Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human (Earth-82324) mutate (British citizen)
Occupation: Hero, "demi-god;"
former government
Group Membership: Marvelman's new gods; formerly the Spookshow
Affiliations: Marvelman (a.k.a. Miracleman),
Young Miracleman/Young Marvelman, Fenris/Overdog, Mors (Qys ambassador),
Huey Moon (Firedrake), Winter Moran, Phon Mooda, Kana Blu (Warpsmith
formerly Sir Dennis Archer, two unidentified
Enemies: Formerly Marvelman ("Major Molotov")
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: The Man with No Time for Crime
Base of Operations: Olympus;
formerly unspecified
government facility (Zarathustra II presumably)
First Appearance: (Cover only) Warrior Summer Special (a.k.a. Warrior#4; Summer 1982); (in-story) Warrior#9 (January, 1983; US reprint in Eclipse's Miracleman#3, November, 1985); (own story) Warrior#19 (June, 1984)
Powers/Abilities: Big Ben possesses superhuman strength (able to throw boulders hard enough for them to shatter against Marvelman's face, or uproot a medium size tree with effort - so lowish level, maybe 5 tons?), endurance and durability (he survived being struck by Marvelman and sent flying dozens of yards, through several tree trunks and impacting the ground hard enough to leave a crater, but was injured and knocked unconscious - so probably bulletproof but not much more than that). He can fly at undefined speeds, and possesses some martial arts skill (based on a flying kick to the face he delivers in one scene). He was disconnected from reality, interpreting events around him through a mind programmed to believe he was a superhero protecting his country from Communist menaces.
History: (Warrior#9/Miracleman#3, "Out of the Dark" (fb) - BTS) - After the official closing down of Project Zarathustra in 1963, and the apparently successful termination of the three superhuman operatives - Marvelman, Young Marvelman and Kid Marvelman - created by Dr. Emil Gargunza, Spookshow director Sir Dennis Archer had his scientists study the incomplete notes left by Gargunza when he absconded. Though Gargunza had destroyed or taken most of the files, and despite having only a dim understanding of the process, the scientists nevertheless succeeded in creating a new, less powerful but more controllable, operative, who they dubbed Big Ben.
(Warrior#11/Miracleman#3, "Zarathustra" (fb)) - Five years after Gargunza's disappearance, in 1968 it was decided to proceed with the project. Zarathustra Mark II was not an unqualified success, due to the gaps in their technical knowledge, and resulted in the creation of the flawed superhuman, Big Ben. His achievable power levels were markedly inferior to his predecessors of 15 years before, but more importantly, due to the limited understanding of the para-reality programming necessary to control the replicates, Big Ben received inadequate conditioning; his mind became unbalanced, and although his condition left him ideally suggestible, it limited his effectiveness against rational opponents.
(Warrior#11/Miracleman#3, "Zarathustra" (fb)) - Like his predecessors, Big Ben was conditioned and contained in a Virtual Reality ("para-reality"), in his case, a simulated spy drama where he was a top agent defending the realm from the Kremlin's minions.
(Warrior#9/Miracleman#3, "Out of the Dark") - After Marvelman returned, Sir Dennis sent assassin Evelyn Cream to find Marvelman's vulnerable human alter ego and slay him. Discovering Cream had instead struck up an alliance with Marvelman, and had directed him to the decommissioned Project Zarathustra bunker in the remote Cotswold Hills, Sir Dennis sent Big Ben into the field to stop Marvelman before he could expose the Spookshow's secrets.
"Inside Story") - Sir Dennis informed Big Ben that Zarathustra
was under attack by top Soviet agent Major Molotov, sent to steal
newly invented Death-Ray.
(Warrior#9/Miracleman#3, "Out of the Dark") - In the early hours of July 9th, 1982, Marvelman penetrated the bunker's outer defenses and slew the human guards; he was just about to enter the bunker when Big Ben arrived. Tapping his target on the shoulder with his umbrella, Big Ben warned Marvelman ("you Bolshevik Blighter") to prepare for a trouncing.
"Inside Story") - While narrating an inner monologue,
Big Ben attacked Marvelman, kicking, punching and then hitting him with
thrown boulder - but his opponent watched on impassively, barely
the assault. Marvelman wondered who his assailant was and where he came
given that he was clearly a fellow superhuman, and wished the attacker
stop hitting him, but hesitated to retaliate as he recognized Big Ben to
be less powerful than himself and mentally disturbed - "flawless China
eyes that never blink, and glitter like marbles. He's a psychopath."
none of his attacks had made even the slightest impact, Big Ben
with more of the same, uprooting a tree and smashing it against his foe,
convinced he would eventually stumble upon "Molotov's" secret weakness
some everyday substance.
of being struck, when an exhausted Big Ben demanded he surrender or
fight like a man, Marvelman obliged, casually swatting Big Ben away with
a backhanded slap that sent the Man with No Time for Crime flying. In
nearby woods surrounding the bunker, Evelyn Sweet's examination of some
slain by Marvelman was interrupted by the noise of breaking trees,
before Big Ben crashed to ground nearby with the impact of a rocket.
the crater, Sweet saw that Big Ben was out cold, battered and bruised,
not seriously injured.
"Zarathustra") - Having been knocked out minutes before
Marvelman breached the bunker at 2.39am, Big Ben regained consciousness
3.35am. Despite having teeth missing and one eye swollen shut, plus
undefined injuries, he limped towards the bunker intent on finishing the
fight he had started. He entered the bunker unnoticed at 3.42am, and as
result witnessed Marvelman and Sweet watching video footage discussing
Ben's creation. His worldview shattered, Big Ben sat quietly on his
and broke down into tears. Still unaware of Big Ben's presence,
and Sweet departed by 4.10am.
Shortly afterwards Big Ben's two handlers arrived, put the
superhuman into an enhanced straitjacket, and took him back to his
lockdown facility; in his own mind, a hallucinating Big Ben rationalized
what he had witnessed, convincing himself that Major Molotov had used a
beam to make him question his own identity, a fiendish trick that had
worked. Luckily his Bulldog Brigade allies, Jack Ketch and Owlwoman (his
handlers) arrived from Owlwoman's mountain fortress with her ultra-vest
straitjacket) that could drain off the harmful mind-clouding radiation.
(Marvelman Special#1) - Two cleaners sent to clear up the Zarathustra bunker after Marvelman's incursion amused themselves by watching video tape recordings of four of the Marvel family's illusory adventures, then one of Big Ben's: "Big Ben vs. King Arthur." (see illusory Big Ben history for details). The elder cleaner, bored with the video, covertly yanked the plug out with his broom, cutting off his younger partner's viewing.
(Miracleman#14, "Book III: Olympus, Chapter 4: Pantheon") - The Warpsmiths detected Big Ben, but because of his madness it was decided to leave him alone until a cure could be found.
"Olympus") - In the wake of Johnny Bates' destruction of London,
(Marvelman, but at this juncture he's being published as Miracleman) and
his allies rebuilt Earth, taking control of the planet from human
They reprogrammed Big Ben with dreams designed to segue his fictional
with their own, having "Owlwoman" introduce him to Miraclewoman, and
he was in synch with the real world, they awoke him.
perfectly to his new circumstances, and feeling his costume looked
rather drab compared to his colleagues, he had a new one made, assuming
new name to go with it: British Bulldog. He soon acquired a Herculean
amongst the human populace, saving children from runaway vehicles and
like. A few years later, with most of Earth's problems seemingly solved,
British Bulldog joined his fellow superhumans in celebrations atop
the gigantic eight-kilometre high edifice Miracleman had constructed to
the ruined London.
(Miracleman#23, "The Secret Origin of Young Miracleman") - In 19EM (Era of Miracles, a.k.a. 2003 AD) Miracleman introduced the newly resurrected Young Miracleman to his pantheon, including British Bulldog. Still not entirely attached to reality, British Bulldog asked Young Miracleman if he remembered him, oblivious to the fact that Young Miracleman had died a decade before Big Ben had been created. When the revived hero admitted he did not recall British Bulldog, Bulldog wrongly concluded that this was because of his costume change and informed the confused newcomer that he used to be Big Ben, the Man with No Time for Crime, a revelation that clarified nothing.
Comments: Created by Dez Skinn and Ian Gibson. The character is copyright to Dez Skinn. Why include an entry for him on the Marvel Appendix then? Because Marvel now owns Marvelman and is reprinting and completing the Moore, Gaiman, et al Marvelman / Miracleman series, so though (and I want to make this doubly clear) Marvel does not own Big Ben, they will be publishing the adventures of this incarnation of the character.
Most of the Marvelman / Miracleman stories above were written by Alan Moore and drawn by Alan Davis (all bar Miracleman#16 and #23) and John Totleben (Miracleman#16); Miracleman#23 was written by Neil Gaiman and drawn by Mark Buckingham. The British Bulldog revamp was done by Alan Moore and John Totleben.
Though Big Ben debuted first in Warrior's Marvelman strip, his first produced story, written by Dez and drawn by Ian Gibson, was the one subsequently published in the Marvelman Special as the tale set in Ben's illusory world. Big Ben appeared again in his own solo stories in Warrior#19 to 27, written by Dez Skinn and drawn by William Simpson. These stories are not set in Marvelman's reality and there is no appearance, mention or interaction with any of the Marvelman characters; instead it is an alternate reality version of Big Ben, an alien shapeshifter. However, just as in the Marvelman story, the new tale had two versions of Big Ben - a "real" world version, plus a dream version in a stylized reality much like the illusory world the Marvelman Big Ben initially resided in. Since that incarnation of Big Ben is not going to be published by Marvel, he doesn't warrant an entry on the Appendix.
Profile by Loki.
Big Ben has no known connections to
Real Name: Lord Benjamin Charterhouse Fortescue
Identity/Class: Unrevealed (British citizen)
Occupation: Government operative, Lord
Group Membership: Bulldog Brigade
Affiliations: Jack Ketch, Owlwoman, Fosdyke, Miraclewoman; (unseen, mentioned) Doc Thunderbolt
Enemies: King Arthur; (former) Major Molotov (a.k.a. real world's Marvelman); (unseen, mentioned) Menace, the Crimson Finger, the Sponge, Dr. Panic and his Phantom Robot, Phineas Fiske (the Creature with the Cobalt Brain)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: The Man with No Time for Crime
Base of Operations: Clocktower of the Palace of Westminster (colloquially, if inaccurately, called "Big Ben")
First Appearance: (cover only) Warrior Summer Special (a.k.a. Warrior#4; Summer 1982); (in-story) Warrior#9 (January, 1983; US reprint in Eclipse's Miracleman#3, November 1985); (own story) Marvelman Summer Special (Summer 1984)
Powers/Abilities: Big Ben possesses low-level superhuman strength, endurance and durability. He can fly at undefined speeds, and possesses some martial arts skill. He is alerted to missions by his "Alarm" clock, a communicator hidden inside his fobwatch, and has a hidden base within the House of Commons, accessible via a grandfather clock in the House of Lords. His wristwatch conceals a powerful laser, and his bowler hat is sturdy enough to survive being used to head butt people. He wields a closed umbrella in battle; it has a spiked end, is strong enough to block sword blows, and when opened and twirled it can generate gale force winds.
(Warrior#11/Miracleman#3, "Zarathustra" (fb) - BTS) - Big Ben was a top
defending the realm from the Kremlin's minions.
- At 9.43 precisely, M.P. Sir Barrington Makespeech Fotheringay
was being driven along a country road towards London when his car was
by an armored knight on horseback. More armored brigands clubbed his
and Fotheringay was kidnapped at sword point. By 12.27 the news had
London via the early evening editions of the newspapers, but Lord
Charterhouse Fortescue, who had no time to read the papers as he rushed
the House of Lords to deliver a speech, missed this. However, mid-speech
and much to the disapproval of the other Lords present, Lord Benjamin's
alarm went off, and Tanya informed him he had an urgent mission. Making
excuses to the outraged peers, Ben left the chamber and used a nearby
secret grandfather clock entrance to access the route to his hidden base
behind the clockface of "Big Ben." His clock-faced computer informed him
that the museum Castle Chronos was under attack by medieval knights.
Lord Benjamin changed as the clock tower struck, transforming into his
ego: Big Ben, the Man with No Time for Crime!
at the Castle, he engaged the attackers in battle, using both fists
and brolly (umbrella). Noting numerous reinforcements charging towards
Ben opened up his umbrella and swirled it, generating gale force winds
knocked them off their feet, kicked up a dust storm, and generally
them from continuing the assault. Taking a captive inside Castle
he had the butler Fosdyke torture the man with the Truth-Timer, until he
revealed he was working for a "mad geezer" called Arthur King who
out of the Camelot Café. Flying to the Café, Ben discovered
it was literally a front, a movie prop, masking a warehouse, and entered
to find the armored "King Arthur" holding several kidnapped peers in a
descending-portcullis death-trap. As Ben moved to fight Arthur, a dozen
attacked, but Ben easily dispatched them, then returned his attention to
Arthur. They grappled, but with only seconds left to save the captives
head-butted Arthur with his bowler hat, then used his laser watch to
the peers just before the portcullis would have skewered them. Leaving
ungrateful MPs commenting on his improper dress sense and manners
down collars and now flying, indeed!"), Ben departed to make his report
(Warrior#10/Miracleman#3, "Inside Story" (fb) - BTS) - The villainous Menace kidnapped Doc Thunderbolt's beautiful assistant Valerie. Doc Thunderbolt teamed up with Big Ben to rescue her, and they finally defeated their foe when they discovered Menace was vulnerable to common tap water.
(Warrior#10/Miracleman#3, "Inside Story," - BTS) - Sir Dennis Archer informed Big Ben that Zarathustra was under attack by top Soviet agent Major Molotov, sent to steal Zarathustra's newly invented Death-Ray.
(Warrior#9/Miracleman#3, "Out of the Dark") - In the early
hours of July 9th, 1982, Molotov penetrated the bunker's outer defenses
slew the human guards; he was just about to enter the bunker when Big
arrived. Tapping his target on the shoulder with his umbrella, Big Ben
the Bolshevik Blighter to prepare for a trouncing.
"Inside Story") - Big Ben attacked Molotov, kicking, punching
and then hitting him with a thrown boulder - but his opponent watched on
impassively, barely acknowledging the assault. Though none of his
had made even the slightest impact, Big Ben persisted with more of the
uprooting a tree and smashing it against his foe, convinced he would
stumble upon Molotov's secret weakness to some everyday substance, just
he had when he had fought Menace. When an exhausted Big Ben
he surrender or fight like a man, Molotov obliged, casually swatting Big
Ben away with a backhanded slap that sent the Man with No Time for Crime
flying. He crashed to ground nearby with the impact of a rocket, out
battered and bruised, though not seriously injured.
"Zarathustra") - Big Ben regained consciousness around
3.35 am. Despite having teeth missing and one eye swollen shut, plus
undefined injuries, he limped towards the bunker intent on finishing the
fight he had started. However, once inside Major Molotov used a brain
to make Benquestion his own identity, a fiendish trick that nearly
Luckily his Bulldog Brigade allies, Jack Ketch and Owlwoman arrived from
Owlwoman's mountain fortress with her ultra-vest to drain off the
mind-clouding radiation. Ben learned from them that though Molotov had
him, Ben had delayed Molotov long enough to enable Ketch and Owlwoman to
prevent Molotov from escaping with the Death-Ray.
(Miracleman#16, "Olympus") - Owlwoman introduce Ben to Miraclewoman, and to a world changed by other superbeings. He adapted perfectly to his new circumstances, and feeling his costume looked rather drab compared to his colleagues, he had a new one made, assuming a new name to go with it: British Bulldog.
…and at this point the illusions segue into the "real" world of Marvelman.
Comments: Given that the Marvel family members' secret identities in their illusory worlds matched their secret identities in the "real" world, it's possible that "real" world Big Ben shares his true identity with his illusory world counterpart - presumably minus the Lordship.
Castle Chronos is described by Ben as his "favorite museum" but then proves to be a time-themed castle with a butler who knows Ben and has a time-based torture device, all of which suggests it is Ben's home - but then, it's a dream, and dream-logic can be skew-whiff.
Big Ben in his illusory career encountered a being called
Menace! who is vulnerable to common tap water; could that creature share
a connection with the Menace
from Inferno Isle?
--Mikel Midnight
The butler of Castle Chronos, he apparently knew Big Ben well, and had a temporal torture device, the Truth-Timer, which he used to extract information from criminals at Big Ben's request.
-- Marvelman Summer Special
Jack Ketch was a grim superhero who employed a hangman motif. He was a member of the Bulldog Brigade and an ally of Big Ben and Owlwoman.
Comments: The real life Jack Ketch was a notorious 17th century public executioner working for the English crown. He became famous for botching executions - beheadings, though brutal, were meant to be relatively swift and painless for the condemned, killing them with hopefully a single blow, but Ketch, either through incompetence or sadism, hacked away multiple times with at least two victims, William Russell, Lord Russell and James Scott, the 1st Duke of Monmouth, so that both men suffered slow, torturous deaths, to the point where even the bloodthirsty crowds that enjoyed attending such events became incensed against Ketch. Thus, for all the worst reasons, his name became a byword for death and executions.
Owlwoman was a high tech superheroine who employed an strigiforme theme. Based out of a mountain fortress, she traveled to crimes via her hovering Owlcar. She was a member of the Bulldog Brigade and ally of Big Ben and Jack Ketch.
She later introduced Big Ben to Miraclewoman.
-- Warrior#11/Miracleman#3, Miracleman#16
images: (without ads)
Marvelman#3, p19, pan2 (main)
Marvelman#3, p19, pan3 (headshot
Marvelman#3, p7, pan7 (confronting Miracleman)
Marvelman#3, p9 (attacking Miracleman)
Marvelman#3, p11, pan7 (getting swatted)
Marvelman#3, p19, pan6 (learning the truth)
Marvelman#3, p22, pan4 (getting strapped into straitjacket)
Marvelman#3, p22, pan6 (being taken home)
Marvelman#16, p22, pan1 (being reprogrammed)
Marvelman#16, p22, pan2 (British Bulldog)
Warrior Summer Special, cover (illusory Big Ben main)
Marvelman Summer Special, Big Ben story p1, pan2 (unmasked headshot)
Marvelman Summer Special, Big Ben story p5, pan5 (flying next to Big
Marvelman Summer Special, Big Ben story p8, pan3&4 (umbrella
Marvelman#3, p22, pan3 (getting strapped into ultra-vest)
Marvelman#3, p22, pan6 (heading to Owlcar)
Marvelman Summer Special, Big Ben story p8, pan6 (Fosdyke)
Marvelman#3, p22, pan3 (Jack Ketch)
Marvelman#3, p22, pan3 (Owlwoman)
Warrior#9-11 (January, April & July, 1983) - Alan Moore (writer),
Alan Davis (art), Dez Skinn (editor)
Miracleman#3 (November, 1985) - Alan Moore (writer), Alan Davis (art),
Skinn (editor)
Miracleman#14 &16 (April, 1988 & December, 1989) - Alan Moore
John Totleben (art), Letitita Glozer (editor)
Miracleman#23 (June, 1992) - Neil Gaiman (writer), Mark Buckingham
Valarie Jones (editor)
Marvelman Special (Summer 1984) - Big Ben story only - Edgar
(writer), Ian Gibson (art), Dez Skinn (editor)
First Posted: 11/02/2013
Last updated: 08/15/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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