(of Earth-62321)
Real Name: Groff
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-62321) extraterrestrial (Uranian) (pre-modern era to modern era)
Occupation: Criminal
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Joe Morgan (of Earth-616), the Uranians
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "The Escaped Convict" (title given by the Uranians), "This Joker" (insult referred to as by Joe Morgan)
Base of Operations: Earth-616; formerly Uranus, the future of reality-62321
First Appearance: Strange Tales I#94 (March, 1962)
Powers/Abilities: Groff had the ability to
change his shape at will, which he used to assume human form on
Earth-616. Originally, Groff also possessed a ring capable of
transporting the wearer through time and space but he was forced to
give it away.
Height: Various
Weight: Various
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: None
(Strange Tales I#94/3 (fb) - BTS) - The shapeshifting Uranian Groff
escaped from his prison and used a time travel ring to travel to
Earth-616 circa 1962.
(Strange Tales I#94/3) - Groff's arrival was
witnessed by escaped convict Joe Morgan, who pulled a gun on Groff and
demanded to know where Groff was from and how he had appeared. Groff
revealed his time travel ring and gave Joe a utopian story of his
future home, prompting Joe to force Groff to hand over his time travel
ring. Admitting he had no further use of it, Groff calmly gave Joe the
ring and Joe immediately rubbed it to activate the time travel, only
afterward becoming curious as to why Groff had left his home if the
future was so great. Content to have escaped prison, Groff decided to
look upon his true Uranian face one last time before assimilating
himself among the humans of Earth-616. Admitting that he had not had
time to reveal to Joe Morgan that while he did come from the future, it
was of Uranus not Earth, Groff looked at his reflection in a nearby
Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Joe Sinnott.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Groff has No KNOWN connections to:
images: (without ads)
Strange Tales I#94, p18, pan6 (Groff, main image)
Strange Tales I#94, p15, pan7 (Groff arriving on Earth-616, in human form)
Strange Tales I#94 (March, 1962) -
"He Came from Nowhere!" story - Stan Lee (writer, editor), Larry Lieber
(writer), Joe Sinnott (art)
Last updated: 11/28/17
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