Classification: Semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Mobile;
formerly an arena on an unidentified
formerly planet "Agalrannt";
formerly an unidentified energy orb
Known Members: None identified; the "Chronicler" appears to be a more unique being, possibly a leader
Affiliations: "Agalrana" race, Bruindilda, Algol Demonstar and numerous unidentified gladiators/combatants, Promoter
Enemies: Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd)
First Appearance: Silver Surfer III#39 (July, 1990)
Powers/Abilities: Previously deriving energy from the orb on which they originated, the Audience primarily gain power from the subtle energy released by witnessing violent struggles between other beings. They can feed to some extent on vegetation, at least, but only barely. They apparently enjoy beverages and certain snack-food items while watching battles.
They have atypical ocular anatomy (see the images), numerous antenna-like projections on the tops and backs of their heads (over the apparent cranial region), four arms, and a long tail. They speak an alien dialect mixed with some English (or English-sounding words), perhaps indicating that they either have some degree of telepathic communication so that they project particularly strong meanings/intents into the minds of others, or perhaps they have a partially functional translator?
The "Chronicler" can project images (either of memories or perhaps actual recordings of past events). No other superhuman abilities have been documented.
They utilized a mass transporter to shift their entire population across space (and apparently through dimensions).
The Audience arrange their entire lives in viewing violent struggles, on which
they fed. They use a Promoter (or perhaps multiple promoters) to arrange battles
between individuals and/or groups, paying larger amounts for better conflicts.
They typically paid well to their combatants in precious gems, but the source of
their wealth is uncertain (they initially hoarded the wealth and valuables of
the natives of the first world on which they arrived, but that could not sustain
them long-term as they paid their warriors; I would imagine they charged
admission to non-Audience guests and/or for distant tele-viewing, as well as
arranging wagers, etc.). As they derived power from such violent conflict,
they generally chose death for defeated warriors/gladiators, and had no
compunctions about the deaths of their combatants. Their combatants were
generally wanted criminals and/or mercenaries, but they would pay well for
anyone who might present an entertaining fight.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric reptilian(?) or insectoid(?) bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; red pupils) - unique appearance - see
image below
Fingers: Four (plus opposing thumb)
Toes: Unrevealed (the images don't show the toes clearly, but it
looks like 4 regular toes and an opposing big toe, like a monkey)
Skin color: Green
Average height: Approximately 5' (completely arbitrary - they seemed
smaller, but there is no frame of reference as they are only seen from the
stadium amongst each other)
(Silver Surfer III#39 (fb)) - A celestial dust cloud became a nebula, after
which an energy orb was formed, and life clusters evolved on the orb's surface.
The clusters split: Separate entities of the one mind.
(Silver Surfer III#39 (fb)) - As time passed and the entities evolved, they became the beings who would later be known as the Audience.
(Silver Surfer III#39 (fb)) - As the entities energy-orb was consumed, they found themselves a new world, a lush world whose vegetation would barely sustain them. The natives initially fled the visitors, though they offered no harm, only observing as the natives fought, attacking other tribes for food and supplies. The visitors found that the subtle energies released by the natives' combat fed the visitors as their energy-orb once did. The visitors hoarded the natives' food and valuables, building arenas and paying the natives' champions to fight for their nourishment.
(Silver Surfer III#39 (fb) - BTS) - Over the centuries, word spread, and the palace of the visitors (who had become known as the Audience) had become legendary and the Audience thrived. The Audience recruited warriors from off-world as they continued to expand their operations.
(Silver Surfer III#39 (fb)) - Many fighters chosen by the
Audience were fleeing criminals, murderers with no other options whose worlds
were glad to see them gone. Others were trained mercenaries to whom death came
as naturally as killing.
(Silver Surfer III#39 - BTS) - On a startling upset, Gaspar Brutan came off the floor to annihilate Big Malvino Dargk back in '34. (see comments)
(Silver Surfer III#39 (fb) - BTS) - Serving as a mercenary warrior/gladiator for the Audience, Algol went undefeated for 3 years.
(Silver Surfer III#39) - When Algol Demonstar defeated his attackers and requested a verdict from the Audience regarding an assailant's life, the Audience gave the thumb's down. Before Agol could act, however, the Silver Surfer approached the Arena and blasted Algol to prevent the senseless murder. This led to an escalating struggle between the Surfer and Algol, during which the Promoter attempted to enlist the Surfer as well as to encourage Algol to play up the fight for greater profit; when the disgusted Surfer departed, the Promoter had Bruindilda pose as Shalla Bal to draw him back. When Algol temporarily incapacitated the Surfer, the Audience gave the Surfer the thumbs down, but the Surfer rallied and defeated Algol. The Surfer then entreated the Audience and the combatants to reflect on Algol's bloody path and fate, in response to which the Audience's chronicler revealed their origins. When the Surfer denounced the Audience and refused to participate, the chronicler led the Audience and their combatants to enter their transporter and seek out new pastures. Seeking to prevent the Audience from spreading their lust for sustenance to the entire universe, the Surfer attempted to destroy their transporter and exile the Audience to that bleak asteroid. The Surfer found the transporter shielded, and their warriors rushed in his path, preventing the Surfer from getting a clear path to and using his full power against the transporter (at least not without killing the warriors) long enough for the transporter to activate. As the Promoter departed (as all others had already gone), she hurled a pouch of jewels at the Surfer, who recognized this as payment for having entertained and fed the Audience with his combat, despite his best efforts. Angrily destroying the gems after realizing he could not track the transporter "through the myriad dimensions," the Surfer departed to surf the cosmos to wash away his feelings of being used and corrupted.
Comments: Created by Alan Grant and James T. Sherman.
One of Algol Demonstar's combatants referenced Stagyn's Bones (presumably a deity or historical figure of import to his people) in reference to the Surfer "crashing the wrong arena! This performance is strictly contract only!"
It is ASSumed the Brutan-Dargk upset was during a battle for the Audience, but the Promoter may just have been relating an unrelated past battle she had witnessed. Further, it is uncertain what time period '34 is meant to represent. It could further be ASSumed to be 1934, but that is unconfirmed. This alien race would not be using the same Gregorian calendar as is used on many places on Earth, but perhaps the speculated partial translator and/or telepathy referenced a numeric date of significance to those present (or at least to the reader!).
The location of the asteroid on which the Surfer encountered the Audience is supposed to take place between the Surfer's defeat of Lifeform, which he abandoned on an unidentified planet long ago devoured by Galactus, and his arrival on Dynamo City, which is in the vague "18D-X-M quadrant." More specifically, it occurred while the Surfer was wandering aimlessly following the Lifeform's defeat, so probably closer to that location.
Profile by Snood.
The Audience race has no known connections to
Telepathic shapeshifter agent/warrior/gladiator of the Promoter
(Silver Surfer III#39 - BTS) - The Promoter recruited Bruindilda, knowing his unique talents would pay dividends one day.
(Silver Surfer III#39) - When the Silver Surfer refused to participate in the Audience's games, the Promoter summoned Bruindilda.
(Silver Surfer III#39 - BTS) - The Promoter explained her plan to have Bruindilda take the form of the Surfer's beloved Shalla Bal and then pretend to be in danger to draw the Surfer back to the arena.
(Silver Surfer III#39) - The Promoter had Bruindilda grasp the globe on the end of the Demonstar and to seek the memory of Shalla Bal, assume her form, and send a telepathic distress message to the Surfer. When Bruindilda's initial efforts failed, Algol extended the Demonstar's spikes into her face and told her to do it or die Spurred by real danger, Bruindilda successfully reached the Surfer; suspecting the duplicity, the Surfer was unwilling to take the chance of not going back if it was really Shalla Bal. The Surfer returned as Algol began assaulting "Shalla" as the Promoter encouraged Algol; now convinced it really was Shalla, the Surfer rushed to the rescue, anxiety blinding him to danger, and Algol assaulted and eventually gained the upper hand on the Surfer. Algol held off on earning his kill bonus until after revealing "Shalla" was actually Bruindilda. Furious over Algol taunting him/mocking his love, the Surfer unleashed an eyeblast that transmuted the Demonstar into loose atoms, defeating Algol.
When the Surfer denounced the Audience and refused to participate, the chronicler led the Audience and their combatants to enter their transporter and seek out new pastures. Bruindilda may have been amongst the warriors that rushed into the Surfer's path, preventing him from getting a clear path to and using his full power against the transporter (at least not without killing the warriors) long enough for the transporter to activate and send the Audience, the Promoter, and the warriors away.
--Silver Surfer III#39
Serving as spokesman and possibly leader for the Audience, the Chronicler can project images (either of memories or perhaps actual recordings of past events).
(Silver Surfer III#39) - The Surfer silenced the Promoter and entreated the Audience to relinquish their bloody path of taking pleasure in death and live henceforth in peace. In response, the Audience's chronicler revealed the Audience's origins to the Surfer. When the Surfer announced his disgust at the Audience's justifying their existence at the expense of so many innocent lives, but the chronicler further noted the nature of the combatants as far from innocent: fleeing criminals, murderers with no other options, or trained mercenaries/natural killers. When one of the combatants further remarked that the pay was good, the Surfer reminded him of Algol's reward.
The Promoter continued to try to enlist the Surfer as a combatant, but the Surfer refused. The chronicler was disappointed, noting the Surfer could have earned a fortune and sustained the audience most excellently, then announced that the Audience would enter the transporter to seek out pastures anew. The Surfer found the transporter shielded, and their gladiators rushed him, preventing the Surfer from getting a clear path to and using his full power against the transporter (at least not without killing the warriors) long enough for the transporter to activate and send the Audience, the Promoter, and the gladiators away.
--Silver Surfer III#39
Paid by the Audience and guided by the
Promoter (or perhaps multiple promoters), the Gladiators
battled, often to the death, for the Audience's enjoyment and nourishment.
Only Algol Demonstar and Bruindilda were identified by name.
(Silver Surfer III#39 (fb) - BTS) - Over the centuries, word spread, and the palace of the visitors (who had become known as the Audience) had become legendary and the Audience thrived. The Audience recruited warriors from off-world as they continued to expand their operations.
(Silver Surfer III#39 (fb)) - Many fighters chosen by the Audience were fleeing criminals, murderers with no other options whose worlds were glad to see them gone. Others were trained mercenaries to whom death came as naturally as killing. The high pay appealed to these combatants.
(Silver Surfer III#39 - BTS) - On a startling upset, Gaspar Brutan came off the floor to annihilate Big Malvino Dargk back in '34. (see comments)
(Silver Surfer III#39 (fb) - BTS) - Serving as a mercenary warrior/gladiator for the Audience, Algol went undefeated for 3 years.
(Silver Surfer III#39) - A group of gladiators ambushed Algol Demonstar, but he evaded their attacks and overpowered them one by one, using the Demonstar to parry, bludgeon, and blast his foes, stripping the flesh from the skull of one of them. Algol then requested a verdict from the Audience regarding the life of an assailant who had yielded to him. The Audience gave the thumb's down, but before Agol could act, however, the Silver Surfer approached the Arena and blasted Algol to prevent the senseless murder. A trio of recovering other gladiators responded, <green female in horned helmet>"...You crashed the wrong arena! This performance is strictly contract only!"; <green-skinned male with apparent short horns in addition to his two-horned helmet> "So butt out, chrome-dome! Go find your own applause!"; and <blue-skinned male with three-horned helmet> "Aww, don't be so hard on him, guys! That was really noble!" Distracted by learning the conflict's nature, the Surfer was smashed from behind by Algol, leading to an escalating struggle between the Surfer and Algol, during which the Promoter attempted to enlist the Surfer as well as to encourage Algol to play up the fight for greater profit. The disgusted Surfer departed, the Promoter had Bruindilda pose as Shalla Bal to draw him back. After Algol temporarily incapacitated the Surfer, the Audience gave the Surfer the thumbs down, but the Surfer rallied and defeated Algol.
The Surfer then entreated the Audience and the combatants to reflect on Algol's bloody path and fate, in response to which the Audience's chronicler revealed their origins and the gladiators' background.
When the Surfer denounced the Audience and refused to participate, the chronicler led the Audience and their combatants to enter their transporter and seek out new pastures. Seeking to prevent the Audience from spreading their lust for sustenance to the entire universe, the Surfer attempted to destroy their transporter and exile the Audience to that bleak asteroid. The Surfer found the transporter shielded, and their gladiators rushed him, preventing the Surfer from getting a clear path to and using his full power against the transporter (at least not without killing the warriors) long enough for the transporter to activate and send the Audience, the Promoter, and the gladiators away.
--Silver Surfer III#39
The Promoter arranged battles for Audience, seeking maximum entertainment for them, in exchange for maximum payment for her clients, the gladiators. Algol Demonstar and Bruindilda were specifically identified as her clients. It is not clear whether she was the sole promoter, or whether there were multiple. She also apparently acted as announcer, at least during fights involving her agents.
(Silver Surfer III#39 - BTS) - The Promoter saw Gaspar Brutan come off the floor to annihilate Big Malvino Dargk back in '34.
(Silver Surfer III#39) - When the Silver Surfer interfered with three year reigning champion Algol Demonstar's planned execution of his defeated combatants, the Surfer and Algol battled, and the Promoter attempted to enlist the Surfer (explaining the Audience's nature) as well as to encourage Algol to play up the fight for greater profit; when the disgusted Surfer departed, the Promoter noticed how the Audience was excited by him and told Algol the Audience was willing to pay triple to see a fight for the Surfer, and she advised him to "make with your magic rod and zap 'handsome' back here!" Algol noted that the Demonstar could project the energy of his imagination or absorb the memories of his opponents, but it was not a transporter. Instructing the Promoter to grasp the Demonstar's glowing end, he allowed her to glimpse the Surfer's memories, and the Promoter confirmed that the Surfer was a major league warrior. Conceiving an alternate plan, the Promoter summoned Bruindilda.
(Silver Surfer III#39 - BTS) - The Promoter explained her plan to have Bruindilda take the form of the Surfer's beloved Shalla Bal and then pretend to be in danger to draw the Surfer back to the arena.
(Silver Surfer III#39) - The Promoter had Bruindilda grasp the
globe, seek the memory of Shalla Bal, assume her form, and send a telepathic
distress message to the Surfer; when Bruindilda initially failed, the Promoter
yanked on "Shalla's" hair and told him to try harder.
The Surfer returned as Algol began assaulting "Shalla" while the Promoter encouraged Algol; anxiety blinded the Surfer to danger, and Algol blasted the Surfer, knocking him off his board. The two struggled, and Algol eventually got the upper hand on the Surfer, butAlgol held off on earning his kill bonus until after revealing "Shalla" was actually Bruindilda; the Promoter taunted the Surfer, noting how his love had made him a loser. Furious over the mocking of his love, the Surfer destroyed the Demonstar and defeated Algol.
The Surfer silenced the Promoter and entreated the Audience to relinquish their bloody path of taking pleasure in death. After the Audience's chronicler revealed the Audience's origins and the nature of the combatants, the Promoter then warned the Surfer that he should have killed Algol, as Algol would be madder than Hell upon recovering. The Promoter continued to try to enlist the Surfer as a combatant and to slay Algol, and the Audience would give him anything he desired, minus the Promoter's 20%, of course. When the Surfer voiced his repulsion with the idea, the Promoter gave him "full marks for speechifyin'...but zero for ambition!" The chronicler was disappointed, noting the Surfer could have earned a fortune and sustained the audience most excellently, then announced that the Audience would enter the transporter to seek out pastures anew. As the last of the Audience and combatants faded from existence with the transporter's activation, the Promoter hurled him a bag of gems as payment. Realizing he had entertained and fed the Audience despite his intent, a disgusted Surfer took to the spaceways to clear his feelings of being used, soiled, corrupted...
Comments: From panel to panel she varies from bare feet (with 4 toes, longest at the center two) to brown boots. Maybe she's a pedmorph.
In case the panels don't show it, she has blue eyes...and green eyeshadow...and was apparently very cold in her outfit, which was not a good thing.
She called the Surfer, Algol, and Bruindilda each "Boubi," which is presumably intended to sound like "Bubi," which I believe is German for "little boy." Usually used to refer to an adult that's acting like a little boy, or to deride someone as such. That's my understanding, anyway...and our own Markus Raymond of Austria supports this.
--Silver Surfer III#39
The Audience utilized a mass transporter to shift their entire population across space (and apparently through dimensions).
(Silver Surfer III#39) - When the Surfer refused to work as a gladiator for the Audience, the chronicler announced that the Audience would enter the transporter to seek out pastures anew. Not wanting the Audience to spread their lust for sustenance to the entire universe, the Surfer tried to destroy their transporter and exile them to that bleak asteroid; but as he marshaled his power cosmic, the warriors rushed into his path so that he could not release his power without destroying them, which he refused to do...long enough for the transporter to activate and send the Audience, the Promoter, and the gladiators away.
--Silver Surfer III#39
"Agalrana" race
Natives of the first world, "Agalrannt," the race that would become known as the Audience visited
(Silver Surfer III#39 (fb)) - As the entities' energy-orb was consumed, they found themselves a new world, a lush world whose vegetation would barely sustain them. The natives initially fled the visitors, though they offered no harm, only observing as the natives fought, attacking other tribes for food and supplies.
visitors found that the subtle energies released by the natives' combat fed the
visitors as their energy-orb once did. The visitors hoarded the natives' food
and valuables, building arenas and paying the natives' champions to fight for
their nourishment.
(Silver Surfer III#39 (fb)) - Over the centuries, word spread, and the palace of the visitors (who had become known as the Audience) had become legendary and the Audience had thrived.
There appears to be at least two sub-species races of this planet...the blue folk, who had yellow beaks and more of a "Native American"-type culture, and the yellow folk, who, based purely on their head-dress type, seemed to be more like Earth's Aztec culture.
The eyes in the pictures are the Silver Surfer's...the chronicler was projecting these images into his mind.
--Silver Surfer III#39
images: (without ads)
Silver Surfer III#39, pg. 1 (Algol front-facing vs. other gladiators);
pg. 2, panel 4 (Algol profile vs.
other gladiators);
pg. 3, panel 3 (thumb's down);
pg. 5, panel 2 (Promoter - face
panel 4
(Promoter, full body, bare feet);
pg. 6, panel 5 (main);
pg. 11, panel 3 (Promoter - face
pg. 15, panel 6 (Bruindilda as Shalla
panel 7 (Brunidilda,
true form)
pg. 17, panel 3 (Chronicler);
panel 4
(Audience creation);
pg. 18, panel 1 (Audience arrives on
panel 2 (Agalrana
flee from Audience);
panel 3
(Audience observe Agalrana warring);
panel 4
pg. 19, panel 1 (gladiators including
panel 2
(Promoter, full profile, with boots);
panel 5
pg. 20, panel 2 & 3 (gladiators
battling Surfer)
pg. 21, panel 4 (gems);
pg. 22 (asteroid & "sun")
Silver Surfer III#39
(July, 1990) - Alan Grant (writer), James T. Sherman (art & color), Craig
Anderson (editor)
Last updated: 07/07/13
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