Classification: Semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Planet Honchi,
unidentified solar system, unidentified galaxy;
Honchi is 337 light years from Zoma the Watcher's base on the
edge of the expanding universe
Known Members: Emperor Merkra, Empress Merkra, their children
Affiliations: Extremely loose association with Magistrati, Recorder Z9, and She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Enemies: Gray ice whales of Honchi
First Appearance: She-Hulk I#7 (November, 2004)
Powers/Abilities: Honchi can segment and subdivide, such that if they are cut in half, each half can grow into a new being
Traits: The Honchi are ruled by an empire, where the emperor and empress appear to have equal ruling power. They have some measure of religion, with worship of the sun and worship of the moon being popular. The males (or, at least the emperor) carry and have some experience with the use of a sword.
The Honchi apparently have no compunction against hunting species to extinction.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric bipeds (possibly insectoid or
invertebrate, like annelida (earthworm))
Eyes: Two (on head; brown irises seen)
Fingers: Three (including opposing thumb)
Toes: Two
Skin color: Brown
Average height: Approximately 9'?
(She-Hulk I#7 (fb) - BTS) - A familial dispute arose between Emperor Merkra, who
wished to raise his child in a religion that worships Honchi's son, and Empress
Merkra, who wished to raise their child to worship Honchi's moon. Refusing to
compromise, they asked the Star Chamber's Cosmic Claims Court -- normally run by
the Magistrati (for the Living
Tribunal) -- to settle the matter for them.
(She-Hulk I#7) - Jen Walters (aka She-Hulk) was temporarily
presiding over the Cosmic Claims Court, when the Merkras' case reached the top
of the docket. After hearing the dispute, Jennifer, recalling a similar dispute
resolved by the wise Solomon, stated that they should just cut the child in
half, believing whoever yielded would love the child more; however, Emperor
Merkra immediately drew his sword and sliced the baby in half. Jennifer was
mortified until Recorder Zeta 9 complimented her on her clever application of
the Honchi's ability to segment and subdivide; and, in seconds, both Emperor and
Empress Merkra each had a child, they could raise in the religion of their
With the petitioners pleased, the case was ended, and Z9
noted that the Magistrati were wise to choose her for the post. Southpaw (Sasha
Martin) asked if Jen knew the Honchi could do that, and Jen falsely responded
that she did.
(She-Hulk I#10 - BTS) - Zoma the Watcher for the Outer Rim Territories (along the ever-expanding outer rim of the universe) witnessed as the last gray ice whale on Honchi was hunted down to extinction. Zoma took special note of its death rattle.
(She-Hulk II#3) - Emperor Merkra, Empress, Merkra, and their two children attended the Time Variance Authority's trial of She-Hulk; at the conclusion, Justice Love sent all of the character witnesses back to their own times with their memories of the trial's events forgotten.
Comments: Created by Dan Slott, Juan Bobillo, and Marcelo Sosa.
Both the planet and the race are called Honchi
Profile by Snood.
The Honchi have no known connections to
gray ice whales
(She-Hulk I#10 - BTS) - Zoma the Watcher for the Outer Rim Territories (along the ever-expanding outer rim of the universe) witnessed as the last gray ice whale on Honchi was hunted down to extinction. Zoma took special note of its death rattle.
--She-Hulk I#10 (February, 2005)
Note: The ice whales were never seen on panel; they were just referenced in passing in showing Zoma.
images: (without ads)
She-Hulk I#7, pg. 14 (not including recap page), panel 3 (struggling with
panel 5
(infant sliced in half)
pg. 15, panel 2 (infant halves
growing into two infants);
panel 3
(fully formed infant)
panel 4 (main
She-Hulk I#7 (November, 2004) - Dan Slott (writer), Juan Bobillo (penciler),
Marcelo Sosa (inker), Molly Lazer, Andy Schmidt, & Nicole Wiley (assistant
editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
She-Hulk I#10 (February, 2005) - Dan Slott (writer), Paul Pelletier (penciler),
Rick Magyar (inker), Andy Schmidt, Nicole Wiley, & Molly Lazer (assistant
editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
She-Hulk II#3 (February, 2006) - Dan Slott (writer), Juan Bobillo (penciler),
Marcelo Sosa (inker), Andy Schmidt, Molly Lazer, & Aubrey Sitterson (assistant
editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Last updated: 01/05/15
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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