Real Name: Otny
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Asgardian) rock troll
Occupation: Trickster, manipulator
Group Membership: Rock Trolls of Asgard
Affiliations: Askella, Giants of Jotunheim (including Snorth) and other enemies of Asgard, Horskuld, Svin, Troll king (possibly Geirrodur)
Enemies: Asgardian gods, Grim Magnus, Greyval Grimson, Oddbrand Otter, Odin, Sygnet
Known Relatives: None confirmed;
Askella may be his mother and/or Svin may be his brother...or
Aliases: Sly Otny
Base of Operations: Last seen in the caverns beneath Gundershelm, on the Asgardian landmass
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel No. 15: The
Raven Banner (1985)
Powers/Abilities: Otny is a metamorph. He could also either project his disembodied voice or project his thoughts into another's mind. He could materialize through the spilled blood of an innocent sacrifice.
I'm not sure if it is Otny who subdued Sygnet, but whoever did so used the "thorn of sleep," an approximately 3" long claw-like object with a sharp point that could pierce the flesh of and instantly subdue an Asgardian goddess, even (or perhaps more specifically) one of the Valkyrior.
As a troll, he likely has superhuman strength, perhaps lifting 10-25 tons. He would similarly have superhuman endurance and durability, as a troll's hide is far tougher than human skin. The trolls are reportedly slower than human, Otny seemed to move quickly for brief movements. He is accustomed to seeing in the dark -- via vision extending into the infra-red spectrum -- and is pained by bright sunlight or radiant light such as that released from the golden boar Gullinbursti. He is also adapted to breathe the lower levels of oxygen present in a subterranean realm. He would be immune to most terrestrial diseases and aged at extremely slow rate, with a lifespan measuring centuries, if not millennia.
Height: Unrevealed; approximately 5'4"
Weight: Unrevealed;
Eyes: Unrevealed; dark, likely brown
Hair: Orange eyebrows; his body may be covered with coarse, orange fur, as
is common with trolls
(Marvel Graphic Novel #15: The Raven Banner (fb) - BTS) -
During a battle between Asgard and its enemies, Greyval Grimson -- son of Grim
Magnus, bearer of the Raven Banner, which assured Asgard's victory but at the
cost of the standard bearer's life -- strode off to battle, but then three Trolls
(possibly including Svin and Otney) rushed up,
slid his sword out of its sheathe, and ran off laughing. Greyval gave chase, and
the trolls led him to their kingdom beneath dark Gundershelm, where
they got him intoxicated with their honeyed wine. The trolls assured Greyval that another
god would retrieve the Banner should Grim Magnus fall, and that another family
would thus take over the role of dying for Asgard, freeing him from that
unwanted destiny, Greyval sang and danced with the Trolls.
After the Asgardians' victory on the Plain of Ida and the death of Grim Magnus, Greyval
was not there to take over the Raven Banner; instead, a trio of trolls (possibly
including Otny) instead burst through the ground and stole it, noting in the
process that they had served their allies, the Giants of Jotunheim. The trolls
further commented that when the gods fell to the giants that sweet chaos would
return to "Heaven's realms" as in the "wintry age of the great ice cow, before
east was east and west was west." When the Valkyrior approached to bring the
fallen gods to Valhalla, the trolls rushed back into their cavern with the Raven
Banner to avoid being witnessed. The last one through voiced a "worm-child's
rune": Soil and sod, and sod and soil; conceal our cavern against all searching
And the ground closed up behind them.
(Marvel Graphic Novel #15: The Raven Banner - BTS) - The trolls took the Raven Banner to the altar of the Bottomless Abyss, presumably aka the Abyss of Shadows.
(Marvel Graphic Novel #15: The Raven Banner) - Askella brought word to the trolls (with Greyval) of the battle's outcome. Greyval was pleased for the victory but saddened by his father's death, though he incorrectly assumed another Asgardian had taken up the Banner and freed him from its destiny. Greyval departed to return to his beloved Sygnet in preparation for their wedding.
(Marvel Graphic Novel #15: The Raven Banner - BTS) - Odin was disappointed in Greyval and had instead granted his cousin, Horskuld, the mission of reclaiming the Banner, but Balder convinced Odin to allow him to guide Greyval in a separate search. During their quest, Balder progressively honed Greyval into a noble, brave, and skilled warrior.
(Marvel Graphic Novel No. 15: The Raven Banner) - Speaking via a seemingly disembodied whispered voice, Otny told Horskuld
-- who had become increasingly frustrated with his lack of success -- that if he slew a doe and her fawn, the Banner would be
his. After Horskuld slew the pair, Otny materialized through the spilled blood,
noting Horskuld was Asgard's most noble god and that he had earned the Banner.
A pair of trolls (one of whom may have been Otny) approached Sygnet. When she threatened their lives, they told her they could whisper information on Greyval's fate. When she bent close, the one close pricked her with the "thorn of sleep," rendering her instantly unconscious. They carried her back to a hidden cave.
Back in the kingdom of the trolls, the trolls (possibly including Otny) plied Horskuld with drink and stoking his ego. They challenged Horskuld to drain the massive horn-'o-plenty in one draft, and then noted that not even Thor was half the trencherman he was..."you should be the prince of gods, Horskuld." They convinced him to pledge on the drinking horn to renounce the daylight and be prince of trolls.
A group of trolls, possibly including Otny, backed Snorth in blocking passage to Sygnet. When Greyval battled Snorth, the trolls hurled large rocks/boulders at Greyval. When Greyval slew Snorth, however, the trolls fled.
Shortly thereafter, the trolls placed their armor on Horskuld and noted that the storm giants, who had heard "great Horskuld had joined the trolls," were requesting his aid against Asgard. Pleased with the giants "well-deserved" honor, Horskuld agreed to lead the charge. They further tricked Horskuld into insisting upon bearing the Raven Banner himself (as no other was worthy enough), appreciating that while Horskuld would die in the process, his holding the Raven Banner for their side would ensure their victory. The trolls led Horskuld to "the altar of the bottomless abyss" where waited the Raven Banner.
Greyval flew the golden boar Gullinbursti into the trolls' realm, Gullinbursti's
radiance pained the trolls and dispelled their illusions, revealing their realm
to be thorn-ridden wastes. Greyval put his sword to one trolls' neck,
threatening his life to reveal the location of the Abyss of Shadows. The troll
revealed the Abyss was below these caverns, but their prince guarded the Raven
As Greyval headed into the depths, he tasked Gullinbursti
with keeping the trolls at bay until he called upon the golden boar.
Comments: Created by Alan Zelenetz and Charles Vess.
Profile by Snood.
No KNOWN connections to:
images: (without ads)
Marvel Graphic Novel No. 15: The Raven Banner, pg. 38, panel 6
(emerging from blood);
panel 7
pg. 56, panel 4 (Greyval threatens a
Marvel Graphic Novel No. 15: The Raven Banner (1985) - Alan Zelenetz (writer),
Charles Vess (artist), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Last updated: 02/06/14
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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