Real Name: Ogor

Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Martian, Pre-Modern era)

Occupation: Warrior

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: His masters on Mars

Enemies: Zeno / "John Cummings"

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: "The Thing in Human Form" (in story title), "The Beast that Walks Like a Man" (reprint story title)

Base of Operations: Mobile on Earth (see comments); originally from Mars

First Appearance: Tales to Astonish I#14/3 (December, 1960)

Powers/Abilities: To some unspecified degree, Ogor had greater-than-human strength and durability, but displayed no other paranormal abilities.

He traveled from Mars to Earth in a spacecraft.

Height: Unrevealed (8'6"; by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: None

(Tales to Astonish I#14/3 (fb) - BTS) - For five years, the inhabitants of the planets Mars and Jupiter had been at war with each other; but their brutal attacks and counterattacks had only brought the battling worlds to an impasse.

(Tales to Astonish I#14/3) - Martian intelligence learned that Earth scientist John Cummings had discovered a new secret weapon more powerful than nuclear bombs; believing they could finally conquer Jupiter if they had such a weapon, the Martian rulers sent Ogor to kidnap Cummings and bring him back to Mars.

   After making the two-day voyage to Earth in his spacecraft (see comments), Ogor landed at night in the middle of a swampland. He disembarked from the vessel and began to walk silently through the mud and muck until he came to the edge of the marsh, outside Cummings' mansion. While he spied upon the scientist's home, Ogor was attacked by an alligator--the Martian's superior strength allowed him to achieve a quick victory over the reptile, and Ogor remained hidden in the swamp.

   The next night, Ogor was still waiting for his chance to seize the scientist; but Cummings just happened to be having a costume party in his home, which gave Ogor an idea--because of  his alien appearance, Ogor figured the attendees would think he was just another Earthling wearing a party costume, and he could blend right in.

   Entering the house of his unsuspecting victim, Ogor received several compliments about his imaginative "costume" from the crowd of party-goers; after he spotted John Cummings, he slowly and casually moved toward his prey until he was near enough to strike. Grabbing hold of Cummings, Ogor carried his captive and jumped out a window, then headed back to his spaceship in the swamp.

   But after they reached the spacecraft, Cummings broke free from Ogor's grip, and the two began to furiously fight each other--never before had the Martian battled an enemy with such strength! Then Cummings delivered a blow with the force of a pile-driver that knocked out Ogor. Dragging the unconscious Martian behind him, the scientist climbed aboard Ogor's spaceship and launched into space, never to return to Earth.

   When Ogor regained consciousness, he found himself bound in chains, and Cummings told him they were traveling to a place that had desired to have a captured live Martian warrior for years. As he began to remove his disguise, Cummings explained that it had all been a trap, for he had only pretended to be a human scientist with a secret weapon--at that point, "John Cummings" revealed himself to be... Zeno, the master spy of Jupiter!

Comments: Created by Stan Lee and Don Heck.

Like many other "Martians" claiming to be from Mars, Ogor and his fellow warriors may not be natives of that planet, and may have just been using it for a base of operations; they may actually come from another world outside Earth's solar system. (And the same goes for Zeno claiming to be from Jupiter.)

And it was unrevealed where in the United States the home of "John Cummings" was located--considering the nearby swamp and the alligator, maybe it was in the Florida Everglades or the Louisiana Bayou--Ron Fredricks

In the issue of Chamber of Darkness, one of the four stories was an original, while two others were reprints, however after checking a few different sources, I could find no reprint information about this particular story -- it may have been an old story re-titled, or it may have been an inventory story that was never printed. If anyone can provide any further information, it would be appreciated! -- So granted; the reprint "The Beast That Walks Like a Man" was from Chamber of Darkness#8; the original is "The Thing in Human Form" from Tales to Astonish I#14. -- Prime Eternal

In regards to Ogor's ship: As stated in a caption of the story, "Within two days, the faster-than-light ship reaches Earth..."

Scientific Fact: Mars is anywhere between 35 million to 250 million miles from Earth, but even traveling at "only" light speed, Ogor could have reached Earth in a matter of minutes...I dunno, maybe he couldn't activate his ship's hyper-drive in the gravity of the solar system (or else he musta taken a heckuva wrong turn or somethin') -- Hey, Stan! Do I get a No-Prize?

Profile by John Kaminski. Expansion by Ron Fredricks.

CLARIFICATIONS: Ogor has no known connections to:

Zeno / "John Cummings" has no known connection to:

Ogor's spacecraft

A Martian vessel capable of faster-than-light speeds (see comments), it originally transported Ogor to Earth.

But after Ogor was captured by Zeno, it presumably transported them both to Jupiter.

--Tales to Astonish I#14/3

Zeno / "John Cummings"

Possessing strength which surpassed that of the Martian warrior Ogor, Zeno apparently wore a mask to disguise himself as a human.

As the master spy of Jupiter, he had come to Earth and established the identity of scientist John Cummings, inventor of a powerful new weapon; but this was only a ruse for the sole purpose of capturing a live Martian warrior for his leaders on Jupiter.

The disguised Zeno allowed himself to be captured by Ogor, then fought the Martian and rendered him unconscious when Ogor had carried him back to his spacecraft.

After binding Ogor in chains, Zeno hijacked the spaceship and apparently took him to Jupiter.

--Tales to Astonish I#14/3

(Note: It was unrevealed if there really was a human scientist named John Cummings--Zeno may have only been impersonating him; if this is so, then the fate of the actual Cummings was unrevealed.)

images: (without ads)
Tales to Astonish I#14/3, p2, pan2 (main image - Ogor)
Tales to Astonish I#14/3, p3, pan6 (headshot - Ogor)
Tales to Astonish I#14/3, p1, pan2 (Ogor [right] is given his mission by his masters on Mars)
Tales to Astonish I#14/3, p2, pan6 (Ogor wrestles alligator)
Tales to Astonish I#14/3, p2, pan1 (Ogor's spaceshp)
Tales to Astonish I#14/3, p5, pan2 ("John Cummings" drags unconscious Ogor aboard Ogor's spaceship)
Tales to Astonish I#14/3, p3, pan5 ("John Cummings", grabbed by Ogor)
Tales to Astonish I#14/3, p4, pan5 ("John Cummings" punches Ogor)
Tales to Astonish I#14/3, p5, pan8 (Zeno)

Tales to Astonish I#14/3 (December, 1960) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Don Heck (pencils/inks), Stan Goldberg (colors), Ray Holloway (letters)
Chamber of Darkness I#8/4 (December, 1970) - reprint

First posted: 01/05/07
Last updated: 03/07/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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