Real Name: Nicolette James
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: News Reporter for Channel 62 News, CBS Detroit
Group Membership: CBS Detroit
Affiliations: Avengers (Captain America (Rogers), Luke Cage, Iron Man (Stark), Spider-Man (Parker), Spider-Woman (Drew), Wolverine)
Enemies: Russell
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Detroit, Michigan
First Appearance: New Avengers#17 (May, 2006)
Powers/Abilities: None
(New Avengers#17) - The Avengers showed up in Highland Park in Detroit
to clean up the city, even pushing drug dealers, such as Russell, out.
Nicolette James saw them there and rushed her cameraman to get his
equipment, threatening to never sleep with him again if he stopped
recording. She enthusiastically rushed forward to interview first
Captain America, then Luke Cage, who delivered a stirring speech
calling on Detroit to get cleaned up. The Avengers soon rushed off to
handle an emergency.
Comments: Created by Brian Michael Bendis, Mike Deodata, Jr., and Joe Pimentel.
Profile by Chadman.
Nicolette James has no known connections:
(New Avengers#17 - BTS) - Russell was a local drug dealer in Detroit, Michigan. The Avengers arrived to clean things up and threatened any drug dealers who came into town, including some of Russell's men.
--New Avengers I#17 (New Avengers I#17 – BTS
New Avengers#17, p5, pan6
New Avengers#17, p6, pan3
Last updated: 12/03/06
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