METZ of the Qa-Kaba
Real Name: Metz
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Qa-Kaba clan (see comments); planet Bwokk) warrior
Occupation: Warrior (presumptive royalty (likely a clan chieftain, at least, if not king or emperor; see comments)
Group Membership: Qa-Kaba clan
Affiliations: Other unidentified members of the Qa-Kaba clan;
formerly Homma of the Lo-Kala and his shield bearer
Enemies: Homma, the Lo-Kala clan, Nonna, Ronan the Accuser, his shield bearer, velociraptor-like reptiles
Known Relatives: None identified
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly an unidentifed location on the planet Bwokk
First Appearance: Annihilation: Ronan#1 (June, 2006)
Powers/Abilities: Metz was an experienced and confident warrior, typically wielding swords and battle axes, despite others of his clan possessing energy blasters and other high-tech weaponry.
He was unforgiving of betrayal, slaying his betrayers without regret, and he remained defiant in the face of a vastly more powerful foe who planned to execute him.
Height: Approximately 4' (he looked to be not much more than half the height of Ronan)
Weight: Approximately 120 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 (fb) -
BTS) - There was apparently long-standing feuding/hostilities between
the Lo-Kala and Qa-Kaba clans.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 (fb) - BTS) - Metz of the Qa-Kaba held a position of power in the Qa-Kaba clan, at least (see comments).
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 (fb) - BTS) - A marriage was arranged between Metz and Homma of the Lo-Kala, and their union was to forge a lasting bond between the two clans and signal an end to hostilities.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 (fb) - BTS) - Metz found Homma in bed with his shield-bearer, and -- as was his right by local law -- he executed both of them.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1) - As Metz walked through a crowd of beings, Homma's mother, Nonna, berated Metz for destroying any hope of reconcilation between their clans by slaying her daughter. Eventually Metz silenced Nonna with a slap to her face and then lifted her by her dress into the air, telling her that his was the only voice there (wherever they were) and that no one would waste breath on her whoring daughter. He was interrupted by Ronan, who -- following the written law of Koth that stated wheresoever Kree sets foot so shall Kree law hold sway, and ignoring the fact that he had been stripped of his rank of Supreme Public Accuser -- chose to speak for the deceased Homma and named Metz as the accused. Metz drew his sword and tried to defend himself, but Ronan shattered the sword with his Universal Weapon and then backhanded the much smaller Metz, knocking him down and out. Nonna told Ronan to wait, but Ronan then dragged the unconscious Metz by the ankle into what looked to be a gladiatorial ring (or some other sort of arena), stating they were adjourning to a setting fit for the administration of Kree law.
Nonna followed, and another spoke out, telling Ronan they weren't
beholden to his absolutist laws, as things were different there.
Ignoring this, Ronan ordered Nonna to state her name and repeat the
offense, which she did, confirming that Nonna was now dead at Metz's hand.
She tried to explain further, but Ronan interrupted her off and asked the
revived Metz how he pleaded. Metz defiantly spit on the ground, telling
Ronan he neither recognized nor acknowledged his authority: "You spout
Kree statutes, but this is NOT a Kree world. You claim Kree rank but
bear no insignia. And yet you presume to judge me?"
Reiterating the law of Koth, Ronan asked Metz if he had killed Homma, even though the union would have meant an end to the dispute between your two clans. After Metz had replied in the affirmative to both questions, Ronan asked if he had anything to say in his defense, and the still defiant Metz glared at Ronan and replied, "Not to you."
Ronan then sentenced Metz to trial by combat, releasing a trio of velociraptor-looking creatures for him to face with his battle axe. The reptiles swiftly surrounded and then leapt upon and began tearing into Metz, who screamed in pain. As Ronan walked away, Nonna asked "What have you done??" He told her he had passed judgment, and justice had been done, but she covered her face and sobbed, noting that she had been angry, but that she had not meant nor wanted this. Ronan told her their business was concluded, and he departed.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 - BTS) - Soon after Ronan departed, rioting began, as all of the clan chieftains sought to fill the power vacuum left by Metz's death. Though Ronan later had the circumstances of Homma's death, and the laws of Metz's people explained to him, he still felt justice had been done.
As Ronan departed, warriors (presumably of the Qa-Kaba) confronted and attempted to stop him, but he overpowered them and departed. And the struggles amongst the clans continued.
Comments: Created by Simon Furman and Jorge Lucas.
It wasn't specified, but Metz would likely be the leader of his clan, and perhaps he ruled a union of multiple (or perhaps all) clans...otherwise, why would all of the clan chieftains be warring to try to fill the void his death left?
I didn't really pick this up the first couple times I read this story, but Metz, a powerful warrior among his people, Nonna and the others are like half Ronan's height. Ronan seemed like a big bully, although he just felt he was doing his duty...though he did it badly.
The first time Nonna and Ronan reference Metz's clan (on pages 1 and 2), they each call him Metz of the Qa-Kabar. Within the arena, they each call him Metz of the Qa-Kaba (Ronan says that twice). Given the Lo-Kala naming, it seems that Qa-Kaba would be right, but it's 3-2 in terms of naming, and the one used fewer times is the one used first...
Profile by Snood.
Metz should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Annihilation: Ronan#1, pg. 1 (not including title page), panel 3 (smacking Nonna);
pg. 5, panel 5 (face);
pg. 6, panel 2 (vs. velociraptoids)
Annihilation: Ronan#1 (June, 2006) - Simon Furman (writer), Jorge Lucas (artist), Molly Lazer & Aubrey Sitterson (assistant editors), Andy Schmidt (editor)
Last updated: 02/26/15
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