Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extradimensional
extraterrestrial technology user
Occupation: Author, explorer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: The Forgotten (Joao, Sir Isaac Newton, VI, VIII/Bohra, X, XII, XIII, numerous others)
Enemies: The Avengers (Captain
America/Sam Wilson, Hercules/Heracles, Spider-Man/Peter Parker,
Thor/Jane Foster, Vision/"Victor Shade," Wasp/Nadia), Luke Cage, Demon Rider
(Kushala), Dr. Strange (Stephen Strange), Howard the Duck, the Mindful
One, Mindless
Ones, Sir Isaac Newton, Wiccan (Billy Kaplan of Earth-13729), Yao
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Beast," "Jackhole," "Master," "My Master"
Base of Operations: His unidentified home
formerly beneath the Earth
First Appearance: Doctor Strange & the
Sorcerers Supreme I#7 (June, 2017)
Powers/Abilities: The Author of the Word of
God fed on power in nearly all its forms, especially power granted from
his technological book known as the Word of God. Using power he
absorbed, the superhumanly strong and durable Author could disable or
even destroy other beings with but a snap of his fingers. He could also
project flames from his mouth.
His connection to the Word of God allowed him to
sense the speaking of any words from the Word of God tome and the more
words were spoken, the easier it became for the Author to sense the
whereabouts of the Word of God.
Height: 50' (by approximation)
Weight: 5000 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
History: (Doctor Strange
& the Sorcerers
Supreme I#8 (fb) - BTS) - The Author of the Word was the last of twelve
engineers of a lost outer space realm within another dimension and
wrote the Word of God book, which was actually a piece of
extradimensional technology.
(Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#9 (fb)
- BTS) - An explorer, the Author of the Word of God visited every
Hell-like domain in the omniverse seeking power to feed on but found
they only contained fear instead of power.
(Doctor Strange & the
Sorcerers Supreme I#8 (fb))
- The Author of the Word of God visited Earth and fed off
of the planet as much as possible, leaving as quickly as he could but
unknowingly leaving behind his Word of God book. Without his now-lost
technology, the Author was unable to return to his own dimension and
ultimately went underground within the Earth. When Earth's mystics
first discovered the Word of God, its words appeared to be magic and
each mystic opted to use the "spells" within the book sparingly or risk
the Author (their "god") hearing them and answering their call.
(Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#8 (fb) - BTS) - After stealing the Word of God mystic tome, Sir Isaac Newton continually recited spells from the tome, unaware that his words were being heard by the Author of the Word of God, who traced his missing Word of God book to Newton's location on Earth.
(Doctor Strange & the
Sorcerers Supreme I#7) - As
Sir Isaac Newton continued reciting from the stolen Word of God mystic
tome, Joao, a part of the former mystic collective known as the
Forgotten, began to sense the impending coming of the Word of God's
author. Chanting that the Author was coming, Joao soon began levitating
in the air as the Author of the Word of the God burst forth from
beneath the Earth, snapping its finger and disabling nearly everyone
who could hear his snaps. The weakened Newton soon asked what the
creature was and Dr. Strange informed Newton that he had unleashed the
Author of the Word of God, and that they were both out of magic and
time, as the Author loomed over them.
(Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#8) - Continuing to snap, the Author broke Dr. Strange's Cudgel of Yaziya in two and announced that while Sir Isaac Newton had defiled his words, he had revealed to the Author that he had lost the Word of God tome and where he had lost it, in the process leading the Author to Earth. The Author then ordered Newton to return the Word of God or die by his hand. Dr. Strange accused the Author of needing the Word of God, rather than wanting it, and Newton responded by ordering his servant Mindful One to guard the Word of God at all costs before he flew into battle against the Author of the Word of God. As Newton fought the Author, Mindful One placed Strange's Sorcerer Supreme allies and most of the Avengers behind an energy shield as Wasp retrieving Earth-13729's Wiccan from a nearby lake. Wiccan immediately asked Wasp what they were fighting before joining in the battle against the Author alongside Dr. Strange. As the trio of mystics attempted to fight off the Author, the Author proclaimed his plans to reclaim his lost power in the Word of God book and attempted to crush the mystics but they dodged the attack, leaving an opening for the Avengers to enter the fray. Having heard the Author's origins from Joao, who was re-merging with the Forgotten due to the Author's appearance, Nina, Luke Cage, Howard the Duck and Yao opted to help the Avengers, Dr. Strange and Newton defeat the Author by fighting the Author's technology with their actual magic. During the battle, Newton's use of the Word of God's magic began merging him with the Forgotten and he ordered Mindful One to give him the book. When Mindful refused, Newton destroyed the Mindful One and acquired the book, turning it over to the Author of the Word of God. Before the Author could unleash his full power, however, Earth-13729's Wiccan utilized his Mark of Sorrow to envelope everyone with magic powers within his cloak and teleport them away, leaving behind only a crumpled ball that was once Wiccan's cloak. Following the teleport, the collected Sorcerers questioned where they were and the Author proclaimed that they were now in his dimension.
(Doctor Strange & the
Sorcerers Supreme I#9) - After banishing most of the Sorcerers Supreme
to the Word of God itself, the Author of the Word of God prepared to
kill Yao following the possessed Sir Isaac Newton's suggestion that Yao
would become the Sorcerer Supreme. When Yao told the Author to go to
Hell, the Author explained that every Hell in the omniverse housed only
fear instead of power and assured Yao that if he did house power, the
Author would have it. Before the Author could kill Yao, however, the
escaped Sorcerers Supreme arrived on what appeared to be a dragon,
prompting the Author to blast the "dragon" with fire, causing to crash
onto the Word of God tome and set it ablaze. Shocked and frantically
snapping in an attempt to stop the fire, the Author ultimately ran
after the Sorcerers in an effort to kill them all but Earth-13729's
Wiccan used his Mark of Sorrow to generate a mystic fist which first
grabbed the Author then destroyed him.
Comments: Created by Robbie Thompson, Javier
Rodriguez, Alvaro Lopez and Guillermo Ortego.
Profile by Proto-Man.
The Author of the Word of God has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Doctor Strange & the
Sorcerers Supreme I#8, p20, pan2 (The Author, wearing pants &
surrounded by Joao, Isaac Newton & the Word of God tome, main image)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#9, p8, pan2 (The Author,
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#8, p11-12, splash page
(young Author, from when he first visited Earth)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#7,
p18-19, pan1 (The Author emerging from the ground, snapping)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#9, p13, pan1 (The Author
of the Word of God's destruction)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers
Supreme I#7 (June, 2017) - Robbie Thompson (writer), Javier Rodriguez
(pencils), Alvaro Lopez, Guillermo Ortego (inks), Darren Shan (editor)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#8 (July, 2017) - Robbie
Thompson (writer), Javier Rodriguez (pencils), Alvaro Lopez (inks),
Darren Shan (editor)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#9 (August, 2017) - Robbie
Thompson (writer), Javier Rodriguez (pencils), Alvaro Lopez (inks),
Darren Shan (editor)
First Posted: 10/24/2018
Last updated: 10/24/2018
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