(of Earth-9105)
Real Name: Peter Parker
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-9105) human mutate
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Captain Britain, Man-Spider (Peter Parker of Earth-666), the Mutant Liberation Front (Angel, Colossus, Commander Logan, Cyclops, Hulk, Juggernaut, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Vision), Nova (Richard Rider), Quicksand, Rhino, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man (Bruce Banner of Earth-70105), Spider-Vampire of an unspecified reality, Adam Warlock
Enemies: Cloak, Dagger, The
Fantastic Four (Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic, Thing),
Giant-Man, the Inheritors of Earth-001 (Bora, Brix, Daemos, Jennix,
Lord Solus, Morlun)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Presumably mobile within Earth-9105
First Appearance: New Warriors I#11 (May, 1991)
Powers/Abilities: Spider-Man presumably had
the same superhuman powers that his Earth-616 counterpart had,
including superhuman strength, agility, durability, the ability to cling to solid surfaces and a "spider-sense"
that warned him of danger.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 167 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
(New Warriors I#11 (fb)) - Spider-Man received his powers either
through an accident of fate or birth. His becoming a superhuman added
to the challenges faced by the world-controlling Sphinx.
(Amazing Spider-Man III#9) - While out hunting for
spider-totems to feed, the extradimensional Morlun gravely injured
Spider-Man on Earth-9105 and brought him back to Earth-001 for the
Inheritors to feed on. Slamming Spider-Man down on the Inheritors'
table, Morlun watched as his father Lord Solus asked about the other
Inheritors' "tributes." Brix informed them all of the vampire
Spider-Man he had obtained and his sister Brix informed them of the
Man-Spider from Earth-666 that she had acquired. Daemos then informed
the Inheritors of his totem, Spider-Man of Earth-70105, explaining that
he had originally been after a totem on Earth-616. When Morlun argued
with Daemos about his selection of Earth-616, Lord Solus quickly calmed
them, reminding them that all threads of the Great Web were in the
Inheritors' grasp. The dying Spider-Man of Earth-9105 whispered that
the Inheritors were nothing more than thieves and reminded the
Inheritors that they would be stopped by the other spider-totems across
the multiverse. An angry Morlun grabbed Spider-Man-9105 and ordered him
to shut up, exclaiming that the totems were nothing but food to the
Inheritors. Lord Solus laughed, commended Morlun on his speech and
ordered the feast to begin. The Inheritors then feed on Spider-Man-9105
and the other totems, killing them.
Comments: Created by Fabian Nicieza, Mark Bagley and Larry Mahlstedt.
Spider-Man was seen in a flashback in New Warriors I#11 showcasing several superhumans, both good and bad. It was unclear which of these superhumans were affiliations of Spider-Man and which were enemies. I believe Spider-Man was a hero on Earth-9105 and not a servant of the Sphinx, as evident by the mention of how Spider-Man and the other superhumans presented a challenge to the Sphinx. Therefore, I placed the known heroes in Spider-Man's affiliations and the ones that seemed to be in support of the Sphinx in Spider-Man's enemies.
Unless otherwise noted, all characters mentioned in this profile are the Earth-9105 versions.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Spider-Man has no KNOWN connections to:
images: (without ads)
New Warriors I#11, p19, splash page (Earth-9105's Spider-Man, main image)
Amazing Spider-Man III#9, p32, pan2 (Spider-Man unmasked)
New Warriors I#11 (May, 1991) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), Larry Mahlstedt (inks), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man III#9 (January, 2015) - "Spider-Verse: The Feast"
story - Dan Slott (writer), Giuseppe Camuncoli (pencils), Cam Smith
(inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Last updated: 03/29/15
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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