Real Name: Presumably Leo
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (race unidentified) technology-user
Occupation: Unrevealed;
possibly the leader of a criminal gang or perhaps the owner of an
unidentified disco in an unidentified space city in the Andromeda galaxy
Group Membership: Leader of unspecified group (see occupation)
Affiliations: Mandu; unspecified associates
Enemies: Cat (Peter Criss), Space Ace (Ace Frehley);
it is unrevealed how he felt about Mandu upon recovering from his beatin at Criss' hands
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Curly" (Space Ace / Ace Frehley called him that, but he calls everyone "Curly");
"Chuckles" (Cat / Peter Criss insultingly called him that)
Base of Operations: Unidentified disco in space city/satellite in unspecified open space location in the Andromeda galaxy
First Appearance: Marvel Comics Super Special#1 (1977)
Big Leo is large and strong (perhaps peak human to enhanced human); he
claimed that no one had ever broken his grip prior to Peter Criss.
He did not demonstrate particular fighting skills, likely relying on his size, weapon, and his employees/enforcers/agents.
He used some sort of staff that could generate some sort of energy, which could disrupt other forms of energy and presumably stun other beings, at least.
Height: Unrevealed; approximately 7'5" (even
bending over, he looks to be a good 2' taller than the Cat (Peter
Criss), who I think is about 5'5")
Weight: Unrevealed; approximately 560 lbs.
Eyes: Unrevealed (only seen with blue sunglasses)
Hair: Orange
(Marvel Comics Super Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - Active at an unidentified disco in some sort of floating space city, Big Leo considered himself the boy friend ("old man") of the cat-woman Mandu.Comments: Created by Steve Gerber, Alan Weiss, and Allen Milgrom.
Mandu noted that Big Leo "thinks he's my old man." I would guess that they had some sort of relationship, but she apparently considered it less monogamous than he did; or perhaps they didn't have a true relationship, but he nonetheless considered (and told others) that they did, and that he was otherwise powerful and controlling; or perhaps they had a true relationship, but she was really intrigued with Criss and was willing to discard Leo for Criss.
The story was only 5 pages long, and Leo was only in 3 of those.
Profile by Snood.
Big Leo should be distinguished from:
(Marvel Comics Super Special#1) - Even though Criss had
already told Mandu that he had obligations on another world and
couldn't stay with her, Big Leo -- flanked by a number of agents --
suddenly confronted the pair, and Leo warned Criss that even though he
couldn't take his eyes off of Mandu that he better do so if he wanted
to keep his eyes.
Mandy introduced Leo to Criss, at which
point Ace tapped Leo on the shoulder, informing him Criss was his
friend. This led a trio of Leo's agents to grab him, telling him they
were sorry to hear that as that meant they had to pound him into the
Leo grabbed Criss' wrist, assuring him he wasn't
going to beat him up, just crush his wrist to teach him a lesson;
however, Criss surprised both Leo and himself by slipping free with his
feline agility and delivering to Leo a flying kick with both heels of
his platform shoes. Noting his friend needed his help, Ace abruptly
threw off his attackers (perhaps telekinetically) and entrapped Leo
within a cone of force.
images: (without ads)
Marvel Comics Super Special#1 Chapter Three: The
Andromeda Hustle, pg. 3, panel 4-5 (with gang; shoulder tapped by Ace;
combined in main image to avoid cropping and including parts of the
same images in many others);
pg. 4, panel 1 (gang accosting Ace);
panel 2 (grabbing Criss' wrist);
panel 4 (Criss kicking Leo)
panel 5 (Ace tossing off attackers);
pg. 5, panel 2 (escaping cone of force);
panel 3 (Criss leaping on Leo);
panel 7 (sans glasses; punched by Criss)
Marvel Comics Super Special#1: The Andromeda Hustle (1977) - Steve Gerber (writer & editor?), Alan Weiss (penciler), Allen Milgrom (inker)
First posted: 03/28/2018
Last updated: 03/29/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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