Real Name: Unrevealed;
Catastrophus may be his real name, or he may have chosen it, as Annihilus did (which seems more likely)
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Negative Zone) extraterrestrial race
Occupation: Ruler, patriarch
Group Membership: Chitinauts (servants);
he is referred to as one of the Lords of Arthos (presumably a group of royals/rulers from the planet Arthos, although nothing else has been revealed about them) and the Insect Kings of the Negative Zone
Affiliations: Lord of the Chitinauts;
working ally of Annihilus, Eradica, Extermina, Extirpa and the rest of
the Annihilation Wave/Horde/Swarm (although he had his own agenda)
Enemies: Darkhawk (Chris Powell; even though he didn't oppose Catastrophys directly, he fought his Chitinauts), Razor (Brotherhood of Raptors, while possessing Darkhawk), Talon (Brotherhood of Raptors);
if they participated in the Annihilation War, they may have opposed a
large number of races/beings in the positive universe.
Known Relatives: Chitinauts (spawn);
it is unrevealed whether Catastrophus has any direct familial
relationship to Annihilus or the other insectoids
Aliases: Lord Catastrophus
Base of Operations: The Heteropteron;
possibly originated on Arthros
First Appearance: War of Kings: Ascension#1 (June, 2009)
Catastrophus presumably had dense chitinous exoskeleton and some degree
of superhuman strength; his armor was insufficient to protect him the
razor-sharp wings of the Brotherhood of Raptors.
He had wings that presumably enable flight, as well as four arms (each with three clawed talons; his legs appeared to end in two talons), sharp fangs, antennae (which presumably allowed him to control and communicate with the Chitnauts +/- others), large spikes on his knees. He had green blood/ichor/whatever.
Despite being apparently male, he could swiftly lay and pupate a large number of Chitinaut offspring.
He had access to the Cosmic Control Rod, but focused its power only to retard the development of the Annihilus pupa to prolong his own rule of Annihilus' empire.
Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 8')
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 400 lbs.)
Eyes: Solid red
Hair: None
(War of Kings: Ascension#1 (fb) - BTS) - Catastrophus was one of the relatively minor lieutenant Lords of Arthros who held territories in feality to Annihilus.
(War of Kings: Ascension#1 (fb) - BTS) - Catastrophus was left to rule in Annihilus' wake following Annihilus' apparent death at the hands of Nova (Richard Rider) at the conclusion of the Annihilation War.
(War of Kings: Ascension#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Chitinauts of the Seventh Stridulation were an elite that served Catastrophus.(War of Kings: Ascension#1 (fb) - BTS) - Catastrophus came into possession of Annihilus' Cosmic Control Rod.
(War of Kings: Ascension#2 (fb) - BTS) - While it was Catastrophus' duty to rule until the next pupa that would become Annihilus matured, Catastrophus used the Cosmic Control Rod to retard the pupa's development to ensure his own long reign.
(War of Kings: Ascension#1 (fb) - BTS) - Catastrophus pupated a fresh host of Chitinauts to garrison his mightiest nomad fortress, the Heteropteron.
(War of Kings: Ascension#1 (fb) - BTS) - In an effort to "train" Darkhawk (more accurately, to enable the Brotherhood of Raptors member Razor to take over his form), Talon transported Darkhawk to the Negative Zone.
Once they crossed
the bleaksun tracts, they entered the outer fiefdoms of the Chitinauts
of the Seventh Stridulation, who -- when Darkhawk and Talon did not display a warrant
or permit sanctioned by Catastrophus nor release the correct
semiochemical pheromones -- attacked them to defend their
(War of Kings: Ascension#1 - BTS) - Darkhawk and Talon fought back and destroyed these Chitinauts.
(War of Kings: Ascension#1) - Darkhawk and Talon assaulted the Heteropteron to steal the Cosmic Control Rod.
Talon manipulated Darkhawk into transforming into Warflight mode and then destroying the Chitinauts opposing them.
(War of Kings: Ascension#1 - BTS) - Razor took over the Darkhawk form.
(War of Kings: Ascension#2) - Talon and Razor battled the subsequent wave of Chitinauts of the Heteropteron, ultimately confronting Catastrophus himself.
Catastrophus denounced the invaders as "heathen avi-forms" and announced his intent to devour their entrails and lay eggs within their skulls. As he continued his threat to heap suffering on them, Talon and Razor swiftly flew at him and decapitated him with their sharp wing edges. As green blood/ichor/whatever poured out of his neck, Catastrophus' head choked and gagged for a few seconds before he completely collapsed.
Razor noted with disappointment that the insect kings of the Negative Zone used to be so formidable.
The Raptors left Catastrophus behind and headed toward their goal..
(War of Kings: Ascension#2 - BTS) - Talon took the Cosmic Control Rod -- allowing Annihilus to mature, as he was too interesting a variable to be removed from the board -- and departed with Razor.
Comments: Created by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, Wellinton Alves, and Scott Hanna.
Profile by Snood.
Catastrophus should be distinguished from:
Talon described it as: "The mightiest of Lord Catastrophus' nomad fortresses"
It floated in an unidentified section of space within the Negative Zone.
It's size and specifications were unrevealed, but it is where Catastrophus used the Cosmic Control Rod to retard the development of the Annihilus pupa.
(War of Kings: Ascension#1 (fb) - BTS) - Catastrophus pupated a fresh host of Chitinauts to garrison his mightiest nomad fortress, the Heteropteron.
(War of Kings: Ascension#1) - Darkhawk and Talon assaulted the Heteropteron to steal the Cosmic Control Rod; Talon manipulated Darkhawk into transforming into Warflight mode and then destroying the Chitinauts opposing them.
(War of Kings: Ascension#1 - BTS) - Brotherhood of the Raptors member Razor took over the Darkhawk form.
(War of Kings: Ascension#2) - Talon and Razor battled the subsequent wave of Chitinauts of the Heteropteron, ultimately confronting Catastrophus himself and decapitating him before claiming their prize/goal, the Cosmic Control Rod.
(War of Kings: Ascension#2 - BTS) - Talon then took the Cosmic Control Rod -- allowing Annihilus to mature, as he was too interesting a variable to be removed from the board -- and departed with Razor.
--War of Kings: Ascension#1 (2images: (without ads)
War of Kings: Ascension#1, pg. 12, panel 4 (Heteropteron; view from below);
pg. 14, panel 2 (before Chitinauts crowd in
Heteropteron - image via scout hawk created by Talon);
pg. 15, panel 1 (Heteropteron; view from above);
#2, story pg. 4 (Catastrophus; close-up, mostly full);
pg. 5, panel 1 (decapitated);
panel 2 (dying);
panel 3 (dead)
First Posted: 03/25/2017
Last updated: 03/25/2017
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