Real Name: Unnrevealed
Identity/Class: Human mutant (Morlock), citizen of the United States
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: Morlocks (Brain Cell, Masque and others)
Affiliations: Unidentified pawns incorporated into his body
Enemies: X-Men (Archangel/Warren Worthington III, Lucas Bishop, Colossus/Piotr Rasputin, Jean Grey, Professor X/Charles Xavier)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly the Alley,
Manhattan sewers, New York City, New York
Powers/Abilities: MeMe had the mutant ability to incorporate other lifeforms into his own physique with a single touch. He could absorb at least 6 adult men and women, adding their bulk and individual strength to his own. Though he appeared as an amalgamation of all those he had taken over, MeMe remained the dominant personality able to force his half-absorbed victims to do his bidding. After an undisclosed amount of time, the people he had absorbed would become a permanent part of his system. It's not been revealed if MeMe also gained his victims' knowledge or skills. MeMe suffered from an apparent speech impediment that caused him to randomly repeat words.
Height:6'8" (by approximation)
Weight: 400 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Bald
(Uncanny X-Men I#291 (fb) - BTS) - The Morlock known
only as MeMe was among those scarred mentally and physically by the
sadistic Masque. He also fell prey to the mental touch of the equally
affected Brain Cell, a young tactile psionic who fed MeMe and the other
Morlocks he'd once touched his own rage, fear and resentment and other
negative emotions. As a result, the entire, otherwise relatively
peaceful, sewer dwelling mutant community began to riot. This caught the
attention of the X-Men and their mentor Charles Xavier who went down to
the sewers to see what they could do to help. However, thanks to
Brain Cell's uncontrolled emotions, the encounter soon became a brawl that
spread out to the surface world.
(Uncanny X-Men I#292) -
MeMe was among the Morlocks fighting the X-Men in the heart of Times
Square, New York. Entering a nearby bar, he had already absorbed three
men before Colossus could take him on (see
The X-Man's armored form offered sufficient
protection against MeMe's touch, but the Morlock used the bodies
of the men he'd taken over to attack him. This gave Colossus considerable
pause, afraid he might hurt MeMe's victims. The gloating MeMe told his
opponent that the longer he possessed the "poor poor flesh", the greater
the chance it would belong to him "forever ever". Jean Grey arrived in
time to telekinetically move three others MeMe sought to add out of the
way. As she watched her teammate try and subdue the frantic Morlock, Jean
realized that MeMe was just stalling for time until the mergers became
irreversible. Sensing there was no other way, she used her telepathy to
reach in and turn off his mind. MeMe's victims were instantly freed, dazed
but none the worse for wear. Jean cradled the body of the now mindless
Morlock, crying a silent tear for him as she explained to Colossus what
she'd done.
Comments: Created by Scott Lobdell (writer), Rurik Tyler & Tom Raney (pencils), Josef Rubinstein & Al Milgrom (inks).
MeMe's victims were all nude when they were released from
his body. Either that means an unrevealed side effect of his mutant
power is permanent textile absorption... Or our Morlock stumbled
into one of Times Square's many "gentlemen's clubs"... Remember, this was
1992, a year before Rudolph Giuliani would be elected mayor and Times
Square would gradually turn into the mayor Bloomberg enabled Disney
megastore it is today.
Incidentally, the way Jean Grey just "casually" shut down his mind...
murder by any other name... is glossed over with astounding ease. Sure,
MeMe was a bad guy (albeit influenced by
Brain Cell), but was it necessary to turn him into a vegetable?
How about simply knocking the guy out, or using your telekinesis to choke
him til he lost consciousness and couldn't carry out his plan? Scott
Lobdell and Fabian Nicieza) would show a similar cavalier approach a year
or so down the road in X-Men II#25
when Xavier and Jean did the same to Magneto... And we all know the
Onslaught that led to...
Profile by Norvo.
MeMe should not be confused with
images: (without ads)
Uncanny X-Men I#292, p7, pan1 (main image)
Uncanny X-Men I#292, p15, pan4 (original form)
Uncanny X-Men I#292 (September, 1992) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Rurik
Tyler & Tom Raney (pencils), Josef Rubinstein & Al Milgrom
(inks), Bob Harras (editor)
First Posted: 05/08/2015
Last updated: 05/08/2015
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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