Real Name:
Identity/Class: Human possessed by a Spirit of Vengeance (1980s)
Occupation: Texas Ranger
Group Membership: Spirits of Vengeance / Ghost Riders, Texas Rangers
Affiliations: His wolf, formerly Zadkiel
Enemies: Drug dealers (see comments), demons, Kid Blackheart, Zadkiel
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Texas
First Appearance: Ghost Rider VI#33 (May, 2009)
Powers/Abilities: The "Texas Ranger Ghost Rider" possessed superhuman strength and durability, and was a devastating hand-to-hand fighter and martial arts master. He drove a GMC pick-up truck, which he presumably could transform into a burning vehicle capable of great speed, though it seems he didn't always feel the need to.
History: (Ghost Rider VI#33 (fb) - BTS) - In the 1980s the "Texas Ranger Ghost Rider" protected his home state from those who would prey on the innocent, assisted by his pet wolf.
In his human form, the "Texas Ranger Ghost Rider" confronted drug dealers in East Texas, but, unimpressed with his badge or gun,...
(Ghost Rider VI#33 (fb)) - the criminals opened fire on the Ranger's truck, blasting it full of holes. Thinking their foe out of ammo, the leader of the gang ordered his men to pull the Ranger out of his truck, only to be confronted by a now-transformed Ghost Rider and his wolf, its eyes burning with Hellfire.
(Ghost Rider: Heaven's on Fire#6) - Like all past Ghost Riders,
the "Texas Ranger Ghost Rider" was revived to take part in defending Heaven
from both the rogue angel Zadkiel and then Kid Blackheart's demon army.
Comments: Created by Jason Aaron and Tony Moore.
Like all the other Ghost Riders depicted in the flashbacks in Ghost
Rider VI#33, there is limited information given about this character. The script
confirms him to be a homage to Chuck Norris' character in Lone Wolf McQuade,
identifies his opponents as drug dealers, that the scene is taking place
in East Texas, the make of his truck, and dates the era he comes from. It
doesn't name him beyond being a Ghost Rider; Texas Ranger Ghost Rider is
a descriptor rather than a codename.
Profile by Loki.
The Texas Ranger Ghost Rider is definitely connected to, but should
not be confused with
but has no known connections to
Texas Ranger Ghost Rider's wolf
The Texas Ranger Ghost Rider had a pet wolf that assisted him against enemies. Like many of the animals associated with Spirits of Vengeance, it was empowered by hellfire when its master transformed into a Ghost Rider.
--Ghost Rider VI#33
A group of drug dealers operating in East Texas ran foul of the Texas Ranger Ghost Rider.
Their leader is a homage to Michael Ironside while one of the gang resembles Al Leong, both of whom played bad guy roles similar to these in various 1980s movies.
--Ghost Rider VI#33
images: (without ads)
Ghost Rider VI#33, p16, pan4 (main image)
Ghost Rider: Heaven's On Fire#6, p10, pan1 (in Heaven, about to fight Kid
Blackheart's demons)
Ghost Rider VI#33, p16, pan1 (his truck)
Ghost Rider VI#33, p16, pan4 (his wolf)
Ghost Rider VI#33, p16, pan2 (drug dealers)
Other Appearances:
Ghost Rider: Heaven's On Fire#6 (February 2010) - Jason Aaron (writer),
Roland Boschi (art), Sebastian Girner (editor)
Last updated: 03/18/14
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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