Real Name: Harris Moore
Identity/Class: Human mutate, citizen of the United
States (pre-modern
to modern era)
Occupation: Adventurer; former philanthropist
Group Membership: Champions of Xandar (Crimebuster/Frank Moore, Diamondhead/Arch Dyker, Nova/Richard Rider, Nova Prime/Tarak Valt, Powerhouse/Rieg Davan, Protector/Thoran Rul)
Adora, Mike Burley, Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm,
Invisible Girl/Susan Storm-Richards, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards,
Thing/Ben Grimm), Hank, H.E.R.B.I.E., Jack, Nova
Corps, Rom, Sphinx (Anath-Na Mut), Doctor Sun, Master
Enemies: Nebula, "Purple Gangster", Skrulls; formerly Diamondhead
Known Relatives: Helen Moore (wife, deceased), Frank Moore (Crimebuster, son, deceased), unidentified daughter (deceased)
Aliases: "You relic" (nickname used by
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly Xandar;
formerly New York City, New York. USA
First Appearance: (as Moore): Nova I#21 (September,
1978); (as Comet): Nova I#22 (November, 1978)
Powers/Abilities: Exposure to the radiation of a
gaseous entity resembling a tiny comet altered Harris Moore's genetic
structure, granting him the ability to project electrical energy and fly
at supersonic speeds. Comet could focus his energies to fire energy
beams potent enough to melt steel within seconds. Comet could generate
an electron search grid which could search out and pick up a person's
specific energy wavelength, making him a superb tracker. The radiation
also greatly increased his agility and strength, allowing him to effortlessly
tear apart steel mesh netting. His body had high resistance to the
harmful effects of rapid flight. Harris' stamina was enhanced to the
point that decades of inactivity and frequent alcoholic stupors didn't
negatively impact his abilities. Comet's powers also greatly retarded
his aging, appearing no older than thirty while in his early to mid 60s
(see comments).
History: (Nova I#25 (fb) - BTS) - Sometime during the late 1940s, the independently wealthy philanthropist Harris Moore met his future wife Helen. They got married and had a son (Frank) and a daughter. Because of his wealth, Harris didn't need to work and thoroughly enjoyed spending time with his children.
(Nova I#22 (fb)) - In 1956, Harris' car broke down on a desolate
road. As soon as he got out of the vehicle to assess the problem, he
spotted a burning light in the sky that seemed to chase him. Bathed in its
reddish, radiation-heavy glow, Moore found himself transformed by a
gaseous comet that gave him strange, unearthly powers that he started to use as
a costumed crimefighter, appropriately calling himself the Comet. For a time,
he was relatively famous, fighting organized crime and common burglars, all
the while irking organized crime.
(Nova I#23 (fb) - BTS) - The underworld put a price on the Comet's head,
offering a million dollars to whoever was able to end his life.
(Nova I#24 (fb)) - Moore's family home was blown up by an unknown
assassin out to collect the bounty on the Comet. His wife and daughter
apparently died in the explosion while Harris and his son Frank were
flung in different directions. Shellshocked and severely injured, the
Comet found himself alone in a hospital and believed he was the only one
who had survived. After having sufficiently recovered and with no word on
his family, Moore left the hospital. Before too long, the guilt and shame
over being indirectly responsible for his family's demise drove the
Comet to the brink of madness. He destroyed all the hospital records, took
to the streets and became a drunk derelict.
(Nova I#24 (fb) - BTS) - Unbeknownst to Harris, the incident inspired Frank to swear vengeance on the underworld. The young boy was determined to follow in his father's footsteps and wipe out crime forever which he would eventually do as the costumed vigilante Crimebuster.
(Nova I#21) - Down on his luck, his mind warped and hallucinating, Moore was eventually found in a New York City alley by Mike Burley who initially mistook him for yet another drunk. When Burley went to check on Moore and didn't smell any alcohol on Moore's breath, he figured the old man was actually in need of medical help. He took him to the nearest hospital while Moore kept muttering that he was the Comet. At the hospital, EMTs Jack and Hank decided to make some x-rays to help diagnose whatever ailed Moore, ignoring his feverish warnings. As soon as he was exposed to the x-ray machine, his Comet powers violently manifested themselves.
(Nova I#22) - After the x-rays somehow restored both his powers and his sanity, Moore literally tore his way through the hospital and took to the air, while manifesting his costume. As he whizzed about, Comet spotted two unknown individuals fighting: Nova and his enemy Diamondhead (Arch Dyker) who seemingly incapacitated his opponent by burying him underneath a car and then left him for dead. Deciding to intervene, he landed near the wreckage and began to focus his electron energy to melt the wreckage. With Nova freed and recovered, Comet offered to help the slightly starstruck young hero to help locate Diamondhead. The two took to the air but the Comet refused to answer where he had been all these years, stating that having reluctantly returned to an identity that he had once swore never to assume again was enough to deal with.
(Nova I#22 - BTS) - Doctor Sun, who was constantly monitoring his enemy Nova at the time, spotted the two heroes together. He relied on his technological genius to create a 3D illusion of Diamondhead which he used to slowly lure the two heroes to the actual Diamondhead's location, who he informed of the situation by taking over the circuitry in the nearest television set. Properly motivated, Diamondhead swore to kill the Comet and crush Nova again and again, for he was the strongest man alive.
(Nova I#23) - Nova and Comet engaged Diamondhead, who was
initially surprised by their attack but soon laughed off their assault
after he'd successfully buried Nova. Unshaken, the Comet declared that, in his
day, villains like Diamondhead were a dime a dozen and you could still
find those perps doing time at every state penitentiary from here to Los
Angeles. In response, Diamondhead grabbed Comet and, after squeezing the
life out of him, threw him several miles away.
(Nova I#24 (fb) - BTS) - Comet eventually recovered and
made his way to New York City hoping to rejoin Nova who,
at the time, had been transported to his Xandarian space ship by Dr. Sun
and the Sphinx.
(Nova I#24 - BTS) - Comet's rapid approach was picked up by Crimebuster
(Frank Moore), who was patrolling New York City in his Crime-Pod. Moving
in to investigate, Crimebuster spotted a flying costumed person
resembling his long lost father. His curiosity more than a little
piqued. Moore chased the red and yellow garbed figure.
I#25) - On their way to Xandar aboard Nova's ship, Comet took the time
to reconnect with his son. He admitted to feeling horrible and low for
having left his family behind while a teary-eyed Crimebuster merely
rejoiced in the fact his long sustained hope of seeing his loved ones
again had come true. The two hugged while Nova looked on from a
distance, reminded of the fact he missed his own relatives. A little
while after the Sphinx and Dr. Sun launched the ship into hyperdrive
towards Xandar, they were attacked by a fleet of Skrull warships. Nova
and Comet went into space to deal with the Skrulls with Harris slightly
taken aback by the fact he was actually in space when, back in the
1950s, the idea of outer space travel was merely fiction. At the same
time, Diamondhead emerged from the shadows determined to return home by
taking control of the vessel. Crimebuster tried his best to stop the
superpowered criminal but proved no match for his brute strength. In
the end, he was saved by the Sphinx, who ended the fight by blasting
Diamondhead. When the villain came to and demanded an explanation, the
Sphinx merely stated the Skrulls attacking them so close to Xandarian
space meant a larger assault was imminent and all their powers were
needed to help fend them off.
(Fantastic Four I#206) - Upon reaching Xandar, Comet and
the other vigilantes were astounded to see the once proud planet had
been reduced to its four major cities, interconnected through an
artificial support system. Comet aided the others in finding a
suitable place to dock when they suddenly spotted a rogue Skrull craft
headed for Xandar. Unaware three of Earth's Fantastic Four were aboard
the ship, Nova's vessel fired on the enemy, seemingly destroying the
Skrullian saucer in the process.
(Fantastic Four I#208) - Comet and the others were stunned to find that the vessel they had destroyed did not house Skrulls but rather three members of the Fantastic Four. Nova rushed outside to collect the three heroes, kept alive because of the Invisible Girl's force bubble. At the same time, both the Sphinx and Dr. Sun teleported to Xandar in hopes of gaining access to the World Computers. Moments later, Comet met the FF, who were already feeling the effects of the Skrull aging ray they'd recently been subjected to. Crimebuster watched silently as the once mighty Thing had noticeable difficulties lifting not too heavy objects. Upon arriving on Xandar proper, the FF were reunited with their fourth member, the Human Torch, who'd teleported in to join his teammates. Not too long afterwards, Comet and the others noticed that Nova Prima Thoran had merged with the World Computers. This granted him significant omniscience, enough to foresee the Skrulls' upcoming assault. Before they could truly gird themselves against this attack, they learned the Sphinx had absorbed the knowledge and power of the Xandarian computer banks, gaining massive super powers in the process. Ranting, raving and deeming himself unbeatable, the Sphinx tore a bloody swath through the Nova troops and even made short work of the FF, Nova and his allies. The Sphinx swatted most of Earth's heroes aside and fired an energy blast at Crimebuster. A horrified Comet looked on as his son was hit. Crimebuster was merely temporarily stunned but the Sphinx used this distraction to take off for Earth, voicing his intent to conquer his birth planet.
(Fantastic Four I#209) - Comet watched from the side as
Mr. Fantastic used the Xandarian Worldmind's knowledge to quickly
construct a miniature, sentient robot that he dubbed H.E.R.B.I.E. which was
tasked to help the team locate Galactus, whom Mr. Fantastic figured would be the only one able to stop
the Sphinx. The FF asked Nova, Crimebuster and the remaining
heroes of Earth to stand together as the new Champions of Xandar against
the ever present Skrull threat while the Fantastic Four tried to save
Earth from the Sphinx. Crimebuster assured Mr. Fantastic that this unofficial
team was up to the task at hand and then saw the FF off. Not too
long after that, Comet and the other Xandarian Champions learned that
the Skrulls had pulled back all their forces in preparation for one,
final attack on Xandar.
(Rom I#24 (fb)) - The
treacherous Diamondhead had no intention of helping his Terran enemies
and secretly contacted the Skrulls, who agreed to help ambush the
Xandarian flagship by sending out a false distress signal. Upon arrival,
the ship and all aboard were to be shifted to another dimension, from where
they could no longer interfere.
(Rom I#24 (fb) - BTS) - Crimebuster discovered
Diamonhead's alliance with the Skrulls and brought it to the Champions'
(Rom I#24 (fb)) - Before the Xandarian heroes could act, the Skrulls
made their move. They lethally wounded Crimebuster and shifted Comet,
the Champions and Xandar's remaining Nova Corps forces to the
aforementioned dimension.
(Rom I#24) - Visiting Xandar, Galadorian Spaceknight Rom happened to be
present when the Skrulls attempted to invade the city-planet posing as
the Nova Corps. Using his Dire Wraith detecting device, Rom pointed out
that the returning Xandarians were in fact Skrulls. This led to a big fight
which saw the eventual return of Comet and the surviving Champions of
Xandar to their native dimension. After helping Rom and the Xandarians
fend off the Skrulls, Comet and the others vowed to remain together.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel
Universe II#16 (fb) - BTS) - Comet, the Champions and all of Xandar
perished when Nebula attacked it aboard Sanctuary II, the mobile space
fortress once commanded by her alleged grandfather Thanos of Titan.
Comments: Created by Marv Wolfman (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Bob McLeod & Joe Rubinstein (inks)
Though we saw him "die," given his powers and retarded
aging it's not unthinkable that Comet might still be with us. Comet first
started in the late 1950s, which would have made him a potential member
of the initial First Line but he faded into obscurity in 1957 while
that particular group didn't band together until early 1958. Of course,
the sliding timescale makes it pretty much impossible to have Comet's
earliest adventures in the late 1950s, but that's the inevitable result of
time moving on.
The Comet would appear to be a take-off/homage to DC's Silver Age Flash -- both have similar costumes, both were drawn by Carmine Infantino, and both "first appeared" in 1956 (The Comet, retroactively, and the Flash, historically).
--Ron Fredericks
Comet, as part of the Champions of Xandar, received profiles in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe#2 (1983), Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition#16 and Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z HC Vol. 2 (2008).
Profile by Norvo.
Comet should not be confused with
images: (without ads)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition II#16, p47, pan2
(main image)
Nova I#22, p6, pans1&2 (revitalized against his will)
Nova I#22, p7, pans 1,2,3 (empowered)
Nova I#23, p3, pan3 (fighting Diamondhead)
Nova I#25, p13, pan3 (stunned to be in space like Sputnik)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition II#16, p47, pan4
(killed by Nebula)
Nova I#21 (September, 1978) - Marv Wolfman
(writer & editor), John Buscema (pencils), Bob McLeod & Joe
Rubinstein (inks)
Nova I#22 (November, 1978) - Marv Wolfman (writer & editor), Carmine
Infantino (pencils), Steve Leialoha (inks)
Nova I#23 (January, 1979) - Marv Wolfman (writer & editor),
Carmine Infantino (pencils), M. Hands (inks)
Nova I#24 (March, 1979) - Marv
Wolfman (writer & editor), Carmen Infantino (pencils), Mike
Esposito (inks)
Nova I#25 (May, 1979) - Marv Wolfman (writer & editor), Carmine
Infantino (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks)
Fantastic Four I#206 (May, 1979) - Marv Wolfman (writer & editor),
Keith Pollard pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks)
Fantastic Four I#208 (July, 1979) - Marv Wolfman (writer &
editor), Sal Buscema (pencils), D. Hands (inks)
Fantastic Four I#209 (August, 1979) - Marv Wolfman (writer &
editor), John Byrne (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks)
Rom I#24 (November, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema
(pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Allen Milgrom (editor), Mark Gruenwald
Nova II#1 (January, 1994) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Chris Marrinan
(pencils), Mark Stegbauer (inks), Rob Tokar (editor)
First Posted: 01/30/2015
Last updated: 01/28/2015
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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