Real Name: Eliphas
Identity/Class: Human (1st-10th centuries to
modern era) vampire
Occupation: Former
politician, soldier, poet
Group Membership: Selene's Inner Circle
(Blink/Clarice Ferguson, Mortis/Lois London, Senyaka/Suvik Senyaka,
Wither/Kevin Ford);
formerly the Purifiers
(Bastion, Reverend Craig, Daniel, Gabriel, Michael, Matthew Risman,
others), Roman Senate, Roman army
Affiliations: Caliban, Doug Ramsey, Selene, Selene's Inner Circle
(Blink/Clarice Ferguson, Mortis/Lois London, Senyaka/Suvik Senyaka,
Wither/Kevin Ford), Thunderbird (John Proudstar);
formerly Aurelia, Bastion,
Mascius, Purifiers (Reverend Craig, Daniel, Gabriel, Michael, Matthew
Risman, others)
Enemies: Aurelia, Bastion, Diamond
Lil (Lillian Crawley Jeffries), Dust (Sooraya Qadir), Madison Jeffries,
Mercury (Cessily Kincaid), Purifiers (Reverend Craig, Daniel, Gabriel,
Michael, Matthew Risman,
others), X-Force (Archangel/Warren Worthington III, Domino/Neena
Thurman, Warpath/James
Proudstar, Wolfsbane/Rahne Sinclair, Wolverine/James Howlett,
X-23/Laura Kinney), X-Men (Cyclops/Scott Summers, Dazzler/Alison
Blaire, Emma Frost)
Known Relatives: Aurelia (wife, deceased)
Aliases: Brother Eli
Base of Operations: Necrosha, Genosha;
formerly the
Purifiers' headquarters, USA; Rome, Italy
First Appearance: X-Force III#1 (April, 2008)
Powers/Abilities: Eli Bard was a seemingly
immortal vampire and survived for centuries feeding off the blood of
others. He possessed powers similar to other vampires including
transforming into rat, control of rodents such as rats and the
manifestation of fangs and vampiric form when he fed. His vampiric
nature also granted him enhanced strength, speed and durability.
After infecting himself with the Transmode Virus, Eli Bard's body became unable to be destroyed via physical harm. For example, bullets shot at him would pass harmlessly through his techno-organic form without permanent injury. He could also infect others with the Transmode Virus-transforming them into techno-organic beings. When using his Transmode infection against deceased individuals, Eli Bard's dark magic-infused vampiric nature combined with the Transmode Virus to resurrect deceased individuals as techno-organic beings that also could not be permanently harmed by physical injury.
Eli Bard also had unspecified knowledge of dark magic
and was trained as a Roman soldier and senator. He was also an
experienced poet.
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
History: (X-Force III#11 (fb)) - Two
thousand years ago, Eliphas was born and became a soldier as an adult.
When a spear broke his body after years in the Roman army, Eliphas
became a poet and nearly starved before being found by the beautiful
Aurelia, whom he fell in love with. Used by Aurelia and her lover
Mascius, Eliphas became a senator and publicly spoke about supporting
Mascius while the emperor was away. Enjoying a wealthy elite life,
Eliphas was married to the beautiful Aurelia but behind closed doors,
Eliphas was not a strong-willed man and Aurelia pulled his strings from
behind-the-scenes, enjoying the wealth that came from being married to
a senator. After his speech about supporting Mascius,
Eliphas returned home to find Aurelia with her lover Mascius. Angry and
claiming Eliphas' speech had humiliated Mascius, Aurelia ordered him to
leave, Eliphas refused to leave his own home but Aurelia quickly
reminded Eliphas whose home it really was and that Eliphas would still
be a starving poet if she had not found him. Aurelia then ordered
Eliphas to have their slaves polish her jewelry on his way out before
returning to the arms of Mascius and promising that if Eliphas
interrupted them, she would make Eliphas fan them while they "worked."
Heartbroken and alone, Eliphas sat outside and was soon startled by a
hungry child named Claudia, whom Eliphas gave food and Aurelia's
jewelry to take back to her parents. Subsequently hitting rock bottom
and feeling as if the entire town was aware that his life was nothing
more than a sham, Eliphas wandered until he was contacted by the
sorceress Selene. Revealing her awareness of Eliphas' entire life,
Selene proposed making Eliphas immortal and strong and when Eliphas
asked what Selene wanted in return, she replied that she wanted every
soul in Rome. Knowing true evil when he saw it, Eliphas returned to the
senate but soon found that his seat had replaced by Mascius, who
conjured a story about Eliphas stepping down of his own free will.
Shocked but nonetheless corroborating Mascius' claims out of loyalty to
Aurelia, Eliphas was told that Aurelia asked for him and when Eliphas
returned home, he found Aurelia burning his belongings. When Aurelia
suggested Eliphas could die for all she cared, as she no longer had use
of him, Eliphas returned to Selene and took to worshiping her as his
queen, promising anything she desired. Agreeing to provide Selene with
every soul in Rome by creating a pentagram in the Colosseum to
sacrifice everyone to Selene, Eliphas noticed the young Claudia in the
crowd and, in a moment of kindness, warned Claudia to have her family
leave Rome immediately. Unfortunately, Claudia's father informed the
Senate and Eliphas was caught creating the pentagram with his blood in
the Colosseum. Roman soldiers then bound Eliphas and soon found Selene,
binding her as well and preparing to burn them both at the stake
outside the city. Escaping her bounds before being burned, Selene
turned the fire back on the Roman soldiers and accused Eliphas of
betraying her. As punishment, Selene agreed to grant Eliphas life but
cast a spell transforming him into a vampire so that while he might
live forever, he would forever be denied her love. She then told
Eliphas to pray he never saw her again.
(X-Men: Earth's Mutant Heroes - Eli Bard entry) -
With the general public unaware that Eliphas had become a vampire,
Eliphas was buried following his perceived death.
(X-Force III#11 (fb)/X-Necrosha: The Gathering#1/5
(fb)) - Seven hundred years later, during
the fall of the Roman empire, Eliphas awoke from his grave and fed off
a man tending to another grave.
(X-Necrosha: The Gathering#1/5 (fb)) - Eliphas then
returned to what was once his home and found it now inhabited by a new
family. Crazed, Eliphas demanded to know what they were doing in his
home and the family's father claimed that his family had lived there
for generations. Eliphas then demanded to know where his wife Aurelia
was but an elderly woman of the family explained that Aurelia had lived
over seven hundred years ago. Having lost track of time in the
centuries spent searching for Selene, the confused Eliphas looked at a
painting of Aurelia, Mascius and Aurelia's young son and asked what the
son's name was. After being told that Aurelia had named the son after
his father, Mascius, Eliphas grew angry, manifesting his vampiric
appearance, and asked if the entire family in that house were spawned
from the whore Aurelia. Eliphas then announced that the family could
join Aurelia in death and attacked the family, eventually setting fire
to the home when he knocked over candles. Emerging from the flaming
home, Eliphas stood at a high point in the city and thought about how
Selene had earlier requested every soul in Rome. Deciding to make an
offering to Selene, Eliphas brought supernatural death to Rome in the
form of the Black Plague while attacking and killing some of the Roman
soldiers himself. In an effort to complete the spell he had failed to
complete as a human, Eliphas sought out a magical dagger that Selene
had crafted from the bones of her mother, soon acquiring it to harvest
souls for Selene.
(X-Force III#11 (fb)) - Spending hundreds more years
continuing his search for Selene, the vampiric Eliphas brought death
everywhere he
went, eventually traveling to the Americas while following Selene's
trail during the 17th century. In America, Eliphas fed on the Apache
natives, who recognized
him for what he was but nonetheless proved unable to defeat him.
Locating Selene in Nova Roma in the modern era, Eliphas proved too
afraid to approach her and her wrath. Eliphas then decided that if he
was to win Selene back, he would need a sacrificial offering.
(X-Force III#6 (fb) - BTS/X-Force III#11 (fb)/X-Necrosha: The Gathering#1/5 (fb)) - Eliphas decided to make a sacrificial offering of Matthew Risman and his anti-mutant Purifiers group.
(X-Force III#1 (fb) - BTS) - Taking the name of Eli Bard, Eliphas sought out the anti-mutant Purifiers.
(X-Force III#5 (fb) - BTS) - Specifically meeting
with the Purifiers' Matthew Risman, Eli promised to lead the Purifiers
to a way that could restore their Oracle, the alternate future robot
Nimrod, to new life.
(X-Force III#1 (fb) - BTS) - Officially joining the Purifiers, Eli led them to the head of the inert anti-mutant robotic being Bastion, which could be used to restore the Purifiers' inert Nimrod robot. After speaking with Bard, the Purifiers learned that a version of the future Nimrod robot had traveled to the modern era before and that version of Nimrod had merged with the robot Sentinel Master Mold to form Bastion.
(X-Force III#11 (fb)) - Eli Bard plotted to use the
same sacrificial dagger he had used in Rome to create a bloody
pentagram that would allow him to sacrifice the Purifiers to Selene.
(X-Force III#1) - Eli Bard visited Reverend William
Stryker's Purifiers at Stryker's church outside Fargo, North Dakota and
met with Matthew Risman, who claimed that Eli had given the Purifiers
new hope following Stryker's death. Unaware they were being watched by
the X-Force strike team, Risman informed Eli that he was the first to
seek out the Purifiers, as all of their previous members had been
personally recruited by William Stryker, and commended Eli on providing
vital information regarding Nimrod and how an earlier future
incarnation of Nimrod had once merged with the Sentinel Master Mold to
form Bastion, whom the Purifiers had also recently acquired. Eli then
watched as the Purifiers grafted the severed head of Bastion onto the
body of their own Nimrod robot, reviving Bastion, who immediately
detected mutants as X-Force stormed the church.
(X-Force III#2) - After escaping a fire bomb set by X-23 alongside Risman, the captive Wolfsbane and other Purifiers, Eli Bard watched as Wolfsbane's father, recent Purifier recruit Reverend Craig, interrogated her and noticed that Matthew Risman seemed nervous. Questioning if Risman was nervous due to the somewhat unhinged Craig's presence, Eli learned from Risman that the resurrected Bastion had effectively taken over the Purifiers and was refusing to see Risman or let Risman in on his plans. Before Risman could continue, Eli witnessed Bastion order Risman to kill Wolfsbane, stating that Risman's existing plan had a 99.74% chance of failure. Risman argued back that he had been entrusted with two things after Stryker's death: protect the Oracle and create the Choir, and Eli watched as Bastion energized his hand and threateningly asked if Risman was defective. Eli briefly seemed worried that Bastion might kill Risman but Risman replied that he was not defective and agreed to listen to Bastion's plan. Eli remained at Risman's side as Bastion revealed his plan to utilize an offspring of the nascent Technarch alien Magus against the X-Men.
(X-Force III#3) - Eli Bard sat next to Matthew Risman
and Reverend Craig as Risman decided to tell the others how he had
first met Reverend William Stryker and how Stryker had ultimately saved
Risman's wife and daughter. Remarking to Eli that he owed Stryker
everything, Risman commented that he would continue Stryker's plans
against the X-Men. When Eli asked about the orders Bastion had given
Risman, Risman insisted that Bastion's orders would be carried out but
not at the cost of Stryker's mission. Eli then sat as Risman changed
the subject, asking Reverend Craig how it felt to deliver Wolfsbane to
their "Lord." Later, after telling Bastion that he had killed Wolfsbane
as ordered, Risman accompanied Bastion, Eli Bard and other Purifiers as
they walked the Purifier base and when Risman asked where Bastion was
taking them, Bastion replied that he was only taking Risman somewhere
and that the outsider Eli Bard would remain behind. When Eli questioned
Bastion, Bastion confronted Eli, remarking on there being no known
records of an "Eli Bard" in the past, present or future, and picked Eli
up, explaining that Eli's lack of history prevented Bastion from
trusting Eli. As Bastion began choking Eli Bard, Risman reminded
Bastion that he would not be there if not for Eli leading the Purifiers
to Bastion. Bastion noted the statement as irrelevant and continued
choking Eli until Risman convinced Bastion to let Eli live long enough
for Risman to research Eli's background, promising to kill Eli himself
if he proved to be against the Purifiers. Whispering to Eli that he was
a good man, Risman promised to get Eli out of the situation before
leaving to accompany Bastion alone. Suspicious, Eli Bard secretly
followed Bastion and Risman and witnessed through a partially open door
as Bastion connected himself to the Magus' offspring and infected
Donald Pierce, the Leper Queen and other anti-mutants with the
Transmode Virus.
(X-Force III#4) - Eli was standing next to Matthew
Risman when he received word that Wolfsbane, whom he had not killed but
rather programmed to return to the X-Men and sever Angel's wings, had
completed her mission. Risman ordered Eli to rendezvous with Wolfsbane
and take her to the Facility, where a man named Adam Harkin was
expecting Eli. Asking if Risman was coming as well, Eli was told by
Risman that he would join them as soon as he could. After traveling to
the Facility, Eli watched as Adam Harkin revealed the Apocalypse DNA
strands in Angel's wings by showing how blood created a metal-like
shape in the DNA. Eli continued to watch as Adam injected the
Apocalypse strand into the Purifier Gabriel, who soon manifested
metallic wings as the first of the Purifiers' Choir.
(X-Force III#5) - Matthew Risman thought to himself about how William Stryker had saved his life and had ordered him to protect the Oracle, which Risman thought to be impossible until meeting Eli Bard. Risman continued thinking how Bard had helped Risman revive the Oracle as Bastion, whom Risman now feared was a new evil unleashed on humanity. Soon turning to Eli Bard, who was standing next to him, Risman remarked on how Bastion's existence was an assault on the Purifiers' "holy crusade" and how Bastion must be stopped, Oracle or not. Bard replied by asking what Risman planned to do and Risman revealed his plans to lay the Transmode-resurrected William Stryker to rest then destroy both the Magus' offspring and Bastion himself. Risman then thanked Eli Bard for his loyalty and ordered Reverend Craig to kill Wolfsbane now that she had accomplished her mission to obtain Angel's wings. Bard, Craig and Risman then started to part ways but Eli asked to accompany Risman on his mission. Risman remarked on how, with Stryker resurrected by the Transmode Virus, the Purifiers' Choir only followed his orders because they were unaware of Stryker's resurrection and warned Eli that they may not be coming back from his mission. Eli insisted that since he had brought the evil of Bastion to the Purifiers by leading them to Bastion's location and admitted that Bastion was his responsibility. Before Risman could argue, Eli also remarked that they should finish Bastion together and Risman reluctantly agreed to allow Eli to join him in his mission. Later, after Risman had ordered the Choir to attack the Purifiers loyal to Bastion, Eli Bard accompanied Risman inside the Purifiers' headquarters to survey the damage done by the attack. As they walked through the deceased Purifiers' bodies, Risman and Bard found Bastion and Risman asked Bastion for a word.
(X-Force III#6/X-Necrosha: The Gathering#1/5 (fb)) -
Eli watched as Matthew Risman and
Bastion argued over the Purifiers' future goals but before Risman could
make a move, Angel (now as his darker Archangel aspect) flew into the
headquarters on metallic wings and demanded his wings back. Risman
quickly ordered Eli to move as Archangel's X-Force allies enter the
headquarters as well. Eli watched Risman continue confronting Bastion
until Bastion was stabbed through the head by Wolverine. During the
fight, Eli ran and Risman followed. X-23 noticed Risman fleeing and
pursued, only to witness Risman discovering Eli Bard tinkering with the
Magus offspring. Upon seeing Eli infect himself with the Transmode
Virus, Risman asked Eli to step away from the Technarch but Eli, his
arm already infected by the Transmode Virus, told Risman that there was
no god and that he worshiped only death as his queen. Horrified,
Matthew Risman shot Eli, who was unaffected by the gunshot wound. When
Risman exclaimed how he had trusted and believed in Eli Bard, Eli
remarked that trusting him was one mistake of many Risman had made and
revealed that he had joined the Purifiers with the intent to make an
offering of Risman and the entire Purifiers group. Further explaining
that he planned to offer the souls to his queen for sustenance, Eli
Bard commented that he had changed his plans after seeing what the
alien Technarch was capable of. Revealing his vampiric nature, Eli then
proclaimed that Risman would die as he attacked a terrified Risman.
Before Eli could feed on Risman, however, X-Force member X-23 killed
Risman then fired three rounds of ammunition into the unaffected Eli
Bard, who transformed partially into mist and surrounded X-23. About to
feed on the healing X-23, Bard was hit in the shoulder by one of
Warpath's knives and warned to drop X-23 or die. Announcing that he was
already dead, Eli Bard claimed to have kill more mutants than smallpox
before dispersing into mist, commenting that Warpath had made things
(X-Force III#10 - BTS/X-Necrosha: The Gathering#1/5
(fb)) - Eli Bard dug up the corpses
of an Apache tribe he had slaughtered and absconded with them, causing
the Apache gods to respond in the form of a gestalt Demon Bear. Using a
dark magic dagger, Eli stabbed the
gods, causing the merged Demon Bear to become crazed with pain. After
the Demon Bear, Warpath learned of Eli Bard's involvement with the
corpses and informed his X-Force teammates.
(X-Force III#11/X-Necrosha: The Gathering#1/5 (fb)) -
Wolverine responded by asking who
Eli Bard was and Warpath informed him that Eli Bard was the man who had
earlier been with Matthew Risman and tried to kill X-23. Explaining to
X-Force that the Apache gods had showed him Eli Bard's life after he
freed them from the Demon Bear, Warpath recounted Eli Bard's origins to
X-Force. While Warpath further revealed Eli's plans with the
Technarchy, Eli visited Selene but Selene informed Eli of his mistake
and ordered her minions to kill Eli Bard on the spot. Before they could
do so, Eli announced that he had an offering for her and revealed the
entire deceased Apache tribe that he had unearthed, now resurrected via
the Transmode Virus coursing through Eli's body. When Selene explained
that she had no need of Eli's slaves, Eli revealed the deceased mutant
Caliban, who Eli promised could track down deceased mutants that Eli
could resurrect as an offering to Selene.
(X-Force III#12 - BTS) - X-Force met up with Cyclops at Alcatraz and when Cyclops arrived, Warpath asked if he had found the missing Wolfsbane, Selene or Eli Bard and Cyclops promised the telepathic Stepford Cuckoos were working on it before announcing a mission that he felt took priority over finding Eli Bard and the others.
(X-Force III#18) - The Transmode-resurrected Caliban
led Eli Bard and Wither to the grave of Doug Ramsey in Salem Center,
New York. When Caliban remarked on this grave being the first, Eli
pulled up his sleeve to reveal his Transmode-infected arm and, as
Wither watched, Eli plunged his hand into the ground and announced the
beginning of his plans.
(X-Necrosha#1/2) - Infected by Eli Bard's Transmode
Virus, Doug Ramsey was reborn and crawled from his grave, asking what
language he was. An ominously smiling Eli greeted Doug and replied that
he was no language, only a slave. Eli then ordered Doug to rise,
remarking that Doug had work to do.
(X-Men: Legacy I#232 (fb)) - Eli Bard also
resurrected the prophetic Destiny (Irene Adler) with the Transmode
Virus, unaware that Destiny's resurrection also gave the energy being
Proteus a link back to Earth since a portion of Proteus' energy form
resided within Destiny.
(X-Necrosha#1) - Eli Bard accompanied Selene and her Inner Circle as Selene visited her original homeland to honor the sacrifices to her by her original tribe. As Selene recounted her origins, Eli and the others listened silently as Selene announced her plans to become a goddess. A short time later, Eli accompanied Selene and her Inner Circle to Rome while Blink began an attack on the X-Men's Utopia headquarters. As Selene remarked that the souls of Rome were lost to her when the only mortal she trusted squandered them, Eli lowered his head in shame as Wither listened intently. Eli then traveled to New York's Hellfire Club branch with Selene and the others before accompanying them to the Indian Ocean, where the deceased X-Man Thunderbird was acquired as a servant of Selene and Blink rejoined her Inner Circle allies. Eli and the group then ventured onto the remnants of the island of Genosha, where Selene announced it as the location where she would become a goddess.
(X-Force III#21) - While in Genosha, Selene noticed Eli Bard looked agitated and asked what was wrong. Eli replied nothing but Wither accused Eli of lying and Selene agreed, reminding Eli not to make her ask again. Honing up, Eli revealed that Doug Ramsey was no longer under his control for some reason and Wither sarcastically remarked that failure was Eli's style. Explaining that she had specific plans for Ramsey, Selene ordered Eli to send the original Hellions to reacquire Ramsey. As the attack continued on the X-Men's Utopia, the Transmode-resurrected Risque was forced to fight her former lover Warpath and she warned him to run, revealing to Warpath that Eli Bard had brought her back. With the X-Men distracted, Selene ordered Eli to do as he had promised her and Eli plunged his Transmode-infected hand into the dirt on Genosha, infecting all of the corpses left on Genosha and resurrecting them.
(X-Force III#22) - As the battle progressed between
the X-Men and the Eli Bard-resurrected mutants, Warpath informed
Archangel that the resurrections were Eli Bard and Selene's doing and
Archangel revealed that the resurrected could not be physically killed
again. Still in Genosha, Eli Bard followed Selene and her Inner Circle
as Selene led them to the center of the island, where she planned to
have her resurrected mutant slaves construct a spire to absorb the
mutant souls into herself to attain goddesshood. Selene then ordered
Eli to prepare the blood ritual as he was supposed to do all those
centuries ago in Rome and explained that together, she and Eli would
call the souls to the spire. Eli replied that it was all he had ever
wanted, to make Selene happy, and expressed gratitude for being allowed
to perform the blood ritual. When Selene requested the sacrificial
blade he had once used, Eli momentarily hesitated and Wither questioned
whether the blade would be a problem, to which Eli replied that all
would be ready. A short time later, Eli confronted Blink and revealed
to her that the sacrificial blade had been stolen by the X-Man Warpath
after Eli had used it against the Apache Demon Bear. Annoyed that Eli
had lost the blade, Blink feigned agreeing to help Eli reacquire it
quickly and discreetly but instead teleported Eli to Selene to inform
her of Eli's losing of the blade. As Selene stared at Eli, Blink
further revealed that Eli had attempted to deceive Selene by secretly
reacquiring the blade before she found out he did not have it.
Announcing that nothing had changed with Eli in centuries, Selene
ordered Wither to take Eli with him to retrieve the blade from the
X-Men, warning that if the X-Men did not have the blade, then Eli would
be left there among the dead. Selene's Inner Circle accompanied Eli and
Wither to the X-Men's Utopia headquarters and Blink teleported them all
there in the midst of the X-Men's battle against the resurrected
(X-Force III#23) - Immediately recognizing Eli Bard,
Warpath informed the other X-Men who he was while the X-Men were
shocked to find some of their other former allies with Bard, including
the thought-deceased Blink and former student Wither. Eli then watched
as X-Men ally Diamond Lil rushed to fight Selene's Inner Circle, only
to be killed by Mortis' death-touch. X-Men's X-Force squad immediately
returned fire and as the bullets harmlessly penetrated Eli Bard's skin,
he told the other Inner Circle members that Warpath was his. Wither
responded, telling to Eli to just do his job and he would deal with the
X-Men. As the Inner Circle squared off against the X-Men, Eli Bard
allowed his vampiric side take over as he attacked Warpath, reminding
Warpath that he had told him it was personal. When Warpath promised to
kill Bard, Eli gloated that Warpath couldn't even touch Eli and
remarked that the only thing that would save his friends was the
sacrificial blade, which Eli demanded to know the location of. While
Bard and the others fought the X-Men, Selene perched on her throne in
Genosha, where the resurrected Thunderbird warned that his brother
Warpath would kill both Selene and Eli Bard. The resurrected Negasonic
Teenage Warhead replied to Thunderbird that Warpath would indeed come
to battle Selene but prophetically stated that Warpath would not kill
Eli Bard. On Utopia, Eli continued to evade Warpath's attacks by
partially transforming into mist and again suggested Warpath turn over
the sacrificial blade before more lives were lost. When Eli promised to
end the attack if Warpath provided the blade, Warpath departed to get
the blade as Eli gloated. Getting the blade, Warpath remarked to
himself how he would put the blade right into Eli Bard, who appeared
moments later when Blink teleported the entire Selene's Inner Circle
into Warpath's room to acquire the blade. Stealing the blade from
Warpath's hands as Senyaka held Warpath down, Eli smiled and remarked
that Warpath would do nothing but watch his loved ones die before the
Inner Circle teleported back to Selene's "Necrosha" (as she was calling
Genosha) with Warpath in tow.
(X-Force III#24) - Eli Bard and the rest of Selene's
Inner Circle arrived back at Necrosha with the captive Warpath and the
sacrificial blade. Eli bowed to Selene and announced the blade's
acquisition and how they had brought Warpath, who had stolen the blade.
Wither angrily told Eli to shut up, reminding him that Eli had been the
one who lost it in the first place and then ran. Tired of Wither's
cracks on him, Eli Bard attacked Wither, announcing that he had enough
of Wither and that Wither had no idea what Eli really was or how much
Selene meant to him. Transforming into a semi-vampiric state himself,
Wither asked if Eli really thought he had no idea before Selene ordered
Wither to stand down. As Wither did so, Eli reminded him that
everything he had done for the past two thousand years had been for
Selene and asked Wither what he thought he could do to compare. Eli
then presented Selene with the sacrificial blade and Selene had him
stand. Eli then admitted that while he had been weak and failed her in
the past, he was shamed by his past failures and his love for Selene
had only grown over the centuries. He then further admitted his hopes
that if he could provide what she wanted, she would see him again as
she once did. Remarking his hopes that there was a part of Selene that
still loved him, the part that allowed Eli back into her life, Eli Bard
announced that he had done everything for her to become the goddess he
knew her to be. Selene then beckoned Eli to come to her and when he
did, Selene whispered that he would always be her one true love before
stabbing him in the heart with the sacrificial blade, following up her
statement with a comment that Eli was also her biggest disappointment.
Wither then smiled as Eli crumbled to death with Selene's name on his
lips, leaving behind only his Transmode Virus-infected arm.
(New Mutants III#9 - BTS) - Following Selene's
defeat, the resurrected Doug Ramsey remained living and X-Men ally Dr.
Nemesis performed a physical on Ramsey, confirming that there was no
sign of Eli Bard's malignant Techno-Organics.
Comments: Created by Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost and Clayton Crain.
Eli Bard had a profile in X-Men: Earth's Mutant Heroes (2011).
The flashback to Doug Ramsey's resurrection in
X-Necrosha#1 shows Eli Bard's right arm as being infected by the
Transmode Virus while all other appearances show his left arm.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Eli Bard has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
X-Men: Earth's Mutant Heroes, p7, Eli Bard main image (Eli Bard, main
X-Force III#6, p11, pan5 (vampiric Eli Bard, headshot)
X-Force III#11, p3, pan3 (younger Eliphas as Roman senator)
X-Necrosha: The Gathering#1, p36, pan1 (younger vampire Eliphas
transforming from mist to humanoid)
X-Necrosha: The Gathering#1, p38, pan4 (younger Eliphas wearing cloak
during Black Plague)
X-Force III#6, p10, pan5 (Eli Bard, infecting himself with the
Transmode Virus)
X-Force III#18, p14, pan1 (Eli Bard, revealing Transmode-infected arm)
X-Necrosha#1, p29, pan1 (Eli Bard, raising Doug Ramsey)
X-Men: Legacy I#232, p12, pan7 (Eli Bard using the Transmode Virus to
resurrect Destiny)
X-Force III#24, p5, pan 1-3 (Eli Bard's death)
X-Force III#1 (April, 2008) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers),
Clayton Crain (art), John Barber (editor)
X-Force III#2 (May, 2008) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers),
Clayton Crain (art), John Barber (editor)
X-Force III#3 (June, 2008) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers),
Clayton Crain (art), John Barber (editor)
X-Force III#4 (July, 2008) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers),
Clayton Crain (art), John Barber (editor)
X-Force III#5 (September, 2008) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost
(writers), Clayton Crain (art), John Barber (editor)
X-Force III#6 (October, 2008) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers),
Clayton Crain (art), John Barber (editor)
X-Force III#10 (February, 2009) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost
(writers), Mike Choi (art), John Barber (editor)
X-Force III#11 (March, 2009) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers),
Alina Urusov, Clayton Crain (art), John Barber (editor)
X-Force III#12 (April, 2009) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers),
Clayton Crain (art), John Barber (editor)
III#18 (October, 2009) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers), Mike
Choi, Sonia Oback (art), John Barber, Jeanine Schaefer (editors)
X-Necrosha#1 (December, 2009) - "Necrosha, Chapter One" story - Craig
Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers), Clayton Crain (art), Jeanine
Schaefer, Nick Lowe (editors); "Binary" story - Zeb Wells (writer),
Ibraim Roberson (art), Jeanine Schaefer, Nick Lowe (editors)
X-Force III#21 (January, 2010) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost
(writers), Clayton Crain (art), Jeanine Schaefer (editor)
X-Necrosha: The Gathering#1 (February, 2010) - "The Gathering: Eliphas"
story - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers), Mateus Santoluoco
(art), Jeanine Schaefer (editor)
X-Force III#22 (February, 2010) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost
(writers), Clayton Crain (art), Jeanine Schaefer (editor)
X-Force III#23 (March, 2010) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers),
Clayton Crain (art), Jeanine Schaefer (editor)
X-Men: Legacy I#232 (March, 2010) - Mike Carey (writer), Clay Mann
(pencils), Danny Miki, Allen Martinez (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
X-Force III#24 (April, 2010) - Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost (writers),
Clayton Crain (art), Jeanine Schaefer (editor)
New Mutants III#9 (March, 2010) - Zeb Wells (writer), Paul Davidson
(art), Nick Lowe (editor)
X-Men: Earth's Mutant Heroes (July, 2011) - Jeff Christiansen, Mike
O'Sullivan (head writers, coordinators), Stuart Vandal, Sean McQuaid,
Mike Fichera, Madison Carter, Markus Raymond, Rob London, Michael
Hoskin, Kevin Garcia, Patrick Ryall, Ronald Byrd, Chris Biggs, Jeph
York, Matt Forbeck (writers), Gus Vazquez (Eli Bard main image art),
Jeff Youngquist (editor)
First Posted: 10/29/2018
Last updated: 10/29/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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