Real Name: Senschi
Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman) mutate
Occupation: Royal page
Group Membership: Inhumans
Affiliations: Alaris, Black Bolt, Crystal, Gorgon, Jolen, Kurani, Karnak, Lockjaw, Nahrees, San, Somnus, Tonaja
Enemies: Avengers (Ares, Black Widow (Natasha Romanova), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers), Sentry, Wasp, Wonder Man),
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Attilan
First Appearance: (appeared) Inhumans V#1 (June, 2003), (named) Inhumans V#2 (July, 2003)
Powers/Abilities: After passing through the Terrigen mists, Senschi developed purple skin, a spiky finned ridge of hair, a taloned face, a long spiked tail, and large purple wings allowing him to fly. The full extent of his powers and abilities remain unknown.
(Inhumans V#1) - Senschi summoned San to visit Black Bolt for a special mission
to Earth.
(Inhumans V#2) - Senschi summoned Tonaja at one of the highest points of the city to attend to see Black Bolt. He told her that he often watched the lights over the city as well.
(Silent War#4) - Alaris joined several Inhumans in attacking the Pentagon, to release captive Inhumans (Gorgon, Jolen, Kurani, and Nahrees) and the stolen Terrigen Crystals. Other Inhumans attacking included: Black Bolt, Crystal, Lockjaw, and Somnus. The captives and Crystals retrieved, the Inhumans returned to the moon, leaving Black Bolt behind to defeat the Avengers.
(Silent War#5) - The Mighty Avengers (Ares, Black Widow (Natasha Romanova), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers), Sentry, Wasp, Wonder Man) arrived to stand against the Inhumans.
Comments: Created by Sean McKeever, Matthew Clark, and Nelson.
Profile by Chadman.
has no known connections to
images: (without ads)
Inhumans V#1, p22, pan1 (main
p22, pan3 (headshot)
Inhumans V#1-2 (June, July, 2003) - Sean
McKeever (writer), Matthew Clark (penciler), Nelson (inker), Joe Quesada
Silent War#4-5 (June- July, 2007) - David Hine (writer), Frazer Irving (penciler/inker), Stephen Wacker (editor)
Last updated: 01/07/07
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