Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human mutate (pre-modern era)
Occupation: Adventurer
Group Membership: First Line (Black Fox/Robert William Paine, Blackjack, Doctor Mime, Effigy/Velmax, Firefall, Flatiron/Russell, Frank, Katyusha/Anya, Liberty Girl/Beverly, Major Mercury/Makkari, Mr. Justice/Timothy "Tim" Carney, Morph, Nightingale, Oxbow/Sam Matonabbe, Pixie, Positron/Veronica, Rapunzel, Rebound, Squire, Templar/Ian Fitzwilliam Dare, Vulcan, Walkabout/William Carmody, Yankee Clipper/Patrick "Pat" Carney, Yeti)
Affiliations: Mary
Carmody, Jim
Fitzpatrick, Gadfly
(T. Ruth MacRae), Princess
Khadijah, Cassandra
Locke, Riot-Act;
brief alliance of convenience: Mako
Enemies: Axis,
(Luke Garrow), Kang the Conqueror (Nathaniel Richards), Nocturne,
zombie Invaders, Scimitar,
the Scythe,
Skrull invasion forces, Typhoon;
formerly Blackjack, Positron
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly Carmody Institute, New England;
formerly First Line Headquarters, Colorado Rockies
First Appearance: Marvel: The Lost Generation I#12 (March 2000)
Powers/Abilities: Through unrevealed means, Reflex gained the ability to generate a reverse-kinesis field, capable of absorbing kinetic energy and reflecting it back at greatly increased levels--this usually sent whoever attacked or ran into him flying. The field was invisible and always active, even reacting when he wasn't consciously controlling it (which might explain his codename). It's not been revealed if it acted as a force field of sorts, shielding him from any and all incoming damage. It's also unclear what the minimum threshold of his reflection field's response was (presumably there was a minimum requirement, otherwise taking a shower could be a bit of a messy ordeal).
Height: 5'7" (by approximation)
Weight: 145 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Blonde
(Marvel: The Lost Generation I#6 - BTS) - At an unrevealed point during
the late-1960s, Reflex joined the First Line.
(Marvel: The Lost Generation I#6) - On July 20th, 1969, at 4:58 in the morning, Reflex and the other members of the First Line answered a summons from their leader Effigy (Velmax). After cursing out Black Fox for being incommunicado (he was enjoying a romantic interlude with the Russian defector Katyusha), Effigy explained that he had sufficient evidence the alien race that had built the ship they discovered back on Long Island in 1958 was planning to destroy the Apollo 11 spacecraft scheduled to land on the Moon. Reflex and the others boarded the semi-restored ship to reach the Moon, where they fought Earth villains Positron, Typhoon, Howler, Axis and the Scythe, who had all been hired by three disguised Skrull agents to make sure the Apollo mission would end in disaster. In the aftermath, only Positron and the Scythe survived the encounter and were taken into custody by the First Line.
(Marvel: The Lost Generation I#12 - BTS) - Reflex was among First Line members past and present summoned by Effigy when it became apparent a Skrull invasion fleet was headed for Earth. Reflex boarded one of the ships bound to meet the armada in space.
(Marvel: The Lost Generation I#12) - Uatu the Watcher and the time-traveling historian Cassandra Locke from Earth-700 watched from his lunar domicile as Reflex and the First Line engaged the Skrulls on the lead vessel of their armada. Fighting a losing battle, Reflex was one of the few heroes still alive when Pixie and Effigy caused the ship to self-destruct, thereby wiping out the entire Skrull fleet and, presumably, killing Reflex in the process.
Comments: Created by Roger Stern (writer), John Byrne (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks).
Some have claimed Reflex might be gay, based on his comment that Pixie "wasn't his type," combined with his somewhat effeminate stance. Though completely unconfirmed (maybe he prefers blondes over brunettes?), the notion that at least one of the First Liners wasn't straight makes a decent (one might even say fabulous) amount of sense.
Profile by Norvo.
Reflex should not be confused with
images: (without ads)
Marvel The Lost Generation I#9, p9, pan1 (main image)
Marvel The Lost Generation I#7, p7, pan1 (unmasks zombie cap)
The Lost Generation I#12 (March 2000) - Roger Stern (writer),
John Byrne (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel: The Lost Generation I#9 (June 2000)
- Roger Stern (writer), John Byrne (pencils), Al
Milgrom (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
The Lost Generation I#7 (August 2000) - Roger
Stern (writer), John Byrne (pencils), Al
Milgrom (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel: The Lost Generation I#6 (September 2000) -
Roger Stern (writer), John Byrne (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks),
Ralph Macchio (editor)
First Posted: 02/14/2014
Last updated: 10/23/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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