Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Unrevealed
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Unrevealed
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Crazy Magazine#71 (February, 1981)
Powers/Abilities: Unrevealed, though he did carry a shield like Captain America, with which he was presumably proficient.
History: (Crazy Magazine#71) - Captain Armenia searched the midnight streets for someone who could answer the question "Kvast sqik podumnk?"
Comments: Created by Paul Kirchner.
Captain Armenia was one of several heroes to appear in a four page feature in Crazy#71, titled "Marvel Heroes Who Didn't Quite Make It." A follow-up feature in Crazy#78 introduced several more of these guys. It's almost certainly a sign of my increasing insanity, but I'd personally love to see them all get introduced into the Marvel universe proper, possibly taking on the heroes who "didn't make the cut" from Marvel Year in Review '93, the Hostess villains, Crazy and Not Brand Ecch's regular characters (Obnoxio, Forbush Man, Behemoth Jack, Teen Hulk, Aunty Nuke, etc.), and all the other "fringeworthy" characters (such as Cougar or Puzzle Man). It's not like some of them haven't already made it into 616 (Phone Ranger, Lectronn, etc), and these guys are no more bizarre than many of the others who preceded them into 616 canon.
I've been unable to translate his question "Kvast sqik podumnk?" from Armenian, possibly because it lacks the proper accents and so the words are not recognized by the various online translation sites. Or possibly they are nonsense words. For what it is worth, I did learn that kvast is the Swedish word for broom.
Profile by Loki.
Captain Armenia has no known connections to
images: Crazy Magazine#71, p22, pan6 (main)
Other Appearances:
Last updated: 02/17/14
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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