Real Name: Janice Lincoln
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Professional criminal, lawyer;
former bartender
Affiliations: Al, Arcade, Asp
(Cleo Nefertiti), Baron (Helmut) Zemo, Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Fixer
(Norbert Ebersol), Giant-Man
(Raz Malhotra), Grizzly (Max Markham),
Hobgoblin (Roderick Kingsley), Hijacker (unrevealed), Looter
(Norton G. Fester), Machinesmith (Samuel Saxon), Magician (Guardineer),
Midas Corporation, Mindless Ones, Ms. Thing (Darla Deering), Red Room,
Stinger (Cassie Lang), Tinkerer (Phineas Mason), Tombstone (Lonnie
Lincoln), Voice
(Jason Cragg), Vulture (Adrian Toomes), Whiplash (Anton Vanko),
Whirlwind (David Cannon), Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer/Henry Camp,
Piledriver/Brian Calusky, Thunderball/Eliot Franklin, Wrecker/Dirk
Enemies: Mallory Aimes,
Avengers (Falcon/Sam Wilson, Vision/Victor Shade), Black Panther
(T'Challa), Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Luke Cage, Captain America
(James Barnes), Captain Marvel
(Carol Danvers), Chameleon (Dmitri Smerdyakov), Crossfire (William Cross), Cyclone
(Pierre Fresson), Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom), Egghead
(Elihas Starr), Hawkeye (Clint Barton), Hellcat (Patsy Walker), Human
Torch (Johnny Storm), Inner Demons, Iron Fist (Danny Rand), Iron Man
(Tony Stark), Ironheart (Riri Williams), Kangaroo (Brian Hibbs), Madame
Masque (Whitney Frost), Madrimar, Man-Mountain, Mister Negative ("Martin
Li"), Ms. America (America Chavez), Matt Murdock, Owl
(Leland Owlsley), Patricia, She-Hulk (Jennifer
Walters), Shriek (Frances Barrison), Spider-Man (Peter Parker),
Spider-Man (Otto Octavius), Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Wasp (Janet Van
Dyne), Wasp (Nadia), Yellowjacket
(Darren Cross);
formerly Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
Known Relatives: Lonnie Lincoln (Tombstone, father), unidentified mother, "Dump Truck" (unspecified relative)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: A brownstone in New York City
First Appearance: (Janice) Captain America V#606/1
(August, 2010);
(Beetle) Captain America
V#607/1 (August,
Powers/Abilities: As the Beetle, Janice wears an
armored exoskeleton patterned after Abner Jenkins' Mark III Beetle
armor. It provides her with superhuman strength and durability,
and incorporates a winged flight-pack on her back, mini-repulsors in her
gloves, and retractable machine-guns in the wrists. She also carried
high-tech bazooka "Bertha", as well as a energy-firing blastgun. She is
a skilled lawyer, and has excellent organizational skills.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 155 lbs.; (in armor) 205
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
History: (Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7
(fb) ) - The daughter of notorious mob enforcer Tombstone and a
strong-willed Dominican woman, Janice Lincoln always wanted to follow in
her frequently-incarcerated father's criminal footsteps. As a little
girl, with the help of her father, she robbed her classmate Mallory
Aimes' birthday party, distracting Mallory with a dog while stealing her
birthday presents and fleeing in a getaway car driven by Tombstone.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (fb) ) - Janice found a severed hand in the backyard and brought it to her father, who was meeting with the Fixer.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (fb) ) - Janice graduated from Columbia Law School as valedictorian, after arranging an "accident" to hamper her classmate Patricia. Tombstone attended the graduation ceremony and gave Janice a car as a present, but she was disappointed, hoping that he would have arranged for her to become a super-criminal, as she'd asked for. Later, over chicken and waffles, they discussed the issue; while Tombstone insisted that Janice could steal more as a lawyer than he ever could as a criminal, Janice was adamant about wanting to become "the Hillary Clinton of drug lords". Tombstone acknowledged that she was too headstrong for him to stop her, but she'd have to pay for it herself.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#10/3) - Now a corporate lawyer working under Al, Janice defended one of her firm's clients, a twice-convicted sociopath, in court, facing off against Matt Murdock, who was repping the plaintiff. To foil him, she called in the Looter to cause a commotion out front of the courthouse; with Murdock gone, Janice got her client acquitted.
(Captain America V#608 - BTS/Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (fb) ) - Five years after graduation, Janice won a suit on behalf of pharmaceutical company Critian against a number of disabled widows. Al then assigned her to handle a dispute between the supervillains Baron Zemo and the Fixer. After a busy day of exercise, giving a lecture, volunteering, and attending (and escaping) a terrible blind date, she took the case, but not before getting a call from Tombstone to commemorate her first heist. Zemo and the Fixer were arguing over whether the Fixer deserved a share of Zemo's criminal proceeds, as the Fixer had transferred the Baron's consciousness to a new, healthy body years earlier. They also discussed needing to recruit a new villain to help the Baron carry out a revenge plot against James Barnes. Janice worked out a profit-sharing mechanism for the two squabbling villains...and volunteered herself to become their new villain. The Fixer equipped her with a suit of Beetle armor in his secret lab; although he initially wanted to give her a tiny blaster, she insisted on taking his giant "Bertha" bazooka.
(Captain America V#606/1) - Working as a bartender at the Brooklyn Bridge Bar, a bar frequented by James Barnes, Sam Wilson, and Steve Rogers, Janice slipped a nano-virus into Barnes' drink.
(Captain America V#607/1) - When Barnes and his associate the Black Widow realized that the bartender had dosed Barnes with the virus, they came calling at her brownstone. She came out blasting, clad in her Beetle armor.
(Captain America V#608/1) - After emptying her bazooka, the Beetle discarded it and took to the
skies, where she opened fire on Cap and the Widow with her wrist-guns.
After narrowly dodging a thrown garbage can lid, she divebombed a
pair of civilians, forcing Cap to rescue them. The Widow leapt on top of
her and blasted her with her widow's sting, then maneuvered her into
Cap's direction, allowing him to deck her. Protected by her armor,
the Beetle opened fire on them again, winging the Widow; angered, Cap
plucked her out of the air and grounded her, finally knocking her out
and unmasking her. Later, she was taken to the Raft prison; when
Cap and the Widow came to interrogate her, she revealed that she knew
Cap's secret identity. She refused to name her employer and hinted
that the attempts on Cap's life would only get worse before she
collapsed in a fit of maniacal laughter.
(Superior Spider-Man#1) - Having either escaped or been released from prison, the Beetle joined a new incarnation of the Sinister Six, led by Boomerang. Intending to build a weather-controlling device, they attacked the Marla Jameson Building at Empire State University; Beetle and the Living Brain successfully acquired the Barometric Oscillator, the first component of their device, but before their getaway driver Overdrive could spirit them to safety, they were set upon by Spider-Man (who unbeknownst to them was Otto Octavius inhabiting Peter Parker's body). Quickly identifying the Beetle as the "random element" of the team, he kicked her in the face; when she tried to retaliate with an energy blast, he dodged, letting the Living Brain shoulder most of the blast. Spider-Man fled after enduring a hail of blows from the Speed Demon, however, and the Beetle and the others fled in Overdrive's Big Wheel, leaving the Brain behind. The team regrouped, and attacked Horizon Labs at dawn, seeking their Atmospheric Condenser. Speed Demon located it, and enlisted the Beetle to lift it. Unfortunately for them, Spider-Man had anticipated their plan and converted Horizon Labs into a trap. He activated a power dampening field, shutting down the Beetle's armor; with her armor now dead weight, she collapsed, and Spider-Man webbed her up and swung her into Overdrive's Big Wheel, which toppled over onto the Shocker.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#10/1 (fb) ) - The Beetle ran into the Looter at the Club with No Name; when she mentioned that she'd become a super villain, he brushed her aside, as she was now his competition.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#9 (fb) ) - Beetle was in the Bar with No Name when Boomerang openly mocked Bullseye.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#1) - After going out to the Bar With No Name, the Sinister Six (minus the Living Brain, who Spider-Man had kept) reconvened at their hideout; Beetle and Overdrive set out to rob a comic shop, but once there, were befuddled by what to actually steal. Speed Demon called her to get her to bail Boomerang out of jail; while reluctant, she relented when she found out Fred had a job for them. She and Overdrive took what they could, then went to bail Boomerang out.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#2) - Back at their hideout, Beetle and Overdrive noted that, despite being the Sinister Six, they only had five members. Boomerang insisted that they stay the Sinister Six, because people would wonder who their sixth secret member was - and, for that matter, they only had to split the loot five ways. Beetle was unimpressed, but they kept the name. Later, they robbed an upscale restaurant at the behest of one of its competitors, and enjoyed a meal on the house...only for the Punisher (secretly the Chameleon) to show up, sending Beetle, Overdrive, and Speed Demon fleeing. Later, at the bar, Boomerang claimed to have defeated the Punisher, and to have a new job for the team - stealing the head of Silvermane.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#3) - When the court appointed MACH-VII as Boomerang's parole officer, Beetle pushed the team to kick him out, as he'd have too much heat on him - plus, he'd already given them the plans to Owl's hideout, where Silvermane's head allegedly was. Later, as they planned the heist, their hideout was raided by Luke Cage and Iron Fist, who Boomerang had tipped off.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#3/Superior Foes of
Spider-Man#4) - Overdrive and the others voted in Beetle as their new
leader. Later, as they planned the heist, their hideout was raided by
Luke Cage and Iron Fist, who Boomerang had tipped off. Overdrive gushed
over Cage like a fanboy, but Cage, creeped out, knocked him out with a
folding chair. The rest of the team was soon defeated, and hauled away
by the police. Before the police van could reach its destination,
however, it was raided by Boomerang, who freed his old teammates and
retook control of the team. Escaping on one of Overdrive's creations,
they retired to the bar, where they planned to strike at the Owl's base
the next day.
(Superior Spider-Man Team-Up#6) - The Beetle and the rest of the Six watched a news report about Spider-Man seizing control of the original Sinister Six. They were not pleased.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#5) - Beetle and her teammates (minus Shocker, who Boomerang had tried to kill) scoped out the Owl's base, and handed out binders she'd made up with their individual assignments. Boomerang swatted aside the binders, and asserted that he was in charge. After Speed Demon and Overdrive softened up the defenses, Beetle and the team moved in, fighting their way through werewolves, giant scorpions, monster plants, and ninjas...while Boomerang sped ahead and stole the real prize, a painting of Dr. Doom's true face.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#6) - Beetle, Overdrive, and Speed Demon were captured by the Owl on their way out the back door; Overdrive tried to plead for his life, but the Beetle silenced him. She tried to cajole the Owl into releasing them,on the grounds that they wouldn't tell anyone how they'd violated his sanctum (all the while secretly texting her father). Unimpressed with the Beetle's defiance, the Owl ordered his men to shoot them all - only for Tombstone to arrive in the nick of time.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#8) - After Tombstone dropped them off, Beetle brushed off Speed Demon and Overdrive's complaints that she hadn't explained her relation to Tombstone and moved them on to more pressing matters - their being double-crossed by Boomerang. They split up to hunt him down.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#10/1) - Beetle, Speed Demon,
and Overdrive robbed a Brooklyn bar, and talked about their biggest
scores. Overdrive talked about the time she outwitted Daredevil...only
for Hercules to come in looking for a drink. Sensing villainy was afoot,
he engaged the trio in battle.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#13 (fb)/Superior Foes of Spider-Man#14 (fb) ) - Beetle and Overdrive staked out an area, looking for Boomerang, with no success. Suddenly, they were attacked by Mister Negative's Inner Demons, seeking to collect the money Overdrive owed their master. Overdrive escaped them with some extremely fancy driving; overwhelmed by the adrenaline rush, Janice and Overdrive had sex. After their brief and disappointing encounter, the Inner Demons caught up to them - but the exhausted Overdrive couldn't use his powers to amp up their car. They bailed out, and the Demons shredded Janice's wings, forcing them both to flee on foot until they found a schoolbus full of children. Overdrive still couldn't bring himself to use his powers - until the Beetle whispered a few extremely explicit promises into his ear, giving him the boost he needed to get out of there. Nevertheless, those promises remained unfulfilled.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#9) - Beetle and Overdrive, plus the bus-riding children, tracked down Boomerang.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#12) - Beetle demanded that Boomerang come with them, but he explained that it has been the Chameleon disguised as Boomerang who had betrayed them - which was a lie. Janice didn't buy it, and prepared to incinerate him, until the Owl fired a warning shot at her, telling her that Fred's story checked out. Frustrated, she and Overdrive prepared to leave until the Owl offered them a job tracking down his painting. They once more teamed with Boomerang to plan an assault on the Chameleon's headquarters - Janice was dubious of Boomerang's trustworthiness after what had happened at the Owl's base, but he suggested that they get the painting, then ditch the Owl and sell it themselves. Now joined by a bevy of Owl-hired villains, plus the late-arriving Speed Demon, as the Sinister Sixteen, Janice and the others blasted into the Chameleon's headquarters. As the others battled his goons and deathtraps, Janice, Boomerang, and Overdrive took the elevator down to the Chameleon's vault alone - but when Beetle and Overdrive found themselves entangled with two giant chameleons, Boomerang ran ahead to take the painting for himself.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#13) - Overdrive, having recovered the painting, waited with the Beetle in the sewers for Boomerang to come. As they waited, Overdrive tried to talk about their romantic interlude, but Janice made it clear that it was a one-time-only thing. Much to her embarrassment, Boomerang had been there the whole time, and had overheard them. Overdrive stole a taco truck and drove them to a safehouse, where they were soon joined by Speed Demon - but unbeknownst to them all, the Shocker was already there, hiding out with the living head of Silvermane!
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#14) - At the safehouse, the Beetle immediately hit the bathroom, unaware that the Shocker was covering in the bathtub. She emerged to find Overdrive telling the others of their "brief encounter", and she pushed him to finish the story. Afterwards, Speed Demon started hitting on her, much to her displeasure, and Boomerang started putting down the Shocker - prompting him to blast them all and take over the gang!
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#15) - The Shocker quickly
took out Boomerang, and berated the rest of the team for abandoning him.
The Beetle agreed with him, and nominated him to be the new leader of
the Six - only to blast him into unconsciousness as soon as his guard
was down. Checking Wikipedia, the Beetle found out that possessing the
head of Silvermane did give them control of the Maggia, and contacted
the syndicate to confirm that they had him. While they waited, Janice
and the others took Shocker to a graveyard, where they buried him alive.
Going out for drinks later, they ran into several disgruntled members of
the Sinister Sixteen, who fought with Beetle and the others for
abandoning them to the police. Janice brawled with Cyclone and yanked on
Kangaroo's ears. Afterwards, Boomerang gave a rousing speech about
teamwork - only for Janice to immediately go see Tombstone and offer him
command of the Maggia instead.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#16) - Janice and the others
met the Maggia at the predetermined spot, but before they could make the
handoff, Tombstone arrived with his gang in tow. Soon enough, however,
Madame Masque (in league with Speed Demon) and Mister Negative (allied
with Overdrive) also turned up, sparking a massive brawl.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#17) - Beetle and Overdrive escaped in the chaos with what they believed was the real portrait of Doctor Doom (but was actually a fake), only to run into a displeased Doctor Doom.
(Ant-Man#1) - Hired to assassinate Tony Stark, Janice feigned reform and applied for a security position with Stark Industries. Interviewing alongside Ant-Man, Prodigy, and Victor Mancha, Janice ran an obstacle course and a gamut of tests, only to be faced with the challenge of finding Tony Stark's master password; while the others tried, Janice quickly gave up. However, she accompanied Stark back to his apartment for a tryst, only for Ant-Man to break in, winning Stark's challenge. Undaunted, she pulled a blastgun on Stark, but Ant-Man shrunk down into the gun and disabled it. Janice fled.
(Ant-Man: Last Days#1) - In Miami for some relaxation on the last night before an extradimensional incursion threatened to destroy the Earth, Janice ran into Scott Lang in a nightclub. She talked him out of arresting her, and into buying her a drink. The two slept together, and Janice was mildly complimentary in the morning - just in time for the world to end.
(Astonishing Ant-Man#13 (fb) ) - Janice had hoped Lang's
Pym Particles would be sexually transmitted to her, but was
(Astonishing Ant-Man#4 (fb) ) - In negotiations over a
raise with her law firm, Janice walked out when they stalled and went to
(Astonishing Ant-Man#3) - Back in Miami some time after the world's non-destruction, the Beetle texted Lang to tell him that she was back.
(Astonishing Ant-Man#4) - Janice flirted with Lang - although he initially resisted her advances and told her to leave town, he ended up sleeping with her again. When he remembered that he had to get to work (reminding Janice that her paramour was a "divorced dad security guard", as she put it), he took off.
(Astonishing Ant-Man#5) - Janice relaxed on a beach.
(Spider-Woman VI#5) - Janice, alongside most of her old Sinister Six crew (minus Overdrive), ran into a group of carousing Avengers, including Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Hellcat, She-Hulk, and Spider-Woman, and fought them; Hawkeye shot the Beetle with an arrow.
(Astonishing Ant-Man#8) - Ant-Man convinced Janice to team
with him in a heist of Cross Technological Enterprises' Miami campus to
save his daughter Cassie. She hired Whirlwind, Voice, Hijacker, and
Magician through the Hench app, but when she found them in the bar
they'd arranged to meet at, they were fighting each other. She convinced
them to stop - and fended off Whirlwind's clumsy advances - by revealing
Ant-Man as their true employer. Se let them fight Lang for a while as
she ordered a drink, but eventually blasted Whirlwind, telling them that
they were costing her money.
(Astonishing Ant-Man#9) - After fighting with the hireling villains at Ant-Man Security Solutions over their cut of the action, Janice met the rest of Lang's co-conspirators, including, awkwardly, Lang's ex-girlfriend, Darla Deering. She collaborated with Lang's employee Machinesmith on the plan; once everything was set up, they headed for the CTE campus. Carrying a miniaturized Lang, Janice gained entry posing as a potential client. Once she was in, she slipped into her Beetle armor and released Lang into the ventilation systems.
(Astonishing Ant-Man#10) - Beetle and the others loaded their stolen loot into the truck. Soon, they noticed Ant-Man was missing, and learned from his daughter, now the costumed Stinger, that he had been captured. Stinger exhorted the others to help, but most of the villains took off, having fulfilled their end of the deal; Janice lingered the longest, but took off nevertheless. She secretly stayed on the CTE campus, however, and when Stinger and Ant-Man battled the Cross family, Beetle shot Crossfire at a crucial moment; she remained unseen, and was pleased that nobody had found out that she was secretly a nice person.
(Astonishing Ant-Man#12) - Bored and upset with Lang for
not calling her, Janice joined with the Miami County Prosecutor's Office
to take the lead on Lang's trial, as he had been apprehended after the
CTE heist. Lang chose not to expose her, to protect the other
participants in the heist. Facing off against She-Hulk, Lang's attorney,
Janice gave an opening statement that highlighted Lang's
self-destructive qualities.
(Astonishing Ant-Man#13) - Janice cross-examined Machinesmith, Grizzly, Mary Morganstern, and Darla Deering, extracting damaging admissions from all of them. Later, she encountered Lang in a break room, where she explained that she wanted his Pym Particles; she then told him that she'd arranged to have his Ant-Man suit brought in as evidence, and if he snuck her the Particles from the suit while he was demonstrating it, she'd throw the trial and let him win. He agreed. Once Lang put the suit on, however, the courtroom was attacked by Egghead, Yellowjacket, and Crossfire, who had broken into the micro-lab inside the helmet. While Lang and his allies fought and defeated them, Janice hid behind a bench. When the judge moved to call a recess, Janice, frustrated on losing out on the Pym Particles, refused, and called her final witness, Lang's ex-wife Peggy Burdick. Unfortunately for Janice, Peggy's testimony was in Lang's favor, and he won his freedom.
(Spider-Man/Deadpool#12) - The Beetle went to a New York
super villain gambling den on Christmas. She ended up playing poker with
Boomerang, Shocker, Spider-Man, Deadpool, and the ancient god Saturn
(who Spider-Man and Deadpool were trying to placate with revelry); she
exhorted the other players to finish up before her car's battery died.
Later, Spider-Man and Deadpool returned to bust the casino.
(America#6) - Beetle and her father attended the Midas
Coliseum in Las Vegas to watch an Arcade-sponsored death match between
Ms. America Chavez and Magdalena "La Sirena" Velez. When the combatants
were freed by the warlock Madrimar, Arcade summoned the VIP
ticketholders, including the Lincolns, the Wrecking Crew, Hobgoblin,
Asp, and Owl, to take them down alongside the Mindless Ones of the Midas
Corporation. Ultimately, Ms. America and Madrimar combined their powers
to wreck the arena, sending the Lincolns and the other villains fleeing.
(Peter Parker: The Spectacular
Spider-Man II#299 (fb) ) - The Beetle got a flame-proofing upgrade from
the Tinkerer.
(Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man II#299) - The Tinkerer hired Beetle, Boomerang, Shocker, Vulture, and Whiplash to cause mayhem in Manhattan to draw out the city's heroes. Beetle and Vulture took on Ironheart in the air, then sent her into Whiplash's clutches. Soon, the Human Torch arrived on the scene; the Beetle took him on, and proved immune to his fiery powers. Soon, the Tinkerer himself joined the fray, controlling his Hero-Slayer robot and shutting down the heroes' technology; Beetle and the others gathered around as he prepared to destroy Spider-Man with it...
(Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man II#300/1) - Before the Hero-Slayer could slay Spider-Man, the heroes counterattacked; the Falcon hit Beetle with a flying kick. Soon, Spider-Man escaped, attacked the Tinkerer's base, and reactivated the heroes' technology, allowing them to take down the Beetle and her compatriots.
(Amazing Spider-Man V#1) - A mysterious demonic villain
hired Lincoln to represent Mysterio in court; she suggested he plead
insanity, but he rejected it, and instead expressed his desire to sue
her for stealing the "Sinister Six" concept. Before she could argue
further, she had a coughing fit that ended with her coughing up a swarm
of living insects; soon the courtroom and all its other inhabitants fell
prey to similarly gruesome fates. This was all the doing of Mysterio's
mysterious benefactor, who apparently reversed all the damage, leaving
Mysterio babbling in the witness stand in front of Janice and the rest
of the court. As Lincoln commended him for his "acting", Mysterio
decided to go with the insanity plea, after all...
Comments: Created by Ed Brubaker and Butch Guice.
Fully characterized by Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber.
I initially thought this might have been Elizabeth Vaughn, the female member of the Beetle trio who served with the Thunderbolts during Civil War, but Superior Spider-Man#1 gives her real name as "Janice", so it's not her. Plus, in Cap #607 she jokingly says it's her "first day" in the armor. 2016 Rob: Later issues of Superior Foes make it abundantly clear who Janice is and how she got her Beetle armor.
Janice's skin-tone comes and goes; she's pretty Caucasian in her initial Cap appearances, but she's definitely darker-skinned in Superior Foes, as you would imagine for the daughter of an African-American (albeit albino) father and a Dominican mother.
Hey, you know what's great? Superior Foes of Spider-Man.
The Beetle received a Handbook entry in All-New, All-Different Marvel Universe.
Profile by Minor Irritant.
Janice, alias the Beetle, should not be confused with:
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (fb) ) - A classmate of Janice Lincoln's, Mallory Aimes held a birthday party. Janice gave her a puppy; Mallory was overjoyed until the puppy fled into a waiting car with Janice and her father Tombstone; Janice had used the puppy as a distraction to allow her to steal all of Mallory's other presents.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (fb) ) - Twenty years later, having developed some form of substance abuse, Mallory was in rehab.
--Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (fb)
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (fb) ) - Janice Lincoln's main competition for law school valedictorian, Patricia suffered a severe accident (arranged by either Janice or her father Tombstone) that severely impeded her studies and allowed Janice to graduate at the top of the class.
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (fb) ) - Patricia, wheelchair-bound and in a neck brace, congratulated Janice at their graduation.
--Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (fb)
(Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (fb) ) - The head of the law firm that employed Janice Lincoln, Al was impressed with her work, and assigned her to evaluate a dispute between longtime client Baron (Helmut) Zemo and his disgruntled associate, the Fixer. He convinced her to take it, despite her objections to Zemo's Nazi past.
--Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (fb)
images: (without ads)
Captain America V#608/1, p1, pan3 (main image)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#12, p10, pan5
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#10, p9, pan1 (in court)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#5, p7, pan2 (planning a heist)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#15, p3, pan3 (using mini-repulsors)
Ant-Man: Last Days#1, p20, pan3 (with Ant-Man)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7, p3, pan1 (Mallory Aimes)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7, p5, pan4 (Patricia)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7, p9, pan7 (Al)
Captain America V#606/1 (August,
2010) - Ed Brubaker (writer), Butch Guice (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Captain America V#607/1 (August,
- Ed Brubaker (writer), Mitch Breitweiser (pencils), Butch Guice & Mitch Breitweiser (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Captain America V#608/1 (September, 2010) - Ed Brubaker (writer), Butch Guice (pencils), Rick Magyar & Mark Pennington (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Superior Spider-Man#1 (March, 2013) - Dan Slott (writer), Ryan Stegman (art), Stephen Wacker (editor)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#1-6 (September, 2013-February, 2014) - Nick Spencer (writer), Steve Lieber (art), Tom Brennan (editor)
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up#6 (January, 2014) - Chris Yost (writer), Marco Checchetto (art), Sana Amanat (editor)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#7 (March, 2014) - Nick Spencer (writer), Rich Ellis (art), Tom Brennan (editor)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#8 (April, 2014) - Nick Spencer (writer), Steve Lieber (art), Tom Brennan (editor)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#9 (May, 2014) - Nick Spencer (writer), Steve Lieber & Rich Ellis (art), Tom Brennan (editor)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#10/1 (May, 2014) - James Asmus (writer), Carmen Carnero (pencils), Terry Pallot (inks), Tom Brennan (editor)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#10/3 (May, 2014) - James Asmus (writer), Siya Oum (art), Tom Brennan (editor)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#12-13 (August-September, 2014) - Nick Spencer (writer), Steve Lieber (art), Lauren Sankovitch (editor)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#14 (October, 2014) - Nick Spencer (writer), Steve Lieber & Rich Ellis (art), Lauren Sankovitch (editor)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#15-17 (November, 2014-January, 2015) - Nick Spencer (writer), Steve Lieber (art), Lauren Sankovitch (editor)
Ant-Man#1 (March, 2015) - Nick Spencer (writer), Ramon Rosanas (art), Wil Moss (editor)
Ant-Man: Last Days#1 (October, 2015) - Nick Spencer (writer), Ramon Rosanas (art), Wil Moss (editor)
Astonishing Ant-Man#3-5 (February-April, 2016) - Nick Spencer (writer), Ramon Rosanas (art), Wil Moss (editor)
Spider-Woman VI#5 (May, 2016) - Dennis Hopeless (writer), Javier Rodriguez (pencils), Alvaro Lopez (inks), Devin Lewis (editor)
Astonishing Ant-Man#8 (July, 2016) - Nick Spencer (writer), Brent Schoonover (art), Wil Moss (editor)
Astonishing Ant-Man#9-10 (August-September, 2016) - Nick Spencer (writer), Ramon Rosanas (art), Wil Moss (editor)
Astonishing Ant-Man#12-13 (November-December, 2016) - Nick Spencer (writer), Brent Schoonover & Ramon Rosanas (art), Wil Moss (editor)
Spider-Man/Deadpool#12 (February, 2017) - Nick Giovannetti & Paul Scheer (writers), Todd Nauck (art), Jordan White & Nick Lowe (editors)
Unstoppable Wasp#7 (September, 2017) - Jeremy Whitley (writer), Veronica Fish (art), Alanna Smith (editor)
America#6 (October, 2017) - Gabby Rivera & Kelly Thompson (writers), Ramon Villalobos (pencils/inks), Walden Wong (inks), Wil Moss (editor)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man II#299-300 (March-April, 2018) - Chip Zdarsky (writer), Adam Kubert & Juan Frigeri (art), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man V#1 (September, 2018) - Nick Spencer (writer), Ryan Ottley & Humberto Ramos (pencils), Cliff Rathburn & Victor Olazaba (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
First Posted: 02/12/2013
Last updated: 12/19/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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