Type: Planet
Official Name: Ardent Spring (any other identification as yet unrevealed)
Location: On the edge of the Shi'ar Imperium
Population: Currently zero; former population unrevealed
Capital City: Unrevealed
Government: Unspecified, but within the Shi’ar Empire
Languages: Unrevealed, presumably at least the primary Shi’ar language
National Defense: Unrevealed, but presumably had access to defense from the Imperial Guard
Places of Interest: None identified
Domestic Super Humans: None identified
Prominent Citizens: None identified
Superhuman Residents: None identified
First Appearance: Starjammers I#1 (October, 1995)
Verdant Spring was the third such world to be destroyed by
the Uncreated.
Comments: Created by Warren Ellis, Carlos Pacheco, and Cam Smith.
To clarify on the main image, the framing technology is part of the Shi'ar ship from which the destroyed planet was viewed. The fireball is pretty much what is left of the planet.
Profile by Snood.
Ardent Spring has no known connections to
images: (without ads)
Starjammers I#1, pg. 12, panel 2 (Ardent
Springs in flames)
Starjammers I#1 (October, 1995)
Last updated: 12/22/12.
Any Additions/Corrections? please
let me know.
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