Real Name: Killfrenzy
Identity/Class: Human / animal / extra-terrestrial hybrid
Occupation: Assassin
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Mys-Tech, Stain Gang (Grotbag, others), Warryn Troop Warheads
Enemies: Madspike
Known Relatives: None; Oonagh Mullarkey
(creator); Killpower
(Julius Mullarkey, arguably brother - see comments)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Gena-Sys Building, London, U.K.
First Appearance: Body Count#1 (October, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: Killpower possessed
superhuman strength to an unrevealed degree, and accelerated healing
powers. He also had a taste for living flesh, including humans. He spoke
with a distinct buzz that turned the S in words into a Z. He was armed
with a large pistol that could fire a variety of shells, including
hi-explosive and thermite, and a sword capable to slicing a foe in half
with a single swipe.
Height: Unrevealed - likely well above human
Weight: Unrevealed - given his build, he'd likely be heavy for
his size, even before taking into account that his body was probably
denser than a human's in order to facilitate his enhanced strength.
Eyes: White (no visible pupils or sclera)
Hair: Purple
History: Created by Mys-Tech's greatest
scientist, Dr. Oonagh Mullarkey, Killfrenzy was a mutagenic mixture of
alien, animal and Brooklyn meatpacker. With no family or past, he
considered his creator the closest thing he had to family. Presumably
grown at an accelerated rate, by the time he was six he was one of
Mys-Tech's most willing and bloodthirsty assassins. While other, older
creations of Mullarkey such as Killpower and Genetix had rebelled and
turned against Mys-Tech, Killfrenzy needed only the promise of death and
slaughter to bind him to the organization - as he saw it, he might be a
homicidal maniac, but he was loyal. He was happy to work for Mys-Tech so
long as they supplied him with dangerous missions that involved
traveling to strange new worlds, meeting weird and exotic lifeforms ...
and then ripping them to bloody shreds. A psycho's work was never done!
On one mission he was sent to the planet
Arkaon to track down Warryn Troop, a Warheads squad that had gone
missing. Learning they were being held prisoner by local warlord
Madspike in his castle, Killfrenzy found allies in the Stain Gang, who
were opposing Madspike's plans to take over the entire planet.
Created by Bambos Georgiou and Henry Flint. Killfrenzy was intended to
debut in a four issue miniseries for Marvel U.K. in February 1994, but
the series was cancelled along with a slew of other forthcoming Marvel
U.K. titles when the imprint collapsed. However, some art for the series
had been completed - artist Henry Flint implies that the whole series
was completed in this
interview. Additionally, the character was depicted and briefly
mentioned in Body Count, a promotional issue that discussed the artists
and writers working for Marvel U.K. and hinted to various degrees at
forthcoming projects. Promotional artwork shows him chewing on the glove
of Spider-Man (or, in the colored artwork, Batman), supporting online
comments that the character ate humans (the comments described him as a
"cannibal" but I'd dispute that purely on the basis that as a part
animal, part alien hybrid, humans would not be his species and thus he
wouldn't be committing cannibalism to eat them).
Sigh - the '90s. Got to love how so many characters got named in the wake of Image being launched - take two violent sounding words and hammer them together. Kill Power, Blood Strike, Death Blow, Hell Shock, War Blade, Rip Claw, Die Hard, Kill Frenzy.
Since the promo art makes it clear the
character is owned by Marvel, and Flint's interview suggests all the
artwork was completed, maybe one day the character's adventures will be
published. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
Update 2024: In response to a query on a Marvel UK
FB group in October 2024, Bambos Georgiou confirmed that not only was
the entire series written, drawn and lettered before the axe came down,
but that he still has photocopies of the entire story and that he
believes Henry Flint still has all the original art. Which means that in
theory even after all these years it would be easy for this story to be
published if only Marvel could be convinced to do so!
Bambos also posted photos of a few of the pages, from which I was able
to glean more details about Killfrenzy's backstory and powers, allowing
for the updates to both in the profile above.
Profile by Loki.
Killfrenzy name has no known connections to
(without ads)
Body Count#1, Henry Flint interview page (main image)
Promo art for Killfrenzy (secondary image)
Unpublished issues of Killfrenzy, specifics unknown (rest of images)
Other Appearances:
None; however, he was intended to appear in Killfrenzy#1-4 (March-June
1994) - Bambos Georgiou (writer), Henry Flint (art), Jacqui Papp
First Posted: 01/14/14
Last updated: 10/11/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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