Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human mutate (possibly, see comments; pre-modern era)
Occupation: Adventurer
Group Membership: First Line (confirmed teammates with Effigy/Velmax, Eternal Brain/William Carmody, Firefall, Mr. Justice/Tim Carney, Morph, Oxbow/Sam Matonabbe, Pixie, Rapunzel, Walkabout; see comments)
Affiliations: Unrevealed, though he was most likely on friendly terms with the First Line's associates
Enemies: Unrevealed, but most likely whoever opposed the First Line
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Carmody Institute, New England
First Appearance: Marvel: The Lost Generation#11 (April 2000)
Powers/Abilities: Doctor Mime hasn't exhibited any on-panel superhuman abilities (see comments).
Height: 6'2" (by approximation)
Weight: 180 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed, possibly white
Hair: Unrevealed
History: (Marvel: The Lost Generation#11 (fb)
-BTS) - Sometime in the late-1980s, Doctor Mime joined the First
Line--at that point in time, the team operated as a loose-knit band of
heroes based at New England's Carmody Institute off the coast of Maine.
(Marvel: The Lost Generation#11 -BTS) - Doctor Mime and his teammate
Rapunzel were unavailable for the First Line's fight against Nocturne,
who threatened to destroy New York with his Alchem-Tech
virus. When they returned to the Carmody Institute after an unrevealed
mission, they found Effigy and the others questioning the recently
apprehended Skrull spy Zankor.
(Marvel: The Lost Generation#11) - Dr. Mime looked on with quiet, grim resolve after Zankor revealed to the First Line that the Skrulls were planning an imminent invasion of Earth. He also didn't speak up when Effigy assured Zankor that the First Line would call in every super-powered ally they knew in an attempt to oppose the aliens' plans.
Comments: Created by Roger Stern (writer), John Byrne (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks).
Ahhh, Doctor Mime. Apart from his
blink-and-you'll-miss-him appearance in the closing pages of M:TLG #11,
there's not a single scrap of additional information available on him.
Be he animal, vegetable or mineral? Is he an alien, genetically
engineered or maybe a mystical creature from a dimension where that
outfit is considered tasteful?
Possibly all of the above. The codename suggests he's
able to mime or mimic people or objects. Then again, names can be
deceiving, he's probably not a certified doctor either. Also, with
Effigy on the team, the shapeshifting was pretty much taken care of (perhaps Mime could duplicate powers?--Snood).
Mime wasn't seen in the First Line's final battle against the Skrull
invasion fleet. He might have quit, disappeared or died before then...Or
he might actually have been there, proving he was better at miming than
we give him credit for.
Regarding the Skrull Fleet assault/final battle: We see that
at least three ships of First Line members and allies, etc. approached
the Skrull fleet and that at least two of those had been shot down and
crashed on the moon; we don't know how many ships took flight, and we
have no idea who were on the ships that crashed. Doctor Mime may well
have been among them. Regardless, either way, we don't know if he was
alive or not following that battle.
Doctor Mime is one of
the characters whose chronology DOES NOT suffer from attaching the First
Line to "just before the Modern era." He was only seen on-panel for a
single issue (#11), which would have either occurred somewhere in the
mid-to-late-1980s or shortly before the start of the modern era. Whether
issues #10-12 get distorted by decades or not does not affect him, as it
does other characters in the series.
Ultimately, my vote would be to make the interactions
with Reed Richards and Ben Grimm as being topical (just like them being
shown to have been active in World War II in early Marvel stories was
shown to be), with Marvel: The Lost Generation#12 taking place around
We have only listed
confirmed teammates under First Line membership. It is indeed possible
that Dr. Mime was a member far earlier than he referenced (or that he
was a long time ally of the team), and it seems very likely that he may
have been one of those involved in the Skrull fleet assault, either on
one of the ships that crashed to the moon or just unseen in the battle
against the Skrulls. Given we don't know his powers, it's hard to
speculate under what circumstances he might have survived if he was
present. Ultimately, all we know for certain is that he was a member
circa #11, anything else is speculation.
Other known members he was not seen to be teammates
with include:
How's that for making
the most of a character appearing in just a handful of panels?
Profile by Norvo.
Character should not be confused with
images: (without ads)
Marvel: The Lost Generation#11, p21, pan4 (main image)
Marvel: The Lost Generation#11 (April 2000) - Roger Stern (writer), John Byrne (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks),
Ralph Macchio (editor)
First Posted: 02/09/2014
Last updated: 05/26/2014
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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