from a previous cycle
Classification: Semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Asgard
Known Members: Balder, Frey, Heimdall, Hoder, Hoenir, Loki, Magni, Modi, Odin, Thor, Vali, Ve, Vidar, and Vili
Affiliations: Unrevealed
Enemies: Fenris Wolf, Giants of Jotunheim, Loki, Midgard Serpent, Surt, Trolls (pictured and mentioned with the Giants)
First Appearance: Thor I#293 (March, 1980))
Powers/Abilities: The Aesir had superhuman strength, durability, and longevity, at least. The exact levels of their abilities were unrevealed, but they were likely comparable (perhaps somewhat lesser) to the modern day Asgardians. Most were skilled and experienced warriors.
Traits: The Aesir were a somewhat belligerent and arrogant race, not that much different from the modern day Asgardians.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric humanoid bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; color variations likely comparable to humanity)
Fingers: Four (plus opposing thumb)
Toes: Five
Skin color: Pink/Caucasian
Average height: Approximately 6'3"?
(Thor I#293 (fb) - BTS) - In a
previous age of Asgard, all living things--with the exception of
mistletoe--vowed not to harm the light god Balder.
(Thor I#293 (fb)) - In a previous age of Asgard, the Asgardian gods celebrated Balder's invulnerability by hurling weapons at him, which shattered against his body. Loki encouraged the blind Hoder to participate in the games, and guided him in hurling a mistletoe staff, which pierced Balder's chest, killing him.
Odin proved unable to release Balder from death's hold, and Ragnarok followed, with Loki steering the Hellship, then leading its vile crew against Asgard itself.
Brandishing his great spear Gungnir, and wearing his golden helmet, Odin led the hosts of Asgard and Valhalla one last time, slaying many of the invading giants before he was devoured by Fenris Wolf, who was in turn beheaded by one of Odin's many sons, Vidar.
Loki and Heimdall slew each other in a battle atop Bifrost, Asgard's Rainbow Bridge.
The Midgard Serpent then sought out Thor and sank its fangs into him.Thor forced its jaws open and slew the Serpent with his enchanted mallet Mjolnir, but its venom slew Thor soon after.
(Thor I#293 (fb) - BTS) - The fire demon Surt (aka Surtur) slew Frey.
(Thor I#293 (fb)) - Surt rose from the ground and hurled fire and lava over Asgard (and/or the nether realms), leaving it a molten rock.
(Thor I#293 (fb) - BTS) <Approximately 2000 years ago> - Asgard aflame lit the skies above a newborn babe in a manger, guiding a trio of wise men to the baby and his parents (see comments).
(Thor I#293 (fb)) - As the molten
rock cooled via a meeting of ice (presumably from Niffleheim),
Balder--returning from Hel, to which he had descended after his death at
Hoder's hands--led the eight other Aesir who had not perished in
Ragnarok's battle: Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, Modi, Vali, Ve, Vidar, and
Balder advised the others that Earth survived, and soon Asgard would be habitable again:"Surely now, evil has perished...and a golden age shall soon begin!"
(Thor I#294 (fb)) -
Rainstorms cooled Asgard, and eventually vegetation grew again.
(Thor I#294 (fb)) - As the nine Aesir strode across the Plain of Ida, blind Hoder sensed a nearby all-powerful aura, and Balder spotted ornately carved figurines of each of those who had perished in Ragnarok; they noticed that the Thor figurine lacked his hammer.
Though Hoder urged them to continue their journey toward the golden realm in which legend said they would dwell after Ragnarok, Balder and Hoenir were intrigued with the figurines.
Meanwhile Modi and Magni (two of Thor's sons) had wandered forward, and they found Mjolnir, the hammer of their father Thor. They found that while no one but Thor could lift Mjolnir previously, the two of them could now lift it together.
Modi considered that they might use the hammer's power to lord it over their fellow surviving Aesir, but Magni convinced him against this idea, and they instead cast the hammer to Earth.
The hammer landed in a river (which would
become known as the Rhine) in the land that would become Europe,
landing with such impact that it altered the river's course for all
time. Additionally, the hammer changed in passing from the ruins of
old Asgard to Midgard, turning into blinding gold. As a great glowing
rock, it rested on an unreachable peak amid the flowing waters, and it
would become known as the Rhinegold.
Meanwhile, Odin's brothers Vili and Ve,
along with Odin's surviving sons Vali and Vidar, discovered Odin's
spear Gungnir. Vidar picked up the spear, claiming it in the name of
the sons and brothers of Odin; when Vili warned that its power may
corrupt those not as strong as Odin, Vali suggested it could belong to
the four of them, who were the closest in mind and body to Odin. When
they collectively grabbed the spear, however, the quartet vanished in
a flash of light, which then reformed into a new Odin; likewise
Balder, Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, and Modi vanished (it doesn't seem that
their essences were added to the others in creating this new Odin).
Possessing the memories of the previous Odin that came from the four gods of which he was composed, the reborn Odin (noting he both was and was not the previous Odin) discovered the figurines and appreciated that these were not the exact figurines that were present before, but beings of some brighter inner hue, perhaps more like heroes than gods; additionally, the nine gods who had vanished with the creation of this new Odin were now present as figurines.
Vowing that his glory would be far greater than that of the elder Asgard, Odin then brought the gods to life, along with giants, trolls, and others that would be their foes--Odin sent the latter group away to find repose and sanctuary where they could. Odin then regarded this new incarnation of gods--which included the likes of Amora the Enchantress, Karnilla, Fafnir, and Hogun, Skurge the Executioner, Volstagg, and others absent from the Aesir--who knew their names, but recalled nothing of Asgard or the previous incarnations. Odin then gave them memories akin to the myths that mirrored the Aesir and their foes' origins.
These gods then built a new Asgard on the ruins of the old Asgard, after which Odin channeled his power to restore Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge to Earth. Although content with what he and his had created, this Odin desired a true bloodson, and so he traveled to Earth to father such a son (who would be Thor...).
Comments: Created by Roy Thomas, Keith Pollard, and Chic Stone.
This Thor was red-haired, as specifically noted in the text, and as shown in some pictures, but some of the better ones erroneously pictured him with blond hair.
The disembodied Eye
of Odin related this tale of a previous Asgard/Ragnarok to Thor,
and while some of its elements have been called into question (most
notably, Odin told a different account of how he came to power--and the
fate of Ve and Vili--in Thor I#349), it remains the apparent source of
the Rhinegold,
and thus the Ring
of the Nibelung and the Oversword.
It could also be speculated that this account might
be an earlier age of Asgard than the one before the modern age; if there
are any major discrepancies or things that argue otherwise, the
counter-argument is..."magic"!
The Eye interestingly notes this version of Ragnarok to be the one of which Snorri Sturluson and the Voluspa did speak.
The Eye specifically notes that Earth did not perish in this Ragnarok as the legends stated: "...but here, if nowhere else, they err."
Obviously the baby in the manger from "nearly 2000 years ago" was intended to be Jesus Christ, indicating Asgard aflame was the apparent star that led the Wise Men to Jesus.
The prophecy of Ragnarok typically started with the death of Balder, and someone--usually Balder's mother and/or Frigga--convinced all things to promise not to harm Balder; however, mistletoe, which seemed harmless, did not make this promise...we don't know the exact details in this incarnation, but it was probably something like that!
When the Eye of Odin related the story, Thor considered
that he only recognized one of these names, Balder, and he considered
the others to be imposters. Thor had no kids, so he didn't know of Magni
or Modi. Odin hadn't yet told him of his brothers, so he didn't know of
Vili or Ve; nor had he yet met or heard of Vidar, and I don't think we
have a modern Asgardian named Vali.
However, Thor indeed knew Hoder from the recent
Ragnarok-like event involving Red
Norvell, in which that Hoder was tricked into seemingly slaying
the modern Balder (@ Thor I#274).
Thor had also heard of another incarnation of Hoenir,
who with Lodur (both possibly aliases of Vili and Ve), had allegedly
helped Odin create the first humans, Aske and Embla (@ Thor Annual#5).
Asgardians actually creating humanity may be hyperbole, but I think Thor
heard the story anyway.
New images by Ron Fredricks.
Profile by Snood.
The Aesir should be distinguished from:
The modern-day Thor commented that this Asgard had a much more Earthly look, much like Midgard/Earth in the centuries when the Asgardians were worshiped by the Vikings.
It was one of the Nine Worlds of the Asgardian cosmology, an island floating in space and connected to Earth via Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge.
During Ragnarok, Surt rose and hurled fire and lava over Asgard and the "nether realms," which perished.
Eventually, the molten rock cooled via a meeting of ice (presumably from Niffleheim), and Balder and the other eight surviving Aesir wandered out into the again-verdant land (restored by storms and lightning), heading for the "golden land in which they would dwell after Ragnarok".
On the Plain of Ida, they found figurines of the fallen Aesir, after which Magni and Modi found Thor's hammer Mjolnir, and cast it to Earth, where it became the Rhinegold.
Vali, Ve, Vida, and Vili found Odin's spear Gungnir, and grasped it simultaneously, transforming them into a new incarnation of Odin, who repopulated the reborn Asgard with the modern incarnation of the gods (see comments).
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb), 294 (fb)
(Thor I#293 (fb)) - All things--save mistletoe--had sworn an oath not to harm Balder (see comments).
To celebrate Balders's seeming invulnerability, the gods hurled weapons at Balder, which bounced harmlessly off his chest.
During one such event, Loki encouraged the blind Hoder to participate, guiding his hand, but secretly giving him a mistletoe staff, which then pierced Balder's chest, thus killing him.
With Balder's demise, he descended into Hel, and Ragnarok followed.
Following Asgard's destruction and the recovery of the land, Balder returned from Hel and led the eight surviving Aesir: Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, Modi, Vali, Ve, Vidar, and Vili.
Balder advised the others that Earth survived, and soon Asgard would be habitable again: "Surely now, evil has perished...and a golden age shall soon begin!"
(Thor I#294 (fb)) - As the Aesir strode across the Plain of Ida, blind Hoder sensed a nearby all-powerful aura, and Balder spotted ornately carved figurines of each of those who had perished in Ragnarok; they noticed that the Thor figurine lacked his hammer.
Though Hoder urged them to continue their journey toward the golden realm in which legend said they would dwell after Ragnarok, Balder and Hoenir were intrigued with the figurines.
Meanwhile, Odin's brothers Vili and Ve, along with Odin's surviving sons Vali and Vidar, discovered Odin's spear Gungnir. When they collectively grabbed the spear, however, the quartet vanished in a flash of light, which then reformed into a new Odin; likewise, Balder, Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, and Modi vanished (it doesn't seem that their essences were added to the others in creating this new Odin).
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb), 294 (fb)
Note: Unlike his modern day Asgardian incarnation who has brown hair (which temporarily turned white), this Balder was blond.
Odin once orchestrated a false Ragnarok involving Balder being slain--guided by Loki, Hoder shot a mistletoe arrow at Balder (@ Thor I#274).
Fenris Wolf was an immense wolf among the forces of evil gathered by Loki against the Aesir during Ragnarok.
As Odin slew one of the giants, Fenris leapt at him from behind and snatched Odin's head into his mouth.
Before Odin or anyone else could react, Fenris devoured Odin.
Vidar rushed forward and decapitated Fenris, but Odin was already gone.
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb)
Note: Fenris Wolf can also be seen in the main profile's Ragnarok image; with the forces of evil in the Giants' sub-profile, and in Vidar's sub-profile.
The current Fenris Wolf remains a dire enemy of the modern incarnation of Asgardians.
(Thor I#293 (fb) - BTS) - The fire demon Surt (aka Surtur) slew Frey.
(Thor I#293 (fb)) - Surt rose and hurled fire and lava over Asgard (and/or the nether realms), leaving it a molten rock.
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb)
Note: I don't think Frey was pictured in this story; we see Surt burst forth from the ground and a couple of tiny, nondescript gods at his feet...but not sure
Frey is among the modern incarnation of Asgardians.
Like the Aesir, the Giants possessed superhuman strength, durability, and longevity.
They appeared to be perhaps 15' to 25', or in some cases, perhaps 50' tall.
The Giants were among the forces of evil gathered by Loki against the Aesir during Ragnarok.
They also fought alongside Fenris Wolf, the Midgard Serpent, and the Trolls.
Loki steered the Hellship carrying these forces and then led its vile crew against Asgard itself.
They slew many gods, and many were slain in return.
Ultimately, any Giants surviving the war with the gods perished when Surt bathed Asgard in fire.
According to legend, the Giants were later recreated into their modern incarnations by Odin.
--Thor I#293
Note: The current Giants and Trolls remain enemies of the modern incarnation of Asgardians.
The guardian of Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall met Loki on the bridge during Ragnarok.
Heimdall slew Loki...
...but he was slain in return...
--Thor I#293
Note: Heimdall can also be see in Loki's sub-profile.
Heimdall is among the modern incarnations of Asgardians.
Blind, Hoder stood on the sidelines as others celebrated Balder's seeming invulnerability by throwing weapons at him and watching them bounce off harmlessly.
Loki offered to guide Hoder in hurling a mistletoe wand at Balder, so he could participate as well--Hoder apparently did not realize Balder was vulnerable to mistletoe.
Upon hearing Balder scream as the mistletoe--though blunt--pierced his chest, Hoder lamented what he had done, realizing he had unwittingly brought about the start of Ragnarok.
Somehow, Hoder survived the final battle with the forces of evil (or else possibly just stayed out of harm's way) and Asgard's destruction by Surt, after which he was carried out by Hoenir.
Aided by a walking stick, Hoder accompanied the eight other survivors--Balder (back from Hel), Hoenir, Magni, Modi, Vali, Ve, Vidar, and Vili--across the Plain of Ida as Asgard began to bloom anew.
It was Hoder who sensed the power of the figurines of the fallen Aesir and their foes.
Hoenir and Balder located and examined the figurines, after which Hoder urged them to continue their journey toward the golden realm in which legend said they would dwell after Ragnarok; Balder and Hoenir were intrigued by the figurines.
Meanwhile, Odin's brothers Vili and Ve, along with Odin's surviving sons Vali and Vidar, discovered and collectively grabbed Odin's spear Gungnir. The quartet vanished in a flash of light, which then reformed into a new Odin; at the same time, Balder, Hoder, Hoenir, Magn, and Modi vanished (it doesn't seem that their essences were added to the others in creating this new Odin).
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb), 294 (fb)
Note: Hoder is among the modern incarnation of Asgardians.
Odin once orchestrated a false Ragnarok involving Balder being slain--guided by Loki, Hoder shot a mistletoe arrow at Balder (@ Thor I#274).
Hoenir was one of the eldest Aesir, a contemporary to Odin's brothers Vili and Ve.
One of the nine survivors of the destruction of Asgard, Hoenir carried the blind Hoder out of the cooling rock.
Hoenir accompanied the eight other survivors--Balder (back from Hel), Hoder, Magni, Vali, Ve, Vidar, and Vili--across the Plain of Ida as Asgard began to bloom anew.
After Hoder sensed the power of the figurines of the fallen Aesir and their foes, Hoenir and Balder located the figurines, after which Hoder urged them to continue their journey toward the golden realm in which legend said they would dwell after Ragnarok; Balder and Hoenir remained intrigued by the figurines.
Meanwhile, Odin's brothers Vili and Ve, along with Odin's surviving sons Vali and Vidar, discovered and collectively grabbed Odin's spear Gungnir.
The quartet vanished in a flash of light, which then reformed into a new Odin; at the same time, Balder, Hoder, Hoenir, Magn, and Modi vanished (it doesn't seem that their essences were added to the others in creating this new Odin).
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb), 294 (fb)
Note: In the modern incarnation of Asgardians, Hoenir and Lodur (both possibly aliases of Vili and Ve) allegedly helped Odin create the first humans, Aske and Embla (@ Thor Annual#5).
Loki manipulated the blind Hoder into unwittingly slaying Balder with a mistletoe wand, bring about the start of Ragnarok.
Loki steered the Hellship carrying the united forces of evil against Asgard--including Fenris Wolf, the Giants, and the Trolls--and then led its vile crew against Asgard itself.
During the battle, Loki faced Heimdall on Bifrost, with Loki impaling Heimdall with his sword, only to simultaneously fall from Heimdall's axe striking his chest.
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb)
Note: Loki has a few other images in this profile, including those in the Giants, Heimdall, and Hoder sub-profiles.
Loki remains a thorn in the side of the modern incarnation of the Asgardians, although he sometimes does help out...usually when it serves his own ends.
Magni was the son of Thor, and the brother of Modi.
One of the nine survivors of the destruction of Asgard, Magni accompanied the eight other survivors--Balder (back from Hel), Hoder, Hoenir, Modi, Vali, Ve, Vidar, and Vili--out of the cooling rock and across the Plain of Ida as Asgard began to bloom anew.
As Hoder, Balder, and Hoenir were distracted by powerful figurines in the the forms of the fallen Aesir and their foes, Modi and Magni wandered forward, the they found the hammer of their father Thor.
They found that while no one but Thor could lift it previously, the two of them could now lift it together.
Modi considered that they might use the hammer's power to lord it over their fellow Aesir, but Magni convinced him against this idea, and they instead cast the hammer to Earth.
The hammer landed in a river (which would become known as the Rhine) in the land that would become Europe, landing with such impact that it altered the river's course for all time. Additionally, the hammer changed in passing from the ruins of old Asgard to Midgard, turning into blinding gold. As a great glowing rock, it rested on an unreachable peak amid the flowing waters, and it would become known as the Rhinegold.
Meanwhile, Odin's brothers Vili and Ve, along with Odin's surviving sons Vali and Vidar, discovered and collectively grabbed Odin's spear Gungnir.
The quartet vanished in a flash of light, which then reformed into a new Odin; at the same time, Balder, Hoder, Hoenir, Magn, and Modi vanished (it doesn't seem that their essences were added to the others in creating this new Odin).
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb), 294 (fb)
Note: In case it's not clear, Magni is the one without the mustache. He is pictured fully in the Modi profile as well as in the image of the nine survivors in the text of the main profile.
Magni does not yet exist in Reality-616 (or Prime Earth), but we have seen an incarnation of him in Reality-3515 ("The Reigning").
The immense Midgard Serpent sided with the forces of evil against Asgard.
It rose up and then dove at Thor, sinking its fangs deep into his flesh.
Thor forced its jaws open and then struck it dead with a lightning-augmented strike of his hammer, Mjolnir.
However, Thor soon after fell dead from its venom.
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb)
Note: The corpse of the Midgard Serpent is also seen in the Thor sub-profile.
The current Midgard Serpent remains a dire enemy of the modern incarnation of Asgardians.
The hammer Mjolnir allowed Thor to control the weather, and it could be used to strike with great force.
None but Thor could lift it.
After Asgard's destruction, Mjolnir was found in the Plain of Ida by Thor's sons Magni and Modi.
They found that while no one but Thor could lift it previously, the two of them could now lift it together.
Modi considered that they might use the hammer's power to lord it over their fellow Aesir, but Magni convinced him against this idea, and they instead cast the hammer to Earth.
The hammer landed in a river (which would become known as the Rhine) in the land that would become Europe, landing with such impact that it altered the river's course for all time. Additionally, the hammer changed in passing from the ruins of old Asgard to Midgard, turning into blinding gold. As a great glowing rock, it rested on an unreachable peak amid the flowing waters, and it would become known as the Rhinegold.
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb), 294 (fb)
Note: The Rhinegold was later fashioned into the Ring of Power by Alberich, and the Ring was transformed into the Oversword, aka Odinsword.
Mjolnir is also seen in the main profile's main image, and in the Magni, Midgard Serpent, Modi, and Thor sub-profiles.
The modern incarnation of Thor carries his own Mjolnir.
Modi was the son of Thor, and the brother of Magni.
One of the nine survivors of the destruction of Asgard, Modi accompanied the eight other survivors--Balder (back from Hel), Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, Vali, Ve, Vidar, and Vili--out of the cooling rock rock and across the Plain of Ida as Asgard began to bloom anew.
As Hoder, Balder, and Hoenir were distracted by powerful figurines in the the forms of the fallen Aesir and their foes, Modi and Magni wandered forward, the they found the hammer of their father Thor.
They found that while no one but Thor could lift it previously, the two of them could now lift it together.
Modi considered that they might use the hammer's power to lord it over their fellow Aesir, but Magni convinced him against this idea, and they instead cast the hammer to Earth.
The hammer landed in a river (which would become known as the Rhine) in the land that would become Europe, landing with such impact that it altered the river's course for all time. Additionally, the hammer changed in passing from the ruins of old Asgard to Midgard, turning into blinding gold. As a great glowing rock, it rested on an unreachable peak amidd the flowing waters, and it would become known as the Rhinegold.
Meanwhile, Odin's brothers Vili and Ve, along with Odin's surviving sons Vali and Vidar, discovered and collectively grabbed Odin's spear Gungnir.
The quartet vanished in a flash of light, which then reformed into a new Odin; at the same time, Balder, Hoder, Hoenir, Magn, and Modi vanished (it doesn't seem that their essences were added to the others in creating this new Odin).
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb), 294 (fb)
Note: In case it's not clear, Modi is the one with the mustache. His face is more clearly pictured in the Magni sub-profile, and he is also seen in the image of the nine survivors in the text of the main profile.
Modi does not yet exist in Reality-616 (or Prime Earth), nor do I think we have ever seen an incarnation of him elsewhere.
Odin was the ruler of Asgard, the brother of Ve and Vili, and the father of Thor, Vali, and Vidar, at least.
After Loki tricked Hoder into slaying Balder, Odin realized if he could not release Balder from death's hold (which he couldn't), then Ragnarok--The Twilight of the Gods--must follow.
When Loki led the enemies of Asgard against the Aesir, Odin led the Aesir against them.
As Odin slew one of the giants, Fenris Wolf leapt at him from behind and snatched Odin's head into his mouth.
Before Odin or anyone else could react, Fenris devoured Odin.
Vidar rushed forward and decapitated Fenris, but Odin was already gone.
Some time afterward, Odin's brothers Vili and Ve, along with Odin's surviving sons Vali and Vidar, discovered Odin's spear Gungnir. Vidar picked up the spear, claiming it in the name of the sons and brothers of Odin; when Vili warned that its power may corrupt those not as strong as Odin, Vali suggested it could belong to the four of them, as the closest in mind and body to Odin. When they collectively grabbed the spear, however, the quartet vanished in a flash of light, which then reformed into a new Odin; Balder, Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, and Modi vanished (it doesn't seem that their essences were added to the others in creating this new Odin).
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb)
Note: Odin also has quality images in the main image of the profile, and Fenris Wolf's sub-profile shows his fate.
The modern incarnation of Odin is shown at the end of the main profile.
The powerful fire demon (presumably from Muspelheim) participated in the assault on the Aesir during Ragnarok.
Surt slew Frey.
Surt rose from the ground and hurled fire and lava over Asgar (and/or the nether realms), leaving it molten rock.
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb)
Note: There is no information regarding whether Surt perished in Asgard's destruction, but also no reason to think the fires would have harmed him.
Either he survived into the next cycle of rebirth, or he was reborn into it as well.
Thor was the son of Odin, the brother of Vali and Vidar, and the father of Magni and Modi.
He was also the wielder of the mighty hammer Mjolnir, which allowed him to control the weather.
Observing Balder's death alongside Odin, Thor joined the forces of Asgard on horseback in opposing the Loki-led forces opposing Asgard.
The Midgard Serpent rose up and then dove at Thor, sinking its fangs deep into his flesh.
Thor forced its jaws open and then struck it dead with a lightning-augmented strike of his hammer, Mjolnir.
However, Thor soon fell dead from the Serpent's venom.
---Thor I#293 (293 (fb)
Note: This Thor was red-haired, as specifically noted in the text, and as shown in some pictures, but some of the better ones erroneously pictured him with blond hair.
Thor is also seen clearly in the main image on horseback, as well as the images for the Midgard Serpent.
Thor is one of the champions of the modern incarnation of Asgardians.
Vali was the son of Odin, and the brother of Vidar and Thor.
One of the nine survivors of the destruction of Asgard, Vali accompanied the eight other survivors--Balder (back from Hel), Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, Modi, Ve, Vidar, and Vili--out of the cooling rock rock and across the Plain of Ida as Asgard began to bloom anew.
Vali and Vidar helped carry Ve, who had lost his right leg in the battle.
Vali and Vidar, along with Odin's surviving brothers, Vili and Ve, discovered Odin's spear Gungnir.
Vidar picked up the spear, claiming it in the name of the sons and brothers of Odin; when Vili warned that its power may corrupt those not as strong as Odin, Vali suggested it could belong to the four of them, as the closest in mind and body to Odin.
When they collectively grabbed the spear, however, the quartet vanished in a flash of light, which then reformed into a new Odin; Balder, Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, and Modi vanished (it doesn't seem that their essences were added to the others in creating this new Odin).
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb), 294 (fb)
Note; Vali can also be seen in Ve's sub-profile, helping to support Ve (a later but similr image is included in the main profile's image of the nine survivors); and in the main profile image of the sons and brothers of Odin grasping Gungnir.
I don't believe Vali has ever appeared as a member of the modern incarnation of the Asgardians.
I also don't believe Vidar is wearing leggings in the image on the left; but for your own sanity, don't look...this is a family-friendly site.
Ve was the brother of Odin and Vili.
Ve lost his right leg around the knee during Ragnarok, but was one of the nine survivors of the destruction of Asgard.
Ve accompanied the eight other survivors--Balder (back from Hel), Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, Modi, Vali, Vidar, and Vili--out of the cooling rock and across the Plain of Ida as Asgard began to bloom anew; Vali and Vidar helped to carry Ve.
Ve and Vili, along with Odin's surviving sons Vali and Vidar, discovered Odin's spear Gungnir.Vidar picked up the spear, claiming it in the name of the sons and brothers of Odin; when Vili warned that its power may corrupt those not as strong as Odin, Vali suggested it could belong to the four of them, as the closest in mind and body to Odin. When they collectively grabbed the spear, however, the quartet vanished in a flash of light, which then reformed into a new Odin; Balder, Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, and Modi vanished (it doesn't seem that their essences were added to the others in creating this new Odin).
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb), 294 (fb)
Note: Ve is also seen in the main profile's image of the nine survivors, and the image of the sons and brothers of Odin grasping Gungnir; he is additionally seen supporting himself with a crutch in the Vali sub-profile.
According to the modern incarnation of Odin, Vili and Ve sacrificed themselves stopping an earlier invasion of Surtur, and their power transferred to Odin upon their deaths (@ Thor I#349).
It is also suspected that Hoenir and Lodur may be aliases of the modern incarnations of Vili and Ve.
Vidar was the son of Odin, and the brother of Vali and Thor.
During Ragnarok, while he was finishing off a troll, Vidar saw Fenris Wolf devour Odin. He rushsed forward and decapitated Fenris, but was too late to save Odin.
One of the nine survivors of the destruction of Asgard, Vidar accompanied the eight other survivors--Balder (back from Hel), Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, Modi, Ve, Vali, and Vili--out of the cooling rock rock and across the Plain of Ida as Asgard began to bloom anew. Vidar and Vali helped carry Ve, who had lost his right leg in the battle.
Vidar and Vali, along with Odin's surviving brothers Vili and Ve, discovered Odin's spear Gungnir. Vidar picked up the spear, claiming it in the name of the sons and brothers of Odin; when Vili warned that its power may corrupt those not as strong as Odin, Vali suggested it could belong to the four of them, as the closest in mind and body to Odin. When they collectively grabbed the spear, however, the quartet vanished in a flash of light, which then reformed into a new Odin; Balder, Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, and Modi vanished (it doesn't seem that their essences were added to the others in creating this new Odin).
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb), 294 (fb)
Note: Vidar's tunic and cape were destroyed in Ragnarok, leaving him in the barechested form seen in the main profile image of the nine survivors.
Vidar is also seen in the main profile's image of the nine survivors, and image of the sons and brothers of Odin grasping Gungnir; he is also seen in the Fenris Wolf and Vali sub-profiles.
In the modern incarnation of Asgardians, Vidar is the son of Odin and the giantess Grid--that is apparently also true in myth, and perhaps true for this Vidar as well, but the modern day Vidar is 15' tall, unlike the normal god-sized Aesir version.
Vili was the brother of Odin and Ve.
Vili lost his left hand and perhaps his left eye during Ragnarok, but was one of the nine survivors of the destruction of Asgard.
Vili accompanied the eight other survivors--Balder (back from Hel), Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, Modi, Vali, Ve, and Vidar--out of the cooling rock and across the Plain of Ida as Asgard began to bloom anew.
Vili and Ve, along with Odin's surviving sons Vali and Vidar, discovered Odin's spear Gungnir. Vidar picked up the spear, claiming it in the name of the sons and brothers of Odin; when Vili warned that its power may corrupt those not as strong as Odin, Vali suggested it could belong to the four of them, as the closest in mind and body to Odin. When they collectively grabbed the spear, however, the quartet vanished in a flash of light, which then reformed into a new Odin; Balder, Hoder, Hoenir, Magni, and Modi vanished (it doesn't seem that their essences were added to the others in creating this new Odin).
--Thor I#293 (293 (fb), 294 (fb)
Note: Vili is also seen in the main profile's image of the nine survivors, and the image of the sons and brothers of Odin grasping Gungnir; he is additionally seen in the Vali sub-profile.
According to the modern incarnation of Odin, Vili and Ve sacrificed themselves stopping an earlier invasion of Surtur, and their power transferred to Odin upon their deaths (@ Thor I#349).
It is also suspected that Hoenir and Lodur may be aliases of the modern incarnations of Vili and Ve.
images: (without ads)
Thor I#293, p12, pan4 (Odin leading forces to war)
Thor I#293, p11, pan1 (Ragnarok begins, as forces of evil attack Asgard)
Thor I#294, p1, pan1 (Aesir survivors of Ragnarok: Vidar, Ve, Vali, Vili, Balder, Hoenir, Hoder, Modi, Magni)
Thor I#294, p5, pan1 (figurines of Aesir)
Thor I#294, p7, pan6 (Vili, Ve, Vidar, and Vali grasp Odin's spear Gungnir)
Thor I#294, p8, pan4 (reborn Odin)
Thor I#293, p11, pan2 (Asgard)
Thor I#293, p16, pan1 (Asgard aflame)
Thor I#293, p12, pan1 (Hoder skewers Balder)
Thor I#293, p16, pan5 (Balder returns from Hel)
Thor I#293, p13, pan1 (Fenris Wolf leaps at Odin)
Thor I#293, p13, pan2 (Fenris Wolf devours Odin)
Thor I#293, p12, pan3 (forces of evil: Loki, Giants, Trolls, Fenris Wolf)
Thor I#293, p14, pan1 (Heimdall vs. Loki)
Thor I#293, p11, pan4 (Loki tricks Hoder into throwing mistletoe wand at Balder)
Thor I#293, p17, pan1 (Hoder, carried by Hoenir)
Thor I#294, p4, pan5 (Hoder with walking stick)
Thor I#294, p5, pan2 (headshot - Hoder)
Thor I#294, p1, pan1 (Hoenir)
Thor I#294, p5, pan2 (Hoenir)
Thor I#293, p14, pan2 (Loki stabs Heimdall with his sword, but simultaneously gets struck by Heimdall's axe)
Thor I#294, p6, pan1 (Magni [right] and Modi lift Thor's hammer)
Thor I#293, p14, pan3 (Midgard Serpent rises; Thor [foreground])
Thor I#293, p14, pan4 (Midgard Serpent strikes Thor)
Thor I#293, p14, pan5 (Thor pries apart Midgard Serpent's jaws)
Thor I#293, p15, pan1 (Thor uses his hammer to strike Midgard Serpent)
Thor I#294, p5, pan4 (Magni and Modi find Mjolnir)
Thor I#294, p6, pan2 (Modi [left] and Magni hurl Mjolnir to Earth)
Thor I#293, p12, pan2 (Odin)
Thor I#293, p15, pan4 (Surt)
Thor I#293, p12, pan2 (Thor)
Thor I#293, p15, pan2 (Thor dies from Midgard Serpent's venom)
Thor I#294, p7, pan5 (Vali)
Thor I#294, p7, pan4 (Vali [upper-right, rear view] Vidar, Ve, and Vili find Odin's spear, Gungnir)
Thor I#293, p17, pan1 (Ve, between Vidar and Vali)
Thor I#293, p13, pan2 (Vidar slays troll, sees Odin devoured by Fenris Wolf)
Thor I#293, p13, pan3 (Vidar decapitates Fenris Wolf)
Thor I#293, p17, pan1 (Vili)
Thor I#293-294 (March-April, 1980) - Roy Thomas
(writer/editor), Keith Pollard (penciler), Chic Stone (inker)
First Posted: 08/25/2016
Last updated: 04/04/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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