to spar against Empath when Greycrow decided the team should attend the Gala and they soon stormed the party.
(New Mutants IV#18) - Nanny watched the Crucible fight between Karma and Mirage of the New Mutants, as Silver Samurai hosted.
(Way of X#3) - At the Gala, Nanny heard Nightcrawler ranting about the three laws of Krakoa.
(Hellions I#12) - There, Nanny publicly embarrassed Mr. Sinister in front of the Avengers, then she started drinking. When a fight broke out at the party, Nanny broke a bottle and chased after Mr. Sinister, but the Hellions were soon removed from the party. Nanny later vomited inside her armor. Back on Krakoa, the Hellions witnessed, psychically, the Krakoans claiming the entire planet of Mars.
(Hellions I#13) - Nanny fed the neonate aboard her ship, trying to get it to say Nanny, but it would only say "mew, mew." When Nanny found Orphan-Maker holding the child, she screamed at Peter and forbid him to tell anyone about what he had seen. Later, Mr. Sinister set off his private alarm, and the Hellions rushed to aid him, finding him battling his own clone.
(Hellions I#14) - The Locus Vile attacked, and Nanny, Orphan-Maker, and Wild Child savagely fought back, feeling their bodies primed for combat after their resurrections. Nanny savagely drove her fingers into the eyes of Mudgear. Tarn passed through a portal opened by Mother Rapture and, after removing the Amenth enhancements from Wild Child, awakened the Hellions' memories of Mr. Sinister's betrayals. Tarn passed through a portal opened by Mother Rapture and, after removing the Amenth enhancements from Wild Child, awakened the Hellions' memories of Mr. Sinister's betrayals. Sinister responded by releasing several clones of himself to distract the others, then he escaped with the Amenth Sinister clone to find his project, Chimera, leaving the Hellions behind.
(Hellions I#15) - When the Hellions realized they'd been lied to about Murderworld as well, Scalphunter built a giant gun and fed Amino Fetus, who then gave birth to babies who could end all existence; panicked, Tarn disappeared with his Locus Vile. As Mr. Sinister revealed his Chimera clone (combining his DNA with that of Arakko), Psylocke revealed she'd been working for Sinister because he had her daughter's genetic code, but then Empath manipiulated Havok into destroying the cloning facility, including the Chimera and Psylocke's daughter.
(Hellions I#16) - After being tended to in the Healing Gardens, Nanny harshly told Peter that their family had broken up, and he was now a man who needed to fend for himself. Nanny returned to her ship, where she was tending to the Neonate before Harold Murch took remote control of her ship as he taunted her, shocked she was still wearing the egg costume. Harold stole the Neonate, using an escape platform, then planned to crash Nanny's ship into the Krakoan orphanage to kill mutant babies. Nanny activated the self-destruct on her ship and it exploded. When Orphan-Maker rushed in to check on Nanny, she harshly slapped him and blamed him for everything, and he fled in tears.
(Hellions I#17 (fb) - BTS) - Nanny was rushed to the Healing Gardens and tended to. She soon debriefed them on the Right's plans.
(Hellions I#17) - Nanny joined the Hellions, though they left Empath behind, in going to rescue Peter. As the Hellions confronted the Zeta team, Nanny rushed inside to find the Neonate, but Orphan-Maker was already there holding the child, with Harold and other members of the Right in the background. Nanny picked up the Neonate and offered it comfort, but then the child revealed that it hated mutants and gave off a massive energy discharge that killed Nanny. Peter then killed Murch, many other members of the Right, and even members of the local law enforcement.
(Hellions I#18 (fb) - BTS) - Nanny was resurrected again, and learned that Orphan-Maker had killed two humans while fighting the Right.
(Hellions I#18) - Nanny showed up at a Quiet Council meeting where Orphan-Maker was being sentenced to exile in the Pit, and she demanded to be allowed to go with him, promising to kill many humans if they didn't allow it. Nanny and Peter were pulled into the Pit as she comforted him with a nursery rhyme.
(Sabretooth IV#5) - Nanny and Orphan-Maker arrived in the Pit at the same time as Toad, and they found Cypher and Warlock talking to other Pit prisoners, including Nekra, Oya, Melter, Madison Jeffries, and Third Eye.
(Sabretooth and the Exiles#1) - Aboard the Exiles' ship, Nanny scolded Peter for watching movies without her. When they arrived on the Orchis island where Sabretooth had been taken, Nanny and Peter stayed back while the others went exploring. When they discovered a mass grave, the team (aboard Madison Jeffries in the form of a fighting ship) fought the Creation. Nanny was horrified when Orphan-Maker was kidnapped. An Orchis ship blew up, then Sabretooth aboard his ship, picked up the Exiles.
(Sabretooth and the Exiles#2) - Nanny explained the urgency of saving Peter before his armor was opened to the other Exiles. Infiltrating the base of Dr. Barrington, the Exiles found several captive mutants, including Bab and Herd. As the Creation rushed by in fear, Nanny realized that Peter's mask had been breached, and she immediately worried that the entire world was in danger unless they got the mask back on. Third Eye recommended that they enter the Astral Plane to stay safe.
(Sabretooth and the Exiles#3) - On the Astral Plane, Sabretooth and the Exiles, along with the Creation (who they inadvertently pulled there with them) discovered that Orchis had a station there that was mining living astral creatures for energy. Jeffries helped Nanny construct a new set of armor for Peter and she was pleased when he recognized what a scientific genius she was. Meanwhile, Oya found an emaciated version of Victor Creed in a stasis unit.
(Sabretooth and the Exiles#4 (fb) - BTS) - The Exiles finished the new armor and got Peter in it before he could destroy the world. They then pursued Orchis aboard their new ship, the Maroon, and populated it with over 1000 mutant refugees.
(Sabretooth and the Exiles#4) - Nanny and Orphan-Maker introduced themselves to two of the refugees, Bab and Herd. Nanny was horrified and thrilled to learn that Orchis had been experimenting on mutant babies at Station Four, also called the Infernal Nursery. Nanny was thrilled at the chance to meet super-powered babies, though some of the infant mutants ripped Madison Jeffries in half.
(Sabretooth and the Exiles#5) - Nanny used her psychic powers to revert the minds of her allies to infants so that the babies would calm down, then she took Orphan-Maker with her and escaped with six mutant infants.
Comments: Created by Louise Simonson, Walter Simonson, and Bob Wiacek.
Thanks to G Morrow for his help with this profile. Nanny had an entry in OHOTMU Update '89#5.
Profile by Chadman.
has no known connections to
images: (without ads)
Hellions I#7, p7, pan4 (new armor after resurrection)
X-Factor I#40, p3, pan3 (original armo)
X-Factor I#40, p8, pan5 (ship)
Wolverine: Killing Made Simple#1, p16, pan4 (2nd)
Hellions I#1, p16, pan1 (uniform with lips)
X-Factor I#30 (July, 1988) - Louise Simonson (writer), Walter Simonson (penciler), Bob Wiacek (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Factor I#31 (September, 1988) - Louise Simonson (writer), Walter Simonson (penciler), Bob Wiacek (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Factor I#33-35 (November, 1988-January, 1989) - Louise Simonson (writer), Walter Simonson (penciler), Bob Wiacek (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Avengers I#299-300 (January-February, 1989) - Walter Simonson (writer), John Buscema (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
X-Factor I#40 (May, 1989) - Louise Simonson (writer), Rob Liefeld (penciler), Allen Milgrom (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#247 (August, 1989) - Chris Claremont (writer), Marc Silvestri (penciler), Dan Green (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#248 (Early September, 1989) - Chris Claremont (writer), Jim Lee (penciler), Dan Green (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#265 (Early August, 1990) - Chris Claremont (writer), Bill Jaaska (penciler), Joe Rubinstein (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#266 (Late August, 1990) - Chris Claremont (writer), Mike Collins (penciler), Josef Rubinstein (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#267 (Early September, 1990) - Chris Claremont (writer), Lee, Portacio, Williams (pencilers/inkers), Bob Harras (editor)
Generation X I#2-4 (December, 1994-February, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Chris Bachalo (penciler), Mark Buckingham (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Generation X Holiday Special#1 (February, 1999) - Joseph Harris (writer), Adam Pollina (penciler), Morales, Faber, Leigh, Wong, Wiacek (inkers), Frank Pittarese (editor)
Slingers#9 (August, 1999) - Joseph Harris (writer), Chris Cross (penciler), Rob Stull & Don Hillsman (inker), Ruben Diaz (editor)
Wolverine: Killing Made Simple#1 (October, 2008) - Christopher Yost (writer), Koi Turnbull (penciler), Sal Regla (inker), John Barber (editor)
Hellions I#1-4 (May-September, 2020) - Zeb Wells (writer), Stephen Segovia (artist), Jordan White (editor)
Hellions I#5-6 (October-November, 2020) - Zeb Wells (writer), Carmen Carnero (artist), Jordan White (editor)
Hellions I#7-12 (December, 2020-August, 2021) - Zeb Wells (writer), Stephen Segovia (artist), Jordan White (editor)
New Mutants IV#18 (July, 2021) - Vita Ayala (writer), Rod Reis (artist), Jordan White (editor)
Way of X#3 (August, 2021) - Si Spurrier (writer), Bob Quinn (artist), Jordan White (editor)
Hellions I#13-15 (September-November, 2021) - Zeb Wells (writer), Roge Antonio (artist), Jordan White (editor)
Hellions I#16-17 (December, 2021-January, 2022) - Zeb Wells (writer), Stephen Segovia (artist), Jordan White (editor)
Hellions I#18 (February, 2022) - Zeb Wells (writer), Stephen Segovia, Ze Carlos (artists), Jordan White (editor)
Sabretooth IV#5 (August, 2022) - Victor LaVelle (writer), Leonard Kirk (artist), Lauren Amaro (editor)
Sabretooth and the Exiles#1-5 (January-May, 2023) - Victor Lavelle (writer), Leonard Kirk (artist), Jordan White (editor)
First Posted: 11/02/2008
Last updated: 05/09/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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