Real Name: ?? Nichols
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Heroin addict (though he preferred to be called a "Narcotics Enthusiast");
former pharmacologist
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Morbius, heroin
Enemies: Dick Packer, modern designer drugs like Jazz
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: The streets of New York City, New York
First Appearance: Morbius#2 (October, 1992)
Powers/Abilities: None. He possessed vast pharmaceutical knowledge.
(Morbius#8 (fb) - BTS) - Nichols majored in pharmacology. He was never good in making moral decisions. Under unrevealed circumstances he became addicted to heroin.
(Morbius#2) - Nichols tried to rob an elderly with a water gun. Morbius attacked Nichols until he realized that the gun wasn't real and that Nichols was an addict like him with the only difference that Nichols was addicted to drugs. Morbius gave Nichols some money in return for the name of a person, who was guilty enough to die at Morbius' hands. Nichols gave Morbius the address of Dick Packer, a local pimp.
(Morbius#8) - On a rainy day Nichols walked along 42nd street. Suddenly he was pulled into the sky by Morbius, who sought information on the drug Jazz. Nichols told him that it was a Methoxylated Amphetamine similar to MDMA, but nastier because Jazz made people hostile and violent. Nichols himself was old fashioned and only did heroin. Morbius was impressed by Nichols knowledge, who revealed that he had majored in pharmacology before he became an addict. On the question why Nichols had become an addict, he told Morbius that his current life is uncomplicated. Nichols told Morbius where he could find Jazz dealers and warned him that they were dangerous.
Comments: Created by Len Kaminski, Ron Wagner & Mike Witherby.
Originally I thought Nichols also appeared in Morbius#10, but the junkie was buying crack. Nichols only did heroin, so it couldn't have been him.
Profile by Markus Raymond.
Nichols has no known connection to:
Dick Packer has no known connections to:
Dick Packer
Dick was a pimp, who liked to beat up his prostitutes. He lived at 43rd and sixth. One night Dick was just beating up another ho because she didn't make enough money. He threatened her with a knife when Morbius jumped through the window. Dick acted fast and attacked Morbius, who easily broke his arm and then sucked his blood. Dick didn't survive the attack.
--Morbius#2 (Morbius#2-3
images: (without ads)
Morbius#2, p13, pan2 (main)
Morbius#8, p9, pan3 (head shot)
Morbius#2, p15, pan2 (Dick Packer)
Morbius#2-3 (October-November, 1992) - Len Kaminski (writer), Ron Wagner (pencils), Mike Witherby (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Morbius#8 (April, 1993) - Len Kaminski (writer), Ron Wagner (pencils), Mike Witherby (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Last updated: 05/10/11
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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