Membership: Crack (Frederick Pemberton), Ice (Yoshi Nagai), Ms. Fix (Felicia Beyer), Weed (Jack Wiley)
Purpose: To advance Tzin invasion plans as drug enforcers and suppliers
Affiliations: Tzin
Enemies: Captain America (Steve Rogers), Dorreen Caragonne, New Warriors (Firestar, Kid Nova, Marvel Boy, Namorita, Night Thrasher, Silhouette, Speedball)
Base of Operations: Tzin scout ship
First Appearance: Captain America Goes to War Against Drugs#2 (1994)
(Captain America Goes to War Against Drugs#2 (fb)) – Drug addict Felicia Beyer was living on the streets, marijuana user Jack Wiley was living destitute, and fellow addicts Yoshi Nagai and Frederick Pemberton were in similar situations when each was recruited by Tzin agents and exposed to a Mutation Generator (M-Generator) and granted superhuman powers and addicting them to Tzin pain-killing drugs. They became the Drug Lords, helping the Tzin test Earth’s readiness to be conquered by distributing Tzin drugs to humans. Beyer, as Ms. Fix, was supplying New York City dealers with the drugs when Captain America and the New Warriors discovered the operation. The heroes pursued her to where the other Drug Lords were waiting.
(Captain America Goes to War Against Drugs#2) – After confronting the heroes, the Drug Lords and their Tzin commander returned to the Tzin scout ship. The commander berated their incompetence, threatening to withhold the pain-killing drug and return them to their previous pathetic lives, before patronizingly giving them drugs.
Returning to Earth, Ms. Fix sought out Dorreen Caragonne, a high school dance student the Tzin predicted had the potential to be a major contributor to humankind. There Ms. Fix discovered New Warrior Silhouette Chord, Dorreen’s friend, whom she tried to recruit, offering to fix Silhouette’s disabilities with the M-Generator. Feigning interest, Silhouette tricked Ms. Fix into enabling Captain America and herself to teleport with Ms. Fix and Dorreen onto the Tzin ship.
There, the Drug Lords fought Cap and Silhouette until the pain-killing drugs were inadvertently destroyed during the battle, at which point the Drug Lords turned on the Tzin. Cap, Silhouette and Dorreen teleported back to Earth while the Tzin ship exploded, apparently killing the Drug Lords and the Tzin invaders.
Comments: Created by George Caragonne (writer), Colleen Doran (penciller) and Greg Adams (inker).
The Drug Lords’ real names and Dorreen’s last name were revealed in the Tzin profile in Captain America: America’s Avenger#1 (August, 2011). Dorreen is named after her co-creator George Caragonne, who died not long after writing the Drug Lords’ first appearance.
Like the previous Tzin appearance, the Drug Lords story was published as part of an effort to encourage readers to become drug-free, in association with the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Both stories were republished in Captain America Drug War #1 (April 1994).
The title of this story is “Druglords” (no space), but inside the issue the team was referred to as “Drug Lords” (with a space).
Although published in 1994, the story seems to take place circa the late 1991 issues of New Warriors (likely between New Warriors I#17 and 18,), as “Kid Nova” is wearing his classic blue duds, Marvel Boy isn’t in jail yet, and Namorita isn’t blue.
The Drug Lords clearly believe without the pain-killing drug, they will die; it is unrevealed whether or not this is true.
As the ship was exploding, Silhouette used her abilities to repower the Tzin teleporters; whether this allowed anyone other than the heroes to escape is unclear.
Except for Ms. Fix, none of the other Drug Lords were given very much screen-time, so there were few clear images of them (this is particularly true for Ice).
Profile by Kevin Garcia.
Drug Lords have no known connections to:
Crack has no known connections to:
Ice has no known connections to:
Ms. Fix has no known connections to:
Weed has no known connections to:
Crack (Frederick Pemberton)’s life before the Tzin found him was not detailed, but he was the least intelligent, saying things like “Crush you! Crush you all!” When Captain America and Silhouette attacked the Tzin spaceship, Crack immediately attacked, accidentally destroying the ship’s bridge and the Tzin drug supply. With the Tzin drugs gone, Crack and the other Drug Lords turned on their masters, with Crack declaring “Make alien pay!” He apparently died when the ship exploded in space.
Crack was extremely tall, at least 7’, superhumanly tough and strong (enough to hold back Nova and Namorita simultaneously and destroy tons of alien metal).
--Captain America Goes to War Against Drugs#2
Ice (Yoshi Nagai)’s life before the Tzin found him was not detailed, and he had the least to say during his encounters with Captain America and the New Warriors. He apparently died when the ship exploded in space.
could project blasts of an unrevealed intensely cold substance from his
hands, wore a suit of armor and had a technological pack of unrevealed
purpose on his back.
--Captain America Goes to War Against Drugs#2
Because of her drug use, Felicia Beyer was living in “filth” before the Tzin found and enhanced her. As Ms. Fix, she served as the Drug Lords leader and point man. When others panicked at the thought of losing the Tzin drugs, she held them back and bargained for another dose from their masters. Noting Silhouette’s disability, Ms. Fix tried to recruit her by promising the Tzin M-Generator could repair a damaged body. When the Tzin drug supply was destroyed, she rejected the Tzin. She apparently died when the ship exploded in space.
Ms. Fix had super speed plus retractable metal claws and spines along her arms.
--Captain America Goes to War Against Drugs#2
Weed (Jack Wiley) lived a pathetic life due to drug addiction prior to his recruitment by the Tzin. After the Drug Lords failed to decisively defeat Captain America, the Tzin threatened to cut off the supply of pain-killing drugs, so Weed threatened to kill the Tzin, but Ms. Fix held him back. Later when Captain America invaded the Tzin spacecraft, Weed offered to save the Tzin commander in exchange for more pain-killing drugs, but when the drugs were destroyed, he and the other Drug Lords turned against the Tzin. He apparently died when the ship exploded in space.
Weed could exude a powerful smoke-like fog, causing respiratory distress and a calming sense of euphoria.
--Captain America Goes to War Against Drugs#2
(without ads)
Captain America Drug War#1, p18-19, pan1 (main image)
Captain America Drug War#1, p26, pan1 (Ice and Ms. Fix want drugs)
Captain America Drug War#1, p34, pan3 (Crack)
Captain America Drug War#1, p23, pa4 (Ice main image)
Captain America Drug War#1, p26, pan4 (Ice face detail)
Captain America Drug War#1, p25, pan3 (Ms. Fix flashback)
Captain America Drug War#1, p33, pan4 (Ms. Fix main image)
Captain America Drug War#1, p30, pan6 (Ms. Fix face detail)
Captain America Drug War#1, p25, pan5 (Weed flashback)
Captain America Drug War#1, p25, pan5 (Weed main image)
Captain America Goes to War Against Drugs#2 (1994) - George
Caragonne (writer), Colleen Doran (penciller), Greg Adams (inker),
Glenn Herdling (editor)
Captain America Drug War#1 (April, 1994) - reprinted
Last updated: 07/11/12.
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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