Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Unrevealed
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Moon Knight (Marc Spector)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Marc Spector: Moon Knight Special#1 (October, 1992)
Powers/Abilities: The Pool Shark possessed a glowing pool cue that may have had some special properties. His head (mask?) possessed a massive mouth with sharp-looking teeth, so he might have been able to deliver a vicious bite. The pointed barbs on his gloves may have been sharp enough to cause injury, or might simply be for show. He either had the power to shrink himself and others, or else possessed a gigantic pool table with massive pool balls.
History: (Marc Spector: Moon Knight Special#1 / "Moon Knight #94") - The Pool Shark was a dual-themed supervillain, combining both (unsurprisingly) shark and pool (the game) memes. He trapped Moon Knight on a giant pool table, alongside giant pool balls, and gloatingly declared "Scratch one Moon Knight!" before breaking into maniacal laughter.
Comments: Created by Ty Templeton (art) and the writer, if someone else, was unrevealed.
Pool Shark made his one and only (thus far) appearance in a spoof cover included in the one-shot Marc Spector: Moon Knight Special #1. The cover in question parodies 1950s and 60s Batman covers, complete with ridiculous theme villains using giant props against the hero; as such it is probably no coincidence that Pool Shark's costume resembles Batman's, minus the cape and chest logo, and with a shark mask instead of bat-eared one. The cover is supposedly from the (non-existent) Moon Knight #94 (a title approved by the "Cottage Cheese Authority"). Whether Pool Shark really exists in Reality-616 is questionable, though he is no sillier than the Hostess villains or many other characters; if not a 616 resident then there is presumably another reality where it does exist, so he's still part of Marvel's multiverse. Maybe he could be a rival of 8Ball - or maybe he was 8Ball's original costumed identity?
full cover (and the page it comes from) can be seen to the left.
Profile by Loki.
Pool Shark has no known connections to
images: (without ads)
Marc Spector: Moon Knight Special#1, p38 (page after main story), panel 1
Other Appearances:
First Posted: 08/09/2014
Last updated: 08/07/2014
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