BETAN race
Classification: Semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Planet Beta, third from
the sun in the Mirpet system, Milky Way galaxy;
a base was established on Earth's
Known Members: None identified;
unidentified commander of the base
on Earth's moon, and that commander's successor;
population estimated at 65,900
Godzilla, various
Red Ronin,
Takaguchi, SHIELD, "Dum Dum" Dugan, Gabe Jones
Enemies: Mega-Monsters (Krollar, Rhiahn, Triax), Megans
First Appearance: (Strictly behind-the scenes)
Godzilla#10 (May, 1978))
(seen and identified) Godzilla#12 (July, 1978)
Powers/Abilities: Betans possess vestigial wings that enable them to fly in
low-gravity environments.
of the images made it appear as if there might also be wing-like structures on
the Betans' ankles, but it is never clear, and may just be exaggerated laces or
other boot deals...
Their level of technology is superior to Earth's, with faster-than-light travel starships equipped with laser or similar assault weapons, targeting and tracking systems, etc. They can scan for and review communications on all wavelengths over a significant distance to learn who is in a spacecraft and what they are talking about and doing.
They can generate, presumably via technology, an artificial atmosphere, or "oxygen sheathe," that could cover a living being and allow him or her to both breathe and to survive in the frigid vacuum on Earth's moon. They were were able to create a sheath that was sufficient to sustain Godzilla, at his full, greater than 100' tall, size/mass. Whether a result of the sheathe or otherwise, Godzilla was able to generate a sustained powerful burst of his radioactive fiery-breathe on the moon.
They could apparently open warp portals across at least sub-planetary distances, or possibly their tractor beam-type device was sufficiently fast to make it appear to have warped space (see comments). Their tractor beam was sufficient to transport Godzilla (who -- assuming he was 100' tall, and would have weighed 400 lbs. at 6' tall -- weighed something on the order of 920 tons) from Earth to the moon, and then back again in short order.
Presumably via technology, they could apparently project their voices and show images/videos to beings in proximity to one of their bases, but within the moon's airless void.
Another technology demonstrated by the Betans was the ID ray, which could instantly immobilize even the mighty Godzilla.
They did not, however, have the means to repair or permanently contain damage to the glass-like dome surrounding their moon base.
Traits: The original reasons for their war with the Betans is/was unrevealed, but they warred with the Megans for centuries, depleting their own planetary resources and suffering heavy losses and then moved on to depleting roughly a dozen worlds of their gargantuan "dinosaur"-counterparts. At that point, the Betans sought to end the war. Their efforts to aid Earth were largely guided by their desire to prevent the Megans from conquering Earth and using its resources and strategic location to stage a final assault on Beta.
Despite the above, they appeared to be rational, self-sacrificing, and relatively noble.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric semi-humanoid bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; solid pink (no visible sclera) with black pupil)
Fingers: Two (or three, plus opposing thumb; the images were
inconsistent, so this either indicates that some Betans had two fingers (three
digits) and some had three fingers (four digits), or that the variation was
erroneous, and that each Betan had the same number of fingers, two or three
depending on which is correct; the OHotMU image shows them with two fingers
(three digits), and notes them as having "two fingers (with opposable thumbs);
given the inconsistency, the OHotMU Deluxe Edition entry should be the clear
Toes: Two
Skin color: Light purple
Average height: 7'1"
(Godzilla#12 (fb) - BTS) - For "centuries" (whether that means
a few hundred years or much longer is unrevealed), the Betans warred with their
rival planet, Mega.
(Godzilla#12 (fb)) - After centuries of heavy losses and critical depletion of precious planetary resources on both sides, both sides conscripted the services of gargantuan "war-monsters" captured from planets still in the dawn of life.
(Godzilla#12 (fb) - BTS) - By exhausting the supplies of early life-forms, or "alien dinosaurs," the warring races eliminated the potential for further life on a dozen different worlds (see comments).
(Godzilla#12 (fb) - BTS) - Unsatisfied with what they were doing, the Betans hoped to end the warfare, but the Megans apparently did not agree.
(Godzilla#12 (fb) - BTS) - The most recent battle all but destroyed the Betans and their war-monsters, and they knew that one more all-out attack would end them. However, the Betans managed to keep their critical weakness secret.
(Godzilla#12 (fb) - BTS) - To replenish the raw materials for the armaments they believed necessary to conquer the Betans, the Megans decided to conquer Earth, which would also be a strategic location from which to launch a final assault on Beta.
(Godzilla#12 (fb) - BTS) - Knowing the Megans would send their three most powerful war-monsters -- Krollar, Rhiahn, and Triax -- to prepare the way for conquest, and knowing that their own last and most powerful war-monster, the Beta-Beast, was not powerful enough to challenge the powerful trio of Mega-Monsters, the Betans set up a base on Earth's moon, to study Earth and search for any native creatures powerful enough to defend Earth; they found Godzilla.
(Godzilla#10 - BTS) - The Betans observed Godzilla in battle against Yetrigar.
(Godzilla#12 (fb) - BTS) - The Betans decided to have Godzilla oppose the Beta-Beast, to better evaluate his power.
(Godzilla#12 - BTS) - The Betans opened a warp that pulled Godzilla to Earth's moon in the vicinity of the Beta-Beast. They coated Godzilla with a field that provided a protective "oxygen sheath" that allowed Godzilla to function in the moon's airless void and frigid cold. After a fierce battle, Godzilla overpowered and destroyed the Beta-Beast with his radioactive fire-breath.
(Godzilla#12) - The Betans on Earth's moon caused their base
to emerge from beneath the satellite's surface, leading Godzilla to investigate.
As he approached, the Betans stationed there noted his victory and
curiosity-instigated approach,. When Godzilla interpreted the moving base to be
another enemy and prepared to attack, the Betan commander ordered he be
immobilized with the ID-ray to force him to stop and listen.
After reviewing their history, the Betan explained to Godzilla that, by defeating the Beta-Beast, he, at least, had a fighting chance against the Mega-Monsters. Another Betan then rushed in, noting that the Mega-Monsters had arrived sooner than anticipated and had just passed through the Betan tracking field. Further, their computer showed that the Mega-Monsters were targeting the most powerful entities on Earth. Unsure where the Mega-Monsters would arrive with Godzilla off Earth, the Betan commander ordered Godzilla to be returned to Earth immediately, and to be sent to the same location selected by the Mega-Monsters; the Betan commander further noted that they could only hope Godzilla understood and that he would take up the fight for two worlds.
(Godzilla#12 - BTS) - The Mega-Monsters identified Red Ronin as one of Earth's most powerful entities. Seconds after Triax ambushed Red Ronin, Godzilla materialized by their side.
(Godzilla#13) - After the Mega-Monsters Rhiahn and Krollar
joined the struggle, the Betan commander noted that if Godzilla failed that the
Mega-Monsters would conquer Earth. He further predicted that with Earth's raw
resources and strategic location, the Megan would be able to mount a final
offensive against them, and that their home planet, Beta, would surely fall.
Another Betan then noted that their scan-trackers had just
identified an approaching craft heading for Earth that might be Megan (and
indeed it was!). The Betan commander ordered the monitoring of all channels
to intercept all transmissions, from which they learned that the Megans were
preparing to unleash their Energex-Ray. The Betans knew that the Energex-Ray
would ultimately lethally overload the Mega-Monsters, but that it would first
increase the creatures' strength and ferocity tenfold, enabling them to kill
Godzilla and crush Earth's defenses.
The Betan commander ordered their base to be raised above the
crater containing it and to prepare their craft -- which he would personally
pilot -- for immediate takeoff. Though his crewmen noted that the Megans would
thusly learn of their secret base there, the commander noted that if they didn't
stop the Megans that their secret base would be useless because Godzilla
wouldn't have a chance.
The Betan spacecraft lifted off the moon (see comments), gained on the Megan
craft, targeted the ship on their range-scope, and struck the craft with a twin
blast. Recognizing their attackers as Betan, the Megan ship fired back,
crippling the Betan ship's controls, leaving it on its auto-pilot directed
flight back to their base, with which it would crash without controls. As they
crashed into the Betan moonbase, the commander (presumably) noted that if they
had damaged the Megan ship sufficiently to stop it, it would be a worthy
sacrifice as their base would no longer be needed.
Within the Betan base, the crew panicked as the
life-sustaining atmosphere seeped out through breached dome.
(Godzilla#13 - BTS) - However, the Megan ship made it sufficiently close to Earth that it could release the Energex-Ray just before the ship imploded. As a result, the Mega-Monsters gained increased strength, ferocity, size and power; with Red Ronin having been decapitated by Rhiahn just seconds before.
(Godzilla#14) - With all Betans beyond the inner airlocks of the moonbase dead, the few surviving Betans left in the base monitored the four remaining monsters' lifesigns, noting that Godzilla's were weaker than the Mega-Monsters'. As they discussed how the Megans would wipe out the Betans on their home planet if Godzilla fell, two other Betans collapsed from the loss of atmosphere. The commander (presumably another commander, as the other one had been piloting the ship that crashed into the dome), with the only apparent other surviving Betan at the base, had the base lowered so that the little remaining atmosphere would collect and be contained at the bottom of the crater so that they might observe the battle's resolution.
(Godzilla#14 - BTS) - With the help of distractions provided
by SHIELD crafts piloted by Gabe Jones and "Dum Dum" Dugan, Godzilla slew
Krollar, Triax, and Rhiahn in series.
The other Betan also perished at some point, leaving only the
commander left.
(Godzilla#14) - Observing the last of the Mega-Monsters' life signs blinking off while Godzilla remained alive, the Betan commander was content to die in peace, knowing his homeworld was safe.
(Godzilla#14 - BTS) - On the Megan homeworld, the Megans also noted the death of the Mega-Monsters and the failure of their plot to conquer Earth to use its location and materials to destroy the Betans. One of them postulated that perhaps they should also terminate their war with the Betans at long last, querying whether there were any there among them who were not tired.
(Quasar#26 (fb) - BTS) - At some point in time (it is unrevealed whether this was before or after the Godzilla encounter), at least one Betan (though not one of those stationed on Earth's moon) joined the Mourners.
(Quasar#26) - The Betan Mourner was present at the funeral for Eon, which was interrupted by Thanos.
Comments: Created by Doug Moench, Herb Trimpe, and Fred Kida.
Mirpet is an anagram of Trimpe, the penciler who co-created the Betans.
Thanks to Donald Campbell for supplying a cleaned-up version of the OHotMU Deluxe Edition entry image.
A few other comments from Donald Campbell (with my responses in bold):
shown in Godzilla #12, Betan observers had a visual recording of part of the
fight between Godzilla and Yetigar. This indicates that they were BTS during
Godzilla #10.
--excellent info, thanks!
looking over the Betan commander's briefing to Godzilla, I don't see any
indication that they could project their thoughts and show images/videos to
beings in proximity to one of their bases. It looked to me like the Betan
commander just talked to Godzilla and hoped that he would understand enough.
Also, the flashbacks which appear during that briefing look like normal
flashbacks: Visual representations of what the speaker in remembering and not
actual images being projected for others to see. Admittedly, the idea that the
Betans would have shown Godzilla images from their war with the Megans makes
more sense than their just talking to him about it but I don't seen any
evidence for it on those pages.
--I wasn�t clear, but I didn�t mean to suggest this was happening
telepathically...but if you look at the top left panel of the page number #23
in the original comic, it seems pretty clear they are using some sort of
projection device as they initiate communication with Godzilla. Obviously,
with Godzilla being outside of the base, on the moon�s void (with his oxygen
sheath being separate from the base), they had the means to project the
information to him beyond simple sound. I don't think there's any reason to
believe they wouldn't have wanted to use pictures to communicate with an
apparently primitive creature.
Betan commander's claim that Betans and Megans had "eliminated the potential
for further life on a dozen different worlds" by their mutual practice of
conscripting "war-monsters" from those worlds is both overly dramatic and
extremely unlikely. After all, there's no way that either race could have
removed ALL of the life from any of those worlds. Also, they were (presumably)
only interested in "alien dinosaurs" who would be useful fighters for their
war and so they would have ignored the VAST majority of life forms on those
planets. Of course, it's possible that either or both of them followed a
"scorched earth" policy with regards to those supply planets and deliberately
rendered them uninhabitable once they were no longer of use to them�but that's
not what the Betan commander said.
--Certainly worthy of some discussion. I agree with your points.
the Betan commander claimed that he would pilot their spacecraft personally,
he actually handled the weapons while his companion piloted the ship.
--Good observation!
means by which the Betans transported Godzilla from Earth to the Moon and back
again seems inconsistent. The trip to the Moon seemed to involve Godzilla
being lifted up from the Earth by a tractor beam and pulled through space to
be deposited on the Moon's surface. In contrast, when Godzilla was returned to
Earth, he "appeared out of thin air" (like teleportation). Although this
sounds like two means of transportation, could they both actually be the same?
The best explanation I can come up with is that the Betans actually used a
tunnel (or wormhole) through space to move Godzilla. The departure end exerted
a suction on Godzilla that pulled him up and into it. The tunnel itself was
transparent to those within it, thus allowing Godzilla to view the space
through which he was being transported. And if Godzilla was invisible to
outside observers while within the tunnel, then he would have seemed to appear
out of nowhere once he emerged from the arrival end of the tunnel. I think
this is a good explanation and only wish that the creators had thought to
include it (or something like it) in their story.
--Seems like a good enough explanation. I saw all that and wasn�t sure
how to make sense of it. Your interpretation sounds solid.
While your
profile states that the Betans have "solid red" eyes, in my copies their eyes
look two be solid pink, not red.
--I�ll buy that. My color vision sucks.
According to the quarter-page Betans profile in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #15, their homeworld, Beta, is the third planet from the star Mirpet, and "Beta has been engaged for centuries in a war with the neighboring planet Megan." Similarly, the Megans profile states that their homeworld, Mega, is the third planet from the star Mirpet and that "Mega has been engaged for centuries in a war with the sister planet Beta."
Obviously, Beta and Mega could only BOTH be "the" third planet out from Mirpet if they shared the same orbit. While I don't have the scientific knowledge to state whether such a situation is possible, for some reason I'm inclined to believe that it is highly unlikely. However, this question is pointless because...
idea that Beta and Mega were "sister" planets originated with those Handbook
entries. If you read the story in Godzilla #12-14, both Betans and Megans
mention that Earth is needed for both its natural resources and its
"strategic location." Given the fact that Mega is identified as being
"light-centuries distant" from Earth, it seems unlikely that Beta and Mega
could be part of the same star system. It would be like Earth and Mars
fighting a war and considering a planet over 200 light-years away as being
strategic. It doesn't make sense.
--I think there were stories showing a stargate near Earth as a being a
reason for Earth's strategic value, but I don't recall for certain.
The best explanation is that is was a mistake, an idea that wasn't thought
through, and that either Beta or Mega is actually located in another star
system, one that is presumably dozens if not hundreds of light-years away
from Mirpet.
--Perhaps the Megans are located in the Enmoch star
Since all the Betans in the Godzilla storyline wore uniforms that covered all of their bodies except for their faces and parts of their necks, it has been difficult to correctly identify some details of their anatomy. Three of those features are their fingers, their toes and their wings. The OHotMU DE Betans entry clarifies these matters...somewhat.
While the OHotMU text claims that Betans have two fingers (including
opposable thumb), the OHotMU illustration clearly shows them with "two
fingers (plus an opposable thumb)" as stated in your profile. However,
that's wrong. Since the Betans all wear mitten-like handgear, it can be hard
to see but there are several images which clearly show Betans having THREE
fingers plus an opposable thumb on each hand. I've attached three such
images to this email.
--Actually, there�s a number of images that show
them clearly with two fingers, such as #13, numbered page #11, panel 2, and
#14, numbered page 11, panel 2 and 5...I checked the images and saw clear
representation in a panel, and went with it. I didn't check every image
showing their number of fingers, and so didn't notice this inconsistency.
Obviously, it needs to be noted that it is inconsistent whether it is two or
three fingers.
The OHotMU
claims that the Betans have only two toes on each foot. I'm at a loss as to
how they could determine such a thing since all Betans depicted were shown
wearing heavy boots. Sure, there is ONE image which show a Betan with what
looks like an indentation running down the tops of his boots but that seems
like rather flimsy evidence. Of course, if I was arguing FOR them having two
toes, then I would consider it rock-solid proof. In any event, I tend to
favor the idea that creatures generally have the same numbers of digits on
their feet as they do on their hands.
--Yeah, this comes down to a "this is how I'd do it if I'd written the
handbooks. While the information is new in the handbooks, there's nothing to
contradict it, and at least limited support. So, no real reason to argue
this point.
One thing
that I absolutely disagree with is the idea that the wing-like structures on
the backs of the Betans' uniforms are actually vestigial wings. When I read
that in the handbook I was completely surprised because it seemed clear to
me that the "wings" were merely part of their uniforms. Since the Betan
uniforms were form-fitting, that would mean that each had a
specifically-shaped pocket on the backs for their wings. This seems unlikely
but I suppose that they could have had something like unstable molecule
fabric that would stretch to fit any wearer. However, the Betan uniforms
seem to have a lot of frills, like the laces on their boots. And then
there's the headgear. It seems to me that all Betans in uniform have what
looks like hairnets (sometimes called a "snood") hanging down behind their
heads. Since the image of the out-of-uniform Betan shows that they have NO
hair, this clearly indicates that the "snood" is merely decorative and not
actually holding/covering something. So, if that true for the "hairnet",
then why not for the "wings" as well?
--Going back to Godzilla #12, numbered page #23, panel 1, 3, and
5...those are clearly wings on their uniform. The handbook confirms this and
contradicts nothing. The idea of them being able to fly in low gravity
environments is a little more questionable,
The snood/hairnet issue is also resolved in the is
costume. No contradiction, simple clarification, no problem.
Also, if
anyone is thinking that the image of the Betan Mourner (from Quasar #26,
page 14, panel 2) conclusively shows a Betan with part of his right wing
visible behind his shoulder, I would respectfully disagree. While the artist
may have intended it to be the Betan's wing, the actual image is ambiguous.
It could just as easily be an image of a (wingless) Betan who happened to be
standing in front of another purple-skinned alien (perhaps another, taller
Betan) and that it was that other alien's left shoulder which was showing
above and behind the Betan's right shoulder. Too much of that image is
obscured to be able to make a definitive statement one way or the other.
--The Mourners
image is consistent with what was shown in the handbooks. No contradiction,
no reason for debate.
Profile by Snood.
The Betans have no known connections to
Unidentified. He supervised the transport of Godzilla to the moon, the battle between Godzilla and the Beta-Beast, the atraumatic communications with Godzilla, Godzilla's return to Earth to battle the Mega-Monsters, and the assault on the Megan starship in an effort to prevent the use of the Megans' Energex-Ray. Though the Megan ship was indeed crippled and ultimately imploded (though not before releasing the Energex-Ray), it's retaliatory strike against the Betan ship, which the commander was aboard, destroyed the Betan ship's controls, leaving it on a collision course with the Betan moonbase. He presumably perished when the ship crashed into the moonbase, causing the base's atmosphere to drain rapidly through the breach.
--Godzilla#12 (13
Assuming the previous commander was slain
when his ship crashed into the Betan moonbase, the being referred to as
commander was presumably his successor. At any rate, as the atmosphere drained
from the base and the rest of the crew began to perish, he ordered the base
lowered so that the little remaining atmosphere would collect and be contained
at the bottom of the crater so that they (the commander and the last other
surviving Betan) might observe the battle's resolution. The sole survivor at the
moonbase by the time Godzilla had slain the last of the Mega-Monsters, he was
content to die in peace, knowing his homeworld was safe.
He presumably did die, though that was not shown.
The Betans built this base within a crater on the near side of Earth's moon to observe Earth and find native creatures who would be capable of defending Earth from an imminent attack by the Mega-Monsters.
It was situated on top of a giant elevator which could raise the moonbase up above the rim of the crater or lower it to the bottom as needed.
The moonbase was entirely dependant on its atmosphere dome to maintain a livable environment. Once the dome was breached, the atmosphere began to leak out, faster and faster, until every occupant suffocated to death. Oddly, the moonbase did not appear to have ANY safety features (like automatic sealing mechanisms or even emergency Betan repair crews on standby) that could have repaired the dome in the event of a rupture and even the "inner airlocks" leaked like a sieve. Clearly, the builders did not do a good job.
After its dome was ruptured, every Betan within the secret moonbase died. What happened to it afterwards has not been revealed. However, Nick Fury and SHIELD had become aware that "something" was happening up on the Moon and SHIELD may have later discovered and occupied it...unless the Betans had the foresight to equip their base with something like a self-destruct device that would automatically activate once all the Betans were dead?
(Godzilla#12 (fb) - BTS) - Knowing the Megans would send their three most powerful war-monsters -- the Mega-Monsters Krollar, Rhiahn, and Triax -- to prepare the way for conquest of Earth (to replenish the raw materials for the armaments they believed necessary to conquer the Betans, and which they believed would also be a strategic location from which to launch a final assault on Beta), and knowing that their own last and most powerful war-monster, the Beta-Beast, was not powerful enough to challenge the powerful trio of Mega-Monsters, the Betans set up a base on Earth's moon, to study Earth and search for any native creatures powerful enough to defend Earth; they found Godzilla. They decided to have Godzilla oppose the Beta-Beast, to better evaluate his power.
(Godzilla#12 - BTS) - The Betans opened a warp that pulled Godzilla to Earth's moon in the vicinity of the Beta-Beast. They coated Godzilla with a field that provided a protective "oxygen sheath" that allowed Godzilla to function in the moon's airless void and frigid cold. After a fierce battle, Godzilla overpowered and destroyed the Beta-Beast.
(Godzilla#12) - The Betans on Earth's moon caused their base to raise from beneath the satellite's surface, leading Godzilla to investigate. When Godzilla interpreted the moving base to be another enemy and prepared to attack, the Betan commander ordered he be immobilized with the ID-ray to force him to stop and listen.
After reviewing their history to Godzilla, the Betans learned of the Mega-Monsters approach to Earth. Further, their computer showed that the Mega-Monsters were targeting the most powerful entities on Earth. The Betan commander ordered Godzilla to be returned to Earth immediately, and to be sent to the same location selected by the Mega-Monsters.
(Godzilla#12 - BTS) - The Mega-Monsters identified Red Ronin as one of Earth's most powerful entities. Seconds after Triax ambushed Red Ronin, Godzilla materialized by their side.
(Godzilla#13) - After the Mega-Monsters Rhiahn and Krollar
joined the struggle, another Betan noted that their scan-trackers had just
identified an approaching craft heading for Earth that might be Megan (and
indeed it was!). The Betan commander ordered the monitoring of all channels
to intercept all transmissions, from which they learned that the Megans were
preparing to unleash their Energex-Ray. The Betans knew that the Energex-Ray
would ultimately lethally overload the Mega-Monsters, but that it would first
increase the creatures' strength and ferocity tenfold, enabling them to kill
Godzilla and crush Earth's defenses.
The Betan commander ordered their base to be raised above the
crater containing it and to prepare their craft -- which he would personally
pilot -- for immediate takeoff. Though his crewmen noted that the Megans would
thusly learn of their secret base there, the commander noted that if they didn't
stop the Megans that their secret base would be useless because Godzilla
wouldn't have a chance.
The Betan spacecraft struck the Megan ship with a twin blast.
The Megan ship fired back,
crippling the Betan ship's controls, leaving it on its auto-pilot directed
flight back to their base, with which it would crash without controls. As they
crashed into the Betan moonbase, the commander (presumably) noted that if they
had damaged the Megan ship sufficiently to stop it, it would be a worthy
sacrifice as their base would no longer be needed.
Within the Betan base, the crew panicked as the
life-sustaining atmosphere seeped out through breached dome.
(Godzilla#13 - BTS) - The Megan ship made it sufficiently close to Earth that it could release the Energex-Ray just before the ship imploded, shortly after Red Ronin having been decapitated by Rhiahn.
(Godzilla#14) - With all Betans beyond the inner airlocks of the moonbase dead, the few surviving Betans left in the base monitored the four remaining monsters' life signs, noting that Godzilla's were weaker than the Mega-Monsters'. Soon after, two other Betans collapsed from the loss of atmosphere. The commander (presumably another commander, as the other one had been piloting the ship that crashed into the dome), with the only apparent other surviving Betan at the base, had the base lowered so that the little remaining atmosphere would collect and be contained at the bottom of the crater so that they might observe the battle's resolution.
(Godzilla#14 - BTS) - With the help of distractions provided
by SHIELD crafts piloted by Gabe Jones and "Dum Dum" Dugan, Godzilla slew
Krollar, Triax, and Rhiahn in series.
The other Betan also perished at some point, leaving only the
commander left.
(Godzilla#14) - Observing the last of the Mega-Monsters' life signs blinking off while Godzilla remained alive, the Betan commander was content to die in peace, knowing his homeworld was safe.
--Godzilla#12 (13-14
Note: The green structure at the base of the lateral image is actually the tip of the Betan ship as it was about to crash into the base.
Despite the fact that it supposedly contained a "city"
within its atmosphere dome, the moonbase appears to have been rather small. Even
when raised to its full height, the top of the dome was only level with the top
of Godzilla's head and since more than half of that height was taken up by the
shaft supporting the moonbase, that means that the dome was less than 50 feet
tall. And that in turns means that, in order to contain as many buildings as it
seemed to do, those building should have been much smaller than normal-sized
buildings on Earth, which in turn suggests that the Betans should have been much
smaller than humans.
--Donald Campbell
...or that the buildings were relatively flat and single-floored.--Snood
(Godzilla#13) - After one of the crewmen of the Betan
moonbase noted that their scan-trackers had just
identified an approaching craft heading for Earth that might be Megan (and
indeed it was!). The Betan commander ordered the monitoring of all channels
to intercept all transmissions, from which they learned that the Megans were
preparing to unleash their Energex-Ray. The Betans knew that the Energex-Ray
would ultimately lethally overload the Mega-Monsters, but that it would first
increase the creatures' strength and ferocity tenfold, enabling them to kill
Godzilla and crush Earth's defenses.
The Betan commander ordered their base to be raised above the
crater containing it and to prepare their craft -- which he would personally
pilot -- for immediate takeoff. Though his crewmen noted that the Megans would
thusly learn of their secret base there, the commander noted that if they didn't
stop the Megans that their secret base would be useless because Godzilla
wouldn't have a chance.
The Betan spacecraft lifted off the moon, gained on the Megan
craft, targeted the ship on their range-scope, and struck the craft with a twin
blast. Recognizing their attackers as Betan, the Megan ship fired back,
crippling the Betan ship's controls, leaving it on its auto-pilot directed
flight back to their base, with which it would crash without controls. As they
crashed into the Betan moonbase, the commander (presumably) noted that if they
had damaged the Megan ship sufficiently to stop it, it would be a worthy
sacrifice as their base would no longer be needed.
Within the Betan base, the crew panicked as the
life-sustaining atmosphere seeped out through breached dome.
images: (without ads)
Godzilla#12, pg. 13, panel 2 (moonbase
crewmen uniforms, full body from rear);
pg. 14, panel 3 (moonbase commander,
showing pattern on uniform);
panel 4 (war
with Megans);
panel 5
(capturing war-beast);
pg. 15, panel 1 (battle of Betan and
Megan war-beasts);
#13, pg. 7, panel 5 (moonbase crewmen uniforms, full body
from front, distant);
pg. 8, panel 5 (face close-up);
pg. 9, panel 1 (moonbase dome
pg. 15, panel 1 (ship from side, as
it is being blasted);
panel 3 (ship
from rear);
panel 4 (moonbase,
from side);
#14, pg. 16, panel 2 (succeeding moonbase commander dies at
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#15: Appendix: Alien
Races: Betans entry
Godzilla#12-13 (July-August, 1978) - Doug Moench (writer), Herb Trimpe (penciler),
Fred Kida (inker), Jim Shooter (editor)
Godzilla#14 (September, 1978) - Doug Moench (writer), Herb Trimpe (penciler),
Dan Green (inker), Jim Shooter (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#15: Appendix: Alien
Races: Betans entry (March, 1987) - Mark Gruenwald (writer/producer), Peter
Sanderson (writer/researcher), Kyle Baker (penciler), Josef Rubinstein (inker),
Gregory Wright (assistant editor)
Last updated: 07/16/14
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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