Real Name:
Identity/Class: Demon, class 3
Occupation: Devourer
Group Membership: Great Old Ones
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Frightful Four of
Earth-2149, Human Torch (Johnny Storm) of Earth-1610
Known Relatives: Tsathoggua (father), Shathak
(mother), Sfatlicllp (daughter), Knygathan Zhaum (grandson), others
Aliases: Feaster from the Stars, Ossadagowah
Base of Operations: N-Zone;
formerly the planet Yaksh (possibly Neptune)
First Appearance: (historical) "Lurker at the
Threshold" (1945)
(Marvel) - (pictured) Ultimate Fantastic
Four#31 (August, 2006); (actual) Ultimate Fantastic Four#32 (September,
Powers/Abilities: Zvilpogghua usually requires
a host body to exist in the physical realm as it consumes everything
around it. It can fly, and has a very extended lifespan.
(Ultimate Fantastic Four#31 (fb)-BTS) -
Millions of years ago, some time after arriving on Earth, Zvilpogghua
was cast into the N-Zone by the ancestors of Atlantis.
(Ultimate Fantastic Four#13-18 -BTS/Ultimate
Fantastic Four#31 (fb)-BTS) - While the Fantastic Four were in the
N-Zone, Zvilpogghua chose Human Torch as the strongest of the four and
entered his body.
(Ultimate Fantastic Four#30 -BTS) - The Torch began
to feel the pains of Zvilpogghua growing inside of him. The other three
members of the Four traveled to Latveria to seek the aid of Dr. Doom in
saving Johnny.
(Ultimate Fantastic Four#31 -BTS) - Doom agreed to
help, identifying Zvilpogghua as what was inside of Johnny, but only if
he could secretly switch minds with Reed Richards. "Reed" then departed
with his teammates to not only save Johnny, but stop the Frightful
Four, zombie versions of the Fantastic Four from Earth-2149.
(Ultimate Fantastic Four#32) - "Reed" used an
Atlantean spell to exorcise Zvilpogghua back to the N-Zone, but
accidentally misspoke a word, trapping Zvilpogghua in the physical
world. Needing a human host, Zvilpogghua sought out the most powerful
being in the vicinity, and entered that of Doom, who possessed Reed's
mind. "Doom" then entered the Baxter Building, which the Frightful Four
had seized, and used his Zvilpogghua-bolstered powers to destroy the
zombies. After Reed and Doom switched minds back to normal, Doom agreed
to travel to Earth-2149 with Zvilpogghua inside of him.
Comments: Created by August Derleth and H.P.
Lovecraft. Adapted to comics by Mark Millar, Greg Land and Matt Ryan.
I won't go into all of the details of Zvilpogghua's
appearances in the Cthulhu Mythos, as it is mostly contradictory to how
his history unfolded in this reality. Several books written by
Lovecraft associates and followers mention the being.
Zvilpogghua has no known connections to
Ultimate Fantastic Four#32, page 10, panel 4
"The Lurker at the Threshold" (1945) - August Derlith
& H.P. Lovecraft (writers)
Ultimate Fantastic Four#30-32 (July-September, 2006) - Mark Millar
(writer), Greg Land (penciler), Matt Ryan (inker), Ralph Macchio
Last updated: 10/23/07
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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