
Classification: Extraterrestrial

Location/Base of Operations: Unrevealed; groups of Annunaki traveled the universe in missions to various worlds

Known Members: None unidentified

Affiliations: The Annunaki allegedly guided humanity and a number of other races, possibly including the worlds of the various Council members and/or those of Sof, including those of Eryon, Gral, Sfira, & Uru; the exact relations between the Annunaki and the Council are unrevealed, but the Council seemed to seek to continue the Annunaki's mission and to preserve natives of the races the Annunaki had seeded;
    apparently Marduk

First Appearance: (Unidentified, behind-the-scenes) Silver Surfer IV#1 (September, 2003);
    (Annunaki identified) Silver Surfer IV#7? (May, 2004)

Powers/Abilities: Unrevealed. An advanced race, they likely had highly developed intellects and possibly telepathic, telekinetic, or other energy manipulating powers.

Traits: The Annunaki were apparently benevolent and philanthropic, seeking to advance other races. They apparently seeded a number of planets with life, either bringing natives from one world to another and/or guiding the development of existing life. They had advanced technology, including interstellar ships, and -- by some sources -- they created Marduk, a planetoid able to wipe out civilizations or portions thereof, often in hopes of preserving the larger population or the planet.


(Silver Surfer IV#14 (fb) - BTS) - According to Ayaman, in the beginning there was the Void, which was everything and forever. Contraction occurred, allowing space to appear in the Void...the feminine womb, the Dreamer, containing all possibility. Fruition then occurred, and a point appeared in space...the masculine Dream, the Singularity, manifesting all reality. From these three, Void, Womb, Singularity, come all that is. A rupture occurred between the point and the space, between contraction and fruition, between male and female, between possibility and reality. From the rupture arose time.

(Silver Surfer IV#8 (fb) - BTS) - The survivors of the planet Sfira came to the paradise world Sof.

(Silver Surfer IV#8 (fb) - BTS) - The survivors of the planet Eryon came to the paradise world Sof.

(Silver Surfer IV#8 (fb) - BTS) - The survivors of the planet Gral came to the paradise world Sof.

(Silver Surfer IV#8 (fb) - BTS) - The survivors of the planet Uru came to the paradise world Sof.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 (fb) - BTS) - From a distant star, the Annunaki seeded Mars and its sister planet, Tiamat, with intelligent life.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 (fb)) - Over 100 million years ago, advanced civilizations dwelled within Earth's solar system, on the planet now known as Mars and on her sister planet, Tiamat. For reasons long forgotten, the two world went to war. Mars was left a desolate wasteland, none of its inhabitants surviving. Tiamat was annihilated, its remains forming an asteroid belt.
    From a distant star came the Annunaki, mourning the loss of these beloved worlds. They mourned for eons.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 (fb) - BTS) - The Annunaki created the machine/planet Marduk; its sole purpose was to preserve life within Earth's solar system, at any cost. Once set into motion, it was allegedly unstoppable by force or reason.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 (fb)) - As the mammalian species took prominence on Earth, the Annunaki guided them in the development of consciousness.

(Silver Surfer IV#14 (fb)) - Man with his limitless creative power, wished Marduk into existence. In hatred of self and of soul, mankind sought an awful god to punish him for his sins. Marduk was initially a thought-form, invisible to the mortal eye. As the eons passed, it solidified and became a monstrous thing, burning with false light.

(Silver Surfer IV#12) - As the Annunaki perished (save at least Amnel), Marduk remained as their will, existing to repair the brokenness in man, to end suffering, and to make Three into One.
    Marduk contained three wills, the first urging the destruction of man; the second seeking to preserve what the Annunaki had guided; the third seeking to do both.

(Silver Surfer IV#14 (fb)) - As mankind told stories of floods and fires, lost civilizations, and whole worlds annihilated by Marduk, and of the "Man of Shuruppak," who was to tear down his own house and build a ship containing the seed of all living things. As man's fear of Marduk grew, Marduk heard and believed the stories. Ayaman and others watched and prayed the man's love and wisdom would dispel this phantom, but Marduk only grew stronger, and it moved to murder its creator. It could not comprehend that it would cease to exist once mankind was no more; for it was a soulless creature.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 (fb)) - When the great kingdoms of (pre-Cataclysmic) Earth grew corrupt, waging endless war with each other, they awakened Marduk from its dormancy. Marduk came, drawn by mankind's urge towards self-destruction. To save Earth itself, Marduk drowned the warring kingdoms.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 (fb) - BTS) - Mankind survived in a primitive state. Over thousands of years, civilizations were reborn, and humanity was restored.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 (fb) - BTS) - In recent years, Marduk was again drawn by humanity's urge towards self-destruction. For years, the movement was slow, almost imperceptible, but gradually it gained speed day by day, eventually achieving rapid speed.

(Silver Surfer IV#14 (fb)) - Forces of justice seeking balance and atonement sought a warrior whose very purpose was the protection and redemption of Earth. As this warrior, the Silver Surfer, was not perfect (knowing fear, despair, and hatred), he could not be told what lay ahead of him. He had to come to it on his own.

(Silver Surfer#8 (fb) - BTS) - Ayaman and/or the Council foresaw that Marduk would awaken and destroy Earth. They arranged a mission for the Surfer, intending that he might save Earth, so it could evolve.

(Silver Surfer#8 (fb) - BTS) - The Surfer gathered samples of Earth's plants and animals, as well as some of mankind as well.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 (fb) - BTS) - The Surfer joined in a mission with the Council, seeking to gather humanity's best child representatives, intending them to lead a new world when Marduk destroyed life on Earth.

(Silver Surfer IV#1 - BTS) - The Silver Surfer accepted an unidentified gifted toddler (the son of a warrior) from a south Sudanese shaman, leaving behind burning fires in a pattern mimicking the Silver Surfer's face engulfing nearby villages.

(Silver Surfer IV#2 (fb) - BTS) <April 14> - Non Lim, an 8 year old gifted in poetry, vanished from Singapore in a manner fitting those taken by the Silver Surfer.

(Silver Surfer IV#2 (fb) - BTS) <May 17> - Alexander Torres, a 5 year old gifted in botany, vanished from Cuba in a manner fitting those taken by the Silver Surfer.

(Silver Surfer IV#2 (fb) - BTS) <May 31> - Leon Rauch, a 7 year old gifted in acrobatics, vanished from Austria in a manner fitting those taken by the Silver Surfer.

(Silver Surfer IV#1 - BTS) - Perceiving visions of the Annunaki, the seemingly autistic savant 6-year-old Ellie Waters drew vivid pictures of the Silver Surfer.

(Silver Surfer IV#1 - BTS / Silver Surfer IV#2 (fb) - BTS) <June 15> - The Surfer came and collected Ellie as her mother, Denise, having taken numerous sleeping pills, observed wide-eyed.

(Silver Surfer IV#2 - BTS) - The Silver Surfer claimed Gabriel Acheron from the estate of his father, Stewart.

(Silver Surfer IV#2 (fb) - BTS / Silver Surfer IV#4 (fb)) <August 2> - Eryl Hughes, a gifted child musician who recently performed as a solo pianist with the Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, disappeared from her backyard, possibly taken by the Silver Surfer; the parents (Flora & ??) reported seeing bright lights.

(Silver Surfer IV#2) - Denise was assaulted and nearly killed while seeking to contact Eryl Hughes' parents via e-mail, but Ellie and Gabe Acheron apparently contacted her, possibly via the Silver Surfer, inspiring her to fight back, take out her assailant, and survive.

(Silver Surfer IV#3) - With the ship, Ellie and Gave communed, sharing their memories of their parents. Within Dr. Yedlin's cosmic zoo, Amnel taught Ellie how to visualize distant events (specifically her mother, Denise, flying on a plane to Stewart Acheron's estate to share their experiences over their children's abductions). Amnel then helped Ellie see into Denise's mind, discussing the goddess Erzulie, to whom Denise was praying; Amnel specifically explained how Denise didn't believe in the real Erzulie but had created her own version in her own mind, and was using this version to help herself.
    Other Annunaki (or perhaps if was just multiple visions/aspects of Amnel, given that at least one source stated she was the sole survivor of the Annunaki) worked with other children, training them to use their psychic powers. Wandering the ship, Gabe encountered the Surfer and accepted his offer to accelerate Gabe's evolution so he could access the advanced information in the ship that would otherwise destroy him.

(Silver Surfer IV#4 (fb) - BTS) - Unable to sleep, Gabe sensed a feeling/voice urging him to relax and forget, which he realized was making the children not miss their parents.

(Silver Surfer IV#4) - Aboard their ship behind the dark side of the moon, Amnel tried to help Gabe Acheron fall asleep when he screamed out from psychic pain ("Get out of my head!"). Amnel realized the Surfer had been modified to receive an otherwise fatally high energy resonance. Amnel argued that the children were not ready, that Gabe was in pain, and that he needed companionship, and the Surfer assured Amnel that Gabe was ready, and suggested Amnel give Gabe a companion ("Ellie"). Within the cosmic zoo, Gabe and Ellie enjoyed tame animals of various species; Gabe showed Ellie that they really just had DNA samples of each species on Earth saved in a tube so they could recreate them elsewhere if the animals died off. After Gabe revealed to Ellie how they were made to forget their parents and how they would never see them again, Ellie cried out, briefly contacting Denise.

(Silver Surfer IV#5) - The Surfer brought Ellie to the Ark, where Amnel (?) and a number of other extraterrestrial beings examined her, noting her mind was locked in a recursive loop, a single thought, pulsing at great speed, without rest as she tried to contact her mother; the effort was draining her vital energy. Amnel explained to Gabe that the thought vibrated at such speed that if it reached Denise, it would kill her, which would break Ellie's soul. When Gabe and Ellie pleaded for Ellie to see her mother, the Surfer sought out and visited the Singularity.

(Silver Surfer IV#6) - The Singularity told the Surfer that Ellie was protected, and the Surfer shared his limited experience/memories. Amnel subsequently embraced Ellie, telling her she would miss Ellie, and Amnel gave Ellie a metallic sphere as a secret keepsake. Amnel noted that she was too old to go with Ellie or fully explain why no one else (like Gabe) could go with Ellie or visit her parents; "Your gift is love, Ellie. Your grace protects you better than I ever could." As Ellie returned to Earth with the Surfer, Stewart Acheron's monitors detected this, and the Vice-President of the United States (ViPOTUS; in this story, Dick Cheney, a topical reference) they sent troopers to confront them/her.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 / Silver Surfer#8 (fb) - BTS) - The Surfer told Gabe of the Annunaki's history with Mars, Tiamat, and Earth. The Surfer then showed Gabe the planet Marduk (aka Nibiru & Wormwood), revealing it would reach Earth within 6 months. The Surfer noted that it was beyond his power to stop Marduk.
    As troops broke in and tore Ellie from Denise, Ellie lashed out with her powers, leading to the deaths of the troops and others nearby - 11 deaths, and 16 survivors with brain damage; Ellie then saved Denise and Lt. Elvis Morin, who had been helping them.

(Silver Surfer IV#8) - The Surfer showed Gabe the paradise world of Sof, where humanity's distant cousins lived a thousand years and more. He introduced Gabe to Aya, who sympathized with Gabe's sadness over Earth's fate. Gabe revealed he had researched in the ship's library, learning of Aya's world, Sfira, as well as other dead worlds, such as Eryon, Gral, Uru, & Tiamat. When Gave wondered what was the point if the world's were going to be destroyed and forgotten, and Aya showed Gabe the fruit of Aumavi, which grew for 20 years before bearing a single fruit with a single seed and then dying; each Aumavi fruit was sweeter than the last -- this was meant to show how love could lead to great memory, and that love needed mortality.
    Aman gave the Surfer the prophetic drink before noting his discomfort in the presence of the Surfer's coldness. Aya showed up merged with her husband, becoming Ayaman. Noting itself to be one of three, who see the unborn future in time's womb and prophesy for the Council. Ayaman revealed that Earth would die, and that the mission had changed: the Surfer must depart Earth and bring his cargo to Sof. Ayaman further revealed that Marduk would arrive too late, with man already having wiped itself out.
    Meanwhile, FBI agent Callamaro warned Elvis Morin that Ellie was an alien in a human's body and a danger to all around her. After glimpsing Ellie in communion with Denise, Morin agreed to the danger and called Callamaro with their whereabouts.

(Silver Surfer IV#9) - Laliya (of the clan of Aya & Aman) showed Gabe the Udayume on Sof, who carved the ice every winter, knowing their creations would dissolve in the summer; they believed the universe is a dream that dreamed. She further introduced Gabe to Kiyava and his clan.
    Meanwhile, convinced Ellie was not human, Elvis Morin drugged both her and Denise, and let government agents capture Ellie.
    The Surfer met with Amnel, informing her of  a new mission to go to Sof, never to return to Earth. Gabe believed Marduk was going to heal Earth for a new regime, but Noah introduced doubt in Gabe's mind.
    Recovering, a drugged Denise drove out to save Ellie and stop Elvis, but she crashed into a swamp and was impaled on a tree branch. She was transported, via the silver ball, to the Surfer's ship in front of a number of aliens.

(Silver Surfer IV#10) - Amnel mentally persuaded the distraught Denise to sleep. As she healed, her presence reminded the children present of how they missed their parents. When Ellie tried to show Stewart Acheron her experiences, she was taken out with a tranquilizer dart by one of the troops. When the Surfer went to rescue Ellie, he was ambushed by troops using Acheron's tracking device. The Surfer informed Amnel of Ellie's location but noted that the time of rescuing had passed and they must depart for Sof immediately. He further told Amnel the Council would hear about her bringing Denise aboard the ship, but that he would not risk returning her to Earth. Amnel sought, futilely, to convince the Surfer that the universe was energy manifested through them, and that Ellie would only be saved if they saved her. The children groused after learning they'd never return to Earth.
    When Denise awakened, she was distraught upon learning the Surfer was not going to return for Ellie, but Amnel merged the silver ball with her, allowing Ellie to find her no matter where she was.
Despite the Surfer's orders, Amnel departed for Earth, and she was shot down by US troops, crashing on Manuae Atoll in the South Pacific, where Ellie was being held.

(Silver Surfer IV#11) - From the Great Ark's Learning Annnex, Gabe was summoned to the Bridge, where the children and Denise were informed by an unidentified female alien that they were going to travel through a wormhole to Sof. Within the Navigation Chamber, however, the Surfer failed to created a bridge that would support the Great Ark; Stessa informed him that the Surfer's will was divided (not wanting to leave Amnel behind), and that they had not proceeded because they had realized this. Stessa admitted that he/she was similarly divided and could not navigate the bridge either; he/she further noted that he likely wouldn't find anyone who could safely guide the ship to Sof. Learning the ViPOTUS had arranged a trap and a nuclear strike on the Surfer when he approached, Stewart Acheron revived Ellie, telling her to warn the Surfer. Meanwhile, the Surfer revealed to Denise that Ellie's soul was ancient and that she was not of Earth; and that he stayed behind for Denise, who reminded him of Shalla Bal. Using that connection, Denise coerced the Surfer to help save Ellie, despite his premonitions of being torn apart and other terrible things happening.
    As the revived Ellie tried and failed to save the dying Amnel, leaving behind only a burnt out husk, the Surfer projected a shield that protected Ellie from a nuclear strike. Seeing Amnel dead, Ellie lashed out, while the Surfer collapsed.

(Silver Surfer IV#12) - Ellie's unleashed energies destroyed Amnel's body as well as Stewart Acheron, and continued forward to destroy the nearby ships that had launched the nukes. When the Surfer transported Ellie and himself (or maybe Ellie transported them?) and brought Denise there as well, Gabe Acheron convinced the other children aboard the Great Ark to rebel and force the Ark to return to Earth. Gabe further evolved the children's genetics, allowing them to cause the animals aboard to rampage and to overpower and destroy the Council. Noah tried to stop Gabe, but Gabe apparently slew him. Ellie tried and failed to preserve an illusory world where she and Denise lived happily with a human Norrin, but the illusion fell apart, and Ellie angrily drove off the Surfer for trying to explain how it wouldn't work. Meanwhile, noting that even those chosen by the Council were effectively broken, Marduk vowed to destroy Earth, and released the Surfer from its service. As the Surfer lost control, the Great Ark plummeted toward Earth.

(Silver Surfer IV#13) - The Great Ark crashed into the ocean, entering the Mariana Trench; children and crew panicked collectively, fearing the ship's hull would not hold, but Gabe apparently brought the ship back to the surface to float safely. Marduk encouraged the Surfer to return to the stars, noting that the ship had struck the most vulnerable point on Earth, and the ensuing shockwaves would destroy Earth and all of her people. Despite Marduk's arguments of the necessity of this and how humanity deserved to die, the Surfer merged his energies with Earth and brought the near-cataclysm to an end. Nonetheless, Marduk had arrived in the Australian outback, and it announced its plans to finish things. The Surfer, in return, told Marduk that it was the malignancy; that the evil in men came from it.
    Posing as Amnel, Marduk drew Ellie away from her mother, promising to reveal her true origins, and duped Ellie into allowing "her" to sever Ellie's link to Denise, seemingly slaying Denise. Marduk partially merged with Ellie.

(Silver Surfer IV#14) - Backed by Ellie's power, Marduk struck down the Surfer; however, the Dreamer awakened, and Marduk was pulled into the Singularity (or a vortex, or something). Ayaman met with Ellie, revealing her to be the Dreamer, and giving her the choice of leaving Earth's history to explore other realities. Ellie declined, further noting that Marduk did not seem real, and Ayaman noted how mankind had created Marduk as part of the monsters they feared in the dark. Ayaman further revealed that many, including Denise Waters, Gabe & Stewart Acheron plus Noah, had their part to play, for good or ill. On Amnel's homeworld, Amnel's people sang of Amnel's (or Denise Water's?) courage. With Marduk gone, Ellie used her powers, hoping that mankind would learn to breathe free and be the God that lies beneath. And life reverted to as it was, with Denise caring for the silent Ellie, who was a bit more compliant. Stewart Acheron elected to not acquire NASA for his company.

Comments: Created by Dan Chariton & Stacy Weiss (writers), Milx (artist), Marc Sumerak & Andy Schmidt (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editors).

    I REALLY did not get this story (some of these points are also discussed in comments by Wolfram Bane, further down this page...

  1. Revelations in #14 contradicted those from stories just a couple months before. And I'm not sure if Ellie/Dreamer basically wished away the events so that they never happened in Reality-616...or what happened.
  2. I guess everything Ayaman revealed at the end was meant to be true, while contradictory things the Surfer or others revealed prior to that were untruths told to get the Surfer and others to play their roles.
  3. Was Amnel one of the Annunaki? Shorter, stouter, different pattern on the neck, and slightly different skull structure, but otherwise very similar in the generic ET-ness? I had ASSumed she was Annunaki in reading the series based on the similarities, but Wolfram Bane pointed out the dissimilarities, and I can't recall anything confirming or denying it within the series.
  4. I had thought Amnel was supposed to have been the last of her kind (but then I had also initially interpreted Amnel to be one of the Annunaki), but Ayaman said that everyone on her world sang of her courage...and, by "her," did they mean Amnel or Denise?
  5. What is Sof...I had thought that the people there were all refugees from worlds destroyed by Marduk, but the final issue revealed Marduk to be purely a creation of Earth. Where the residents all from worlds destroyed by other means?
  6. What about the planet Tiamat? Did that even exist, or was that yet another falsehood?
  7. What was the Council? Was it representatives from Sof or just some collection of extraterrestrials dedicated to stopping Marduk and/or to continuing the Annunaki's goals? Was Marduk a threat to the universe, or just to Earth?
  8. Was Ayaman part of the Council, or were the Council just pawns of Ayaman? Was Ayaman essentially manipulating Ellie and the Surfer to stop Marduk?
  9. It seems to me that the Annunaki were indeed involved with humanity's development, as their involvement was again referenced by Ayaman in Silver Surfer#14.
  10. Ultimately, it seemed that Ellie/the Dreamer elected to return events to the way they were before the Council began to abduct further seemed that Ellie remade reality such that Marduk no longer existed as a threat, and she was just as happy to remain as the seemingly autistic child of Denise, while others, such as Stewart Acheron, also chose more peaceful routes than they had in the previous reality. Did she simply restore beings destroyed in the conflict, or did she re-write reality so that things never happened? How much was changed?
  11. As a confession/disclaimer, while thinking Amnel one of the Annuynaki I included a number of sub-profiles, many of which should/could have their own entries. Additionally, when I wrote the profile, I focused on history involving the Annunaki and anything involving the Council, but in writing the sub-profiles, I mostly just worked from my main profile history notes. If anyone has additional information to add that I missed, or corrections on things that I screwed up in my half-assed work, please let me know. If anyone is willing/able to write full profiles on any of the sub-profiles, please feel free to do so...we can axe the sub-profile and adjust links to go to the full profiles. Wolfram Bane offered to write full profiles on some of the characters from the series not covered herein (once he finishes some of his other projects)...Ellie Waters is the MOST deserving, as she is (or was?) apparently some cosmic force

    Worshipped by various beings as sole gods or races of gods, the Annunaki were referred to as "Shining One" and the "Sky Gods" by a south Sudanese shaman (Silver Surfer IV#1)...OR, was that a reference to the Surfer and the Council?

    Silver Surfer was unidentified as Commander of the Council...whatever group Amnel, Stessa, and the other aliens were part of.

Some notes from Wolfram Bane (in italics):

    It's been awhile since I last read it but my impression of the fourth SILVER SURFER series is that the idea that Marduk was born from humanity's fears was its true origin whereas the story that it was created by the Annunaki was a false origin, one that Marduk had dreamed up for itself. I believe that this idea is actually stated in one of the final issues.
    Also, I am of the opinion that the entire "history" of the cataclysmic war between Mars and Tiamat was all part of that false origin and thus NEVER HAPPENED. I also believe that many of the aliens in the story were being controlled/manipulated by Marduk to act as they did and that that manipulation may have included Marduk's planting false memories (i.e. memories of events that never happened) in their minds. At the very least, the Silver Surfer was definitely acting very much unlike himself.
--Don Campbell

    *The city of Shuruppak (name meaning "The Healing Place") was a historic Summerian settlement in what is now Iraq. See:
    *The Man of Shuruppak is king
Utnapishtim, who reportedly survived the Cataclysm and became immortal. "Ea commanded Utnapishtim to demolish his house and build a boat, regardless of the cost, to keep living beings alive." See:
    *Utnapishtim ("the faraway") is also known by the names Ziusudra ("found long life", "life of long days", less literally "the immortal") and Atrahasis/Atra-Hasis (the "exceedingly wise). See: and
    *His father Ubara-Tutu is also mentioned in the Summerian king lists. See:
    *Utnapishtim/Ziusudra/Atrahasis is considered the source character for the character Noah, from the Book of Genesis. "The earliest written [flood myth is found in the Mesopotamian "Epic of Atrahasis" and "Epic of Gilgamesh" texts. Many scholars believe that Noah and the Biblical Flood story are derived from the Mesopotamian version, predominantly because Biblical mythology that is today found in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Mandeanism shares overlapping consistency with the far older written ancient Mesopotamian story of The Great Flood, and that the early Hebrews were known to have lived in Mesopotamia." See:
--Dim I Nticoudis

There is another version of Nibiru in the Powers of X series created by Jonathan Hickman. Other versions of Nibiru also appeared in Fables and the DC Universe, as well as other lesser-known series. At DC Nibiru was transformed into New Krypton.
--Quiof Thrul

The planet Nibiru from Powers of X is a gas giant that got converted into the worldmind intelligence Nimbus by Post-Human. It was later consumed by the Phalanx around the year 3,000.
--Markus Rayond

Profile by Snood.

The extraterrestrial Annunaki should not be confused with:




    Amnel was part of the Council, a close friend of the Silver Sufer, and the teacher of Ellie Waters and Gabriel Acheron, and likely many other children on the Great Ark.  Nonetheless, she was apparently part of the "Council" affiliated with Ayaman and the Silver Surfer, all of whom plotted to bring the gifted children of Earth to Sof, training them to manifest paranormal abilities in the process. She was willing to sacrifice Earth's population and to save only the children, as she apparently believed Marduk was unstoppable. Amnel disagreed with the Surfer's decision to modify Gabe Acheron to be able to receive the Great Ark's data, feeling the children weren't ready, but then bonded Gabe with Ellie Waters to give him a companion to help him adapt. After Gabe revealed the Council's plan to abandon Earth, Ellie Waters mind was locked in a loop as she sent out energies trying to reach her mother; Amnel explained to Gabe that these energies would destroy Denise if they ever reached her. After learning from the Singularity that Ellie was protected, Amnel agreed to send Ellie to see her mother, but also gave her a metallic sphere that would serve to bond the two. After Ellie was captured by US government troops, Denise was transported aboard the Great Ark via the metallic sphere (Amnel's will/energies?). Amnel helped the distraught Denise sleep, then -- after failing to convince the Surfer to attempt another rescue of Ellie (after being nearly slain in the first attempts) -- she traveled to Earth herself and was mortally wounded after being shot down by US troops, crashing on Manuae Atoll in the South Pacific, where Ellie was being held. The Surfer and the Council subsequently tried to transport the Great Ark to Sof, but all were at least subconsciously divided because they did not want to leave Amnel behind, and the effort failed. Ellie tried and failed to revive Amnel, leaving behind only a burnt out husk. While the Surfer protected Ellie from a nuclear strike, Ellie, enraged after seeing Amnel dead, lashed out with energy, destroying Amnel's form and transporting herself, the Surfer, and Denise Waters into an illusory world where they were still a happy family on Earth.
    Marduk later posed as Amnel in a failed effort to claim Ellie Waters' power, and Ayaman related that on Amnel's homeworld, Amnel's people sang of her (Amnel's?) courage

--Silver Surfer IV#3 (3-6, 9-10, 11 (dies), 12 (destroyed)



    Ayaman is a collective being composed of the husband and wife Aman and Aya. They allegedly belong to the same clan as Laliya. Ayaman noted itself to be one of three, who see the unborn future in time's womb and prophesy for the Council. They allegedly originated from the world Sfira, which had allegedly been destroyed, leading Aya and Aman to come to Sof.
    Many thousands of years ago, Ayaman watched and prayed that man's love and wisdom would dispel the monstrous Marduk, but Marduk only grew stronger.
    In recent years, Ayaman and/or the Council foresaw that Marduk would awaken and destroy Earth. They arranged a mission for the Surfer, intending that he might save Earth, so it could evolve.
    When the Surfer brought Gabriel Acheron to Sof, he introduced Gabe to Aya, while the Surfer met with Aman. Aya sympathized with Gabe's sadness over Earth's fate. Gabe revealed he had researched in the ship's library, learning of Aya's world, Sfira, as well as other dead worlds. When Gave wondered what was the point if the world's were going to be destroyed and forgotten, and Aya showed Gabe the fruit of Aumavi, which grew for 20 years before bearing a single fruit with a single seed and then dying; however, each Aumavi fruit was sweeter than the last -- this was meant to show how love could lead to great memory, and that love needed mortality.
    Meanwhile, Aman gave the Surfer the prophetic drink before noting his discomfort in the presence of the Surfer's coldness. Aya showed up merged with her husband, becoming Ayaman. Ayaman revealed that Earth would die, and that the mission had changed: the Surfer must depart Earth and bring his cargo to Sof. Ayaman further revealed that Marduk would arrive too late, with man already having wiped itself out.
    Ultimately, backed by Ellie's usurped power, Marduk struck down the Surfer; however, the Dreamer awakened, and Marduk was pulled into the Singularity (or a vortex, or something). Ayaman met with Ellie, revealing her to be the Dreamer, and giving her the choice of leaving Earth's history to explore other realities. Ellie declined, further noting that Marduk did not seem real, and Ayaman noted how mankind had created Marduk as part of the monsters they feared in the dark. Ayaman further revealed that many, including Denise Waters, Gabe & Stewart Acheron plus Noah, had their part to play, for good or ill. On Amnel's homeworld, Amnel's people sang of Amnel's (or Denise Water's?) courage. With Marduk gone, Ellie used her powers, hoping that mankind would learn to breathe free and be the God that lies beneath. And life reverted to as it was before the Council began to abduct the children, with the threat of Marduk no longer existing, with slight peaceful and pleasant changes for the Waters and Acherons.

--Silver Surfer IV#8 (14 (fb), 8




    The male/husband aspect of Ayaman, he dwelled on Sof and was part of a larger clan including Laliya. He met with the Surfer while Aya spoke with Gabriel Acheron, giving him the prophetic drink but also noted his discomfort from the Surfer's coldness. He then merged with Aya to become Ayaman.



    --Silver Surfer IV#8





    The feminine/wife aspect of Ayaman, she dwelled on Sof and was part of a larger clan including Laliya. She greeted the Surfer upon his arrival on Sof and spoke with Gabriel, teaching him of the value of love, before meeting up with the Surfer and Aman, and merging with the latter to become Ayaman.

    --Silver Surfer IV#8









cosmic zoo





    The cosmic zoo was a collection aboard the Great Ark of the various animal species of Earth so that they could survive Earth's seemingly imminent destruction. Some sources seemed to indicate the species were only preserved as DNA samples, while others showed the animal species physically present. Gabriel Acheron released some of these animals to attack the Council, ultimately causing the Great Ark to crash on Earth. Gabriel returned the ship to the surface, saving those surviving to that point, and the Surfer healed the damage to Earth caused by the ship's crash.




--Silver Surfer IV#3 (4, 12








    The Council was a union of extraterrestrials. They were apparently dedicated to saving from destruction races seeded by the Annunaki, by transplanting selected members of those races to the planet Sof. They sought to guide and train Ellie Waters, Gabe Acheron, and the other children in preparation for the trip to Sof, but Gabe evolved beyond their expectations and control, and after Amnel was struck down on Earth in a failed attempt to recover Ellie, the journey to Sof was prevented by at least subconscious unwillingness to leave Amnel behind, and Gabe subsequently led an uprising that released the animals from the cosmic zoo to attack the Council, injuring and/or killing some of them and ultimately causing the Great Ark to crash on Earth. Gabriel returned the ship to the surface, saving those surviving to that point, and the Surfer healed the damage to Earth caused by the ship's crash.


--Silver Surfer IV#1 (BTS); (seen) #9 (10-13




Great Ark

    The ship the Council used to hold and transport the chosen representatives during the training and travel to Sof. It eventually crashed on Earth after Gabe led an uprising against the Council and Marduk severed the Surfer's contact with the ship. The Great Ark crashed into the ocean, entering the Mariana Trench; children and crew panicked collectively, fearing the ship's hull would not hold, but Gabe apparently brought the ship back to the surface to float safely. Marduk encouraged the Surfer to return to the stars, noting that the ship had struck the most vulnerable point on Earth, and the ensuing shockwaves would destroy Earth and all of her people. Despite Marduk's arguments of the necessity of this and how humanity deserved to die, the Surfer merged his energies with Earth and brought the near-cataclysm to an end.

--Silver Surfer IV#4 (4-7, 9-13









(Silver Surfer IV#7 (fb) - BTS) - The Annunaki created the machine/planet Marduk; its sole purpose was to preserve life within Earth's solar system, at any cost. Once set into motion, it was allegedly unstoppable by force or reason.

(Silver Surfer IV#14 (fb)) - Man with his limitless creative power, wished Marduk into existence (see comments). In hatred of self and of soul, mankind sought an awful god to punish him for his sins. Marduk was initially a thought-form, invisible to the mortal eye. As the eons passed, it solidified and became a monstrous thing, burning with false light.

(Silver Surfer IV#12) - As the Annunaki perished (save at least Amnel), Marduk remained as their will, existing to repair the brokenness in man, to end suffering, and to make Three into One.
    Marduk contained three wills, the first urging the destruction of man; the second seeking to preserve what the Annunaki had guided; the third seeking to do both.

(Silver Surfer IV#14 (fb)) - As mankind told stories of floods and fires, lost civilizations, and whole worlds annihilated by Marduk, and of the "Man of Shuruppak," who was to tear down his own house and build a ship containing the seed of all living things. As man's fear of Marduk grew, Marduk heard and believed the stories. Ayaman and others watched and prayed the man's love and wisdom would dispel this phantom, but Marduk only grew stronger, and it moved to murder its creator. It could not comprehend that it would cease to exist once mankind was no more; for it was a soulless creature.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 (fb)) - When the great kingdoms of (pre-Cataclysmic) Earth grew corrupt, waging endless war with each other, they awakened Marduk from its dormancy. Marduk came, drawn by mankind's urge towards self-destruction. To save Earth itself, Marduk drowned the warring kingdoms.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 (fb) - BTS) - In recent years, Marduk was again drawn by humanity's urge towards self-destruction. For years, the movement was slow, almost imperceptible, but gradually it gained speed day by day, eventually achieving rapid speed.

(Silver Surfer#8 (fb) - BTS) - Ayaman and/or the Council foresaw that Marduk would awaken and destroy Earth. They arranged a mission for the Surfer, intending that he might save Earth, so it could evolve.

(Silver Surfer IV#7 / Silver Surfer#8 (fb) - BTS) - The Surfer told Gabe of the Annunaki's history with Mars, Tiamat, and Earth. The Surfer then showed Gabe the planet Marduk (aka Nibiru & Wormwood), revealing it would reach Earth within 6 months. The Surfer noted that it was beyond his power to stop Marduk.

(Silver Surfer IV#8 - BTS) - Ayaman further revealed that Marduk would arrive too late, with man already having wiped itself out.

(Silver Surfer IV#9 - BTS) - Gabe believed Marduk was going to heal Earth for a new regime, but Noah introduced doubt in Gabe's mind.

(Silver Surfer IV#12) - After Gabriel led an uprising against the Council, Marduk -- noting that even those chosen by the Council were effectively broken -- vowed to destroy Earth, and released the Surfer from its service. As the Surfer lost control, the Great Ark plummeted toward Earth.

(Silver Surfer IV#13) - The Great Ark crashed into the ocean, but Gabe apparently brought the ship back to the surface to float safely. Marduk encouraged the Surfer to return to the stars, noting that the ship had struck the most vulnerable point on Earth, and the ensuing shockwaves would destroy Earth and all of her people. Despite Marduk's arguments of the necessity of this and how humanity deserved to die, the Surfer merged his energies with Earth and brought the near-cataclysm to an end. Nonetheless, Marduk had arrived in the Australian outback, and it announced its plans to finish things. The Surfer, in return, told Marduk that it was the malignancy; that the evil in men came from it.
    Posing as Amnel, Marduk drew Ellie away from her mother, promising to reveal her true origins, and duped Ellie into allowing "her" to sever Ellie's link to Denise, seemingly slaying Denise. Marduk partially merged with Ellie.

(Silver Surfer IV#14) - Backed by Ellie's power, Marduk struck down the Surfer; however, the Dreamer awakened, and Marduk was pulled into the Singularity (or a vortex, or something). Ayaman met with Ellie, revealing her to be the Dreamer, and giving her the choice of leaving Earth's history to explore other realities. Ellie declined, further noting that Marduk did not seem real, and Ayaman noted how mankind had created Marduk as part of the monsters they feared in the dark. Ayaman further revealed that many, including Denise Waters, Gabe & Stewart Acheron plus Noah, had their part to play, for good or ill. On Amnel's homeworld, Amnel's people sang of Amnel's (or Denise Water's?) courage. With Marduk gone, Ellie used her powers, hoping that mankind would learn to breathe free and be the God that lies beneath. And life reverted to as it was, with Denise caring for the silent Ellie, who was a bit more compliant. Stewart Acheron elected to not acquire NASA for his company.

--Silver Surfer IV#7 (7 (fb), 14 (fb), 8 (fb) - BTS, 8-9-BTS, 12-14




    Over 100 million years ago, advanced civilizations dwelled within Earth's solar system, on the planet now known as Mars and on her sister planet, Tiamat. For reasons long forgotten, the two world went to war. Mars was left a desolate wasteland, none of its inhabitants surviving. Tiamat was annihilated, its remains forming an asteroid belt.
    From a distant star came the Annunaki, mourning the loss of these beloved worlds. They mourned for eons.


--Silver Surfer IV#7











navigation chamber


    The portion of the Great Ark used to transport the ship and its inhabitants across a wormhole to Sof.


--Silver Surfer IV#11













(Silver Surfer IV#14 (fb) - BTS) - According to Ayaman, in the beginning there was the Void, which was everything and forever. Contraction occurred, allowing space to appear in the Void...the feminine womb, the Dreamer, containing all possibility. Fruition then occurred, and a point appeared in space...the masculine Dream, the Singularity, manifesting all reality. From these three, Void, Womb, Singularity, come all that is. A rupture occurred between the point and the space, between contraction and fruition, between male and female, between possibility and reality. From the rupture arose time.

(Silver Surfer IV#5) - When Gabe Acheron and Ellie Waters pleaded for Ellie to see her mother, the Surfer sought out and visited the Singularity.

(Silver Surfer IV#6) - The Singularity told the Surfer that Ellie was protected, and the Surfer shared his limited experience/memories.

(Silver Surfer IV#14) - Backed by Ellie's power, Marduk struck down the Surfer; however, the Dreamer awakened, and Marduk was pulled into the Singularity (or a vortex, or something). With the Singularity?, Ayaman met with Ellie, revealing her to be the Dreamer, and giving her the choice of leaving Earth's history to explore other realities. Ellie declined, further noting that Marduk did not seem real, and Ayaman noted how mankind had created Marduk as part of the monsters they feared in the dark. Ayaman further revealed that many, including Denise Waters, Gabe & Stewart Acheron plus Noah, had their part to play, for good or ill. On Amnel's homeworld, Amnel's people sang of Amnel's (or Denise Water's?) courage. With Marduk gone, Ellie used her powers, hoping that mankind would learn to breathe free and be the God that lies beneath. And life reverted to as it was, with Denise caring for the silent Ellie, who was a bit more compliant. Stewart Acheron elected to not acquire NASA for his company.

The Surfer described exposure to the Singularity as: "There is light. And a sound. So low, so deep, that the vibrations carry to the ends of the universe. Life forms on those waves like foam on the sea. The sound strips the soul from one's body."


--Silver Surfer IV#5 (14 (fb), 5-6, 14



    Sof is a planet orbiting the star Sirius (9 light years from Earth), accessed by the Council and Great Ark via opening of a wormhole. Selected members of dying races (perhaps only those seeded by the Annunaki?) were transported there to preserve their species. It is an idyllic paradise-world of lush flora and fauna. Natives include Aya and Aman (also existing as the collective Ayaman); Laliya, also of their clan; Kiyava and his clan; the Udayume; the Aumavi tree; natives of Eryon, Gral, Sfira, & Uru, among others. On Sof, "humanity's distant cousins lived a thousand years and more."











--Silver Surfer IV#8 (9, 11 (BTS)




    Roughly approximating a biped, four-eyed dolphin, Stessa was presumably a member of an unidentified extraterrestrial race, though he/she may have been a genetically engineered dolphin, or something else altogether. Stessa was part of the Council aboard the Great Ark, and apparently had the means to transport the Ark across the wormhole to Sof, but, like the Surfer, Stessa was divided in not wishing to leave Amnel behind, and was thus also unable to perform the transport.

--Silver Surfer IV#9 (11-13?








    Over 100 million years ago, advanced civilizations dwelled within Earth's solar system, on the planet now known as Mars and on her sister planet, Tiamat. For reasons long forgotten, the two world went to war. Mars was left a desolate wasteland, none of its inhabitants surviving. Tiamat was annihilated, its remains forming an asteroid belt.
    From a distant star came the Annunaki, mourning the loss of these beloved worlds. They mourned for eons.


--Silver Surfer IV#7











Dr. Yedlin


    Aboard the Great Ark, Dr. Yedlin was apparently the mastermind behind the Cosmic Zoo.



--Silver Surfer IV#4


images: (without ads)
Silver Surfer IV#3, pg. 11 - cosmic zoo
        pg.12, panel 1 (Amnel - body, distant), panel 3 (Amnel - face)
    #4, pg. 14, panel 1 (sleeping children), panel 3 (Amnel - abdomen up)
        pg. 18, panel 1 - Dr. Yedlin
    #5, pg. 14, panel 2 - various aliens
        last page - Singularity (or #6, pg.1)
    #7, pg. 1 - Martians
        pg. 2 - Tiamat
        pg. 4, panel 2 (Annunaki - full body, except feet)
        pg. 5, panel 1 (Annunaki granting consciousness to primitive hominids)
        pg. 14 (Marduk)
    #8, pg. 1-2 - Sof
        pg.4, panel 3 & 5 - Aya face & body
        pg. 12, panel 1 & 2 - Aman face & body (profile)
    #9, last page - aliens on Surfer's ship
    #11, pg. 2, panel 1 - unidentified female alien & little big-head alien on the Bridge
        pg. 3, navigation chamber
        pg. 5, panel 1 - Great Ark
        pg. 6, panel 2 - Stessa (4-eyed dolphin-like alien)
    #12, pg. 9 - Council
    #14, pg. 8, panel 2 - Ayaman

Silver Surfer IV#1 (September, 2003) - Dan Chariton & Stacy Weiss (writers), Milx (artist), Marc Sumerak & Andy Schmidt (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editors)
Silver Surfer IV#2 (December, 2003) - Dan Chariton & Stacy Weiss (writers), Lan Medina (penciler), Avalon (digital inks), Marc Sumerak & Andy Schmidt (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Silver Surfer IV#3-4 (January-February, 2004) - Dan Chariton & Stacy Weiss (writers), Lan Medina (penciler), Avalon (digital inks), Marc Sumerak, Andy Schmidt, & Nicole (?) Wiley (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Silver Surfer IV#5 (March, 2004) - Dan Chariton & Stacy Weiss (writers), David Yardin (penciler), Avalon (digital inks), Marc Sumerak, Andy Schmidt, & Nicole (?) Wiley (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Silver Surfer IV#6 (April, 2004) - Dan Chariton & Stacy Weiss (writers), Lan Medina (penciler), Avalon (digital inks), Marc Sumerak, Andy Schmidt, & Nicole (?) Wiley (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Silver Surfer IV#7 (May?, 2004) - Dan Chariton & Stacy Weiss (writers), Lan Medina (penciler), Avalon (digital inks), Andy Schmidt & Nicole (?) Wiley (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Silver Surfer IV#8-12 (June-October, 2004) - Dan Chariton & Stacy Weiss (writers), Lan Medina (penciler), Avalon (digital inks), Andy Schmidt & Nicole (?) Wiley (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Silver Surfer IV#13-14 (November-December, 2004) - Dan Chariton & Stacy Weiss (writers), Lan Medina (penciler), Avalon (digital inks), Andy Schmidt, Nicole (?) Wiley & Molly Lazer (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 06/12/2012
Last updated: 01/30/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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