Real Name: Inapplicable
Identity/Class: Extradimensional ("Smokeworld") being
Occupation: None
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Vision (Aarkus), Dr. Enoch Mason, Sheila Mason
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Destroyer of light"; "a creature of pure evil"; "evil one"; "a sad, pathetic nothing" (as called by Vision)
Base of Operations: Mobile on Earth; formerly "Smokeworld"
First Appearance: Mystic Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1/1 (October, 2009)
Powers/Abilities: A native lifeform from the dimension of "Smokeworld," the green-skinned Kalimachh appeared to be larger than an elephant. The unearthly biped had a vaguely humanoid shape with a long tail. It had great strength (Class 20 or higher) and could easily smash through brick walls. From its circular fanged mouth (similar to that of a lamprey), the Kalimachh could extend a long stinger-like tongue. A living engine of destruction, the monster seemed to possess little (if any) intelligence (see comments).
As it walked the earthly plane, the Kalimachh drew along a dark cloud-like flow of energy from a dimensional rift connected to "Smokeworld". This dark cloud gave the creature an inexhaustible supply of energy, enhancing its strength and endurance. The Kalimachh was seen releasing a lightning-like discharge, perhaps an enhanced ability from the dark cloud. The black cloud could also induce paranoid hallucinations in humans caught in it.
Height: 15' (by approximation)
Weight: 10 tons (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: None
(Mystic Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - The aggressive Kalimachh beasts inhabited the dimension of "Smokeworld," where they were mastered by the Vision's people "since the dawn of time".
(Mystic Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1) - The Vision went to visit his friends, Dr. Enoch Mason and his daughter Sheila. Doctor Mason was concerned that the dimensional rift opened by his Dimension Smasher machine (which had originally brought the Vision to Earth from "Smokeworld") might reopen and the two dimensions would fold into each other; also fearing such a calamity, the Vision ominously warned Mason that there were things in his world that Mason should pray he never saw.
Before he sealed the rift permanently, Mason offered the Vision the choice of remaining on Earth or returning to his home dimension. But Galloway entered the lab with Sheila as his hostage, threatened her with his gun, and ordered the Vision to step through the portal. Sheila kicked herself free and the Vision followed by punching Galloway, unitentionally knocking the thug backwards onto a control console, which broke Galloway's neck. But before he died, Galloway fired a shot that severed the power supply to the Dimension Smasher at a critical juncture. Without the machine's delicate control of the dimensional portal, thick black smoke spewed forth from the Vision's home dimension, along with a Kalimachh, one of the beasts about which the Vision had warned Mason.
After brushing the Vision aside like a rag doll, the Kalimachh broke out of Mason's basement lab and the beast headed across the countryside, followed by an endless cloud-like stream of darkness from the dimensional rift. While the Vision was occupied with saving some inhabitants of a nearby farm house from the hallucinations they experienced from the cloud of darkness, the Kalimachh continued onward towards the city.
After catching up with the monster, the Vision traded blow for blow with the Kalimachh, but he was blasted by an energy discharge from the creature. As the Kalimachh continued its rampage through the city, Doctor Mason managed to repair the damage to his Dimension Smasher and sealed the dimensional portal, cutting off the supply of dark energy to the monster. The Vision quickly levitated himself downward and tore through the Kalimachh like a cannonball, ripping the beast to shreads.
The next day, a city newspaper--The Gazette--ran a headline: "Monster Attacks City--Hoax?" (see comments)
Comments: Created David Lapham (story and art).
Chronologically speaking, this story took place shortly after the Vision's first appearance (Marvel Mystery Comics I#13/3, November, 1940).
Maybe the remains of the Kalimachh disintegrated after the Vision destroyed it, and so with no physical proof of its existance, reports of the event were discounted.
The Kalimachh didn't seem to posses anything higher than basic animal-level instictive intelligence, and it said "Grraghghhh!" a lot.
Considering the extradimensional clouds of darkness that empowered the Kalimachh, maybe it had some connection to the extradimensional smoke-monster Diablo--maybe "Smokeworld" is another name for Diablo's "Fifth Dimension".
Profile by Ron Fredricks.
The Kalimachh has no known connections to
When local gangsters were menaced by the Vision, the mob bosses assigned Galloway to investigate for information on the unearthly crime-fighter. Acting on a tip from the former gardener at Doctor Mason's residence, Galloway took a job as "Jones," the estate's new gardener.
Galloway was snooping and eavesdropping when the Vision came to visit Doctor Mason and his daughter Sheila. Mason voiced his concerns about the rift that had been opened when he origianlly brought the Vision to Earth with his Dimension Smasher. Fearing that the open rift could cause a dimensional calamity, Mason intended to seal the portal permanently, and he gave the Vision the choice of staying on Earth or returning to his home dimension. But before a decision could be reached, Galloway came into the lab, threatened Sheila with his gun, and ordered the Vision to step through the portal. Sheila caught Galloway by surprise and kicked herself free, then the Vision punched Galloway and sent him sprawling backwards onto a control console, which resulted in the thug breaking his neck. But before he died, Galloway squeezed off one final shot that severed the power connection of the Dimension Smasher at a critical point; as a result, without the machine's delicate control of the portal, thick black smoke spewed in from the Vision's home dimension, along with a Kalimachh, and the extradimensional monster began its rampage on the earthly plane.
Although Galloway lay dead on the floor of Mason's basement lab, both Sheila and Doctor Mason experienced hallucinations (brought about by the effects of the black smoke cloud) where they were attacked by the reanimated corpse of Galloway. But in an act of bravery, Sheila was able to overcome her fear and dispel the hallucination.
--Mystic Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1
images: (without ads)
Mystic Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1, p19, pan4 (main image)
Mystic Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1, p20, pan2 (watched by Vision)
Mystic Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1, p20, pan3 (death)
Mystic Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1, p10, pan4 (Galloway)
Mystic Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (October, 2009) - David Lapham (story and art)
Last updated: 06/04/15
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