Real Name: Guy Thierrault
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Commander of ULTIMATUM;
formerly agent of ULTIMATUM
Group Membership: ULTIMATUM (Underground Liberated Totally Integrated Mobile Army To Unite Mankind)
Affiliations: Hydra
Enemies: Araña, Falcon (Wilson), Liberteens (2-D, Blue Eagle, Hope, Iceberg, Ms. America, Revolutionary (Skrull imposter), Whiz Kid), Nomad (Barnes), Runaways (Karolina Dean, Molly Hayes, Victor Mancha, Nico Minoru, Old Lace, Chase Stein, Xavin), Spider-Man (Parker)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Buddy", "dirtbag", Flag Smasher, "jerkwad"
Place of Birth: Unrevealed location in Canada
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways#1 (September, 2006)
Powers/Abilities: A trained fighter, Flag-Smasher's weapon of choice is an over-sized mace, although he has also employed a flame-throwing pistol used by his predecessor. Flag-Smasher wears an aluminum/titanium alloy exo-skeleton under his suit, and his boots are equipped with jet-propellers able to provide him with flight abilities.
History: (Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways#1/Civil War: Battle Damage Report (Runaways)/Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol. 4 (Flag-Smasher)/Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul#1 (Ultimatum) (fb) - BTS) - Following the assassination of the original Flag-Smasher Karl Morgenthau, Canadian ULTIMATUM agent Guy Thierrault assumed the role to continue the spread of ULTIMATUM's anti-nationalism agenda.
(Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways#1 (fb) - BTS) - Active in the Los Angeles area, Flag-Smasher encountered the Runaways, who defeated him and left him tied to a lamppost. Freeing himself, Flag-Smasher avoided imprisonment. (Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways#1) - Travelling through the Santa Monica Farmers' Market, Flag-Smasher was stopped by S.H.I.E.L.D officers enforcing the Superhuman Registration Act because of his above-average build and suspiciously large duffle-bag. His claims to privacy countered by the officers persistance, Flag-Smasher's temper flared and he donning his mask, he struck one of the officers down with his mace. Stopped from finishing the officers off by the Runaways (who wished they'd dealt with Flag-Smasher more conclusively following their last encounter), Flag-Smasher's exo-skeleton was damagaed by cyborg Victor Mancha, allowing super-strong mutant Molly Hayes to kick Flag-Smasher into the pavement.
Comments: Created by Zeb Wells (writer) and Stefano Caselli (artist)
Additonal information about Flag-Smasher was revealed in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol. 4 profile for Flag-Smasher (Morgenthau) and the Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul#1 ULTIMATUM profile; Flag-Smasher's real name was revealed in the latter.
CLARIFICATIONS: Flag-Smasher has no known connections to
Flag-Smasher should not be mistaken for:
images: (without ads)
Nomad: Girl Without a World#2, p5, pan3 (main image)
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways#1, p3, pan3 (close-up, unmasked)
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways#1, p4, pan2 (in action)
Other Appearances:
Civil War: Young Avengers &
Runaways#1 (September, 2006) - Zeb Wells (writer), Stefano Caselli
(artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Dr. Strange: The Oath#1 (December, 2006) - Brian K.
Vaughan (story), Marcos Martin (art), Alvaro Lopez (inks), Tom Brevoort
Civil War: Battle Damage Report (March, 2007) - Anthony
Flamini (head writer/coordinator), Ronald Byrd (writer), Jeff
Youngquist (editor)
Avengers: The Initiative Annual#1 (January, 2008) - Dan
Slott with Christos Gage (writer), Patrick Scherberger (pencils), David
Meikis (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol. 4
(August, 2008) - Jeff Christiansen (head writer), Jeff Youngquist &
Jennifer Grünwald (editors)
Nomad: Girl Without a World#2 (December, 2009) - Sean McKeever (writer), David Baldeon (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul#1 (May, 2010) - Jeff
Christiansen (head writer/coordinator), Mike O'Sullivan, Markus Raymond
& Mike Fichera (writing/coordination assistants), Jeff Youngquist
First Posted: 06/24/2010
Last updated: 06/24/2010
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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