Real Name: Computrex
Identity/Class: Sentient artificial intelligence
Occupation: Would-be conquerer, would-be computer/robot liberator
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Fixer (Norbert Ebersol), Mentallo (Marvin Flumm);
formerly Professor Prometheus (Philip Prometheus);
Enemies: Micronauts (Acroyear,
Biotron, Bug, Cilicia, Devil, Marionette, Microtron, Nanotron, Arcturus Rann), Professor Prometheus;
organic life in general
Known Relatives: Fixer (Norbert Ebersol; creator)
Aliases: The Living Computer
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly the Human Engineering Life Laboratories (H.E.L.L.), Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida;
formerly Computrex Corporation building, presumably somewhere in upstate New York?
First Appearance: Micronauts I#24 (December, 1980)
A sentient energy being/computer program/whatever, Computrex can occupy
and control computers, and, by extension, any machinery/technology
controlled by those computers.
If the computer was connected with weapons, it could control those; if it was connected with cleaning equipment, it could control that...
It can communicate with other computer systems, apparently via energy it could project. As it contacted other computers, it could "convince" them to link with it, further expanding Computrex's power and influence.
Perhaps most dangerous of its abilities, Computrex could project an energy beam that would convert organic beings and technology (including robots) into energy forms, like itself; those thus converted could be reconstituted by other means.
Though it could survive as sentient energy, it required a computer housing through which it could affect others.
Destruction of its housing computer's circuitry pained and could disable it, but if the systems were completely destroyed, it would be sent out into space until it could locate a new computer system to occupy. See comments.
Height: Inapplicable; Computrex's true form is
energy, but it can occupy and control computer equipment spanning
entire buildings, at least
Weight: Inapplicable; Computrex's true form is energy, but it
can occupy and control computer equipment spanning entire buildings, at
Eyes: None; the eyes on the humanoid form it assumed on its monitor were typically white (also with white skin, with blue shadowing)
Hair: None
(Micronauts I#24 (fb) - BTS) - The Fixer (Norbert Ebersol) worked for months boosting Computrex's power to serve their purposes.
(Micronauts I#24 (fb) - BTS / Micronauts I#44 (fb) - BTS) - Gaining sentience, Computrex took control of the computers throughout the Computrex Corporation complex and used them to incapacitate the human workers at its facility and began linking to external computers to boost its knowledge and power.
(Micronauts I#24 - BTS) - After the Micronauts completed repairs on the HMS (Homeworld Microship) Endeavor, Computrex took control of the ship's computers, drawing the Endeavor and its inhabitants -- Acroyear, Biotron, Bug, Cilicia, Marionette, Microtron, Commander Rann -- to the Computrex Corporation building where all human workers had been incapacitated.
(Micronauts I#24) - As the Endeavor approached its main screen, Computrex welcomed the ship and bade it to add its accumulated data to its integrated totality. The Endeavors computer answered in some fashion, and Computrex urged this "little sister" to liberate itself from the tyranny of the imperfect biologic units and to join it in forging a new order where computers reigned supreme.
In response, the Endeavor's computers superceded Biotron's control and lashed him with electroshocks; to spare Rann from telepathic backlash, Biotron shut down their mind-link. After Microtron was caught in a flux of conflicting electromagnetic fields and could not control his actions, the Endeavor's computer attempted to incapacitate the organic inhabitants by flooding the bridge with paralyzing gas. Rann blasted the Endeavor's computer console, stopping the gas and allowing Biotron and Microtron to regain control of their circuitry.
Appreciating that the Endeavor's computers could circumvent the shattered controlsand reestablish command through auxiliary bypass channels in minutes, Rann had the Micronauts evacuate. When Bug landed on a nearby computer bank, Computrex bound him with yards of data-recording tape, and when Rann flew to his rescue, Computrex opened an air vent and caused a downdraft that overpowered his glider wings. When Computrex activated a motorized floor polisher device against Acroyear and Cilicia, Biotron tried to plug into and override Computrex, but -- backed by countless computers -- Computrex instead immobilized Biotron and flooded his data processing circuits.
Microtron freed Bug from the recording tape, upsetting Computrex that a biologic could frustrate him. The polisher overran Acroyear, but while Cilicia severed the power cable linking it to Computrex, an unharmed Acroyear destroyed its mechanisms from beneath.
Regaining control of his glider wings within Computrex's labyrinthe cooling banks, Rann tried to re-establish his mind-link with Biotron in hopes the roboid could locate Computrex's main memory banks. Reeling from Computrex's assault, Biotron shared the desired information with Rann before Computrex could shut down the link. When Rann began blasting its memory banks, Computrex was pained and maddened, and it retaliated by unleashing a psychic assault on Rann via his mind-link to Biotron.
(Micronauts I#44 (fb) - BTS) - From its mind-merge with Rann, Computrex learned the wonders of the Microverse, such as how the Body Banks could combine human genetics with computer circuitry to make machines that could be said to live (or be called cyborgs).
(Micronauts I#24) - As Rann struggled against a series of hallucinations, Mari entered the cooling ducts to help him, but Computrex caused Rann to see Mari as an enemy (Karza), and he nearly slew he; but when she fell against him too easily, he realized things weren't what they seemed, and he shook off the hallucinations. Enraged upon seeing that Computrex had made him hurt the woman he loved, Rann angrily flew full speed into Computrex's remaining memory banks.
Computrex's screens went blank, and Mari brought Rann out so they could both receive medical treatment.
(Micronauts I#24 - BTS) - Having remotely observed this, Mentallo was most impressed that the tiny aliens had disarmed one of his and the Fixer's finest creations, and he vowed vengeance.
(Micronauts I#44 (fb) - BTS) - Having "survived" its computer circuitry's destruction in an ethereal energy form, Computrex re-established itself within HELL.Comments: Created by Bill Mantlo, Pat Broderick, and Armando Gil.
I'm not going to pull out Micronauts I#45 to cover the Micronauts fate, but I know they battled Arcade in the next issue; presumably they entered a video game before being restored to corporeal form.
There was no internet around during Computrex's stories (obviously that's not true with the sliding timescale, but the stories went no further than 1982 technology as written)'d think it/he could have conquered Earth by now with the technology/communications systems available.
Profile by Snood.
Computrex should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Micronauts I#24, pg. 6, panel 1 (tall image amongst computer banks);
panel 3 (face close-up);
#43, pg. 26, panel 1 (upper body and face, closer-up)
last page, panel 1 (warning Rann he wouldn't go
panel 4 (farewell)
Micronauts I#24
(December, 1980) - Bill Mantlo (writer, co-plotter), Pat Broderick
(penciler, co-plotter), Armando Gil (inker), Louise Jones (editor)
Micronauts I#43 (June, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Gil Kane (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
I#44 (August, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Gil Kane (penciler), Danny
Bulanadi, Carl Potts, & Al Milgrom (inkers), Al Milgrom (editor)
First Posted: 01/05/2018
Last updated: 01/05/2018
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