Real Name: Les Bancroft

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Television news reporter

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Felix Simon, United Nations delegates, Wo Tong, Ralph Willard

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, USA

First Appearance: Avengers I#98 (April, 1972)

Powers/Abilities: Les Bancroft was a skilled television news reporter.

(Avengers I#98) – After a pro-war demonstration by the militant Warhawks, Les Bancroft interviewed Chinese UN delegate Wo Tong about the possible impact the demonstration would have on peace talks between China and the U. S. Wo Tong feared that the demonstration, watched via satellite by Chinese leaders, would only escalate the arms race, possibly to nuclear proportions. After Wo Tong’s comments, Les turned the microphone over to Ralph Willard, who was broadcasting from the streets of New York.

(Marvels: Eye of the Camera#3 - BTS) - Les Bancroft interviewed actor-director Felix Simon for Newsbeat on the possibility of a Star Kings motion picture.

Comments: Created by Roy Thomas, Barry Windsor-Smith and Sal Buscema.

Les Bancroft was only seen on a television screen.

Small Marvels: Eye of the Camera update by Markus Raymond.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Les Bancroft has no known connections to

images: (without ads)
Avengers I#98, p4, pan3 (Les Bancroft, main image)

Avengers I#98 (April, 1972) - Roy Thomas (writer), Barry Windsor-Smith (pencils), Sal Buscema (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Marvels: Eye of the Camera#3 (March, 2009) - Kurt Busiek & Roger Stern (writers), Jay Anacleto (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 04/09/2013
Last updated: 01/12/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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