(of Earth-928)
Membership: Dom, Driver, Jacey, Slithar, others
Purpose: To "punish" the Punisher
Aliases: None
Affiliations: Fearmaster (Darryl King)
Enemies: Kerry Dowenn, Duke, Punisher (Jake Gallows)
Base of Operations: A mobile headquarters active within Nueva York, Earth-928
First Appearance: (behind-the-scenes, identified): Punisher 2099 I#6 (July,
(fully seen): Punisher 2099 I#7 (August, 1993)
(Punisher 2099 I#6 - BTS) - After the Punisher took out the
Fearmaster's agent Multi-Fractor, Commissioner Bennelli reported the
defeat to the Fearmaster, who announced that he was bringing in a
special team, the Ninja-Nostra, to take care of the Punisher. When
Fearmaster remarked that the Ninja-Nostra specialized in preparation,
Bennelli protested that the Ninja-Nostra were nothing more than
underworld criminals. Fearmaster replied by telling Bennelli to shut up
and he remarked that he would have Slithar lead the Ninja-Nostra before
phoning Slithar and ordered him to use whatever hardware or men he had
to in order to take down the Punisher. Further explaining that money
was no object, Fearmaster assured Slithar that he could guarantee an
absence of the Public Eye police force and that the Ninja-Nostra would
have a clear field to punish the Punisher.
2099 I#7) - As Punisher drove his cycle through the city, accessing
traffic computers to turn every light green, the Ninja-Nostra monitored
the computer weather systems, noticing the shock waves and drops in air
pressure in a specific region of town. The Ninja-Nostra's leader,
Slithar, ordered his men to cross reference their data with traffic
anomalies and one of the Ninja-Nostra quickly confirmed that someone
was manipulating the traffic computers to make lights green. Deducing
that someone had to be traveling at the speed of sound through the
city, Slithar suggested that the Ninja-Nostra had found the Punisher.
Announcing that all the Ninja-Nostra had to do was follow the changes
in air pressure to locate the Punisher's headquarters, Slithar also
informed the Ninja-Nostra not to inform the Fearmaster of their
discovery yet, as Fearmaster only wanted the Punisher's head not
details. When Punisher stopped in the Bronx, Slithar announced a red
alert for the Ninja-Nostra and ordered them all to be ready for a
full-scale assault. Traveling to the Bronx, the Ninja-Nostra noted that
the signal stopped at an old brownstone and Slithar was informed of a
series of maze-like tunnels beneath the brownstone, where Slithar
announced they would be entering. Public Eye para-psych Kerry Dowenn
soon entered the brownstone as the Ninja-Nostra secretly watched,
prompting Silithar to suggest that the Punisher might secretly be a
cop. As Kerry met with the Punisher, the Ninja-Nostra used a
directional explosive charge to silently enter the tunnels beneath the
Punisher's brownstone. Once inside, Slithar remarked that for each
member of Ninja-Nostra that died, he lost points with the Fearmaster,
and he then ordered the Ninja-Nostra to use their machinery to disrupt
the building's sensors. Unfortunately, Punisher was awakened by a
back-up alarm and donned his costume to investigate, soon finding
members of the Ninja-Nostra that he shot dead. Slithar quickly ordered
the other Ninja-Nostra members to shoot the Punisher but Punisher
managed to activate his hidden floor guns, which killed several
Ninja-Nostra members. As the battle progressed and nearly all
Ninja-Nostra members were killed, Slithar called for backup, ordering
every available Ninja-Nostra (including Driver) that was not present to
show up. When Kerry Dowenn came downstairs to check on the Punisher,
Slithar grabbed her to use as a hostage and ordered Punisher to drop
his weapons or risk Kerry's life. Remarking on the cliche hostage
speech, Slithar continued, stating his plan to kill both Kerry AND the
2099 I#8) - A Ninja-Nostra member reported to Slithar that eight of
their number had been killed, leaving only six, Slithar commented that
his bonus would be affected by the loss of life but killing the
Punisher should grant him a plat card with some of the Ninja-Nostra
receiving a gold card for their work. Unfortunately for Slithar, one of
the Punisher's prisoners managed to break his arm through his cell and
he punched Slithar while demanding a gold card from the Punisher. The
distraction allowed the Punisher to grab Slithar and use Slithar's gun
to kill the Ninja-Nostra member that had reported the deaths. When the
other Ninja-Nostra members fired back, Punisher snapped Slithar's neck
and used his corpse as a human shield before firing back and killing
the attacking Ninja-Nostra. One of the remaining Ninja-Nostra managed
to shoot out the light systems and then hit Punisher with a
heat-seeking shuriken, which revealed the Punisher's location when he
screamed in pain. Punisher then removed the shuriken from his arm and
hurled it, killing Ninja-Nostra members Dom and Jacey when it exploded
and costing the life of the final member of Slithar's Ninja-Nostra
squad when he checked on Dom and Jacey.
Comments: Created by Pat Mills, Tony Skinner,
Tom Morgan and Jimmy Palmiotti.
Profile by Proto-Man.
The Ninja-Nostra of Earth-928 has no known connections to
images: (without ads)
Punisher 2099 I#7, p10, pan2 (Ninja-Nostra, main image)
Punisher 2099 I#7, p17, pan1 (Ninja-Nostra group shot)
Punisher 2099 I#7, p20, pan1 (Ninja-Nostra attacking)
Punisher 2099 I#7, p10, pan1 (Ninja-Nostra within their mobile headquarters)
Punisher 2099 I#8, p6, pan1 (Dom & Jacey)
Punisher 2099 I#7, p10, pan4 (Slithar)
Punisher 2099 I#6 (July, 1993) - Pat Mills, Tony Skinner (writers), Tom
Morgan (pencils), Jimmy Palmiotti (inks), Joey Cavalieri (editor)
Punisher 2099 I#7 (August, 1993) - Pat Mills, Tony Skinner (writers),
Tom Morgan (pencils), Jimmy Palmiotti (inks), Joey Cavalieri (editor)
Punisher 2099 I#8 (September, 1993) - Pat Mills, Tony Skinner
(writers), Tom Morgan (pencils), Jimmy Palmiotti (inks), Joey Cavalieri
Last updated: 11/29/17.
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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