Membership: Omar Barrenos, Li
Muan Ho, Michael Shauneghan,
Sasha Yamir;
Purpose: To fight against those who would harm the environment
Affiliations: Force of Nature (Aqueduct, Firebrand, Firewall, Skybreaker, Terraformer), Dallas Riordan
Enemies: New Warriors (Chord, Firestar, Marvel Boy (Vance Astrovik), Namorita, Nova (Rich Rider), Rage, Silhouette, Speedball), Sea Urchin
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance: (mentioned) New Warriors I#7 (January, 1991); (seen) New Warriors I#8 (February, 1991)
(New Warriors I#8 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to fight against those tearing down the rainforests, Omar Barrenos established Project: Earth, and recruited others to join him in his cause. With allies Li Muan Ho, Sasha Yamir, and Michael Shauneghann, they devised strategies to get media attention and raise world awareness to their plights. They recruited former villains, each representing one of the elements, to form their Force of Nature (Water Wizard became Aqueduct, Aireo became Skybreaker, a Plantman simuloid became Terraformer, and a new operative became Firewall). Convincing American actress Madeline Baldwin to aid their cause, Project: Earth made it seem as though the rain forest contractors had kidnapped Baldwin, though she only feigned it.
(New Warriors I#7 - BTS) - The New Warriors heard about Baldwin's presence in Brazil and decided to investigate.
(New Warriors I#8) - When the New Warriors (Chord, Firestar, Marvel Boy, Namorita, Nova, Speedball) investigated the Project's dealings in the rainforest, Force of Nature apprehended the heroes and wondered whether to kill them. Barrenos instead recruited the heroes to their side, and Speedball, speaking for the New Warriors, agreed. They informed the New Warriors that they were going to aid them in acts against the developers and the Brazilian government.
(New Warriors I#9) - The members of Project: Earth showed the Force of Nature and the New Warriors the devastated rain forest areas, absolutely disgusted with the waste there. Force of Nature attacked the contractors while the New Warriors tried to stop them. Barrenos, to get more publicity, took one of the contractor's guns and shot at Madeline, figuring a murder would give them ratings, but Speedball saved Madeline. While the New Warriors defeated Force of Nature, the members of Project: Earth fled in their helicopter.
(New Warriors I#14 (fb) - BTS) - After Sea Urchin (Jeremy Swimming Bear) was suspected of bombing a Project: Earth vessel in France, Shauneghan infiltrated Sea Urchin's men, and dropped word to Namorita that Sea Urchin was looting Atlantean artifacts.
(New Warriors I#14) - Shauneghan witnessed Sea Urchin's defeat at the hands of Namorita, and told her that Project: Earth had enough evidence against Sea Urchin to put him away for years.
(New warriors Annual#2/7) - Barrenos and Shauneghan attended Sea Urchin's trial, alongside Namorita. Barrenos suggested to Namorita that Project: Earth and the New Warriors should be allies, but Namorita refused, citing their murderous activities as her reason. However, when Sea Urchin ultimately escaped punishment through tricky legal maneuvering, Namorita gave Barrenos her business card. Barrenos was convinced that they had made an ally of her.
(New Warriors I#28 - BTS) - Project: Earth supplied Namorita with information on Sea Urchin's continued activities, enabling her and the New Warriors to stop Sea Urchin's smuggling operations. The other Warriors were uncertain of Namorita's alliance with Project: Earth.
(New Warriors I#29 (fb) - BTS) - Project: Earth sent the Force of Nature into the war-ravaged nation of Trans-Sabal to try and stop the raging oil fires there. Their operatives became lost for several weeks, so Project Earth asked the New Warriors (Firestar, Namorita, Nova, Rage, Silhouette, Speedball) to go in and pull Force of Nature out.
(Thunderbolts I#51 - BTS) - When Dallas Riordan became stranded in Latveria, Project: Earth agreed to smuggle her out, but never got the chance.
Comments: Created by Fabian Nicieza (writer), Mark Bagley (penciler) and Larry Mahlstedt (inker).
Profile by Chadman. and Prime Eternal
Project: Earth has no known connections to:
(New Warriors I#8 (fb) - BTS) - The Brazilian Omar Barrenos decided to form Project: Earth and fight those who were destabilizing the environment. He recruited others, and the group formed villains into the Force of Nature, and put together a plan to have Madeline Baldwin pretend to be kidnapped by rain forest contractors in Brazil.
(New Warriors I#8) - When the New Warriors investigated, they were captured by the Force of Nature.
They recruited the New Warriors into their fight against the rain forest contractors, and moved to attack.
(New Warriors I#9) - Project: Earth sent the Force of Nature against the contractors, and the New Warriors betrayed them, taking down the Force of Nature. For greater media attention, Barrenos sought to kill Baldwin, but Speedball saved her. Project: Earth fled aboard a helicopter.
(New warriors Annual#2/7) - Barrenos and Shauneghan attended Sea Urchin's trial, alongside Namorita. Barrenos suggested to Namorita that Project: Earth and the New Warriors should be allies, but Namorita refused, citing their murderous activities as her reason. However, when Sea Urchin ultimately escaped punishment through tricky legal maneuvering, Namorita gave Barrenos her business card. Barrenos was convinced that they had made an ally of her.
--New Warriors I#8 (New Warriors I#8 (fb) - BTS, 8-9, New Warriors Annual#2/7
Muan Ho
(New Warriors I#8 (fb) - BTS) - A venture capitalist from Hong Kong, Li Muan Ho was recruited by Omar Barrenos to join Project: Earth and fight those who were destabilizing the environment. The group formed villains into the Force of Nature, and put together a plan to have Madeline Baldwin pretend to be kidnapped by rain forest contractors in Brazil.
(New Warriors I#8) - When the New Warriors investigated, they were captured by the Force of Nature.
They recruited the New Warriors into their fight against the rain forest contractors, and moved to attack.
(New Warriors I#9) - Project: Earth sent the Force of Nature against the contractors, and the New Warriors betrayed them, taking down the Force of Nature. For greater media attention, Barrenos sought to kill Baldwin, but Speedball saved her. Project: Earth fled aboard a helicopter.
--New Warriors I#8 (New Warriors I#8 (fb) - BTS, 8-9
(New Warriors I#8 (fb) - BTS) - A military strategist, Michael Shauneghann was recruited by Omar Barrenos to join Project: Earth and fight those who were destabilizing the environment. The group formed villains into the Force of Nature, and put together a plan to have Madeline Baldwin pretend to be kidnapped by rain forest contractors in Brazil.
(New Warriors I#8) - When the New Warriors investigated, they were captured by the Force of Nature.
They recruited the New Warriors into their fight against the rain forest contractors, and moved to attack.
(New Warriors I#9) - Project: Earth sent the Force of Nature against the contractors, and the New Warriors betrayed them, taking down the Force of Nature. For greater media attention, Barrenos sought to kill Baldwin, but Speedball saved her. Project: Earth fled aboard a helicopter.
(New Warriors I#14 (fb) - BTS) - After Sea Urchin (Jeremy Swimming Bear) was suspected of bombing a Project: Earth vessel in France, Shauneghan infiltrated Sea Urchin's men, and dropped word to Namorita that Sea Urchin was looting Atlantean artifacts.
(New Warriors I#14) - Shauneghan witnessed Sea Urchin's defeat at the hands of Namorita, and told her that Project: Earth had enough evidence against Sea Urchin to put him away for years.
(New warriors Annual#2/7) - Barrenos and Shauneghan attended Sea Urchin's trial, alongside Namorita. Barrenos suggested to Namorita that Project: Earth and the New Warriors should be allies, but Namorita refused, citing their murderous activities as her reason. However, when Sea Urchin ultimately escaped punishment through tricky legal maneuvering, Namorita gave Barrenos her business card. Barrenos was convinced that they had made an ally of her.
--New Warriors I#8 (New Warriors I#8 (fb) – BTS, 8-9, 14 (fb) – BTS, New Warriors Annual#2/7
(New Warriors I#8 (fb) - BTS) - An Israeli political scientist, Sasha Yamir was recruited by Omar Barrenos to join Project: Earth and fight those who were destabilizing the environment. The group formed villains into the Force of Nature, and put together a plan to have Madeline Baldwin pretend to be kidnapped by rain forest contractors in Brazil.
(New Warriors I#8) - When the New Warriors investigated, they were captured by the Force of Nature. They recruited the New Warriors into their fight against the rain forest contractors, and moved to attack.
(New Warriors I#9) - Project: Earth sent the Force of Nature against the contractors, and the New Warriors betrayed them, taking down the Force of Nature. For greater media attention, Barrenos sought to kill Baldwin, but Speedball saved her. Project: Earth fled aboard a helicopter.
--New Warriors I#8 (New Warriors I#8 (fb) - BTS, 8-9
(without ads)
New Warriors I#8, p10, pan1 (main)
p18, pan2 (Omar Barrenos)
p18, pan2 (Li Muan Ho)
p18, pan3 (Michael Shauneghann)
p18, pan2 (Sasha Yamir)
New Warriors I#7-9 (January-March, 1991) - Fabian Nicieza (writer),
Mark Bagley (penciler), Larry Mahlstedt (inker), Tom DeFalco (editor)
New Warriors I#14 (August, 1991) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Mark Bagley
(penciler), Sam DeLaRosa (inker), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
New Warriors Annual#2 (1992) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Steve
Buccellatto (artist), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
New Warriors I#28 (October, 1992) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Darick
Robertson (penciler), Larry Mahlstedt (inker), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
New Warriors I#29 (November, 1992) – Fabian Nicieza (writer),
Darick Robertson (penciler), Larry Mahlstedt, Brian Garvey (inkers),
Rob Tokar (editor)
New Warriors I#30 (December, 1992) – Fabian Nicieza (writer),
Darick Robertson (penciler), Larry Mahlstedt (inker), Rob Tokar (editor)
Thunderbolts I#51 (June, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Patrick
Zircher (penciler), Al Vey (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 06/09/2007
Last updated: 06/08/2007
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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