colonists of Urrulu
Classification: Semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Last seen on an unidentified
frozen wasteland planet;
formerly a single settlement on the planet Urrulu, D'Krian
quadrant (presumably the only populated planet in that region);
planet of origin unrevealed;
Deadpool was identified as being from "a far away galaxy,"
indicating Urullu (if not the colonist's home planet)'s galaxy was distant from the Milky Way
Known Members: None identified
Affiliations: Deadpool (Jack, aka Wade Wilson), Ongulian race
Enemies: Deadpool, Id, Ongulian race
First Appearance: Deadpool IV#34 (May, 2011)
Powers/Abilities: The colonists did not demonstrate any superhuman powers.
Traits: Little is known about their parent race, but the colonists resented the hard work of farming they were forced to endure. Willing to trust someone who offered them an out, they were nonetheless resentful upon getting shafted.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric semi-humanoid bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; solid blue, white, & red colors seen -
vaguely, from a distance and in-shadow)
Fingers: Three (including opposing thumb)
Toes: Unrevealed (their feet appear to be spatulate)
Skin color: Light-yellow green, with varying shades of blue spots
Average height: Approximately 5'6" (That not clearly seen in
defined perspective, they looked to be at least 6-8" shorter than the 6'2" Deadpool)
(Deadpool IV#34 (fb) - BTS) - An unidentified race established a colony of
terra-farmers on the planet Urrulu.
(Deadpool IV#34 (fb) - BTS) - Over time, the grandchildren of
the original colonists, now numbering around 1000, resented the hard work of
farming on an inhospitable planet they were forced to endure.
(Deadpool IV#34 - BTS) - Kak, commander of the last survivors of the Ongulian race (whose home planet and the rest of their fleet had been consumed by Id the selfish moon), predicted that Id would target Urrulu as it was populated (despite by a small number), which is what Id liked. Having hired Deadpool to destroy Id, Kak planned to have Deadpool destroy Id while Id was distracted in the process of shattering Urrulu.
(Deadpool IV#34 - BTS) - Upon learning Kak's plan and that Kak was willing to sacrifice the colonists to save countless other worlds, Deadpool forced the Ongulians to change their plans to save the colonists on Urrulu.
(Deadpool IV#34) - Deadpool spoke to the colonists, informing them that Id was coming to destroy Urrulu and that he would use the Ongulian ship to transport them somewhere cool. Unhappy with their current lot, the colonists cheerfully agreed...but first Deadpool forced them to carve a large message on Urrulu's surface for Id to see: "They're gone -- I'm the guy that did it" (surrounding a picture of Deadpool's symbol).
The colonists were less happy, however, upon arriving on their new world, a frozen wasteland. Deadpool encouraged the colonists to blame the Ongulians helping to unload their freeze-dried food packets within an icy shelter; while one of the Ongulians futilely tried to appease the colonists by discussing the positives (a cave for shelter and freeze-dried food packets), Deadpool took the Ongulians' ship and left Kak and the other Ongulians with the angry colonists.
(Deadpool IV#34) - As planned, Id was antagonized by the message, and he bypassed the frozen world of the former Urruluan colonists and the Ongulians, as there was neither happiness nor revelry there.
(Deadpool IV#35 - BTS) - The Ongulians were apparently recovered from the frozen planet; it is unrevealed whether the colonists were recovered and/or returned to Urrulu.
Comments: Created by Daniel Way (writer), Carlo Barbieri, & Walden Wong
Profile by Snood.
The colonists of Urrulu have no known connections to
(Deadpool IV#34 (fb) - BTS) - An unidentified race established a colony of terra-farmers on the planet Urrulu.
(Deadpool IV#34 (fb) - BTS) - Over time, the grandchildren of the original colonists, now numbering around 1000, resented the hard work of farming on an inhospitable "rock" they were forced to endure.
(Deadpool IV#34 - BTS) - Having hired Deadpool to destroy Id, Kak -- commander of the last survivors of the Ongulian race -- planned to have Deadpool destroy Id while Id was distracted in the process of shattering Urrulu.
(Deadpool IV#34 - BTS) - Deadpool forced the Ongulians to change their plans to save the colonists on Urrulu.
(Deadpool IV#34) - Deadpool easily convinced the colonists to
leave Urrulu to escape Id; but first Deadpool forced them to carve a large message on Urrulu's surface for Id to see: "They're gone -- I'm the guy that did it"
(surrounding a picture of Deadpool's symbol).
This antagonized Id and led him to Deadpool's trap
(Deadpool IV#35 - BTS) - The Ongulians were apparently recovered from the frozen planet on which Deadpool had transported them and the former colonists of Urrulu; it is unrevealed whether the colonists were recovered and/or returned to Urrulu.
--Deadpool IV#34
wasteland planet
(Deadpool IV#34) - Having told the colonists of Urrulu he would take them someplace cool," he brought them here.
The colonists were less happy, however, upon arriving on their new world, a frozen wasteland. Deadpool encouraged the colonists to blame the Ongulians helping to unload their freeze-dried food packets within an icy shelter; while one of the Ongulians futilely tried to appease the colonists by discussing the positives (a cave for shelter and freeze-dried food packets), Deadpool took the Ongulians' ship and left Kak and the other Ongulians with the angry colonists.
(Deadpool IV#34) - As planned, Id was antagonized by the message, and he bypassed the frozen world of the former Urruluan colonists and the Ongulians, as there was neither happiness nor revelry there.
(Deadpool IV#35 - BTS) - The Ongulians were apparently recovered from the frozen planet; it is unrevealed whether the colonists were recovered and/or returned to Urrulu.
--Deadpool IV#34
images: (without ads)
Deadpool IV#34, pg. 13, panel 2-3 (on Urrulu, upper body);
panel 4 (full body,
pg. 14-15 (Urrulu with message)
pg. 17, panel 1 (face close-up; on
panel 2 (frozen wasteland,
with former colonists or Orrulu);
panel 5 (full
body, in wasteland garb)
pg. 19, panel 2 (frozen wasteland
Deadpool IV#34 (May, 2011) - Daniel Way (writer), Carlo Barbieri (penciler),
Walden Wong (inker), Jordan D. White (editors)
Last updated: 01/26/14
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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