Classification: Extradimensional (Reality-8116) semi-humanoid energy manipulators; magic and technology users
Location/Base of Operations: Formerly Orsiros, Milky Way galaxy, Reality-8116
Known Members: Aknaton, Nieth, elders
Affiliations: Unrevealed
Enemies: Zygoteans
First Appearance: Epic Illustrated#1 (Spring, 1980)
Powers/Abilities: Orsirosians possessed extreme
longevity, with Their baseline abilities are undefined, as Aknaton contained the
collected power of the Orsirosian elders, but they apparently had some energy
manipulating abilities - cosmic/electromagnetic energy, as well as magic. They
also possessed advanced technology. It was the combination of their full
technological and magical abilities that created the Infinity Horn.
They possessed lengthened noses and chins relative to
Traits: The Orsirosians amassed great magical and
technological power (power was described as their god), but they had never gone
to war in their lengthy history until learning of the Zygoteans.
They watched the Zygoteans slaughter 100 worlds without
They then trained themselves to become a powerful force for
war to defend their world, but they remained pragmatic enough to realize their
efforts were ultimately doomed. They were willing to sacrifice all life in the
galaxy to end the Zygoteans' threat.
Their style of dress, architecture, and nomenclature were all
remarkably similar to that of ancient Egyptians on Earth (or at least the
Pharaohs, and perhaps their gods as well), though the Orsirosians predated them
by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years.
Height: Hard to tell...probably over 6' tall on
average...they were godlike in appearance and stature
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Two (solid glowing & bulging
Hair: Varied. Some males were bald, while some natives had hair, which
varied among natives with regard to color, length, style (some appeared to be
(Epic Illustrated#1/7 (fb) - BTS) - Untold millennia ago,
the Orisosians enjoyed peaceful times, amassing great power in peaceful
pursuits. Aknaton and Nieth were lovers.
(Epic Illustrated#1/7 (fb)) - Aknaton and the other Orsirosians observed as the Zygotean race enslaved and destroyed world after world. After seeing 100 such world fall and doing nothing, the Orsirosians realized that eventually the Zygoteans would come for them, so they watched and learned of death and killing, and they prepared.
(Epic Illustrated#1/7 (fb)) - As the Zygoteans approached, the Orsirosians met them in space in silver death bird ships. In a battle lasting nearly 500 years and killing hundreds of thousands, the Orsirosians drove off the Zygoteans.
(Epic Illustrated#1/7 (fb) - BTS) - The Orsirosian elders realized they had only succeeded due to the Zygoteans' centuries of unchallenged supremacy, and that the enemy would return someday, prepared to deal harshly with any resistance they might encounter; and on that day that Orsiros would fall
(Epic Illustrated#1/7 (fb) - BTS) - Strategies were plotted, but all proved insufficient; they ultimately determined they would fall, but that they not die alone.
(Epic Illustrated#1/7 (fb)) - The Orsirosians combined every iota of their mystical and technological power; they embraced new concepts, old beliefs were twisted, and new and forgotten gods were called upon, forging massive forces into matter as the Infinity Horn. Though nothing could save Orsiros, the Orsirosians knew the Horn would prove the undoing of the Zygoteans and the final hope for the universe.
(Epic Illustrated#1/7 (fb)) - Once used, the Horn would prove uncontrollable in its wrath, so fail-safing was instituted. Aknaton was appointed the Horn's guardian, and the elders transfer their might into him.
(Epic Illustrated#1/7 (fb)) - With this power, Aknaton looked into the future. He saw the Zygoteans' triumph, the destruction of Osiros, the release of the Horn's vengeance, and his own death.
(Epic Illustrated#1/7 (fb)) - Armed with this knowledge, Aknaton escaped the Zygotean blockade and concealed the Infinity Horn on a barren world the Zygoteans would probably never bother. He then traveled the cosmos, laying the seeds to facilitate the use of the Horn when the time arrived.
(Epic Illustrated#1/7 (fb)) <100, 000 years prior to the main story> - Aknaton returned to Orsiros and Nieth and calmly waited for the end.
(Epic Illustrated#1/7 (fb)) - 100, 000 year later, as the
Zygoteans approached, Aknaton bade his people farewell and escaped aboard a
Helodisc. The Orsirosians were resigned to their fate as the Zygoteans' assault tore Orsiros to pieces.
(Epic Illustated#1-9) - Aknaton arranged his pawns to activate the Infinity
Horn, which they did, annihilating all life in the Milky Way galaxy save himself
and Vanth (the Cold Man,; later Dreadstar). They existed in stasis for a million
(?) years before the stasis sphere broke up in the Empirical galaxy. Upon
realizing what Aknaton had made him be a part of, Vanth slew Aknaton, as he had
Comments: Created by Jim Starlin.
Dreadstar was a licensed character/title
created by Jim Starlin starting way back with the Metamorphosis Odyssey in Epic
Illustrated#1 in the Spring of 1980. The Metamorphosis Odyssey started around
the modern era and affected Earth, but then swiftly destroyed the entire Milky
Way galaxy and then moved on like a million years in the future. Dreadstar
eventually got his own series under the Epic imprint, but Starlin later took the
whole shebang over to First Comics. And in 1994, it was published under the
imprint of Bravura, a creator-owned division of Malibu comics.
Still that earlier Marvel connection allows
me to place this reality in the fringes of the Marvel Megaverse.
Peter David took over the writing around issue#31 or so, but
Starlin remained the owner. At any rate, from start to finish, it is the best
series I've ever read, period! I'd love to see it continued, by Starlin, David,
or both!
The draw on Egyptian mythology is obviously strong.
Aknaton is pictured in standing profile in the top right image, while Nieth is at the bottom of the row of headshots on the right.
In case it's not clear, the final picture is the destruction of Orsiros reflected in Aknaton's teary eye.
Profile by Snood.
No KNOWN connections to:
Nieth has no known connection to:
images: (without ads)
Epic Illustrated#1 (Spring, 1980) - Jim Starlin (writer, artist), Stan Lee
Last updated: 07/14/08
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!