Classification: Terrestrial
hideaway on Earth
Creator: Yellowjacket (Hank
User/Possessors: Yellowjacket (Hank
Pym), Yellowjacket
(bio-mass duplicate of Hank Pym)
Avengers I#59
(December, 1968)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Hornet’s Nest
was a small
headquarters that had been shrunk down to allow those at insect size
access to
it. It was equipped with statis tube to house prisoners and had
equipment to
feed the prisoners intravenously if needed.
I#59 (fb)
- BTS) – After Hank Pym became the
delusional Yellowjacket, he designed the Hornet’s Nest, a secret
hideaway shrunk down and hidden amongst the trees on the grounds of
I#59) – As Yellowjacket,
Hank Pym thought himself to be a different person and claimed he had
Hank Pym. Thinking him a murderer, the Avengers attacked and
grabbed Wasp and fled to the Hornet’s Nest. Inside, Yellowjacket
bragged about
how much the Hornet’s Nest cost him but the Wasp wanted nothing to do
with him.
Earth’s Mightiest
Heroes II#6) – At the Hornet’s Nest, the Wasp asked if Yellowjacket had
the Hornet’s Nest by himself and Yellowjacket replied that ideas were
cheap and
that Hank Pym was a waste, better off dead. Wasp then asked him if he
was sure
Hank Pym was dead but Yellowjacket responded that she could not talk
her way of
being there with him. He then asked Wasp if he was not all she had
wanted, a
real man to replace the “bookworm.” Yellowjacket then once again stated
Hank Pym was a waste of a man but Wasp replied that Pym was a great man
leader. She then admitted that she did not believe that Yellowjacket
murdered anyone. Suspecting that Yellowjacket was indeed Pym himself,
tried to get Yellowjacket to accept the truth of who he was but
exclaimed that he was tired of the mind games.
(Avengers I#59/Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#6) – Still inside the Hornet’s Nest, Yellowjacket knocked Wasp’s hand away, thinking she was trying to slap him. Feeling that she was emasculating him, Yellowjacket grabbed her in anger but suddenly kissed her instead. Confused, he told her she was free to leave.
(Avengers III#38 (fb) – BTS) – When a brief rift in reality caused a duplicate of Hank Pym to form from the mass pulled from the Kosmos dimension when he grew, the duplicate captured the real Hank Pym and placed him in a stasis chamber inside the long-abandoned Hornet’s Nest, which the duplicate hid from the other Avengers using vibrational energy fields to mask its location. Making sure that the true Hank was kept alive via intravenous tubes, the duplicate took Hank’s place as Goliath within the Avengers.
III#37) - During an Avengers battle against Lord Templar and Pagan,
Wasp wondered where Goliath was and why there had been no sign of him
as she and Triathlon rushed past the Hornet's Nest, unaware it still
remained in a tree on the Avengers Mansion property.
III#38) – The duplicate
returned to the Hornet’s Nest to check on the true Hank Pym. Very weak,
true Pym asked if the duplicate had come to gloat or if he had
something more
serious in mind. The duplicate replied that as long as the true Pym was
guest, he had to be kept fed and alive. Angry, the true Pym demanded to
why the duplicate did not just kill him but the duplicate quietly
replied that
Avengers did not kill.
(Avengers 2001
Annual) – When
the duplicate became weak and began becoming incorporeal as a result,
revealed that “other” Hank was in the Hornet’s Nest in the maple tree
on the
grounds of Avengers Mansion. Wasp quickly rushed to the Hornet’s Nest
where she
found the true Hank Pym in a similar state of health. Freeing him from
the Wasp brought the true Hank back to Avengers Mansion where Dr. Jane
attempted to discern what was causing their incorporeal state.
Comments: Created by Roy
Thomas, John Buscema and
George Klein.
seemed to be some confusion
as to whether this headquarters was
called the “Hornet’s Nest” or the “Hornet’s Hideaway.” In
its first
appearance, Yellowjacket refers to it as his “Hornet’s Nest” hideaway,
essentially referring to it as a hideaway by function, not by
title/name. In
its final appearance in Avengers 2001 Annual, the Yellowjacket
referred to it as “Hornet’s Hideaway” to the Wasp. The Avengers:
Official Index
to the Marvel Universe TPB officially lists it as the "Hornet’s Nest"
entry on Avengers I#59 and then the “Hornet’s Hideaway” in the entry
Avengers 2001 Annual. For the sake of the profile, I went with the
Appearance Rule” and referred to it as the “Hornet’s Nest.” Plus, I
personally think
it sounds cooler...
by Proto-Man.
The Hornet’s Nest has
no known connections to
images: (without ads)
Avengers 2001 Annual, p5, pan5 (Hornet’s Nest, main image)
Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#6, p3, pan1 (Hornet’s Nest
design, supplemental image)
Avengers III#37, p6, pan4 (Hornet's Nest in tree on Avengers Mansion property)
Avengers I#59 (December, 1968) – Roy Thomas (writer), John Buscema
George Klein (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Avengers III#37 (February, 2001) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Steve Epting
(pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers III#38 (March, 2001) – Kurt Busiek (writer), Alan Davis
Mark Farmer (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers 2001 Annual (2001) – Kurt Busiek (writer), Ivan Reis
Scott Hanna (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#6 (March, 2007) – Joe Casey
Will Rosado (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Additions/Corrections? please
let me know.
Posted: 01/01/13
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