Real Name: Morgan Penrose
Identity/Class: Human magic user
Occupation: Sorcerer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Brother Voodoo, New
Orleans occultists;
Orleans Cooper
Enemies: Gambit, "Fast" Jack Jessup, Lili Penrose
Known Relatives: Lili Penrose (niece)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Currently unrevealed;
formerly Chez Penrose, New Orleans, Louisiana
First Appearance:
(Pictured and identified) Gambit IV#2 (November, 2004)
(Fully seen) Gambit IV#3 (December, 2004)
Powers/Abilities: Morgan has an undisclosed amount of occult knowledge and possesses a number of occult tomes and talismans.
Eyes: Blue
(Gambit IV#3 (fb) - BTS) - An occult
dabbler, Morgan somehow obtained the powerful (and allegedly first) tarot
deck, the
Inficio Aquilus.
Realizing the cards' danger, Cooper never attempted to use the cards and only
viewed the first arcana.
(Gambit IV#6 (fb) - BTS) - Lili learned of the occult from her uncle, Morgan Penrose, despite his efforts to keep her away from it.
(Gambit IV#6 (fb) - BTS) - Lili allied with Orleans Cooper to obtain the Inficio Aquilus.
(Gambit IV#1 (fb) - BTS) - Lili hired Gambit to steal the Inficio Aquilus.
(Gambit IV#2 (fb) - BTS) - Lili gave Gambit the address from which she wanted him to steal the cards.
(Gambit IV#2 - BTS) - Gambit met with Madame Camille & Genevieve D'aubigne to learn the security system of the cards and found that it was owned by Lili's uncle, Morgan Penrose.
(Gambit IV#3) - Morgan held a showing of the Inficio Aquilus, attended by Lili, Orleans Cooper, Jericho Drumm (Brother Voodoo), and a number of other New Orleans based occultists. After discussing the cards' origins, Morgan explained that they would only be doing a minor viewing to avoid injury or death to all present. However, as he brought the group to see the cards, he found them missing and their guard knocked out. The cards had been stolen by Gambit and were subsequently claimed by Gambit's rival, "Fast" Jack Jessup.
(Gambit IV#4) - Morgan Penrose, his security systems showing Gambit as the thief (thanks to Jessup reactivating the cameras after Gambit had deactivated them), met with Orleans Cooper and demanded Gambit's death as punishment. Orleans sent his personal assistant, Alphonse, a mutant top-ranking member of the Assassins Guild, to carry out Penrose's request.
(Gambit IV#6 (fb) - BTS) - Lili slew Morgan Penrose and planned to devour his heart as part of the ritual to gain the power of the Inficio Aquilus.
Comments: Created by John Layman, Georges Jeanty, and Don Hillsman II.
Profile by Snood.
No KNOWN connections to:
Orleans occultists
A group of New Orleans-based occultists invited to Chez Penrose for a viewing of the Inficio Aquilius. Only Brother Voodoo is recognizable. Orleans Cooper showed up a little later.
--Gambit IV#3
Note: I read the script for Gambit IV#3, and it described the occultists only a group of New Orleans occultists including Brother Voodoo. Maybe George Jeanty had specific characters in mind.
images: (without ads)
Gambit IV#2, p10, panel 4 (main image)
p15, panel 4 (Chez Penrose)
#3, p8, panel 1 (occultists)
panel 2
(Morgan Penrose face)
Gambit IV#2 (November, 2004) - by John Layman (writer), Georges Jeanty (penciler),
Don Hillsman II (inker), Stephanie Moore & Sean Ryan (assistant editors), Mike
Marts (editor).
Gambit IV#3 (December, 2004) - by John Layman (writer), Georges Jeanty (penciler),
Don Hillsman II (inker), Stephanie Moore & Sean Ryan (assistant editors), Mike
Marts (editor).
Gambit IV#4 (January, 2005) - by John Layman (writer), Georges Jeanty (penciler),
Don Hillsman II (inker), Stephanie Moore & Sean Ryan (assistant editors), Mike
Marts (editor).
Gambit IV#5 (February, 2005) - by John Layman (writer), Georges Jeanty (penciler),
Don Hillsman II w/ Dexter Vines (inker), Stephanie Moore & Sean Ryan (assistant
editors), Mike Marts (editor).
Gambit IV#6 (March, 2005) - by John Layman (writer), Roger Robinson (penciler),
James Pascoe w/ Don Hillsman II (inker), Stephanie Moore & Sean Ryan (assistant
editors), Mike Marts (editor).
Last updated: 06/30/07
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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