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Real Name: Stacy Dolan

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Fugitive;
    formerly police detective

Group Membership: None;
    formerly New York Police Department

Affiliations: Brett Mahoney, Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers), Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards)

Enemies: Black Widow (Yelena Belova), Blade (Eric Brooks), Collins, Dominic Fortune (David Fortunov), Trenton Craft (Colonel America), Micromax (Scott Wright), Retcon, Lt. Michael Soletti, The Thing (Ben Grimm), Jaafar Yoosuf

Known Relatives: Unrevealed

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Marvel Comics Presents II#1 (November, 2007)

Powers/Abilities: Dolan is a fully trained police officer and well versed in police-issued firearms and tactics. 


(Marvel Comics Presents II#1/1) - Months ago, Detective Dolan personally arrested Jaafar Yoosuf as the man was trying to deal in black market superpowers. 

(Marvel Comics Presents II#11/1 (fb)) - A mind-controlled Dolan entered Trenton Craft’s apartment and shot him twice in the chest, but had no recollection of the event.

(Marvel Comics Presents II#1/1) - Some time later she was called in on a case concerning a "John Doe" (actually Trenton Craft) in a high rise penthouse. She went over the scene of the crime with her partner, Brett Mahoney. They were confused when their investigation turned up no leads, not even a proof of identity for the victim. After canvassing the neighborhood, Dolan was shocked when one apparent witness saw the victim before he was shot: the Watcher.

(Marvel Comics Presents II#2/1) - Dolan and Mahoney were chewed out by their supervisor, Lt. Soletti, for their failure to properly identify their John Doe. Dolan made an appointment with Mr. Fantastic to try and determine if the Watcher had been at the scene of the crime. When the leader of the Fantastic Four was less than forthcoming, Dolan and Richards debated matters relating to police procedural and super human involvement. When the matter of the John Doe came up, Richards was curious as he was unable to find a single shred that the man ever existed.

(Marvel Comics Presents II#3/1) - Dolan and Mahoney reported their meager findings to Soletti, who chewed them out further for suggesting to take the case to Code: Blue or the Avengers. Sent back out to re-canvas the area, Mahoney found that all cameras for the surrounding areas had been stolen. One print was found. Dolan was quite surprised to learn of its owner: the presumed dead Yelena Belova. A homeless man reported to Mahoney that had seen a weird man sitting in an alley across from the John Doe’s apartment the night of the murder. Dolan was shocked when she saw the wallet the homeless man lifted from the stranger. She had proof that Jaafar Yoosuf had been in the area.

(Marvel Comics Presents II#4/1) - Dolan and Mahoney, after much procedure, obtained a warrant to search Yoosuf’s apartment. Grousing about the amount of red tape needed to go through in order to bring Code: Blue in, Dolan entered the apartment. Along with a SWAT team they searched the rooms but found nothing. As Dolan lowered her guard, SWAT member Collins opened fire on her. Falling through a window, Dolan was saved thanks to the intervention of Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers). After getting patched up, Dolan reported her findings to Soletti who said that she opened fire on Collins first. He also dropped another bombshell: the ballistics report from the John Doe case showed that the bullets that killed him came from her gun.

(Marvel Comics Presents II#5/1) - Dolan was arrested. While in transport her ride was attacked by Dominic Fortune. The gun for hire introduced himself to the former detective and announced his intent to kill her.

(Marvel Comics Presents II#6/1 (fb)) – Dolan was arrested for the murder of the John Doe. She had a confrontation with Mahoney. She tried to argue that Yoosuf had set her up, also citing the various incidents of mind control and shape shifters running loose in the world. She was silent when he showed her a DVD recording that showed Dolan having a confrontation with the John Doe and shooting him twice in the chest. A recorded copy of the shooting was made and mailed anonymously to various sources, including the NYPD and the local media.

(Marvel Comics Presents II#6/1) – While on route to Riker’s Island, Dolan’s ride was attacked by Dominic Fortune. The adventurer disabled her guards but Dolan managed to fight him and escape the vehicle. She was struck by a passing car and thrown from the road, escaping Fortune. 

(Marvel Comics Presents II#7/1) - Dolan ambushed Fortune as he entered the law offices of Craft & Hudgins. Demanding answers, Fortune led her to the headquarters of Vanguard. Threatening to shoot Fortune, Dolan saw the video footage of her supposedly killing the John Doe. Blade (Eric Brooks) and the rest of Vanguard surrounded her and explained that the John Doe was in fact Trenton Craft.

(Marvel Comics Presents II#8/1) - Confronted by the rest of Vanguard, Dolan asked for an explanation before they kill her. Trenton Craft’s background was explained in full detail to Detective Dolan via Retcon’s mental powers. During the process of imparting the information, the team discovered that Dolan had absolutely no memory of shooting Trenton Craft and showed no trace of being hypnotized or otherwise compelled. It was suggested that Dolan may have been remotely controlled by an outside party. The discussion between them was put on hold when an enraged Thing (Ben Grimm) broke into Vanguard’s headquarters.

(Marvel Comics Presents II#9/1) - Figuring out a plan based on what Mahoney told her earlier, Dolan had Blade remove her cuffs. Running into the law offices, she scoured the floors until she found a men’s restroom. Hidden in one of the stalls was Yoosuf. Deducing that Yoosuf could only control people if he was in close proximity, she dragged him into the street, breaking his control over the Thing.

(Marvel Comics Presents II#10/1) - Once the situation had been contained, Dolan brought Yoosuf back to Vanguard’s headquarters and explained his actions. She was shocked and annoyed when Blade shot Yoosuf in the head. Dolan repeated Yoosuf’s final words and told them that Vanguard had been compromised from the inside. This fit in with Blade’s investigation, which led to Dolan noticing Micromax’s attempted escape. She listened to the microscopic hero’s explanation for his reasons. Dolan and the rest of Vanguard were extremely shocked when Trenton Craft walked into the room.  

(Marvel Comics Presents II#11/1) - Dolan and the rest of Vanguard stared down Craft as he explained his being there alive. Dolan offered that since he was living, she would have to be cleared since no murder had been committed. Craft argued that it was worse than that since Craft’s presence wasn’t supposed to be known to anyone. Dolan and the rest of Vanguard were erased from existence by Craft.

(Marvel Comics Presents II#12/1) - Dolan and the others fled. Thanks to Retcon’s powers, Craft was tricked into thinking he had killed them. After Black Widow, Retcon, and Dominic Fortune went their separate ways, Blade and Dolan had one last conversation. Blade offered to kill her painlessly, as she would have to avoid any contact with anyone for the rest of her life. Dolan turned down the offer and left. 

    Six months later, Dolan broke into Mahoney’s apartment. The former partners confronted each other. Dolan gave Mahoney a journal she kept of her experiences and the truth of what happened to her. With the knowledge that Blade had been captured and tortured, Dolan thought it best to leave some kind of record of her existence and the truth with someone she trusted. She left via the window.

Comments: Created by Marc Guggenheim (writer) and Dave Wilkins (art).

Profile by David Lawrence.

Stacy Dolan has no known connections to:



A SWAT officer, Collins was briefly influenced by Yoosuf and tried to kill Dolan.






--Marvel Comics Presents II#4/1


Brett Mahoney

Mahoney was Dolan’s partner and close friend. He worked closely with her on many cases.




---Marvel Comics Presents II#1/1 (1/1-4/1, 6/1, 12/1


Lieutenant Michael Soletti

Dolan and Mahoney’s superior, Soletti had a dim view of super humans and cared greatly about achieving results. 





--Marvel Comics Presents II#2/1 (2/1-4/1, 6/1

images: (without ads)
Marvel Comics Presents II#7, cover (main image)
Marvel Comics Presents II#7/1, p2, pan4 (headshot)
Marvel Comics Presents II#7/1, p3, pan3 (sunglasses on)
Marvel Comics Presents II#4/1, p4, pan6 (Collins)
Marvel Comics Presents II#7/1, p2, pan4 (Mahoney)
Marvel Comics Presents II#7/1, p2, pan5 (Soletti)

Marvel Comics Presents II#1/1 (November, 2007) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Dave Wilkins (pencils/inks), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents II#2/1 (December, 2007) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Dave Wilkins (pencils/inks), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents II#3/1 (January, 2008) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Dave Wilkins (pencils/inks), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents II#4/1 (February, 2008) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Francis Tsai (pencils/inks), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents II#5/1 (March, 2008) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Dave Wilkins (pencils/inks), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents II#6/1 (April, 2008) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Dave Wilkins (pencils), Francis Tsai (inks), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents II#7/1 (May, 2008) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Francis Tsai (pencils/inks), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents II#8/1 (June, 2008) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Francis Tsai (pencils/inks), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents II#9/1 (June, 2008) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Francis Tsai (pencils/inks), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents II#10/1 (August, 2008) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Francis Tsai (pencils/inks), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents II#11/1 (September, 2008) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Francis Tsai (pencils/inks), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents II#12/1 (October, 2008) – Marc Guggenheim (script), Francis Tsai (pencils/inks), John Barber (editor).

Last updated: 07/10/12

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