Real Name: Jimmy Dee
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Informant
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Enemies: Secretly the Maggia (whom Jimmy Dee informed Spider-Man about)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, New York, USA
First Appearance: Avengers VI#1.MU (March, 2017)
Powers/Abilities: Jimmy Dee had no superhuman
powers but he was a skilled criminal informant and had connections that
gave him sensitive information regarding criminal activities.
Height: 5'5" (by approximation)
Weight: 145 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black (graying)
(Avengers VI#1.MU (fb) - BTS) - Informant Jimmy Dee learned information
about a Maggia meeting and contacted Spider-Man, who was apparently a
past associate, in an attempt to give him the information in exchange
for money.
(Avengers VI#1.MU) - Growing impatient and slightly
paranoid, Jimmy Dee was shocked when Spider-Man seemingly appeared in
front of him. Exclaiming that Spider-Man could give a guy a heart
attack just popping in like that, Jimmy Dee was asked why he contacted
Spider-Man the "old school" way instead of filing a tip on his criminal
tip hotline. Admitting that he didn't have computer mail or a
"tumble-tweet," Jimmy Dee explained that he had a sweet lead and needed
the cash and Spider-Man explained that he usually left the street level
crime to his younger protege but asked what Dee's tip was for the sake
of nostalgia. Dee then informed Spider-Man that the Maggia criminal
organization was on the rebound with a big meeting planned of all of
the families. When Spider-Man asked where, Jimmy Dee explained that it
was at a restaurant called Durante's in Boston and when Spider-Man
asked why Boston and not New York, Dee further explained that with all
of the heroes based in New York, the Maggia chose Boston rather than
invite trouble. Spider-Man then received a phone call reminding him
about his flight to Berlin in eight hours, prompting him to rush off
and when Jimmy Dee asked about his money, Spider-Man yelled that he
would Paypal it. A confused Jimmy Dee was left asking what Paypal even
Comments: Created by Jim Zub and Sean Izaakse.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Jimmy Dee has no KNOWN connections to:
images: (without ads)
Avengers VI#1.MU, p3, pan4 (Jimmy Dee, main image)
Avengers VI#1.MU, p2, pan4 (Jimmy Dee, headshot)
Avengers VI#1.MU (March, 2017) - Jim Zub (writer), Sean Izaakse (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Last updated: 03/05/18
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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