Real Name: Raggadorr

Identity/ClassExtradimensional (presumably the dimension of Raggadorr) magic user

Occupation: Mystic entity

Group Membership: Octessence (Balthakk, Cyttorak, Farallah, Ikonn, Krakkan, Valtorr, Watoomb)

Affiliations: Stonecutter (Ultama "Tom" Somchart);
    possibly Kaluu;
    invoked by several mystics, including
Agamotto, Ancient One (Yao), Clea, The Demon, Daniel and Jericho Drumm, Doctor Strange, Dormammu, Gomurr, Living Tribunal, Margali Szardos, Mordo, Raggadorr, Stan Lee, Tamam Shud (Stan Lee), Tar, Tiboro, Umar, Vung, Xhoohx;
    presumably Gaea;
    see also the Catalogue of Correspondences for Gaea from Ian McNee's reading of the First Tarot

Enemies: Unrevealed;
    spells used against numerous beings

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Raggador, Raggedor, Ragadorr, Ragadoor, Ragador

Base of Operations: The dimension of Raggadorr;
    possibly active on Earth at some point in what would become the jungles of Thailand, where the Temple of Raggadorr exists.

First Appearance: (Invoked in-story) Strange Tales I#124/2 (September, 1964)
    (Seen) Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#49 (January, 1993)

Powers/Abilities: Raggadorr is a powerful mystic who grants magical power to those who invoke him, typically in spells. Raggadorr typically grants power to those invoking the Rings of Raggadorr, which generally serve to bind others, often preventing them from utilizing their powers.

    Alone or in concert with other mystic principalities, invocation of Raggadorr has facilitated numerous spells, including banishment beings or other magical constructs, conjuring, teleportation, speed enhancement, revival of dormant beings, imprisonment of others in crystal, blasts of mystic force. Most of them were granted directly invoking the Seven Rings of Raggadorr.

    The Rains of Raggadorr are can free a victim from a curse and, in other realities, can subtract magic power from an enemy.

    The Mists of Ragador are still an enigma, it is known that can be used to create a truth serum.

    Almost nothing is known about the Ritual of Raggador.

    In other realities, also the Fires of Raggadorr exist, and were used by a Sorcerer Supreme.

    Via the Ringed Ruby of Raggadorr, Raggadorr granted the great gift to erect enormous edifices to his Exemplar.

    Raggadorr's powers and limitations are generally unrevealed, though he is presumably on par with beings such as Cyttorak and perhaps any one of the Vishanti.

History: Raggadorr's origins are unrevealed. He was likely worshipped at some point on Earth, though whether he is closer to god or demon is open to speculation.

(Iron Man III#22 (fb)) - <Millennia ago (see comments)> Eight great mystics gathered, and a disagreement arose as to which was the most powerful. To settle the argument, they entered into the Wager of the Octessence: Each created a totem, with each totem holding a fraction of its creator's vast power and possessing the ability to transform the first human who touched it into an Exemplar, a living embodiment of that power.

(Peter Parker: Spider-Man#11 (fb) - BTS) - Raggadorr placed his totem, the Ringed Ruby of Raggadorr within his temple in what would become the jungles of Thailand.Raggadorr with a many-Rings coat

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe '89: Kaluu) <1450 BC> - When the Ancient One tapped into mystic force to drive Kaluu from Kamar-Taj, Kaluu fled to the dimension of Raggadorr where he remained for over five centuries. 

(Doctor Strange III#48 - BTS) - As with many other powerful mystic beings, Raggadorr was involved in the War of the Seven Spheres, a Pan-cyclic conflict between magic entities which would endure for 5,000 years.

(Doctor Strange III#49) - Raggadorr was one of the entities who confronted Strange about his invocation of him for power, seeking to conscript him into service during the War of the Seven Spheres. Strange instead invoked the Emancipation Incantation, refusing to serve Raggadorr or any other being in their war. As a result, Strange lost the ability to call on any of these principalities for power.

(Mystic Arcana (fb) - BTS) - Raggadorr was a key participant in the War of The Seven Spheres alongside the Vishanti and many other Principalities (How active a role he took and for which side he fought is unrevealed.)

The Temple in Thailand(Over the Edge#2 (fb) - BTS / Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#80 (fb) - BTS) - Doctor Strange fought in the 5,000 year war and eventually Raggadorr again agreed to lend his favors to Strange.

(Peter Parker: Spider-Man#11) - The Temple of Raggadorr and the Ringed Ruby were found by graffiti artist Ultama "Tom" Somchart, who touched it and was transformed into Raggadorr's Exemplar, Stonecutter.

(Doctor Strange IV#10 (fb) - BTS / Doctor Strange IV#1 - BTS) - Raggadorr was among the mystic entities that negated their help to Doctor Strange. For years, the Sorcerer Supreme had borrowed power without paying the cost.

: Name and use in spells created by Stan "The Man" Lee;
    form revealed by Len Kaminski, Geof Isherwood, Bob Petrecca & Don Hudson.
    alternate form revealed by Kurt Busiek & Roger Stern, Sean Chen, Rob Hunter, Rags Morales, Nelson & Eric Cannon.

Talon (31th century),

    Writers say "millennia" all the time, as if they were really an ancient time. It's possible that it was hundreds of thousands of years ago, or even millions or billions.

    Raggadorr's first reference in an editorial note (Strange Tales I#125) was: "We promise by the seven rings of Raggadorr that he <Dr. Strange> will appear again in the next ish of Strange Tales!".

    Raggador has a brief description in the Mystic Arcana under the Octessence entry.

    See the Stonecutter profile for his further appearances.

    According to the flashback in Strange Tales I#148, Kaluu fled to the dimension beyond the edge of the universe. The Ancient One revealed to Dr. Strange that Kaluu lived in the dimension of Raggadorr for "many long centuries" in Strange Tales I#149.

    Raggadorr's double "F" on the shoulders, the serpentine form, which make the pair with the snake-like Fangs of Farallah, makes me wonder if that outfit was initially meant for the Fearsome Farallah, in the initial stage of artistic visual conception of the Octessence saga.--Spidermay

Per David Sexton

Mystic beings (such as demons) can gain power in 3 ways...
  1. Entities can steal energy from an unwilling source by consuming the source entirely or by draining a portion of energy from the source. This exchange is one-way. The entity takes energy.
  2. Entities can be given spiritual energy unconditionally in the form of worship. Statements of worship come in the, "I believe..." format. Worshippers may also petition for favors, etc., but this form of prayer is an affirmation of their belief and of the entities existence. The worshippers expect nothing in return. This exchange is also one way. The entity is given energy. 
  3. An entity may grant energy to a petitioner in answer to an invocation or prayer. The mere act of being asked gives the entity power and so to encourage this action, some spiritual beings will grant power to an individual who invokes their name in the proper way. The entity may chose to ignore the request. I would theorize that the spiritual energy or "mystic potential" present in the petitioner plays a part in how often requests are granted. The invocation or prayers of an individual who has large amounts of spiritual energy would provide the entity with a more enticing exchange and they would be more inclined to answer them.

    Further, I believe the Rings of Raggadorr are sentient.

    Per Doctor Strange: "Each time a magician invokes a higher being by name... chanting "By the Demons of Denak", relying upon "the Wand of Watomb"... power is borrowed. Each lendings begs consequence of some sort." see Doctor Strange IV#10.

    Thanks to Catherine Yronwode and her THE LESSER BOOK OF THE VISHANTI web-site, I easily found many spells which the Rings of Raggadorr were used in. I expanded that list, but I'm sure that there are other appearances and mentions not included here. Please let me know what I've missed, preferably specifying the issue, the situation it was used in (by whom, against whom, accomplishing what), and then quote the spell exactly.--Spidermay
    Given that powerful benevolent entities can lend their power even after short invocations, even if merely thought, some of these calls could be classified as immediate Abjurations (with a protective effect), others as immediate Divination (to understand what was happening), others as immediate actions (like evocations, to attack or restrain), and so on. When these invocations don't involve a spell, cannot be classified in the previous scopes. Nonetheless they are reported here for future investigations.

(Strange Tales I#137/2) - Hamir, the Ancient One's servant, said: "What, in the name of Raggadorr, can this mean?", when he spotted Doctor Strange still on the ground. He was surprised, a bit scared, but he probably also asked for help.

(Strange Tales I#139/2) - Fighting one-to-one against Doctor Strange, Baron Mordo shouted in his own thoughts: "May Raggadorr smite him!". No apparent effects were visible, so, if a call for power was sent, it was probably discarded.

(Marvel Premiere I#8) - Raggadorr was one of many of the Principalities invoked by the spell, a huge lightning enveloped the stones of Stonehenge, killing the demons of Kathulos. The spell was very, very strong and sapped muscles, mind and even soul.

Now do I name Raggadorr and Cyttorak as well!
Let Ikonn & Watoomb join their ranks and thus shall the growing spiral swell! 
'Round and about me let it whip 
gathering matter in its grip! 
Stab out, spiral, lash out force!
Now shall these energies take their course!

The same spell was used again by Clea, in Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery.

(Doctor Strange II#52) - Raggadorr's power was invoked by Strange:

By Morpheus and Raggadorr, and powers of the Norn--
halt in your tracks you wretched curs! Be still until the morn!

Wild dogs were immobilized by the spell, encased into green shapes surrounding the dogs. Morpheus' power was likely directed to suspend the beasts' animation, while Raggadorr's power provided the cages.

(Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#7/1) - Raggador was invoked, and many other Octessence members, too, were, because Strange needed help to escape from Agamotto's dimension.

By Faltine and Ikonn and dark Valtorr,
by Seraphim, Denak and Raggadorr--
by Dormammu, Watoomb and Cyttorak--
Agamotto be now hurled back!

However, the spell didn't work, as Agamotto was too strong in his own abode.

hearing the Emancipation Incantation

(Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#49) - The Emancipation Incantation:

  Satannish, Watoomb and Raggadorr
  Ikonn, the Seraphim and Cyttorak
  Agamotto, Oshtur and Muniporr
  Hoggoth, the Faltine, Valtorr and Denak
  Those whom I've named plus other I've omitted
  whose who threatened my cherished liberty
  hark to this irrevocable decree:
  such enslavement will not be permitted
  your claims on my person I now reject
  all demands of servitude I must deny
  for your wisdom and might I've the utmost respect
  but the price for its use is far too high
  better the path I walk be mine alone
  hear now these words: let my fate be my own!

Refurbed main image by Ron Fredricks.

Profile by Snood.

No KNOWN connections to:


Strange and the Ritual

The Ritual of Raggador

    Hovering above what looked a little like the Midnight Sons' symbol, Dr. Strange engaged in the Ritual of Raggadorr. Above the circle drawn on the ground, three lamps stood, flames lit and smoking. Sensing great fear and unrest across the city, Dr. Strange sent out his astral self to investigate, but his body could not leave the mystic circle until the ritual was complete.

--Untold Tales of Spider-Man Annual 1997

images: (without ads)
Iron Man III#22, p17, panel 5 (snake-tailed form)
Doctor Strange III#49, p16, panel 2 (green-skinned form)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man#11, p1, panel 7 (Temple in Thailand)
Doctor Strange III#49, p17, panel 3 (Raggadorr hearing Strange's Emancipation Incantation)
Untold Tales of Spider-Man Annual 1997, p13, panel 2 (Doctor Strange performing the Ritual or Raggadorr)

Appearances, appearances behind-the-scenes, mentioned:
Strange Tales I#124/2 (September, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)
Strange Tales I#125/2 (October, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist) 
Strange Tales I#126/2 (November, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)
Strange Tales I#127/2 (December, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)

Strange Tales I#128/2 (January, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)
Strange Tales I#129/2 (February, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)
Strange Tales I#130/2 (March, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer), Steve Ditko (artist)

Strange Tales I#131/2 (April, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist) 
Strange Tales I#133/2 (June, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (
Strange Tales I#134/2 (July, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (
Strange Tales I#135/2 (August, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (plot/
Strange Tales I#137/2 (October, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (plot/artist)
Strange Tales I#139/2 (Decenber, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)
Strange Tales I#141/2 (February, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (plot/artist) 
Strange Tales I#142/2 (March, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (plot/artist)

Strange Tales I#147/2 (August, 1966) - Denny O'Neil (writer), Bill Everett (artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Strange Tales I#148/2 (September, 1966) - Denny O'Neil (writer), Bill Everett (artist), Stan Lee (editor) 
Strange Tales I#149/2 (October, 1966) - Denny O'Neil (writer), Bill Everett (
artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Strange Tales I#151/2 (December, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Bill Everett (
Strange Tales I#152/2 (January, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Bill Everett (
Strange Tales I#153/2 (February, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Marie Severin (
Strange Tales I#154/2 (March, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Marie Severin (
Strange Tales I#155/2 (April, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Marie Severin (artist)

Strange Tales I#156/2 (April, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Marie Severin (artist) 
X-Men I#33 (June, 1967) - Roy Thomas (writer), Werner Roth (pencils), John Tartaglione (inks), Samuel Rosen (colors), Stan Lee (editor)
Strange Tales I#158/2 (July, 1967) - Roy Thomas (writer), Marie Severin (pencils), Herb Trimpe (inks)

Strange Tales I#160/2 (Spetember, 1967) - Raymond Marais (writer), Marie Severin (pencils), Herb Trimpe (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Strange Tales I#164/1 (January, 1968) - Jim Lawrence (writer), Dan Adkins (artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Strange Tales I#166/1 (March, 1968) - Jim Lawrence and Dan Adkins (writers), Geroge Tuska (pencils), Dan Adkins (inks), Stan Lee (editor)m

Strange Tales I#168/1 (May, 1968) - Denny O'Neil (writer), Dan Adkins (artist), Stan Lee (editor) 
Doctor Strange I#170 (October, 1973) - Len Wein (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Dan Adkins (inks), Glynis Oliver (colors), Roy Thomas (editor) 
Doctor Strange I#172 (September, 1968) - Roy Thomas (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Stan Lee (editor)  
Doctor Strange I#176 (January, 1969) - Roy Thomas (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Doctor Strange I#178 (March, 1969) - Roy Thomas (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Stan Lee (editor) 

Amazing Spider-Man I#109 (June, 1972) - Stan Lee (writer), John Romita Sr. (pencils), Tony Mortellaro and John Romita Sr. (inks)
Marvel Premiere I#3 (July, 1972) - Stan Lee and Barry Windsor-Smith (writers), Barry Windsor-Smith (pencils), Dan Adkins (inks)
Defenders I#1 (August, 1972) - Steve Englehart (writers), Sal Buscema (pencils), Frank Giacoia (inks)
Marvel Premiere I#4 (September, 1972) - Archie Goodwin and Roy Thomas (writers), Barry Windsor-Smith (pencils), Frank Brunner (inks), Ed-Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvel Premiere I#5 (November, 1972) - Gardner Fox (writer), Irv Wesley (pencils), Don Perlin (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvel Premiere I#6 (January, 1973) - Gardner Fox (writer), Frank Brunner and Sal Buscema (pencils and inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvel Premiere I#7 (March, 1973) - Gardner Fox (writer), Craig Russel (pencils), Mike Esposito, Frank Giacoia, Dave Hunt (inks), Mimi Gold (colors), Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvel Premiere I#8 (May, 1973) - Gardner Fox (writer), Jim Starlin (pencils), Frank Giacoia, Dave Hunt (inks), Petra Goldberg (colors), Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvel Premiere I#9 (July, 1973) - Steve Englehart (writer), Frank Brunner (pencils), Ernie Chua (inks), Dave Hunt (colors), Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvel Team-Up I#21 (May, 1974) - Len Wein (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Frank Giacoia and Dave Hunt (inks), Glynis Oliver (colors), Roy Thomas (editor)
Defenders I#16 (October, 1974) - Len Wein (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Mike Esposito (inks), Glynis Oliver (colors), Roy Thomas (editor)
Defenders I#17 (November, 1974) - Len Wein (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Glynis Wein (colors), Roy Thomas (editor)
Doctor Strange II#6 (February, 1975) - Steve Englehart (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Petra Goldberg (colors), Len Wein (editor)
Doctor Strange II#9 (August, 1975) - Steve Englehart (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Frank Chiaramonte (inks), Janice Cohen (colors), Len Wein (editor)
Doctor Strange II#12 (February, 1976) - Steve Englehart (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)

Doctor Strange II#15 (June, 1967) - Steve Englehart (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Tomb of Dracula#44 (May, 1976) - Marv Wolfman (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks and colors), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#207 (January, 1977) - Len Wein (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Joe Staton (inks), Glynis Oliver (colors), Len Wein (editor)
Doctor Strange II#27 (February, 1978) - Roger Stern (writer), Tom Sutton (pencils), Ernie Chan (inks), Irene Vartanoff (colors), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Stan Lee Presents Doctor Strange Master of the Mystic arts #1 - Pocket Comics - Kangaroo Publishing/Prophecies of the Ancient One (1978)
Doctor Strange II#31 (October, 1978) - Don McGregor (writer), Ricardo Villamonte (pencils), Tom Sutton (inks), Marie Severin (colors), Roger Stern (editor)

Marvel Team-Up I#77 (January, 1979) - Chris Claremont (writer), Jeff Aclin and Howard Chaykin (pencils), Juan Ortiz (inks), Mario Sen (colors), Al Milgrom (editor)
Defenders I#70 (April, 1979) - Ed Hannigan (writer), Herb Trimpe (penciler), Mike Esposito (inker), Allen Milgrom (editor)
Doctor Strange: Nightmare - prose novel (1979) William Rotsler (writer), Len Wein and Marv Wolfman (editors)
Marvel Novel#7 - Doctor Strange: Nightmare - Pocket Books (July, 1979) - William Rotsler (writer), Len Wein and Marv Wolfman (editors)
Defenders I#73 (July, 1979) - Ed Hannigan (writer), Herb Trimpe (pencils), Mike Esposito (inks), Ben Sean (colors), Al Milgrom & Jim Shooter (editors)
Doctor Strange II#40 (April, 1980) - Chris Claremont (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Dan Green & Ricardo Villamonte (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Jo Duffy (editor)
Doctor Strange II#43 (October, 1980) - Chris Claremont (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Ben Sean (colors), Jo Duffy (editor)
Doctor Strange II#44 (December, 1980) - Chris Claremont (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Jo Duffy (editor)
Doctor Strange II#47 (June, 1981) - Roger Stern (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Jo Duffy (editor)
Thor Annual#9 (Summer, 1981) - Chris Claremont (writer and editor), Luke McDonnel (pencils), Vince Colletta (inks), Bonnie Wilford (colors), David Kraft (editor)
Doctor Strange II#52 (April, 1982) - Roger Stern (writer), Marshall Rogers (pencils), Terry Austin Inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Al Milgrom (editor)
Defenders I#109 (July, 1982) - Jean Marc DeMatteis & Mark Gruenwald (writers), Don Perlin (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), George Roussos (colors), Al Milgrom (editor)
Doctor Strange II#55 (October, 1982) - Roger Stern (writer), Michael Golden (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Glynis Oliver (colors), Al Milgrom, Jim Shooter (editor)
Power Man & Iron Fist#100 (December, 1983) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Ernie Chan (pencils), Mike Mignola (inks), Christie Scheele (colors), Denny O'Neil (editor)
Doctor Strange II#73 (August, 1985) - Roger Stern (writer), Paul Smith (penciler/inker), Carl Potts (editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#180 (March, 1986) - Jim Owsley (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Bob Camp (inks), George Roussos (chine), Larry Hama and Jim Shooter (editors)
Doctor Strange II#76 (April, 1986) - Peter B. Gillis (writer), Mark Badger and Chris Warner (pencilers), Randy Emberlin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors)
MHAC 9 - Realms of Magic, Book 1 and 2 - TSR (before August, 1986) - Kim Eastland (designer), Ed Sollers (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#1 (November, 1988) - Peter B. Gillis (writer), Richard Case (pencils), Randy Emberlin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#5 (July, 1989) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (pencils), José Marzan Jr. (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#6/1 (August, 1989) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (pencils), José Marzan Jr. (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#7/1 (Septembre, 1989) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (pencils), José Marzan Jr. (inks), Christie Scheele (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#11/1 (December, 1989) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (artist), Tom Vincent (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#15 (March, 1990) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (penciler/inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#20/1 (August, 1990) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (pencils), Tony DeZuniga (inks), Richard Rasche (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#23/1 (November, 1990) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (pencils), Mark McKenna (inks), George Roussos (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#28 (April, 1991) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Chris Marrinan (pencils), Mark McKenna (inks), George Roussos (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#29 (May, 1991) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Chris Marrinan (pencils), Mark McKenna (inks), George Roussos (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#33/1 (September, 1991) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Chris Marrinan (artist), George Roussos (colors), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#36 (December, 1991) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Dan Lawlis (penciler), Andrew Pepoy (inker), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#37 (January, 1992) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Jean-Marc Lofficier (co-plotter), Geof Isherwood (artist), George Roussos (colors), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#40 (April, 1992) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Geof Isherwood (pencils and inks), George Roussos (colors), Michael Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#43 (July, 1992) - Roy Thomas (writer), Geof Isherwood (artist), Geroge Roussos (colors), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#49 (January, 1993) - Len Kaminski (writer), Geof Isherwood (pencils), Bob Petrecca & Don Hudson (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)

Marvel Super Heroes III#12/1 (January, 1993) - Stuart Hopen, Jean-Marc Lofficier, Roy Thomas (writers), Brian Postman (pencils), Armando Gil (inks), Reneé Witterstaetter (colors), Rob Tokar   
X-Men Unlimited#13/2 (December, 1996) - Jorge Gonzàles, Greg Land (pencils), Mark McKenna (inks), Brad Vancata (colors), Kelly P. Corvese (editor)
Untold Tales of Spider-Man Annual 1997 (1997) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Tom Lyle (pencils), Robert Jones (inks), Steven Mattsson (colors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Iron Man III#22 (November, 1999) - Kurt Busiek & Roger Stern (writers), Sean Chen (pencils), Rob Hunter, Rags Morales, Nelson & Eric Cannon (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)

Peter Parker: Spider-Man#11 (November, 1999) - Howard Mackie (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Greg Wright (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Team-Up III#4 (March, 2005) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Scott Kolins (pencils and inks), Studio F (colors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Stan Lee meets Doctor Strange#1/1 (November, 2006) - Stan Lee (writer), Alan Davis (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Jonh Kalisz (colors), Tom Breevort (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Mystic Arcana: The Book of Marvel Magic/Octessence Profile (2007) - David Sexton, Jeff Christiansen (head writers/coordinators), Madison Carter, Michael Hoskin, Eric J. Moreels, Ronald Byrd, Chad Anderson, Al Sjoerdsma, Mark O'English, Chris Biggs, Stuart Vandal (writers), Jeff Youngquist, Jennifer Grunwald (editors)
Marvel Tarot (September, 2007) - David Sexton (writer), Jeff Youngquist (editor) 
Doctor Voodoo - Avenger of the Supernatural#1 (December, 2009) - Rick Remender (writer), Jefté Palo (pencils), Jefté Palo (inks), Jean-François Beaulieu (colors), Lauren Sankovitch (editor)
The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange#1/4 (May, 2010) - Mike Carey (writer), Marcos Martin (artist)
World War Hulk#3 (October, 2007) - Greg Pak (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Christina Strain (colorsi), Mark Paniccia (editor)

Mystic Arcana - Scarlet Witch#1/2 (Octorber, 2010) - David Sexton (writer), Eric Nguyen (pencils and inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Doctor Strange: From the Marvel Vault (April, 2011) - Joe Edkin & Roger Stern (writers), Neil Vokes (pencils), Jay Geldhof (inks), Lee Loughridge (colors), Thomas Brennan & Tom Brevoort (editors)
Doctor Strange Annual II#1 (November, 2016) - Kathryn Immonen (writer), Leonardo Romero (pencils and inks), Jordie Bellaire (colors), Nick Lowe (editor)
Doctor Strange III#16 (Mar, 2017) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris Bachalo & Cory Smith (pencils), Al Vey, John Livesay, Victor Olazaba, Tim Townsend & Cory Smith (inks), Antonio Fabela & Java Tartaglia & Chris Bachalo (colors), Nick Lowe (editor)
writer), Chris Bachalo, Cory Smith (pencils), Wayne Faucher, John Livesay, Jaime Mendoza, Victor Olazaba, Tim Townsend, Al Vey (inks), Chris Bachalo (colors), Nick Lowe (editor)

Power Man And Iron Fist II#3 (June, 2016) - David Walker (writer), Sanford Greene (artist), Lee Loughridge (colors), Jacob Thomas (editor)
Secret Warriors II#4 (September, 2017) - Matthew Rosenberg (writer), Javier Garrón (pencils and inks), Israel Silva (colors), Wilson Moss (editor)
Weapon H#2 (June, 2018) - Greg Pak (writer), Cory Smith (pencils and inks), Morry Hollowell (colors), Wilson Moss & Darren Shan (editors)
Doctor Strange IV#4 (July, 2018) - Mark Waid (writer), Jesús Saiz (pencils, inks and colors), Nick Lowes (editor)
Marvel: Crisis Protocol: Target: Kree - Aconyte - Novel (July, 2021) - Stuart Moore (writer)
Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery - Aconyte - Novel (2022) - Marsheila Rockwell (writer)
Zombies: The Hunger
- Aconyte - Novel (October, 2023) - Marsheila Rockwell (writer)

Appearances behind the scenes in other realities:
Doctor Strange Radio Program Episode#6 (1967) - David Wilson (Dormammu's voice), Charlie Potter (Strange's voice and producer),
Beth Latimer (Clea's voice), Archie Altman, Martin Gleitsman, Gene Moore (other voices), David "Sparks" Rapkin (recording, technical effects and editing),
What if...I#40 (August, 1983) - Peter Gillis (writer), Jackson Guice (pencils), Sam Grainger & Jackson Guice (inks), Christie Scheele (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Guardians of the Galaxy#34 (March, 1993) - Michael Gallagher (writer), Kevin West (pencils), Steve Montano (inks), Evelyn Stein (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Guardians of the Galaxy#50 (July, 1994) - Michael Gallagher (writer), Kevin West (pencils), Steve Montano (inks), Evelyn Stein (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Guardians of the Galaxy#51 (August, 1994) - Michael Gallagher (writer), Kevin West (pencils), Steve Montano (inks), Evelyn Stein (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Spider-Man: The Animated Series Season#3, Episode#1 (April, 1996) - John Semper, Jr. & Mark Hoffmeier (writers), John Vernon (Doctor Strange's voice), C.K. Horness (editor)
Doctor Strange: The Fate of Dreams, A Prose Novel (January, 2016) - Devin Grayson (writer)
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (November, 2011) - Hiroyuki Nara, Go Usuma (directors)
Avengers Assemble Animated Series - Season 2, Episode 12 (February, 2015) - Philip Pignotti, Jeff Allen (directors), Jack Coleman (Doctor Strange's voice)
Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell - TV movie (October, 2016) - Marty Isenberg, Dave McDermott (writers), Mitch Schauer (director)
Marvel Champions LCG - Doctor Strange (July, 2020) - Caleb Grace (lead designer)
Marvel's Avengers: The Extinction Key - Prologue - prose novel (September, 2020) - Greg Keyes (writer)
Doctor Strange: The Book of the Vishanti - Abrams Books (2021) - Matthew K. Manning (writer)
Spider-Man: Great Power, Great Mayhem TPB#1/2 (December, 2023) - Steve Foxe (script), Claudio Sciarrone (art), Valentina Taddeo (colors), Lauren Bisom
Doctor Strange: Dimension War - Titan Books (2024) - James Lovegrove (writer)

First Posted: 07/25/2007
Last updated: 03/31/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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