CENTURIONS (renegades)
Membership: Hybalea, Torrent (Espia); others unidentified, but can be grossly described
as bat-like, energized, liquid, mace-fisted, robotic (probably Ataraxian), and tentacled)
Purpose: To defeat Centurions following Ravenous and serving corruption.
Aliases: None
Affiliations: Firelord;
formerly Annihilation Wave, Annihilus, Ravenous, (presumably) Smyt and those who joined the Death Squad, and approximatley 90 other Centurions;
Enemies: Death Squad, Ravenous, Smyt, any Centurions still working with Ravenous and/or ruling worlds via appointment from Ravenous;
formerly the United Front (including Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Nova/Richard Rider, Praxagora, Peter Quill, Red Shift, Ronan the Accuser, Stardust)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
(when last seen) mobile throughout the Skrull Empire and a
number of fringe territories still disputed by the Kree;
briefly Omina Prime;
formerly the Negative Zone (extradimensional)
First Appearance: Some of the members appeared in Annihilation#2 (November, 2006), and the rest in Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#2 (May, 2007)
(Annihilation#2 (fb) - BTS / Annihilation#2: Centurions profile)
- The Centurions were formed as an elite warrior force for Annihilus,
one each from the 100 Negative Zone worlds under Annihilus' control.
(Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Centurions were only keepers of order in chaotic realms.
Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#2: Centurions profile)
- Annihilus duped the Centurions into aiding his Annihilation Wave by
telling them that the positive universe was destroying the Negative
Zone (which was partially true, but was taking place at a slow rate and
would threaten the Negative Zone in a far distant future). Misled by
their own zealotry and by their blind obedience to Annihilus, whose
agenda was purely for his own benefit, the Centurions followed
- BTS / Annihilation#3
- BTS) - Annihilus deployed the assembled Centurions as a united strike team
against the main force of heroes -- including Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Nova (Richard Rider), Praxagora, Peter Quill, Ronan the Accuser, former heralds of Galactus Red Shift and Stardust, among others -- opposing
him on Daedalus 5, a system on the periphery of the Kree Empire. Led by Hybalea, the
Centurions assault broke the back of the resisting forces, effectively
ending the military phase of the war.
- possibly BTS) - Some of the Centurions served Ravenous on Hala in a failed
effort to drive off Ronan when he came for the House of Fiyero.
(Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#2 (fb) - BTS) - Following
the defeat of Annihilus, the Annihilation Wave
sued for truce, and the devastated leaders of the Kree and perhaps other
Empires ceded numerous planets in the devastated Skrull Empire and a
number of fringe territories still disputed by the Kree. Ravenous ruled
over the ceded territories, and Centurions (the remnants of Annihilus'
elite strike force) were each granted a world of their choice to set up
their dominion.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#2: Centurions profile) - Some
of the Centurions began to question their involvement in the
destruction wrought by the Annihilation Wave and began leaving Ravenous.
(Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#2 (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#2: Centurions profile) - Ravenous
set his own Centurion death squads against those Centurions who refused
to serve him, killing at least three. The remaining rebellious
Centurions, led by Hybalea, began to consider assassinating those who
refused to leave Ravenous.(Annihilation:
Heralds of Galactus#2 (fb) - BTS) - Hybalea brought his renegade
Centurions to Ominus Prime to take down Smyt, the Centurion ruling
Heralds of Galactus#2 (fb) - BTS) - A Centurion Death Squad was sent to
Ominus Prime at the time of a reception being held in Smyt's honor.
Heralds of Galactus#2) - The renegade Centurions attended the reception
in disguise, but Hybalea and Torrent were detected and exposed by a
member of the Death Squad. Hybalea ordered the renegades to take their
attackers, and the renegades dropped their holographic forms and
converged on Smyt and the Death Squad. Hybalea grappled with Smyt,
refusing his instruction to surrender; but when Torrent dropped after
taking several blasts, Hybalea was distracted, and Smyt smashed him
away with an energy fist that partially shattered his helmet.
The conflict was then interrupted by Firelord, who had vowed to
liberate the planets under Centurions' rule. When Smyt defied
Firelord's order to surrender or die, Hybalea tried to convince Smyt
and the rest of the Centurions (including the Death Squad) to surrender
if they valued their lives. Smyt then struck down Hybalea with a blast
from behind, and Firelord engaged the Death Squad and Smyt, transported the
innocents of Omina Prime out of the reception hall, and then released
an energy burst the blew the hall apart and floored those present.
After Smyt continued with defiant threats, Firelord apparently slew
Smyt and the rest of the Death Squad.
Hybalea explained that the renegade Centurions opposed
those Centurions allied with Ravenous. He continued to explain that they
were hunting down their former brethren to right their wrongs, and that
they did so out of shame, rather than out of anger, retribution, or
atonement. He petitioned Firelord not to slay them for trying to honor
their past roles.
Firelord agreed, but told them he would be watching them and that if
they moved against any but their brethren that he would hunt them to
the ends of the universe and see them dead. Hybalea acknowledged this,
and Firelord left them in peace.
Comments: Created by Keith Giffen and Andrea DeVito.
As far as I can tell, we don't see Torrent in Annihilation#2 (or any of
the other Annihilation issues). Nor do we see the little bat-like
creature (there's someone a bit similar, but it seems to be a
bird-person, with feathered wings, a beak, and more humanoid legs), nor
the guy with the mace-fists.
Several of the future renegades, including Hybalea, as well as the
unidentified liquid woman, the robotic guy, the energized guy, and the
tentacled character, are shown in the main image from the Centurions
profile from Annihilation#2. Also shown in that picture is a warrior
female who REALLY looks like she's from Birj (Terrax's world) and the
giant spikey-rock guy.
The Centurions are supposed to be composed of one member each from the
100 Negative Zone worlds under Annihilus' control. In that case, there
may be a race of beings like Hybalea (presumably lacking his powers, or at
least his level of power), unless they were amongst those destroyed by
Annihilus for refusing to participate in the Annihilation Wave.
Torrent (Espia) and the energized renegade were apparently slain, and
the robotic guy shattered (and possibly repairable) but the other five
should still be around. No reason they can't all be fleshed out and
given names, back histories, abilities, etc.
Several of the future renegades, including Hybalea, as well as the
unidentified liquid woman, the robotic guy, the energized guy, and the
tentacled character, are shown in the main image from the Centurions
profile from Annihilation#2. Also shown in that picture is a warrior
female who REALLY looks like she's from Birj (Terrax's world) and the
giant spikey-rock guy.
Profile by Snood.
The renegade faction of the Centurions has no known connections to:
- CENTURION -see NOVA-PRIME--Fantastic Four I#204
- CENTURION (Geoffrey Ballard*) - former security agent at Stark International, discovered suit of armor and weaponry, battled
Ms. Marvel--Ms. Marvel#17
- CENTURION BRITANNUS ( ) - Captain Britain Corps--Excalibur I#24
- CENTURIONs - agents of Midas, wore exoskeletons, guarded his base in Greece
--Marvel Super-Heroes III#13/2

Torrent Real Name: Espia
At some point she joined Hybalea's
renegades who broke away from Ravenous, and after Ravenous' death
squads had killed 3 other Centurions, they decided to strike back
against their attackers.
Torrent and Hybalea were wandering the Smyt's reception incogntio when they were detected and exposed by a
member of the Death Squad. Hybalea ordered the renegades to take their
attackers, and the renegades dropped their holographic forms and
converged on Smyt and the Death Squad.
Torrent was struck by a number of blasts and apparently died, and
Hybalea was sufficiently distracted by this that Smyt was able to punch
him away and shatter his helmet.
Torrent was
not observed to clearly demonstrate her powers....based on the
definition of "torrent," you would expect her to have some sort of
ability involving fast-moving water (or perhaps rainstorms)...which
makes me wonder whether she was only accidentally called Torrent, and
Torrent was actually the liquid-woman...in fact, in the one instance
she used her powers (see the image in the main history), she seemed to be using some sort of mental power, which makes more sense for someone called "Espia"...
Under unspecified circumstances, she could generate a holographic
disguise, although it was insufficient to escape detection by the means
available to the Centurion Death Squad. Perhaps Espia mentally cloaked herself and the other Centurions.
--(Behind-the-scenes) Annihilation#2 (November, 2006); (full) Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#2 (May, 2007)
Note: Although presumably present in the assault on Daedalus 5 against the United Front, I could not locate/identify Torrent.
It might be inferred from his tearful reaction to Torrent's apparent
death that the two were more than just teammates; but, he could have
just been supremely loyal to his friends and teammates, and her
apparent death could have rocked his world, especially because it may
have caused him to feel he was going to fail in his goal of stopping
his corrupt former brethen.
See Hybalea's profile for Torrent's and his incognito forms
This character didn't do too much...but just flap around the periphery of scenes.
It presumably has some degree of offensive powers and was involved in
the battle against the death squad...we just didn't see it.
Following Smyt and the Death Squad's apparent deaths, the creature is seen in space (see the main image)
and looks to be wearing some sort of space helmet, perhaps indicating
that it required an atmosphere to breathe, but could otherwise survive
in the frigid vacuum of space.
--(Behind-the-scenes) Annihilation#2 (November, 2006); (full) Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#2 (May, 2007)
Note: Although presumably present in the assault on Daedalus 5 against the United Front, I could not locate/identify this creature.

This character was present during the initial attack against the United Front on Daedalus 5.
At some point he joined Hybalea's renegades who broke away from
Ravenous, and after Ravenous' death squads had killed 3 other
Centurions, they decided to strike back against their attackers.
After the renegades were exposed while infiltrating Smyt's reception,
he assaulted Smyt directly, delivering a charge of energy into his head
intended to kill him, and announcing how his death would show that
Centurion honor endured.
However, although initally pained, Smyt turned back on the energy
creature and released energy from his hands that apparently incinerated
the energy being.
The creature could unleash energy of an
undetermined nature, apparently affecting body and/or mind. Although
glowing with energy, he had a physical form that could be destroyed.
--Annihilation#2 (November, 2006)
This character was present during the initial attack against the United Front on Daedalus 5.
At some point she joined Hybalea's renegades who broke away from
Ravenous, and after Ravenous' death squads had killed 3 other
Centurions, they decided to strike back against their attackers.
After the renegades were exposed while infiltrating Smyt's reception,
she attempted to engulf the cyclopean member of the Death Squad before
being battered away. At Hybalea's urging, the renegades stood down when
confronted by Firelord, and Hybalea convinced Firelord to spare them.
The renegades vowed to continue working to take down those corrupt
Centurions who still served Ravenous and/or ruled worlds under his
She could transforming herself into
an apparently fluid state (I initially thought it was sand-or-dust, but
it looks like bubbles in some images) and presumably would have powers
akin to Hydro-Man (Morrie Bench). Apparently her head +/- upper body
may remain solid enough that it can be struck, knocking her away from
someone or something that she is trying to engulf.
While some other members wore a helmet in space to provide them with an
artificial atmosphere, this did not appear to be necessary for her.
--Annihilation#2 (November, 2006)
Note: See also the text on Torrent regarding possible confusion over which character is Torrent.
At some point he joined Hybalea's
renegades who broke away from Ravenous, and after Ravenous' death
squads had killed 3 other Centurions, they decided to strike back
against their attackers.
After the renegades were exposed
while infiltrating Smyt's reception, he closed on Smyt and the Death
Squad, but was punched back by the cyclopean Death Squad member who
then prepared to batter this guy further.
Hybalea's urging, the renegades stood down when confronted by Firelord,
and Hybalea convinced Firelord to spare them.
The renegades
vowed to continue working to take down those corrupt Centurions who
still served Ravenous and/or ruled worlds under his guidance.
He had a pair of spiked maces in place of each hand (it is unrevealed
whether he can turn them back into hands) and also had a number of
spikes across the rest of his body. It would seem logical that he had
some degree of superhuman strength and durability, but neither ability
was clearly confirmed.
Following Smyt and the Death Squad's
apparent deaths, this character is seen in space (see the main image) and
looks to be wearing some sort of space helmet, perhaps indicating that
it required an atmosphere to breathe, but could otherwise survive in
the frigid vacuum of space.
--(Behind-the-scenes) Annihilation#2 (November, 2006); (full) Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#2 (May, 2007)
Note: Although presumably present in the assault on Daedalus 5 against the United Front, I could not locate/identify this creature.
See also the main image for another view of him, as well as the two
images on the right side of the liquid members sub-profile for him
getting a beat down by the cyclopean guy.

robotic (probably Ataraxian)
This character was present during the initial attack against the United Front on Daedalus 5.
At some point she joined Hybalea's
renegades who broke away from Ravenous, and after Ravenous' death
squads had killed 3 other Centurions, they decided to strike back
against their attackers.
After the renegades were exposed
while infiltrating Smyt's reception, he closed on Smyt and the Death
Squad, but was swiftly shattered with a single blow by the cyclopean
Death's Squad member.
Following Smyt and the Death Squad's
apparent deaths, the Centurions kept his remains (and the liquid
renegade was holding his head) as they were confronted Firelord.
He did not have the chance to demonstrate any special abilities. As he
appeared mechanical, it may be that he could be rebuilt.
The renegades
vowed to continue working to take down those corrupt Centurions who
still served Ravenous and/or ruled worlds under his guidance.
--Annihilation#2 (November, 2006)
Note: See
the image in the main history for a clearer image of his upper body, at
least, as well as the main image for his shattered form. He is also
clearly visible in the main image for the Centurions profile and the
first image on the left of the Centurions profile.
As I finished up the Centurions profiles, it became very clear that
this guy had similar shoulder pads, hands, and circular cheek-bone-area
markings as Praxagora. As she is from a robotic species from the
Negative Zone, it seems quite likely that this guy is from her race,
the Ataraxians.
This character was present during the initial attack against the United Front on Daedalus 5.
At some point he joined Hybalea's
renegades who broke away from Ravenous, and after Ravenous' death
squads had killed 3 other Centurions, they decided to strike back
against their attackers.
After the renegades were exposed
while infiltrating Smyt's reception, this character closed on Smyt and
the Death Squad, but was rapidly put on the defensive, projecting a
force field when the visor-wearing Death Squad member fired upon him or
her (as seen in the far right image for the liquid Centurion).
Hybalea's urging, the renegades stood down when confronted by Firelord,
and Hybalea convinced Firelord to spare them.
The renegades
vowed to continue working to take down those corrupt Centurions who
still served Ravenous and/or ruled worlds under his guidance.
He could apparently form a force field 360 degrees around his form that
could protect him from outside assaults.
Following Smyt and the Death Squad's
apparent deaths, this character is seen in space (see the main image) and
looks to be wearing some sort of space helmet, perhaps indicating that
it required an atmosphere to breathe, but could otherwise survive in
the frigid vacuum of space.
--Annihilation#2 (November, 2006)
Note: See
the image in the main history for a clearer image of his upper body, at
least, as well as the main image him wearing his space helmet. The
right-most image in the liquid Centurion's sub-profile shows him
forming his force field.
images: (without ads)
Annihilation#3, pg. 3, panel 2 (liquid and tentacled in assault against United Front)
Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#2, pg. 5, panel 5 (Torrent exposed);
pg. 6, panel 1 (closing on Smyt);
panel 2 (battling Death Squad; robotic shattered);
panel 4-6 (energized vs. Smyt);
pg. 7, panel 2 (liquid engulfing cyclopean);
panel 4 (Torrent slain);
panel 6 (cyclopean grappling with
mace-fisted; tentacled forming force field);
pg. 16, panel 1 (remaining renegades atop asteroid)
Annihilation#2 (November, 2006) - Keith Giffen (writer), Andrea DeVito (artist), Andy Schmidt (editor);
(December, 2006) - Keith Giffen (writer), Andrea DeVito (artist),
Daniel Ketchum (assistant editor), Andy Schmidt (editor);
Annihilation#5 (January, 2007) - Keith Giffen (writer), Andrea DeVito (artist), Daniel Ketchum (assistant editor), Andy Schmidt (editor)
Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#2 (May, 2007) - Keith Giffen (writer), Scott Kolins (artist), Andy Schmidt (edtior)
First Posted: 02/29/2016
Last updated: 02/29/2016
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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