Classification: Magic/cosmic item
Creator: Unrevealed
User/Possessors: Darkstar (Laynia Petrovna),
(Kamo Tharnn), Sif, unidentified
former inhabitants
First Appearance: (referenced) Thor I#232 (February,
(full appearance) Thor I#235 (May, 1975)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Runestaff
enables its user to siphon life energy from
others, deafen others, transfer soul/power from one to another, transfer the
spirits of others (even hundreds of thousands) into the dimension associated
with ("inside") the Runestaff, and transfer his own life essence into another's
form, typically displacing that being's form into the holder's own or into the
Runestaff. It can also fire destructive force blasts able to shatter rock.
Hercules noted the Runestaff seemed almost alive and
wondered if the warm material in the staff portion was wood or metal.
History: The Runestaff's origins are unrevealed.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10:
Possessor entry) - Obtaining the powerful alien and mystic Runestaff
under unspecified circumstances, an unidentified
Achernonian scholar devoted a great deal of time and effort mastering the Runestaff's properties.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10: Possessor entry) - As one of the research assistants at the scholarly master library of the planet Rus, the Achernonian brought the Runestaff before the Master Scholar, Kamo Tharnn.
(Thor I#335 (fb)) <Tharnn's autobiography> - Believing he
possessed all knowledge, Tharnn was astonished to learn of the Runestaff, the powers of which lay beyond
his grasp.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10: Possessor entry) - Excited by such a find, Tharnn asked to examine the Runestaff to record its properties for the master computer personally. Not wanting Tharnn to take credit for its discovery, the Achenonian refused Tharnn.
(Thor I#335 (fb) / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10: Possessor entry) <Tharnn's autobiography> - So zealous was Tharnn's quest for omniscience that he could not control himself and apparently slew the Achernonian when he refused to yield the Runestaff to Tharnn's "urgent pleas for knowledge." With the Runestaff's master slain, Tharnn had no one to explain the Runestaff's mysterious physical and mystical properties.
(Thor I#235 (fb) - BTS / Thor I#335 (fb)) <Tharnn's
autobiography> - His own experimentation proved reckless and, when Tharnn
conjured improperly, his fellow scholars, the faculty of his academy (and, per
Thor I#235, all who once lived upon his world), were trapped within the
Runestaff. Tharnn was cast into blindness by the energies unleashed.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10: Possessor entry) -
Tharnn accidentally dispatched the hundreds of thousands of students and faculty
on Rus into the limbo-like pocket dimension "inside the Runestaff.
(Thor I#232 (fb) - BTS) - Hildegarde, Sif and others learned the Runestaff of Kamo Tharnn held the power of life and death, and granted such power to any who held the staff.
(Thor I#232 - BTS) - Hildegarde reminded Sif of the Runestaff of Kamo Tharnn,
which might save the dying Jane Foster.
(Thor I#235) - With Sif and Hercules having come in
search of the Runestaff, Tharnn blasted Hercules with his Runestaff,
rendering him deaf and subsequently noting that the power he possessed
was for his use alone and that it would remain his evermore. Hercules
dodged an energy blast from the runestaff that apparently shattered
Tharnn's throne, but Tharnn finally nailed Hercules with another blast,
draining Hercules' life force. Hercules ultimately defeated Tharnn and
took the runestaff from Tharnn's hand, noting the runestaff seemed
almost alive and wondering if the warm material in the staff portion
was wood or metal.
Realizing they had to depart immediately because Tharnn's
wrath would be uncontrollable and he would follow them to the ends of the
universe, Sif transported herself, Hercules, and the Runestaff back to Earth (in
New York City's Midtown Hospital), and she urged Hercules and Odin's Vizier to
Jane Foster's room, noting that the time had come for the Spell of Revival.
(Thor I#236 (fb) - BTS) - Sif passed the Runestaff to Odin's
Vizier as she prepared for the ritual.
(Thor I#236 - BTS) - Sif instructed the Vizier to give her the
Runestaff so she could begin the ritual.
As Sif chanted the Spell (which was "as old as time" and in a
language older than human ken...older perhaps than the oldest immortal") the air
around the hospital room crackled with lightning and tasted of ozone, and bursts
of emerald fire shot out. As the rhythm of Sif's words, a pulse like the beating
of a heart, sped up, white lightning replaced the green fire, and Jane Foster's
life seemed to fade before she vanished completely in a burst of green fire.
Soon thereafter, Jane revived, and the Vizier noted how Sif's
life force had been transported into Jane.
(Thor I#335 (fb) - BTS) - Sif's spirit passed through the Runestaff and into Jane Foster, while Sif's body was left behind within the Runestaff.
(Thor I#249 - BTS) - Having accompanied Thor to Asgard, Jane Foster was transformed into/replaced by Sif upon receiving Sif's sword. The Vizier theorized they shared forms and would revert back and forth depending on whether they were in Asgard or on Earth.
(Champions#13 (fb) - BTS) - The Runestaff was placed into one of Midtown Hospital's broom closets.
(Thor I#332 (fb) - BTS) - Superintendent Sundval noted the staff with interest, thinking it my bring him a big reward.
(Champions#13 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to reclaim his Runestaff, Tharnn began moving his planet across space, eventually bringing it close enough to Earth's sun to feel faint warmth from Sol .
(Champions#12 / Champions#13 - BTS) - To stop the Null-Life Bomb, the Stranger (who did not realizing the Runestaff had been brought to Earth), transported Los Angeles' Champions to Kamo Tharnn's world. Hercules swiftly identified the world, while Tharnn recognized Hercules' voice, vowing the one who stole his Runestaff would die.
(Champions#13) - As the other Champions defeated Tharnn, Darkstar
(Laynia Petrovna) and Iceman (Bobby Drake) arrived on Earth (within the
Null-Life bomb in which the Stranger had become trapped) and informed the
Stranger that the Runestaff was still on Earth. Sensing the Runestaff's location, the
Stranger opened a rift in the hyper-space within the bomb's dimensional wall,
and Darkstar reached in and claimed the Runestaff from a broom closet in Midtown
Hospital. Under the Stranger's instruction and with his own power
added to hers, Darkstar added the Runestaff's power to the Null-Life Bomb's
energies, forcing it to grow faster than it had been designed to do; the
expansion exceeded the bomb's programming, effectively driving it mad, and
causing it to expand forever into cosmic nothingness. The bomb thus somehow
ceased to affect the physical world, releasing all those previously trapped
within it.
The Runestaff was not seen during Darkstar's recovery or the
Stranger's departure.
(Thor I#335 (fb)) - Tharnn recalled the Ritual of Retrieval and reclaimed the Runestaff.
(Champions#13 (fb) - BTS) - Sundval realized the Runestaff was gone.
(Thor Annual#9 - BTS) - In the Dark Dimension, Umar bathed Sif in the G'unathic Guardians' energy, reverting her back to Jane Foster. Upon returning to Earth, Jane turned back into Sif.
(Thor I#335 (fb)) - Tharnn attempted once again to to master the Runestaff's powers, but only succeeded at transferring the souls trapped within into his own body/mind, leaving himself addled.
(Thor I#334 (fb) - BTS) - Tharnn concealed the Runestaff within the walls of his world's Master Library so base thieves and villains would not discover it.
(Thor I#335 (fb) - BTS) - Criminal Kt'kn encountered and imprisoned the addled Tharnn.
(Thor I#332 - BTS) - Seeking the Runestaff to locate the missing Jane Foster, Thor learned of its absence from Sundval. Don Blake/Thor eventually determined that Dr. Stephen Strange may be able to help him locate the Runestaff.
(Thor I#333 - BTS) - Determining Thor's plight, Dr. Strange
used the Orb of Agamotto to ascertain the Runestaff's location, mystically
impressing the planet's location within Thor's mind.
(Thor I#334) - Thor, Sif, and Keith Kincaid (Jane Foster's
fiancé) took an Avengers quinjet to Tharnn's world, defeated the Kt'kn criminals,
and located Tharnn held within
painful energy bonds. An agonized Tharnn acquiesced when Thor offered to free
him in exchange for yielding to him the Runestaff wherever it was hidden. Tharnn
led Thor and his allies to the Master Library and
revealed the Runestaff's hidden location. The addled Tharnn threatened Thor with
the Runestaff's great power, but then turned it over, as promised. Thor handed
the Runestaff to Sif, who spoke the ritual, but it failed as Sif found that
Jane's essence was not within her; Sif feared Sif may be lost to them
(Thor I#335) - Seeking to reclaim the Runestaff, Tharnn was
overcome by the personality of Axor before collapsing. After Sif
revealed her previous experience with the Runestaff, Kincaid convinced Sif to
travel within the Runestaff, and Thor joined her in the quest. Sif accessed the Runestaff's inner
realm via her own magical sword's dimension-cleaving properties, but she and
Thor were swiftly pulled into a fiery sea that hauled them in its tow, though
Thor soon pulled them to safety, and they continued their search.
Meanwhile, Keith Kincaid scanned Tharnn's collapsed
form, noting an EEG (electro-encephalogram) was recording multiple
(perhaps 100 or more) brainwaves. Recalling how Tharnn had previously
stated he was not Tharnn, Kincaid suspected Tharnn's body was hosting
more than one being. Tharnn swiftly displayed at least five different
personalities in a few minutes. The Macro-Screen's system revealed
Tharnn's history, after which Tharnn was overwhelmed by the personality
of Al'Axis, the Philosopher Supreme of the planet Quintar.
Kincaid then realized Jane Foster was trapped within Tharnn
rather than the Runestaff, and he grasped the Runestaff and tried to urge Thor
and Sif to return to him; Kincaid's anxieties manifested in the forms of a few
giant lobster-like creatures that apparently sought to take Thor and Sif back to
Kincaid. Unaware of their intent, Thor and Sif overcame the lobster creatures, but Kincaid first shook
the Runestaff in frustration (leading to winds buffeting the gods within about)
and then tried tapping the Runestaff to the ground (like Thor did with Mjolnir
to transform into Blake, and vice-versa), which rolled them end-over-end
repeatedly. Finally Kincaid calmed down and waited, and Thor and Sif found the
inner world's center, which appeared empty. Believing they had failed, Thor had Sif
use her dimension-cleaving sword to return them to Rus.
As they emerged, Kincaid explained what he had learned, and
Sif used the Runestaff on Tharnn, freeing hundreds or more alien entities in a
blinding flash. Searching amidst the aliens, Thor found a dazed Jane Foster.
His mind once again sound, Tharnn thanked Thor and
vowed the Runestaff would be studied thoroughly and that it would only
be used at all when it could be put to good and moral use.
(Silver Surfer III#4 (fb) - BTS) - The Possessor gathered with several other Elders (Astronomer, Champion, Collector, Contemplator (actually a Skrull imposter), Gardener, Grandmaster, Obliterator, Runner, Trader), using Ego the Living Planet as their meeting place. They formed an alliance with the powerful Ego by rationalizing that his nature as a unique being made him the last of his kind and thus an Elder.
(Silver Surfer III#4) - Mantis joined forced with the Silver Surfer to oppose the Elders' plans, fought the gathered Elders, and escaped.
(Silver Surfer III#7 (fb) - BTS) - The Elders (Astronomer, Champion, Collector, Gardener, Grandmaster, Possessor, Runner, Trader) regathered on Earth.
(Silver Surfer III#7) - The Elders (Astronomer,
Champion, Collector, Gardener, Grandmaster, Possessor, Runner, Trader, plus the
astral self of the Contemplator imposter) discussed recent, failed efforts to
kill the Silver Surfer, then moved on to discuss how they might slay Galactus
(which they believed would collapse the universe and create a new universe where
the Elders would rule as similarly-powered "Galacti") via the six main Infinity
The Gardener discovered Mantis spying on them and captured
(Silver Surfer III#9 / Silver Surfer III#10 (fb) - BTS) - With
both Shalla-Bal and Mantis their prisoners, and the Elders possessing 5 of the 6
primary Infinity Gems, the Elders coerced the Silver Surfer to release the Mind Gem to save Shalla-Bal and Mantis;
the Elders trap to destroy all three failed.
When Galactus arrived, the Elders used the six Infinity Gems
to siphon his powers into six nearby worlds, but Galactus recovered with aid
from Nova (Frankie Raye), in the process creating a black hole into
which the Possessor, Astronomer, and Trader (as well as the Infinity Gems and
the Runestaff) were
(Silver Surfer III#15 (fb)) - The Possessor, Astonomer, and Trader emerged from the Black Hole in the "Magic Realm" (domain of the In-Betweener, Lord, Chaos, and Master Order). Tharnn retained his Runestaff, but all six Infinity Gems were scattered about the realm.
(Silver Surfer III#17 (fb) - BTS) - The Possessor was aware of the legends of the In-Betweener and knew they were based on fact.
(Silver Surfer III#15 (fb)) - The Possessor allowed himself to become the property of the Sinalinas race in exchange for two Infinity Gems to be given to the Astronomor and Trader. Tharnn retained the Runestaff.
(Silver Surfer III#16 - BTS / Silver Surfer III#17 (fb) - BTS) - The Possessor (with the Runestaff), Astronomer, and Trader hid behind a panel aboard the ship while Reed Richards accidentally touched the Soul Gem and was briefly possessed by the In-Betweener, who subsequently emerged physically into the Magic Realm.
(Silver Surfer III#17) - The Possessor, Astronomer, and Trader emerged from behind their hidden panel. The Elders (with the Runestaff) and the In-Betweener departed to Earth's universe. When the In-Betweener failed to destroy Galactus and instead decided to cast Galactus back through the black hole, the Elders fired a blast drawing on their Infinity Gems' power, but the In-Betweener summoned Death and apparently forced her to slay the three Elders (the Runestaff vanished in the blast).
(Silver Surfer III#18 - BTS) - The Grandmaster stated, "I do not believe that childish story of Death being forced to do do anything. Death swore to refuse us forever!" He chose to risk his existence in that belief.
(Quasar#47 (fb) - BTS) - Somehow "back to status quo" and still holding the Runestaff, the Possessor was one of several beings who investigated and/or sought dominion of the nascent/embryonic/fetal Origin. The Possessor actually sought the two Quantum Bands in its possession.
(Quasar#47) - As Quasar (Wendell Vaughn) and his ally Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson) teleported into Origin's proximity, the Possessor guided the Runestaff to fire a life force-draining energy blast at Quasar. The Runestaff informed the Possessor that Quasar's life force had a unique, extradimensional taste (the Starbrand). As Quasar withered under the assault, Thunderstrike turned the Obliterator's weapon on the Possessor, stunning him. When the Obliterator got the upper hand on Thunderstrike, Quasar hurled the Runestaff at the Obliterator, shattering his battering pod and incapacitating him.
(Quasar#48) - Quasar and Thunderstrike departed with the Obliterator and Possessor, Quasar transported them all to intergalactic space between the Milky Way and galaxy and the Greater Magellanic cloud. Before Quasar could depart, the Possessor transferred his consciousness into Thunderstrike (and sent Thunderstrike's consciousness into the Possessor's form, which he then struck unconscious). Thunderstrike (with the Possessor's consciousness) then attacked Quasar, who realized that while the Possessor appeared to be unconscious, he was clutching the Runestaff determinedly. As Quasar approached, the Possessor withdrew his influence from Thunderstrike, struck Quasar with the Runestaff and ordered Quasar away. Just as Thunderstrike broke free, the Possessor cast his essence into Quasar and took over his form. Playing on the Possessor's fear of things unknown to him, Quasar used the residual Starbrand energy to drive out the Possessor, then fired an energy blast that apparently disintegrated the Runestaff. Unwilling to let go of the staff, the Possessor's right arm was disintegrated as well, just below the elbow. Noting he could easily regenerate his arm, the Possessor angrily told Quasar that without his most prized Runestaff, he could no longer possess anyone. Unsympathetic, Quasar departed with Thunderstrike, leaving the Possessor and Obliterator trapped in intergalactic space.
Comments: Created by Gerry Conway, John Buscema, and Joe Sinnott.
Profile by Snood.
The Runestaff should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Thor I#235, pg. 17, panel 2 (Runestaff face)
#236, pg. 13, panel 1 - Sif using Runestaff to save Jane
#334, pg. 21, panels 3-5 (Runestaff side, face, & oblique
#335, pg. 6, panel 3 - Runestaff's inner realm - maelstrom
pg. 9, panel 4 - Runestaff inner
realm - landscape
pg. 13, panel 4 - Runestaff inner
realm - lobster creatures
pg. 15, panel 6 - Runestaff inner
realm - center
pg. 17, panel 1-4 - Runestaff former
pg. 18, panel 1 - Runestaff former
residents 2
pg. 20, panel 1 - Runestaff former
residents 3
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10 (September, 1986):
Possessor entry main entry
It is a mystic realm, and a pocket universe in which souls of those whose knowledge is absorbed by Runestaff are transported
(Thor I#235 (fb) - BTS / Thor I#335 (fb)) <Tharnn's
autobiography> - His own experimentation proved reckless and, when Tharnn
conjured improperly, his fellow scholars, the faculty of his academy (and, per
Thor I#235, all who once lived upon his world), were trapped within the
Runestaff. Tharnn was cast into blindness by the energies unleashed.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10: Possessor entry) -
Tharnn accidentally dispatched the hundreds of thousands of students and faculty
on Rus into the limbo-like pocket dimension "inside the Runestaff.
(Thor I#335 (fb)) - Tharnn attempted once again to to master the Runestaff's powers, but only succeeded at transferring the souls trapped within into his own body/mind, leaving himself addled.
(Thor I#335) - Seeking to reclaim the Runestaff, Tharnn was overcome by the personality of Axor before collapsing. After Sif revealed her previous experience with the Runestaff, Kincaid convinced Sif to travel within the Runestaff, and Thor joined her in the quest. Sif accessed the Runestaff's inner realm via her own magical sword's dimension-cleaving properties, but she and Thor were swiftly pulled into a fiery sea that hauled them in its tow, though Thor soon pulled them to safety, and they continued their search.
Meanwhile, Keith Kincaid scanned Tharnn's collapsed form, noting an EEG (electro-encephalogram) was recording multiple (perhaps 100 or more) brainwaves. Recalling how Tharnn had previously stated he was not Tharnn, Kincaid suspected Tharnn's body was hosting more than one being. Tharnn swiftly displayed at least five different personalities in a few minutes. The Macro-Screen's system revealed Tharnn's history, after which Tharnn was overwhelmed by the personality of Al'Axis, the Philosopher Supreme of the planet Quintar.
Kincaid then realized Jane Foster was trapped within Tharnn
rather than the Runestaff, and he grasped the Runestaff and tried to urge Thor
and Sif to return to him; Kincaid's anxieties manifested in the forms of a few
giant lobster-like creatures that apparently sought to take Thor and Sif back to
Kincaid. Unaware of their intent, Thor and Sif overcame the lobster creatures, but Kincaid first shook
the Runestaff in frustration (leading to winds buffeting the gods within about)
and then tried tapping the Runestaff to the ground (like Thor did with Mjolnir
to transform into Blake, and vice-versa), which rolled them end-over-end
Finally Kincaid calmed down and waited, and Thor and Sif found the
inner world's center, which appeared empty. Believing they had failed, Thor had Sif
use her dimension-cleaving sword to return them to Rus.
As they emerged, Kincaid explained what he had learned, and
Sif used the Runestaff on Tharnn, freeing hundreds or more alien entities in a
blinding flash. Searching amidst the aliens, Thor found a dazed Jane Foster.
--Thor I#335
Top left batch of images.
top panel: fairly clearly visible/identifiable to me are a Judan (far back),
Elan, Alpha Centaurian, Aakon, A'askvarii, Ciegremite, and possibly a Grund,
Druff, & Korbinite
bottom left panel: XXX
bottom middle panel: top left - identifiable, but eluding me; fomalhauti legs?
Bottom middle panel, human in the chair above Sif's
speech / next to the blue guy, appears to be Captain Christopher Pike from Star
fourth panel: XXX + Jane Foster
Right image: Ciegremite, reptile quadruped?, Brood, A-Chiltarian, Mercurian-691?, Judan, Jane Foster, plus Thor; bottom left corner may be a Deonist, and possibly (probably not?) a well muscled Sagittarian (based only on the ridge on his head)
Bottom left image: Fomalhauti, Cotati, miscolored Badoon, possibly a Kronan and a Guna (like the Sun-Stealer)
If you can help identify any of the others, please do! Left image, bottom middle panel, blue guy with star near collar is killing me...someone from Tales to Astonish or Tales of Suspense back-up story?
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10: Possessor entry) - Tharnn opened the doors of his academy of learning to knowledge-seekers from anywhere in the universe.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10: Possessor entry) - Within a century, his institution of advanced knowledge was filled with scholars, students, and researchers from over a thousand different starfaring races.
(Thor I#335 (fb) - BTS) - Tharnn's adopted planet, Rus, long served as an interstellar academy within the local galaxy. Its Master Library housed the most complete bank of data coils within the galactic system.
(Thor I#234 (fb) - BTS) - Kamo Tharnn's homeworld was the sole planet orbiting its star.
(Quasar#48 (fb) - BTS) - Tharnn encountered several of Eon's Protectors of the Universe.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10:
Possessor entry) - For untold millennia, Tharnn was content to be the master
librarian and chief administrator of his university...until one of his research
assistants brought to him the Runestaff.
Thor I#235 (fb) - BTS / Thor I#335 (fb)) <Tharnn's
autobiography> - His own experimentation proved reckless and, when Tharnn
conjured improperly, his fellow scholars, the faculty of his academy (and, per
Thor I#235, all who once lived upon his world), were trapped within the
Runestaff. Tharnn was cast into blindness by the energies unleashed.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10: Possessor entry) -
Tharnn accidentally dispatched the hundreds of thousands of students and faculty
on Rus into the limbo-like pocket dimension "inside the Runestaff.
(Thor I#335 (fb)) - Tharnn attempted once again to to master the Runestaff's powers, but only succeeded at transferring the souls trapped within into his own body/mind, leaving himself addled.
(Thor I#335) - Seeking to reclaim the Runestaff, Tharnn was
overcome by the personality of Axor before collapsing. After Sif
revealed her previous experience with the Runestaff, Kincaid convinced Sif to
travel within the Runestaff, and Thor joined her in the quest. Sif accessed the Runestaff's inner
realm via her own magical sword's dimension-cleaving properties, but she and
Thor were swiftly pulled into a fiery sea that hauled them in its tow, though
Thor soon pulled them to safety, and they continued their search.
Meanwhile, Keith Kincaid scanned Tharnn's collapsed form, noting an EEG
(electro-encephalogram) was recording multiple (perhaps 100 or more)
brainwaves. Recalling how Tharnn had previously stated he was not
Tharnn, Kincaid suspected Tharnn's body was hosting more than one
being. Tharnn swiftly displayed at least five different personalities
in a few minutes. The Macro-Screen's system revealed Tharnn's history,
after which Tharnn was overwhelmed by the personality of Al'Axis, the
Philosopher Supreme of the planet Quintar.
Kincaid then realized Jane Foster was trapped within Tharnn
rather than the Runestaff, and he grasped the Runestaff and tried to urge Thor
and Sif to return to him; Kincaid's anxieties manifested in the forms of a few
giant lobster-like creatures that apparently sought to take Thor and Sif back to
Kincaid. Unaware of their intent, Thor and Sif overcame the lobster creatures, but Kincaid first shook
the Runestaff in frustration (leading to winds buffeting the gods within about)
and then tried tapping the Runestaff to the ground (like Thor did with Mjolnir
to transform into Blake, and vice-versa), which rolled them end-over-end
repeatedly. Finally Kincaid calmed down and waited, and Thor and Sif found the
inner world's center, which appeared empty. Believing they had failed, Thor had Sif
use her dimension-cleaving sword to return them to Rus.
As they emerged, Kincaid explained what he had learned, and
Sif used the Runestaff on Tharnn, freeing hundreds or more alien entities in a
blinding flash. Searching amidst the aliens, Thor found a dazed Jane Foster.
His mind once again sound, Tharnn thanked Thor and vowed Rus
would be rebuilt to serve its original purpose as center and academy for
gathering and disseminating the combined knowledge of the galaxy.
--Thor I#335
Thor I#232 (February, 1975) - Gerry Conway (writer), John Buscema (penciler),
Dick Giordiano (inker), Roy Thomas (editor)
Thor I#234-236 (April-June, 1975) - Gerry Conway (writer), John Buscema (penciler), Joe
Sinnott (inker), Len Wein (editor)
Champions#12-13 (March-May (bi-monthly), 1977) - Bill Mantlo (writer), John
Byrne (penciler), Bob Layton (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Captain America Annual#6 (1982) - by J.M. DeMatteis (scripter), Ron Wilson
(pencil breakdown), Vince Colletta (finished art), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#4 (April, 1983) - Mark Gruenwald
(head writer)
Thor I#332 (June, 1983) - Alan Zelenetz (writer), Don Perlin (penciler), Vince
Colletta (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Thor I#333-335 (July-September, 1983) - Alan Zelenetz (writer), Mark Bright (penciler),
Vince Colletta (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10 (September, 1986):
Possessor entry - Mark Gruenwald (writer/producer), Peter Sanderson
(writer/researcher), Steve Saffel (writer/researcher), Mike Gustovich (penciler),
Josef Rubinstein (inker/embellisher), Howard Mackie (assistant editor)
Silver Surfer III#4 (October, 1987) - Steve Englehart (writer), Marshall Rogers
(penciler), Joe Rubinstein (inker), Michael Higgins (editor)
Silver Surfer III#7 (January, 1988) - Steve Englehart (writer), Marshall Rogers
(penciler), Joe Rubinstein (inker), Michael Higgins (editor)
Silver Surfer III#9-10 (March-April, 1988) - Steve Englehart (writer), Marshall
Rogers (penciler), Joe Rubinstein (inker), Michael Higgins (editor)
Silver Surfer III#15 (September, 1988) - Steve Englehart (writer), Ron Lim (penciler), Joe Rubinstein (inker),
Craig Anderson (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition#28 (1993) - Peter
Sanderson, Murray Ward (writers), Keith Pollard (writer), Josef Rubinstein
(inker), Tom Brevoort (editor), Mark Gruenwald (executive editor)
Quasar#47-48 (June-July, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Andy Smith (penciler),
Ralph Cabrera (inker), Mike Rockwitz (editor), Ralph Macchio (group editor)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First Posted: 12/02/2012
Last Updated: 01/16/2022
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