Real Name: Anthony Ludgate Druid
Identity/Class: Human magic user (Post-World War II to modern era)
Occupation: Ruler;
former adventurer, lecturer, occult expert, author, physician, scholar, psychiatrist, explorer
Group Membership: None;
Formerly Dead Avengers (Captain Marvel/Mar-Vell, Deathcry/Sharra Neramani, Swordsman/Jacques Duquesne, Vision/"Victor Shade," Yellowjacket/Rita Demara), Legion of Unliving (Captain Marvel/Mar-Vell, Hellcat/Patsy
Walker, Mockingbird (H'rpra), Swordsman/Jacques Duquesne,
Thunderstrike/Eric Masterson, Wonder Man/Simon Williams), Avengers (Black Knight/Dane
Whitman, Black Widow/Natalia Romanova, Crystal/Crystalia Amaquelin,
Hercules/Heracles, Sersi, Thor/Eric Masterson, Vision/"Victor Shade"), Secret Defenders (Cadaver/Cody Fleischer, Shadowoman/Jillian Woods), Shock Troop (Blazing Skull/Jim Scully, Living Mummy/N'Kantu, Shadowoman/Jillian Woods); the Strange Bedfellows (Dr. Strange/Stephen Strange, Agatha Harkness, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Shaman/Michael Twoyoungmen), Monster Hunters (Ulysses Bloodstone, Jake Curtiss/Makkari, Namora/Aquaria Nautica Neptunia, Zawadi)
Affiliations: 3-D Man (Hal & Chuck
Chandler), Alpha Flight (Guardian/Heather Hudson, Puck/Eugene Judd, Sasquatch/Walter Langkowski,
Shaman/Michael Twoyoungmen), Amergin, the Ancient One (Yao), Anne, Ant-Man (Scott Lang), Aquarian (Wundarr), Arabian Knight (Abdul Qamar), a group of archaeologists (Frank, Scotty,
others), Arkon, Avengers (Beast/Hank McCoy, Black Widow/Natalia Romanova, Luke
Cage, Captain America/Bucky Barnes, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Iron Man/Tony
Stark, Mockingbird/Barbara Morse, Ms. Marvel/Carol Danvers,
Nova/Richard Rider, Steve Rogers, Spider-Man/Peter Parker,
Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew, Thing/Ben Grimm, Wolverine/James Howlett), Badb, Kayla Ballantine, Black Knight (Dane Whitman), Black Panther (T'Challa), Morgana Blessing, Blitzkrieg (Franz Mittelstaedt), Brother Voodoo (Jericho Drumm), Captain Britain (Brian Braddock), Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau), Captain Ultra (Griffin Gogol), Captain Universe, Rachel Carpenter, Imei Chang, Charles, Clea, Collective Man
(Han, Chang, Lin, Sun & Ho Tao-Yu), Crystar, Dagger (Tandy Bowen), Daredevil
(Matt Murdock), Dazzler (Alison
Blaire), Dead Avengers (Captain Marvel/Mar-Vell, Deathcry/Sharra
Neramani, Swordsman/Jacques Duquesne, Vision/"Victor Shade,"
Yellowjacket/Rita Demara), Deadpool ("Wade Wilson"), Deathlok (Michael
Collins), Defensor (Gabriel Carlos Dantes Sepulveda), Charles L. Delazny, Sr., Demolition-Man (Dennis Dunphy), Devil-Slayer (Eric Payne), Diamondback (Rachel Leighton), Doc Samson (Leonard Samson), Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom), Doctor Druid's followers (Baby Icon, Hemingway, Redeyes, Scurve), Ebony, Harvey Elder, La Espirita (Bonita
Juarez), Eternals (Ikaris, Sersi, Titanis), Falcon (Sam Wilson), Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm,
Invisible Woman/Sue Richards, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben
Grimm), Firestar (Angelica Jones), First Line (Black Fox/Robert Paine, Effigy/Velmax, Liberty Girl/Beverly, Nightingale, Yankee Clipper/Pat Carney), Nick Fury (Nicholas Joseph Fury, Sr.), Galactus (Galen), Gargoyle (Isaac Christians), Giant-Man (Henry Pym), Giant-Man (Bill Foster), Gilgamesh, Gorgilla, Guardsman (Michael O'Brien), Henry Peter Gyrich, Stanley Hathaway, Hellcat (Patsy Walker), Henshaw, Her, Hercules (Heracles/Alcaeus), Hulk (Bruce Banner), Imperial Guard (Glom, Moondancer, Neutron, Voyager), the Infinity Watch (Drax/Arthur Douglas, Gamora,
Maxam of Earth-93112, Moondragon/Heather Douglas, Pip the Troll/Pip Gofern, Thanos, Adam
Warlock), Inhumans (Black Bolt/Blackagar Boltagon, Crystal/Crystalia Maximoff,
Gorgon, Karnak, Medusa/Medusalith Amaquelin, Triton), Iron Fist (Danny Rand), Iron Fist
(H'ylthri duplicate), Jack of Hearts (Jack Hart), Mr. Jacobs, John
Jameson, Edwin Jarvis, Jocasta, Justice (Vance Astrovik), Ka-Zar (Kevin
Plunder), Kubik, Lei Kung the Thunderer, Living Lightning (Miguel Santos), Living Mummy (N'Kantu), Macha, Machine Man (X-51), Madrox (Jamie Madrox), Magma Men (Moltar, others), Magneto (Max Eisenhardt), Major Victory (Vance Astro of Earth-691), Makkari,
Man-Thing (Ted Sallis), Marrina (Marrina Smallwood), Mathieson, Maya, Mentallo (Marvin Flumm), Mockingbird (H'rpra), Modred the Mystic, Monster Hunters (Ulysses Bloodstone, Jake Curtiss/Makkari, Zawadi), Moon Knight (Marc Spector), Moondragon
(Heather Douglas), Moonhunter (Zachary Moonhunter), Morrigan, Namor the
Sub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie), the National Security Council,
Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner), Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond), Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier), the Olympian gods (Apollo, Athena, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Prometheus, Venus/Aphrodite, Zeus), Karen Page, le Peregrine
(Alain Racine), Phantom Rider (Hamilton Slade), Quasar (Wendell Vaughn), Frank Rambeau, Maria Rambeau, Ramu, Red Wolf (Will Talltrees), Nurse Richards, Rintrah, Jack Rollins (LMD), Rom, Roma, Sabra (Ruth Bat-Seraph), Secret Defenders (Cadaver/Cody Fleischer, Shadowoman/Jillian Woods), Shamrock
(Molly Fitzgerald), Shanna the She-Devil (Shanna O'Hara), She-Hulk
(Jennifer Walters), Shocker (Herman Schultz), Shroud
(Maximillian Coleridge), Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd), Sleepwalker,
Slorioth (he corrupted Druid's soul), April Sommers, the Soviet Super-Soldiers (Crimson Dynamo/Dimitri
Bukharin, Darkstar/Laynia Petrovna, Titanium Man/Kondrati Topolov, Ursa
Major/Mikhail Ursus, Vanguard/Nikolai Krylenko),
Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter), Sprite (Kitty Pryde), Squadron Supreme of Earth-712 (Doctor
Spectrum/Joe Ledger, Hyperion, Lady Lark/Linda Lewis, Moonglow/Arcanna
Jones, Power Princess/Zarda), Stingray (Walt Newell), the Strange Bedfellows (Dr. Strange/Stephen Strange, Agatha Harkness, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Shaman/Michael Twoyoungmen), Victor Strange, Dr. Stuart, Sunfire (Shiro Yashida), Swift-Sword, Talisman, Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen), Texas Twister (Drew Daniels), Thor (Thor Odinson), Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson), Tigra (Greer Nelson), Topaz, Torpedo (Brock Jones), U.S.Agent (John Walker), Valkyrie (Brunnhilde), Vibro (Alton Vibereaux), Vindicator (James Hudson), Warbow, Warrior Woman (Zarda Shelton of Earth-21195), Wasp (Janet Van Dyne), Werewolf
(Jack Russell), Whizzer (Bob Frank, Sr.), Colleen Wing, Sara Wolfe, Wong, X-Factor (Havok/Alex Summers, Polaris/Lorna Dane,
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff, Strong Guy/Guido Carosella,
Wolfsbane/Rahne Sinclair), X-Men (Archangel/Warren Worthington III,
Colossus/Piotr Rasputin, Cyclops/Scott Summers, Gambit/Remy LeBeau,
Jean Grey, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Professor X/Charles Xavier,
Psylocke/Elisabeth Braddock, Rogue/Anna Marie, Storm/Ororo Munroe,
Wolverine/James Howlett);
From a distant cosmos: A
time-displaced version of the Justice League (Aquaman/Arthur Curry,
Atom/Ray Palmer, Batman/Bruce Wayne, Booster Gold/Michael Jon Carter,
Captain Marvel/Billy Batson, Dr. Fate/Kent Nelson, Dr. Fate/Linda
Strauss, Dr. Light/Kimiyo Hoshi, Elongated Man/Ralph Dibny,
Fire/Beatriz DaCosta, Flash/Barry Allen, Green Arrow/Oliver Queen,
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan, Ice/Tora Olafsdotter, Manitou Raven, Martian
Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz, Obsidian/Todd Rice, Rocket Red/Dmitri Pushkin,
Sargon the Sorcerer, Silver Sorceress, Superman/Kal-El, Vibe/Paco
Ramone, Vixen/Mari Macabe, Wonder Woman/Diana, Zatanna/Zatanna Zatara)
Enemies: The Anachronauts (Apocryphus, Deathunt 9000, Raa, Sir Raston, Ssith, Tyndar, Wildrun), Antibodies, Aquaticans, Awesome Android, Blackjack, Bres, the Cognoscenti (Al, Joshua Pryce), Captain America doppelganger, Cerberus, Commander Zuhn, Roger Cross, Death, Dredmund Druid, the Dry Academy, Gigantus, Gorlion, Grandmaster (En Dwi Gast), Grim Reaper (Eric Williams), Heavy Metal (Machine Man/X-51, Sentry#459, Super-Adaptoid, Tess-One),
Hela, Daimon Hellstrom, Hydra (Alps, Baron Strucker LMD, Dr. Nikolaus Geist, der Unsterblich, others), Kang the Conqueror (Nathaniel Richards of Earth-6311), Krogg, Last Knight (Ernst Wythim), the Legion of Unliving
(simulacra of Baron Blood, Black Knight, Bucky, Captain Mar-Vell, Death
Adder, Dracula, Drax, Executioner, Green Goblin, Hyperion, Korvac,
Nighthawk, Red Guardian, Swordsman, Terrax), the Living Tribunal, the Lizard Men, "Lurkers", Magus (Adam Warlock duplicate), Mister Magnus, the Maha Yogi, Malachi, the Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo/Helmut Zemo, Blackout/Marcus Daniels, Moonstone/Karla Sofen), Mephisto, Mongu,
N'astirh, Necromancer (Stephen Strange of Counter-Earth/High Evolutionary's), Nekra
(Nekra Sinclair), the Night Patrol (Dougie, numerous other werewolves),
Nightshade (Tilda Johnson), Nightwatch (Kevin Trench), Ogeode, the Olympian gods (Ares, Artemis, Dionysus, Neptune, Pluto), Mr. Ronalds, George Saywitz, Dr. Schreiber, Scythe, the Second Assembly ("false god," others), Seth, Roxanne Simpson, Skull the Slayer (Jim Scully), Slaymaker,
Squadron Supreme (Blur/Jeff Walters of Earth-148611, Doctor
Spectrum/Nenet of Earth-4290001, Hyperion/Mark Milton of Earth-13034,
Nighthawk/Raymond Kane of Earth-31916), Stonecutter and her creatures, Strange, Swarm (Fritz von Meyer), Terminatrix (Ravonna Renslayer of Earth-6311), Thundra Tricephalous, Tyndall, Tyrak, Venom (Eddie Brock), the Vishanti (Agamotto, Hoggoth, Oshtur), Xartans (Lord Zano, others), Warlord Kro, Wyatt Wingfoot, Zamu;
formerly Apollo, Athena,
Avengers (Captain America/Steve Rogers, Firestar/Angelica Jones,
Giant-Man/Henry Pym, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Justice/Vance Astrovik,
Thor/Thor Odinson, Wasp/Janet Van Dyne), Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze),
Hephaestus, Hermes, Zeus
Known Relatives: Sebastian Druid (The Druid, son), Amergin (10th century ancestor)
Aliases: "Avenger," "Bald Man," "Baldy,"
Guntag Borghelm, "Chrome-Dome," "Clown," "Curly," "Doc," Doctor Anthony Droom (see comments),
the Druid, "Loathsome Slime," Anthony Ludgate, "Mac," "the Master of All Druidic Arts," "Master of the Mind," "Master
of the Unknown," "Midnight Eye," "Mister," "Mister Mouse," "Pal," "Presumptuous One,"
"the Rod Serling of the Celtic Set," Scott, "the Weirdo," "Wretched One"
Base of Operations: A castle in the Weirdworld dimension;
formerly A penthouse in New York City, New York, USA; A townhouse in Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Avengers Hydrobase; mobile
First Appearance: (as unidentified archaeologist): Tales to Astonish I#12 (October, 1960);
(as Doctor Droom): Amazing
Adventures I#1 (June, 1961);
(retconned as Doctor Druid): Man-Thing I Giant-Size#3 (February, 1975)
Powers/Abilities: Doctor Druid had a variety
of telepathic powers such as hypnosis, allowing him to dominate the
minds of others and control what his subjects see, hear and do. While
his hypnotic abilities only affect those minds less adept than his own,
Dr. Druid used this power to generate convincing hypnotic illusions
such as the projection of power-bolts, physical transformation and
sudden materialization despite having not truly accomplished any of the
actual feats. By placing himself in a trance-like state, Dr. Druid
could also telepathically broadcast and receive thoughts as well as
scan the minds of others within a planetary distances. He could also
telepathically project his astral form from his body.
Dr. Druid could also telekinetically levitate objects
weighing up to the max weight that he himself could physically lift
(roughly 300 lbs). Using this ability, Dr. Druid could hover himself
above the ground, often through intense concentration and meditation.
As a druid, Dr. Druid possessed the traditional
Druidic immunity to fire and he was capable of entering a trance state
(which he dubbed using his "Third Eye") in which he had complete
control of his body's typically involuntarily functions such as
heartbeat, respiration, bleeding, cellular regeneration and pain
reactions. By controlling his pain receptors, Dr. Druid could increase
his own durability sufficient enough to deflect bullets or even resist
hellfire. Dr. Druid also possessed immense Druidic and astrological
knowledge. With this knowledge, Druid could utilize Druidic Earth
magic, allowing precognition and sensitivity to magical and
extraterrestrial forces (which Druid saw as trackable magical auras
surrounding objects of people), animal empathy and the manipulation of
elemental Earth forces such as earthquakes/tremors and low-level
control of air, fire, water, plants and weather patterns. His Earth
magic, however, could be disrupted by the presence of iron, which acted
as a "lightning rod" for Druidic magic.
Using certain Druidic artifacts and items such as
candles, potions, mystic symbols (like the Arcane Token of Tiboro, for
example) and runes, Dr. Druid could cast stronger Druidic spells such
as the creation of scrying portals to view events from a distance,
creating glowing orbs of light, mystic blasts and opening dimensional
After being given a small portion of Dr. Strange's
mystic power, Dr. Druid could more easily cast spells and was once able
to cast a polarization spell that caused two objects to magnetically
repel one another.
While enthralled by Kang Nebula, Dr. Druid powers
were magnified immensely, allowing him to clairvoyantly sense where
beings might be in the near possible future.
Dr. Druid's non-mystic abilities including being
extremely proficient in the martial art of judo and throwing/projecting
his voice to fool others.
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 311 lbs.
Eyes: Black, originally green
Hair: White, originally black
History: (Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions#1 (fb) - BTS) - Anthony Ludgate Druid was reportedly born in Britain.
(Avengers I#225 (fb) - BTS) - Druid was the descendant of the ancient Druid known as Amergin.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age
2004 - Dr. Druid entry (fb) - BTS) - Anthony Druid became a British
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3 - Dr.
Druid entry (fb) - BTS) - Anthony Druid became a naturalized American citizen with
some reports stating that he was actually born in
Salem, Massachusetts. Druid later obtained his medical degree from
Harvard University and went on to study psychiatry.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master
Edition I#26 - Dr. Druid entry (fb) - BTS) - His true place of birth
unrevealed, Dr. Druid eventually obtained a degree in psychiatry and at
some point was erroneously called "Dr. Anthony Droom."
(Weird Wonder Tales I#21/2 (fb) -
BTS) - Dr. Anthony Druid spent years studying ancient papers and
manuscripts in search of a clue to the mystery of the purported missing
link between humanity and beasts.
(Druid I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Using the alias of "Anthony Ludgate," Dr. Druid became an English scholar of Celtic antiquity.
(Amazing Adventures I#1/4/Weird
Wonder Tales I#19 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Anthony Druid was a physician,
psychiatrist, scholar and author who harbored an interest in Oriental
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master
Edition I#26 - Dr. Druid entry (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid also developed
an interest in the occult, eventually gaining extensive knowledge of
occult arts, especially Celtic lore.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3 - Dr.
Druid entry (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid retired from his psychiatric
practice to devote more of his time to an interest in the occult,
supporting himself by writing books on psychiatry and related matters,
as well as lecturing. After writing his first book about the occult,
Druid began research into a second book.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC
Vol. 3 - Dr. Druid entry (fb) - BTS) - By the 1950s, Anthony Druid had
become famous for his skills as an author and physician.
(Amazing Adventures I#1/4/Weird Wonder Tales
I#19/Avengers Spotlight I#37 (fb)/Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#34
(fb)/Secret Defenders I#15 (fb)) - When a Tibetan lama (secretly the mystic Ancient One)
requested a
doctor from the United States, Dr. Anthony Druid overheard his
colleagues discussing the matter and, having an interest in
culture, decided to fly to Tibet, where he hoped to not only
help the lama but experience Oriental culture firsthand.
(Druid I#1 (fb)) - Before boarding the plane, Druid, again using the
alias of "Anthony Ludgate," researched ancient Celtic magic and upon
learning that Julius Caesar felt all magic originally emanated from the
Celts, Druid hoped that he might learn during his trip to Tibet whether
their magic also stemmed from the Celts.
(Amazing Adventures I#1/4/Weird Wonder Tales I#19/Avengers Spotlight I#37 (fb)) - Arriving in
Tibet, Dr. Druid was led to a monastery in the snow-capped Himalayan
mountains, where Druid hoped he could cure the lama's illness. Once
inside, Druid learned that the lama would not be paying him but
admitted he couldn't refuse to treat a sick patient and agreed to help
the lama for nothing if need be. The lama's aide Ramu then informed
Druid that he had to cross sacred ground to get to the lama and ordered
Druid to remove his shoes and leave his bag of doctor's instruments
behind as he traversed the sacred ground. Before he could cross, Druid
witnessed the floor open to a bed of hot coals, which he was ordered to
cross despite his worries of being burned. Assured that he would be
safe as long as he kept his eyes fixed on the Emerald Eye across the
room, Dr. Druid refused to let a patient die and reluctantly crossed
the hot coals, finding himself unharmed despite feeling the heat.
Following the corridors past the coals, Dr. Druid found himself
face-to-face with the half-gorilla, half-lion creature called the
Gorlion. From a speaker system, the lama's aide explained that any of
the doors surrounding the Gorlion would lead to safety but Druid could
only reach the lama by completely passing the Gorlion. Feeling he
should continue after going that far, Druid dodged the Gorlion and
escaped the creature on a flying rope, soon finding and pulling back a
drape to reveal the bedridden lama. Learning that the lama was not
truly sick, only at the end of his life due to old age, Druid was
informed of how the lama had defended Earth from a number of mystic
threats and had sought a successor. Revealing that the self-sacrificing
Druid was to be that successor, the lama offered his wisdom to prepare
Druid for his proposed new role and Druid accepted, his mind awakened
to his own internal power and knowledge acquired by the ancient
Britons. The lama then
seemingly perished, as confirmed by Ramu, as Dr. Druid devoted himself
to stopping the mystic menaces that the lama had once battled.
(Druid I#1 (fb)) - Learning that the lama had
imparted Druidic knowledge and minor magical abilities, Dr. Druid
traveled to America. In an effort to better integrate himself, Druid
stopped using the "Anthony Ludgate" alias and concocted an outlandish
version of his origin story.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3 - Dr.
Druid entry (fb) - BTS) - Using the wisdom and tutelage bestowed to him
by the lama, Dr. Druid developed personal powers of the body and mind
and the ability to access the arcane knowledge associated with the lore
of his Druidic ancestors. While not a true sorcerer due to his lack of
manipulation of ambient and transdimensional magical energy, Dr.
Druid's knowledge and skills qualified him to be considered a mystic.
(Avengers I#278 (fb) - BTS) - A tabloid began referring to Dr. Druid as the "Master of the Unknown."
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age
2004 - Dr. Druid entry (fb) - BTS) - By 1956, Dr. Druid had been active
for several years.
(Amazing Adventures I#4/4 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid
traveled to Center City to conduct a lecture entitled "Tales of the
Mystic and Occult."
(Amazing Adventures I#4/4/Marvel Universe I#4) - When
a spaceship landed
in a small midwestern farm town, the townspeople suggesting contacting
Dr. Druid in Center City after one of the residents knew of Druid's
presence there. Pulled from his lecture to answer the important phone
call from the farm townspeople, Dr. Druid readily agreed to help,
warning the townspeople to keep out of sight of the spacecraft until he
arrived and asking them to contact the nearest construction company.
Hours after giving his instruction, Dr. Druid, feeling that the
townspeople were lucky that he happened to be in the area, arrived in
the town
hoping the aliens (see Lurkers) in spacecraft came in peace. Noticing two large
creatures rampaging through town and confirming that the
townspeople had brought in the largest derrick from the nearest
construction company, complete with an iron ball for demolition, Dr.
Druid used the derrick to bang on the spaceship to get their
attention and induce fear, then placed himself in a deep trance-like
state from which he communicated with the aliens via
telepathy and informed them that humanity was peaceful and wished to
meet the aliens. Succeeding in halting their rampage through town, Dr.
Druid allowed the aliens to think they were communicating
the destructive derrick and that Earth was filled with such destructive
"beings." The aliens, who had not come in peace, responded by attacking
the derrick, forcing Dr. Druid to emerge from his trance and fight
back, hitting the aliens directly with the derrick's iron ball and
knocking one of them into some power lines, frying the creature.
Returning to the farm that had contacted him, Druid found that the Army
had arrived and was acquiring the aliens' spacecraft. Assuring the Army
that the alien threat had ended and asking who was in charge, Dr. Druid
met the National Security Agency's Jake Curtiss and informed Curtiss
that there was little left of the aliens to study. Curtiss then told
Druid that the confiscated spacecraft might give the Security Agency a
tip as to where the aliens had originated and suggested they keep the
entire event under wraps, prompting Druid to grimly inform Curtiss that
he would be surprised at the secrets Druid had kept.
(Weird Wonder Tales I#21/2) - After finding
information tying the proposed missing link to Borneo, Dr. Druid
informed his friend Anne that he was going to Borneo to bring back the
proposed link's remains.
(Tales to Astonish I#12/Weird Wonder Tales I#21/2/Marvel Universe I#4 (fb)) -
Visiting the local museum, Dr. Druid met up with a group of other
archaeologists including Scotty, whose story and interest in the
missing link paralleled his own, and Frank, who was secretly the
centuries old monster hunter Ulysses Bloodstone. Within the museum, the
archaeologists decided to visit Borneo together to bring back the
missing link and once there, Druid and the other archaeologists learned
from their native guides that the proposed missing link was actually
still alive within the Borneo mountain known as Midnight Mountain. Upon
venturing to Midnight Mountain, Druid and the others were attacked by
headhunters before coming face-to-face with the missing link himself,
the monstrous Gorgilla. When Frank climbed up a tree that was uprooted
by Gorgilla, Druid and Scotty helped distract Gorgilla so that Frank
could get to safety before the group of archaeologists were met by a
random tyrannosaurus rex. After Gorgilla engaged and defeated the
tyrannosaurus, Druid, Scotty and the other archaeologists opted to let
Gorgilla remain in peace rather than capture the creature.
(Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone (fb) - BTS) -
Dr. Druid wrote about his encounter with Gorgilla in his journals.
(Secret Defenders I#15 (fb)) - Continuing to explore the world, Dr.
Druid visited a jungle area, where a snake nearly constricted him to
(Marvel Universe I#4 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Dr. Druid learned
some basic swahili and later decided to join the Explorers Club.
(Marvel Universe I#4) - Six weeks following his adventure in Center
City, Dr. Druid arrived in New York City for the first meeting of the
Explorers Club's Monster Hunters, entering their meeting place as
Harvey Elder was being rejected for membership and thrown out of the
Club by Stanley Hathaway. Dr. Druid then suggested Hathaway was a bit
too hard on Elder but Hathaway complained that Elder was a nuisance and
that his idea of a city in the center of the Earth was ridiculous.
Hathaway then led Dr. Druid into the room where the other Monster
Hunters were meeting. Introduced to Ulysses Bloodstone and the Wakandan
Zawadi by Jake Curtiss, whom Bloodstone knew as "Curry," Dr. Druid
learned that Curtiss had used several aliases in his line of work.
Curtiss then revealed that Bloodstone had also used several names in
the past and that both Bloodstone and Dr. Druid had recently
encountered monsters. Druid was then astounded when Bloodstone related
the story of his encounter with a tyrannosaurus rex that led to his
meeting Zawadi and then related his own encounter with a dinosaur
during his recent expedition to Borneo alongside a group of
archaeologists. When Curtiss showed photos of Gorgilla while discussing
Druid's Borneo expedition, Druid became suspicious of Curtiss, asking
where he had obtained the photos of Gorgilla when the archaeologists
that were with Druid had sworn to keep Gorgilla's existence a secret.
Curtiss revealed that the National Security Agency had spies within
Druid's expedition but the discussion was abruptly ended when Zawadi
found Harvey Elder spying on the Monster Hunters meeting from an air
vent in the floor. Worried about how much Elder had overheard, Curtiss
allowed Dr. Druid to use his mesmerism powers to convince Elder that he
had witnessed nothing out of the ordinary and that the Monster Hunters
were beneath his notice. As Elder was affected by Druid's hypnotism,
Dr. Druid further convinced Elder that the Monster Hunters would not be
able to help him join the Explorers Club and showed Elder, who
announced that he didn't need any of them, the door. Bloodstone then
commended Druid on accomplishing the hypnosis so quickly and the humble
Druid remarked that it was just a parlor trick, instead commending
Zawadi on her alertness and remarking that he should have sensed
Elder's presence. Curtiss then informed the Monster Hunters that there
had been a recent rash of monster sightings and that he had suspicions
that there was a source behind them all, hoping that Druid and the
others would agree to help him uncover the source. After Bloodstone and
Zawadi readily joined up with Curtiss, Dr. Druid paused momentarily
before heartily agreeing to join as well, secretly wondering why the
minds of both Curtiss and Bloodstone were strangely closed to his
mental powers.
(Marvel Universe I#5) - Dr. Druid sensed Gorgilla's presence in New
York and painfully informed the other Monster Hunters, unaware that
Harvey Elder had shaken off Druid's mesmerism at a nearby bar after
seeing Gorgilla's picture on television. The Monster Hunters quickly
geared up and prepared to battle Gorgilla as Dr. Druid changed into his
costume and ceremonial robe. Emerging from a room in-costume, Dr. Druid
explained the reasoning behind his costume and recounted his origin for
the Monster Hunters before sensing Gorgilla within underground tunnels
leading towards the Bronx. Following Dr. Druid's senses, the Monster
Hunters flew to a nearby baseball stadium via helicopter and found
Gorgilla rampaging on the field. When Druid's mental powers proved
unable to access Gorgilla's mind to calm the monster, Zawadi jumped
from the helicopter to engage Gorgilla. Gorgilla was quickly entrapped
by a magnanium steel net and Druid joined the Monster Hunters in
investigating the downed creature. Zawadi soon discovered a strange
device at the base of Gorgilla's skull and Druid attempted to determine
what the device was. Jake Curtiss warned the Monster Hunters not to
touch the device but his warnings came too late, as Druid, Bloodstone
and Zawadi were hit with an energy backlash that awoke Gorgilla. Moving
at superhuman speed, Curtiss rescued Druid and the other Monster
Hunters from the awakened Gorgilla and Druid soon determined that the
device had kept Gorgilla in the thrall of another. Dr. Druid then
questioned who might have been controlling Gorgilla as Zawadi noticed
that Jake Curtiss was nowhere to be found. A short time later, after
Curtiss had apprehended a small group of spies, Druid and the other
Monster Hunters located him in their helicopter and Curtis expressed
relief that Druid and the others were safe. Bloodstone immediately
questioned Curtiss' superhuman speed powers and Druid seconded,
wondering how Curtiss was able to accomplish such a feat. Claiming his
real name was Adam Clayton and that he had obtained his powers via a
radiation experiment that backfired, Curtiss was asked by Dr. Druid if
they should call him Adam but Curtiss replied that "Jake" would be fine
before focusing the discussion on the apprehension of Gorgilla. When
Gorgilla climbed the Statue of Liberty, going after one of the spies,
Dr. Druid telepathically contacted Gorgilla, reminding the creature
that he was Gorgilla's friend and attempting to calm the monster. After
the Monster Hunters rescued the spy from death at Gorgilla's hands, Dr.
Druid succeeded in calming Gorgilla and used his telepathy to reach
into the monster's mind, confirming that Gorgilla had definitely been
under the control of another who had forced Gorgilla to board a ship to
America. Druid further learned that the bomb the spies apprehended by
Curtiss had been planting contained the scent of the man controlling
Gorgilla and Gorgilla had been after the spy after smelling the scent.
Druid then suggested the Monster Hunters return Gorgilla to the wilds
of Borneo and Curtiss replied that he would make a few calls.
(Marvel Universe I#6) - While driving Gorgilla to the airport in an
effort to get Gorgilla back to Midnight Mountain in Borneo, the Monster
Hunters noticed Gorgilla escaping and Dr. Druid quickly had Zawadi take
the wheel of the truck as he flipped around to the back to calm
Gorgilla with his mesmerism powers. After successfully calming
Gorgilla, Dr. Druid returned to the driver's seat and apologized for
forcing Zawadi, who had never driven before, to take the wheel.
Explaining that they were ten miles from the airfield, Dr. Druid
informed the other Monster Hunters that Jake Curtiss was supposed to
meet them there and when the Monster Hunters questioned why Druid used
the term "supposed," Druid explained that Curtiss had much to answer
for after he had misled the team using various alias and concealed his
superhuman speed powers from them. Once at the Lakehurst Naval airfield
in New Jersey, the Monster Hunters donned military uniforms and Dr.
Druid calmly reminded Gorgilla that the plane would be taking the
creature home before he was called away with a phone call. Before the
group flew off, Dr. Druid told Bloodstone and Zawadi something in
secret and then accompanied Curtiss on a plane to Borneo, where he kept
the group updated on Gorgilla's mentality. Shortly after, Druid
summoned Zawadi from feeding Gorgilla to meet with the other Monster
Hunters as Curtiss briefed them on what he had learned from the spies
caught earlier. The briefing was interrupted, however, when Gorgilla
noticed the stowed away Harvey Elder, who had been following the
Monster Hunters since shaking off Dr. Druid's mesmerism. Admitting that
he thought they had taken care of Elder, Dr. Druid watched as Elder
ranted that they were intentionally keeping Elder from joining the
Explorers Club until Zawadi easily downed Elder with a hit to a key
pressure point. Moments after Curtiss commended them on taking care of
Elder so quickly, he was pinned by Bloodstone and Dr. Druid demanded to
know Jake Curtiss really was, having checked on Curtiss' Adam Clayton
alias and learned the real Adam Clayton was dead. Before Curtiss could
explain himself, the Monster Hunters' plane was hit and while Druid and
the others scrambled to right the plane, Curtiss flew outside and fixed
the problem, returning to admit that he was actually the former World
War II hero Hurricane (later known as the Eternal Makkari). Shocked at
the story, Dr. Druid confirmed via his senses that Curtiss was telling
the truth and the Monster Hunters soon accepted Curtiss' apologies for
misleading them. Upon arriving safely on Midnight Mountain, Druid and
the Monster Hunters were attacked by a group of Deviant Lizard Men and
during the attack, Curtiss was captured. Chasing the Lizard Men, Dr.
Druid and Zawadi were soon separated from Bloodstone, who became
trapped under a rockslide, only to watch Bloodstone free himself with
some help from Gorgilla. Assuring his teammates that he was fine
despite the Bloodstone gem embedded in his chest, Ulysses Bloodstone
suggested they focus on finding Curtiss and Dr. Druid revealed that he
had read the mind of the third Lizard Man before his death, and that he
knew where the Lizard Men's base was.
(Marvel Universe I#7) - The Monster Hunters boarded their plane and
Bloodstone asked Druid to direct them to the Lizard Men's base but
Druid refused, claiming that Ulysses Bloodstone owed Zawadi and himself
an explanation for keeping his Bloodstone-spawned strength a secret
from them. After Bloodstone recounted his remarkable origins, he
admitted that he had hidden his powers from them due to thoughts that
they wouldn't believe his story but Zawadi and Dr. Druid both admitted
that they would have believed him. Bloodstone then again asked for the
location of the Lizard Men's base and Druid revealed that they were on
an island in the sea of Japan, giving Bloodstone latitude and
longitude coordinates. Druid then waved goodbye to the creature as the
Monster Hunters departed Midnight Mountain, wondering if he would ever
see the monster again. Recognizing Druid's coordinates as the location
of Monster Island, Bloodstone flew the Monster Hunters' plane towards
the island, unaware that Harvey Elder had regained consciousness and
was preparing to knock them out with a fire extinguisher. Zawadi soon
noticed Elder, however, and Dr. Druid decided to deal with Elder by
tossing him from the plane in a parachute. As they neared the island,
Dr. Druid admitted that he didn't think it would have been so easy to
arrive just as the giant monster Gigantus appeared and refused their
entry to the island. After Bloodstone shifted the plane's engines to
VTOL mode and burned Gigantus' face, Druid and the Monster Hunters
landed on Monster Island and entered the cave of the Lizard Men. Dr.
Druid announced that he would lead the group through the darkness and a
connection was established between Bloodstone and himself to allow
Bloodstone to "see" through the dark cave. After dispatching with a
monster in the cave, Dr. Druid sensed a cry for help from their
teammate Hurricane, learning that Hurricane had been tortured and was
in a chamber beneath them. Leading the Monster Hunters to Hurricane's
torture chamber, Dr. Druid generated an illusion of Gorgilla,
terrifying the monsters inside and surprising the Deviant Warlord Kro,
who had been behind the monster attacks and Hurricane's capture. Kro
soon realized Gorgilla was just an illusion as Druid and the Monster
Hunters busted into the chamber and Bloodstone freed Hurricane. During
the scuffle, Kro unleashed the monstrous Tricephalous as Bloodstone
hope that Tricephalous was another of Dr. Druid's illusions.
Unfortunately, Kro escaped into the subterranean tunnels beneath the
island, leaving more monsters that caused earthquakes, forcing
Hurricane to lead Druid and the other Monster Hunters out of the cave
to safety. Once safe, Dr. Druid expressed concern that they should have
known more about Hurricane's past before the mission and Hurricane
replied that there were some things man wasn't meant to know, prompting
Druid to remark how much he despised that cliche. Hurricane promised to
be up front in the future, suggesting that the Monster Hunters possibly
band together if another case came their way, and Dr. Druid reluctantly
agreed to rejoin them later if another case arose, remarking that they
first had to get off Monster Island. A smiling Hurricane explained that
levitation was a common trait among his people and levitated Druid and
the other Monster Hunters, flying them away and promising they would be
in Tokyo in a matter of minutes. Following the adventure against Warlord Kro, Dr. Druid
added to his original journal entry on Gorgilla, remarking on Gorgilla's
return to Midnight Mountain and the Monster Hunters'
adventure on Monster Island.
(Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone (fb) - BTS) - In
his finalized journal entry about his two encounters with Gorgilla, Dr.
Druid expressed hope that Gorgilla might remain on his Midnight
Mountain home.
(Marvel: The Lost Generation#2 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid picked up
strange psychic emanations and traced them to a Long Island research
facility, leading the Monster Hunters there in hopes of finding a new
(Marvel: The Lost Generation#2)
- In 1958, Dr. Druid and the Monster Hunters, joined by new member
Namora, visited Long Island, New York in search of a monster. Asking if
Bloodstone had found anything, Dr. Druid learned that while Bloodstone
saw no sign of the monster, his Third Eye had picked up auras on the
grounds on a nearby research center. Zawadi soon decided that they
should go inside to investigate and Druid warned her to be careful, as
the research center was a restricted area. Running across the heroic
First Line group, Zawadi was attacked by First Line member Black Fox,
prompting Dr. Druid to get involved, feeling no more need for stealth.
When another First Line member, Liberty Girl, ordered Dr. Druid to hold
it right there, Druid agreed and hypnotically froze her in mid-air. The
brief fight was quickly broken up by the National Security Agency's
Agent Scott, whom Jake Curtiss recognized as outranking himself, and
the two heroic teams realized they were both there to investigate the
same research facility. As Liberty Girl disbelieved the existence of
monsters, one erupted from the ground beneath Druid, the Monster
Hunters and the First Line. Sensing a mind within the monster, Dr.
Druid attempted to distract the monster as the two teams tried to fight
it off. When the monster transformed back into a human being, Dr. Druid
confirmed that the man's name was Dr. Schreiber and he had been
inspecting an alien device within the research facility when it
transformed him into a monster. Bloodstone immediately ordered the
Monster Hunters to further investigate the facility and when Namora
busted a hole in the facility wall, Druid, the Monster Hunters and the
First Line found a man (secretly Skrull Commander Zuhn) speaking with
the criminal Blackjack. In the ensuing scuffle, First Line member Agent
Scott was found by the Yankee Clipper appearing as an alien and the
Clipper took Scott to the nearest hospital, where Dr. Druid and the
Monster Hunters followed to make sure Scott was okay.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age 2004 - Dr. Druid
entry (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid remained with the Monster Hunters for a
few years but the group eventually disbanded at some point in the early
(Amazing Adventures I#2/3 (fb) - BTS/Weird Wonder
Tales I#22) - By 1961, Dr. Druid had become renowned for destroying
evil, protecting the innocent and dealing
in strange and unnatural mysteries.
(Amazing Adventures I#3/4/Weird Wonder Tales I#20/2)
- Suspicious of magician gubernatorial candidate Zamu after Zamu
claimed to possess true magic, which Dr. Druid could sense, Dr. Druid
met with Zamu's opponent to hear his opinion of Zamu and decided to
investigate further by visiting the theater where Zamu got his start.
Using a levitating rope to reach the theater's rooftop, Dr. Druid
discovered a large set of magnets that Zamu had used to "levitate" his
audience and soon found more advanced technology that Zamu had used to
simulate his magic. Determined to learn more about Zamu, Dr. Druid
stalked Zamu's home for hours until Zamu returned and removed a rubber
mask disguising his true nature as an alien from the planet R'Zahn.
When he learned that Zamu planned to takeover the state while posing as
the governor, Druid made his move, throwing his voice to announce
himself while Zamu looked around, confused. Demanding Druid show
himself, Zamu pulled out his Infra-Ray Detector and Druid rushed to
grab Zamu, hypnotizing him into revealing his whole plan to the police.
After Zamu was taken into custody, the police asked Druid what made his
suspicious of Zamu in the first place and Druid revealed that he could
sense true magic and did not sense a mystic aura about Zamu.
(Amazing Adventures I#2/3/Weird Wonder Tales I#22) - When luxury ocean liner,
the S.S. Luxuria, mysteriously disappeared, the office of the steamship
line summoned Dr. Druid for his expertise in locating the Luxuria.
Agreeing to help, Druid and Ramu, the former lama's aide, traveled to
the site of the Luxuria's disappearance.
(Weird Wonder Tales I#22) - Along the way, Dr. Druid
ordered one of the shipmates to get the boat moving faster, as the
lives of some 500 people aboard the Luxuria depending on him.
(Amazing Adventures I#2/3/Weird Wonder Tales I#22) -
Several hours later, Druid arrived at the Luxuria's disappearance site
and had his aide Ramu lower him into the waters inside a bathysphere.
When the
bathysphere struck something solid, Dr. Druid ventured out of the
bathysphere in scuba gear and discovered that he had hit a secret
entrance into an underwater city called Aquatica,
where he soon noticed the captured Luxuria encased in a giant bubble.
The rebel Aquaticans soon broadcast an invasion message and Dr. Druid
opted to stop them but the Aquaticans soon noticed him and attacked.
Defeating several of the Aquaticans using his judo skills, Dr. Druid
hypnotized the Aquatican leader into broadcasting an image of himself
using hypnosis techniques. His hypnosis broadcasted to every Aquatican
in the rebel city, Dr. Druid forced the Aquaticans to believe there
were no living creatures on the surface world, only a wasteland not
worth their time. Dr. Druid then broadcasted hypnosis to the captive
humans onboard the Luxuria so they would forget their experiences
within the Aquatica before releasing the bubble housing the
Luxuria, allowing it to float safely to the surface. Returning to the
steamship office line, Dr. Druid lied and told the office that the
Luxuria had merely went off course the entire time and had not
disappeared. While the office refused to believe Druid's story, they
reluctantly dropped the topic since the Luxuria had been returned
safely and Druid agreed that the liner's safe return was all that
(Amazing Adventures I#6/4/Man-Thing I Giant-Size#3/2)
- When new houses for sale began disappearing in a small midwestern
town of Greenbirch, Dr. Druid was summoned due to his expertise in
strange cases. As Druid investigated the disappearance sites, the
Greenbirch police received a ransom note for one million dollars,
prompting Druid to go off on his search alone. Visiting every scientist
in the area, Druid came up with no leads but when he returned to the
police station, one of the officers mentioned a little old scientist
that had recently moved into town a little over a month earlier and
Druid immediately suspected the scientist. Departing to 218 Elm Street
to apprehend the scientist, Druid visited the scientist's home and
projected his voice into the house, terrifying the scientist into
fleeing, opening the door for Druid as he escaped. Finding the new
homes inside the scientist's home at reduced size, Druid confirmed his
suspicions that there was a scientific explanation for the houses'
disappearances. The scientist attempted to shoot Druid, only to be
shocked when Druid entered a trance-like state from which he tensed
every fiber of his body to the point where the bullets bounced off his
skin. Announcing that he too had powers, Druid convinced the scientist
to remove a rubber mask, revealing himself as the alien Krogg, who
announced that he had planned to plunder Earth. Disappearing from
sight, Krogg promised Druid that when they next met, he would destroy
Druid and Dr. Druid then restored the homes to their proper location,
refusing to provide any other explanation to police as to how the
houses were returned. Dr. Druid then departed Greenbirch on foot,
praying that when Krogg returned, he would be able to thwart him once
(Gamer's Handbook of the Marvel Universe#1 - Dr.
Druid entry (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Dr. Druid became less active
as a hero, remaining in seclusion for many years.
(Mighty Avengers I#13 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid fathered a son, Sebastian, that also had monster DNA.
(Druid I#1 (fb) - BTS) - In modern times, Dr. Druid's
earlier heroic adventures ultimately became eclipsed by the modern era sorcerer supreme, Dr.
Stephen Strange, prompting Druid to take up wearing a costume to better
fit with the modern age superheroes. When his superhero career met with
failure and humiliation, Druid became a lecturer.
(Weird Wonder Tales I#21) - Dr. Druid recounted the
story of Derek Weems, who learned the hard way that attempting to learn
another man's secret was risky business.
(Incredible Hulk II#210 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid
sensed that the sorcerous Maha Yogi had mastered control of his Jewel
of Jeopardy, actually a fragment of the shattered Hellfire Helix,
and planned to come out of hiding to either conquer or destroy the
world. Needing a strong enough being to stop the Maha Yogi, Dr. Druid
sought out the incredible Hulk.
(Incredible Hulk II#209) - After the Hulk stumbled
into an alleyway and transformed back into Bruce Banner following a
battle with the Absorbing Man, Dr. Druid approached Banner from the

(Incredible Hulk II#210) - Sensing the approaching
Dr. Druid, the startled Banner awoke and immediately became suspicious
of the hood-wearing Dr. Druid, who assured Banner he meant no harm.
Revealing himself by removing the hood, Druid explained that he needed
Banner's help but Banner asked if he could clean up before they
discussed why he was needed. Dr. Druid then conjured up an hypnotic
illusion of clothing to disguise himself and Banner, and the two
retreated to Banner's tenement apartment, where they were both greeted
by Banner's landlady April Sommers, who had been waiting on Banner to
return. Reminding Banner that they had much to discuss, Druid ventured
upstairs and Banner followed, where Druid removed the hypnotic
illusion, returning them both to their heroic outfits. Informing Bruce
Banner of the Maha Yogi's plans, Dr. Druid admitted he had sought out
the Hulk due to his strength but Banner refused to transform back into
the Hulk, not even to save the entire planet. Agreeing to accompany Dr.
Druid as his normal self, Bruce Banner joined Druid as they drove
towards Merlin Industries, stopping for gas and information along the
way. Upon hearing that some people that visit Merlin Industries don't
return, Druid and Banner nonetheless decided to venture into the
industrial complex, where Dr. Druid hypnotically made the security
guard think they had shown the proper identification to go inside
Merlin Industries. Once through the gates, however, the door slammed
shut behind the two heroes and Dr. Druid and Banner were met with a
gigantic illusion of Maha Yogi, who ominously welcomed the two. The
floor then opened up to reveal hot coals and Druid bade Banner to climb
atop his shoulders before he walked the hot coals without injury,
boasting that the coals proved no threat to one who had mastered the
arcane powers of the ancient Britons. When the heroic duo passed the
hot coals, the Maha Yogi boasted that he wouldn't allow them to reach
him and unleashed an armored, motorcycle-riding knight to dispose of
the two. Banner made quick work of the knight, however, by stopping the
motorcycle, causing the knight to fly off the bike into the wall,
prompting Dr. Druid to commend Banner and note that he had made the
right choice in selecting Banner for assistance. Maha Yogi responded by
having his other knights fire on Druid and Banner but Druid hypnotized
the knights into immobility then levitated their guns from their hands
and knocked the knights out with them. The gunfire created panic within
Dr. Banner, who transformed into the Hulk, and Dr. Druid exerted a
subtle hypnotic influence over the Hulk in order for the Hulk to plow
through the Maha Yogi's guards. Arriving at Maha Yogi's throneroom, Dr.
Druid ordered the Hulk to capture Maha Yogi but the Yogi exerted his
own hypnotic control and ordered the Hulk to destroy Dr. Druid. The
conflicting mental orders caused Hulk to lose consciousness and Maha
Yogi ordered his henchman Mongu to slay Dr. Druid.
(Incredible Hulk II#211) - Maha Yogi ordered Dr.
Druid to surrender before ordering Mongu to attack and while dodging
Mongu, Druid announced that even if he'd wanted to surrender, he
wouldn't since the fate of the world hung in the balance. Druid then
levitated the curtains within Maha Yogi's throneroom to envelop Mongu,
buying himself some time before Mongu ripped the curtains to shreds.
Dr. Druid continued dodging Mongu's physical attacks until Maha Yogi
downed Druid with a mind-blast and ordered Mongu to remove Druid and
the Hulk from his presence and into the dungeons. Some time later,
after Dr. Druid had awoke, he noticed the Hulk regaining consciousness
and informed the man-brute how they had both been captured and shackled
into devices wired for electric shock should they try to escape.
Knowing he would need the help of Dr. Bruce Banner to escape, Dr. Druid
placed the Hulk in a trance state, entered the goliath's mind and
forced a transformation back into Bruce Banner. Exhausted from the
expenditure of energy required to initiate Hulk's transformation, Druid
went limp and Banner freed Druid from his shackles. When Druid
subsequently blasted the dungeon door with arcane energy, the two
heroes found themselves facing Mongu, who led them back to Maha Yogi,
who ordered Bruce Banner into his gladiatorial arena with Mongu despite
Dr. Druid's begging to reconsider. Holding Dr. Druid under a spell of
confusion, Maha Yogi watched as Banner fought against Mongu, eventually
transforming into the Hulk. When Maha Yogi focused his power on
increasing Mongu's power, Dr. Druid regained his composure and used his
levitation powers to ensorcle a rope to bind Maha Yogi's hand, causing
him to drop his Jewel of Jeopardy. The Jewel then fell into the arena,
where the Hulk crushed it, causing Maha Yogi to age into a decrepit man
barely able to move. As Dr. Druid and Hulk watched, Mongu retrieved his
master and walked off, still loyal.
(Weird Wonder Tales I#22/2) - Dr. Druid told the
story of a possible future in which humanity competed for heat on a
frozen Earth.
(Ghost Rider II#26/Ghost Rider II#27 (fb)) - Always interested in occult
phenomena, Dr. Druid traveled to Delazny Studios, where he hypnotized
the secretary of Charles Delazny Sr. to keep her from asking him to
leave. When Delazny returned to his office, he angrily stormed in and
began berating Druid, who admitted that he wanted to know everything
Delazny knew about his employee, the Ghost Rider. Thinking Druid was
trying to give Ghost Rider a better offer, Delazny ordered Druid to get
out but Druid responded with an hypnotic suggestion for Delazny to sit
down. Under Druid's thrall, Delazny sat down and apologized for being
so rude and Druid remarked that Delazny had no need to speak, as he
would just enter Delazny's mind to get the information he needed. After
entering Delazny's mind, Druid only learned that Delazny's son was the
criminal Enforcer and that Delazny believed Ghost Rider to be nothing
more than special effects generated by stunt cyclist Johnny Blaze.
Swearing to destroy the occult apparition Ghost Rider, Druid was
disappointed that he had not learned more from Delazny but by the time
Johnny Blaze had returned to the Studios, Druid was hypnotically trying
to get the information he needed from an entranced Karen Page. Upon
seeing Blaze, Druid ordered him to stay where he was but Blaze brushed
off Druid's orders. Announcing that he knew who Blaze truly was and
that he would not permit Blaze to leave, Dr. Druid levitated some
electrical cords and bound Blaze where he stood. Proclaiming Ghost
Rider to be an agent of Satan that had to be driven from the world, Dr.
Druid threatened Blaze into unleashing his Ghost Rider persona and
shrugged off the hellfire blasted at him by using his own concentration
together with his mystic immunity to fire. Realizing he shouldn't have
transformed publicly, Ghost Rider fled on an hellfire motorcycle but
Dr. Druid pursued Ghost Rider to a graveyard, where Ghost Rider
attempted to impale Dr. Druid with part of the graveyard fence.
Unfazed, Druid used his object levitation ability to animate a nearby
tree limb to bind Ghost Rider but Ghost Rider burned himself free of
the tree. Dr. Druid responded with attempted hypnotism but Ghost Rider
was not affected, forcing Druid into a physical attack but the more
powerful Ghost Rider knocked Druid to the ground and nearly killed him
with a gravestone before relenting. Grabbing Druid, Ghost Rider
announced that he would spare Druid's life but Dr. Druid revealed the
Token of Tiboro that caused Ghost Rider to transform back into Johnny
Blaze, whom Dr. Druid knocked out with a punch. Entering Blaze's mind
to learn more about his most powerful foe, Druid learned that Blaze was
truly a good man and that he had been wrong in trying to destroy him.
Realizing the error of his ways, Druid opted to simply leave rather
than cause more grief.
(Ghost Rider II#27 - BTS) - As Johnny Blaze rode off
on his motorcycle, he wondered why Dr. Druid did not kill him when he
had the chance and suspected that Druid finally realized that Ghost
Rider wasn't as evil as he looked.
(Avengers I#225 (fb) - BTS) - After returning to
Earth, Dr. Druid was contacted by the spirit of his ancestor, the druid
Amergin, and learned of the destruction affecting the mystic realm of
Avalon, which would ultimately destroy Earth if Avalon were to fall.
Combining his own magic with that of Amergin's, Dr. Druid sat out to
recruit the Avengers in an effort to help restore Avalon in the 12th
(Avengers I#225) - Dr. Druid appeared within Avengers
Mansion, having bypassed all of their security, and revealed to the
shocked Avengers that they had been chosen for an urgent and perilous
mission. The team immediately prepared to attack Druid, who boasted
that his powers came from Earth magic like his ancient namesake and
that even without his powers being augmented, his hypnotism could stop
the Avengers in their tracks. Placing the Avengers in an hypnotic
trance, Druid revealed that only Iron Man might have been able to stop
him due to the iron content in his armor and admitted his pity that he
had not the time to appeal to the Avengers' better natures. Druid then
entered a trance-like state himself and the icon on his chest began
billowing smoke that covered all present. When the smoke cleared, only
Druid and Iron Man were present, still entranced, while the other
Avengers were transported to 12th century Avalon. Once there, the druid
Amergin explained to the Avengers how he had sent his spirit to the
present day to combine his magic with Dr. Druid's in an effort to bring
the Avengers to 12th century Avalon in an effort to halt the
destruction plaguing the realm.
(Avengers I#226) - During the Avengers' battle
against the Avalon-attacking Fomorians, the Fomorian Bres traveled to
the present-day Avengers Mansion, where he found Dr. Druid and Iron
Man, still in their trance-like states. Gloating, Bres quickly realized
it was pointless to speak, as the entranced Dr. Druid and Iron Man
could not hear him, and Bres then prepared to kill Dr. Druid to trap
the Avengers in the 12th century. Unfortunately for Bres, Avengers Thor
and She-Hulk arrived in the present-day mere moments before Bres could
kill Dr. Druid and they quickly jumped into battle against Bres. After
defeating Bres by using the entranced Iron Man as a weapon, Thor and
She-Hulk realized they could not get back to the 12th century since Dr.
Druid was still entranced and any attempt at waking him might strand
their teammates in the 12th century. When the Fomorians were defeated
in the 12th century, the Avengers were transported back to the modern
era, where Dr. Druid awoke and commended them on playing their parts
perfectly against the Fomorians. Hawkeye quickly warned Druid to ask
for their help next time instead of just forcing it and Druid replied
by claiming he would have asked under different circumstances but then
revealed that the Avengers' intervention had allowed the Black Knight
to triumph against the Fomorians. Dr. Druid then generated a mystic
scrying portal to reveal Black Knight's current whereabouts, only to
show that the Black Knight had seemingly perished in the 12th century.
Without control, Dr. Druid's portal then changed scenes to present-day
Garrett Castle, where the shattered Black Knight statue reassembled
itself and transformed back into the original body of Dane Whitman,
restoring the Black Knight to his proper time and body as a final gift
from Dr. Druid's ancestor Amergin. Hawkeye immediately suggested the
Avengers call up the Black Knight but Dr. Druid suggested the Avengers
let Black Knight adjust to his newfound life, remarking that Black
Knight would come back to the Avengers when he was ready. Dr. Druid
then departed in a flash of light, commenting "until we meet again."
(Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid compiled notes on the shadow being known as Warlord Kaa.
(Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions#1/Avengers I Annual#16 (fb)) - Dr.
Druid was transported to a giant arena alongside a slew of other
superheroes as part of Grandmaster and Death's Contest of Champions
game. Daimon Hellstrom, the Son of Satan, met up with Dr. Druid there
and remarked that he sensed their transportation there was not the work
of the Devil. Druid replied by claiming that the forces at work there
seemed to beyond the mystical. Druid soon learned, alongside the other
assembled heroes, that they were pawns in a Contest of Champions
between the cosmic embodiment of Death and the Elder of the Universe
known as the Grandmaster. Druid then watched as Grandmaster and Death
chose their heroic representatives from the assembled heroes and
prepared them to fight.
(Ghost Rider II#78 - BTS) - The demon Nightmare used
a dreamscape illusion of Dr. Druid, Dr. Strange and the Son of Satan to
remind the unconscious Johnny Blaze of his guilt and accuse him of
being a coward.
(Power Man & Iron Fist I#118 (fb) - BTS) - At
some point, Druid became familiar on the mystic ruler of the ancient
city of K'un-Lun, Master Khan. After
being stricken with radiation poisoning, Iron Fist (actually a H'ylthri
duplicate) opted to return to
the mystic city of K'un-Lun in an effort to recuperate. In order to get
to the mystic city, Power Man and "Iron Fist" contacted Dr. Druid after
attempting Dr. Strange, only to find Strange not home.
(Power Man & Iron
I#118) - Dr. Druid created a pentagram in which he sat inside of and
entered the mind of "Iron Fist" to try to discern the location of
K'un-Lun from "Iron Fist"'s memories. When Power Man arrived to check
things, Druid asked "Iron Fist" to take his mind off of the radiation
poisoning in his body and focus only on K'un-Lun. Displaying illusory
images from "Iron Fist"'s memories, Dr. Druid remarked on how patience
was a virtue when Power Man complained about how they weren't actually
there yet. In reply, Power Man revealed that they had contacted Dr.
Strange first but he wasn't home, prompting Druid to sarcastically
comment that Power Man's confidence in Druid's abilities was
flattering. Druid then invoked the Ancient Grimoire of the Seven Dead
Sorcerers to open the dimensional gateway to K'un-Lun. Unfortunately,
the spell was interrupted when Druid was briefly possessed by a dark
mystic force. After recovering, Druid revealed to "Iron Fist," Power
Man and their ally Colleen Wing what had happened and that he sensed
great darkness in K'un-Lun. When "Iron Fist suggested that Druid might
be sensing the evil Master Khan who ruled K'un-Lun, Druid admitted his
familiarity with Master Khan and explained that the dark force he
sensed was much worse. Despite Druid's warnings, Power Man announced
the urgency of getting the dying Iron Fist to K'un-Lun and Druid
reluctantly agreed to continue helping, bidding the trio to grasp hands
with him as he teleported all present to the mountain slopes near
K'un-Lun, where they found the destroyed city. Greeted by the surviving
Lei Kung the Thunderer, Iron Fist was led away to learn of K'un-Lun's
fate, leaving behind a confused Power Man, Colleen Wing and Dr. Druid.
Explaining to Power Man that they had accompanied Iron Fist to protect
him from hostile forces, Druid remarked that the dark forces had yet to
present themselves and decided to levitate away to explore the mystic
city alone.
(Power Man & Iron
Fist I#120) - Following an encounter with the Black Dragon, Power Man
met with Lei Kung and decided to visit the Dragon King in hopes of
continuing to aid Iron Fist and Power Man summoned Dr. Druid from his
exploration for transport. Admitting he had been enjoying himself
exploring K'un-Lun, Druid remarked on his assumptions that him being
summoned back was important as the Black Dragon erupted from the
ground, battling Iron Fist. Realizing quickly that it indeed was
important, Dr. Druid was asked to transport both Power Man and Lei Kung
to the Dragon King's palace at the bottom of a great K'un-Lun lake. Dr.
Druid did as requested and transported the duo to the Dragon King's
(Avengers I#276 (fb) -
BTS) - Dr. Druid returned from K'un-Lun and wrote a new book, soon
beginning a book tour to support the book's release. At some point,
Druid heard news that the heroine Captain Marvel was quite
(Marvel Monsters: From
the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Dr. Druid
wrote research into the alien monster Manoo into his journals. He also
made notes about the alien energy creatures called the Blips,
suggesting a possible connection between them and the energy creatures
of Erdile once used against the Avengers by the Collector.
(Avengers I#276) - Dr.
Druid was staying at the New York Plaza Hotel in preparation for an
autograph session at Doubleday's and an appearance on a national talk
show. From his hotel room, Dr. Druid watched on television as a
Darkforce energy cube surrounded Avengers Mansion while halfway paying
attention to his assistant Henshaw, who was going over Druid's
itinerary. Sensing a feeling a dread that he suspected had to do with
the situation at Avengers Mansion, Druid concentrated and used his
mental powers, soon seeing an image in his mind's eye of a captive
Black Knight. Dr. Druid quickly suspected Black Knight was not the only
captive and immediately got to his feet to change into his costume,
much to the surprise of Henshaw, who asked what Druid was doing.
Announcing to Henshaw that some things were more important than
promoting a new book, Dr. Druid left the hotel, feeling that he had an
old debt to repay. Making his way to Avengers Mansion, Dr. Druid
thought back on his previous encounter with the Avengers when they
together ended the threat of the Fomorians from the distant past and
upon arriving, Druid sensed that the black cube surrounding Avengers
Mansion was otherworldly in nature. Telepathically scanning the
Darkforce barrier, Druid found its source, the catatonic Blackout and
hypnotized Blackout into dropping the barrier to allow Druid's entry.
Once on the Mansion grounds, Dr. Druid followed Blackout's psychic
emanations to the Mansion roof, where he remained unseen and witnessed
the Avengers' Captain Marvel surprise attack on Moonstone and Blackout,
thinking that Marvel was every bit as extraordinary as he had heard.
Lost in thought, Druid failed to see the arriving Baron Zemo, who
downed Druid with a Needler gun.
(Avengers I#277/Avengers Finale (fb)) -
Groggily recovering upon hearing Baron Zemo attempting to get Blackout
to reestablish the Darkforce barrier around Avengers Mansion, Dr. Druid
telepathically reached out to Blackout and hypnotically broke
Blackout's conditioning, causing Blackout to turn on Zemo. When Zemo
attempted to reassert control over Blackout, Druid telepathically
informed Blackout that he would not be able to further assist while
still fighting off the paralyzing effects of Zemo's Needler gun.
Explaining to Blackout that he might be risking his life by fighting
Zemo's control and suggesting Blackout run away if he had to, Druid
watched helplessly as Blackout refused to run away and apparently died
of a cerebral hemorrhage trying to fight off Zemo's control. Recovering
enough to stand, Druid confirmed Blackout's death and Zemo accused
Druid of forcing Blackout to resist his control but Druid revealed that
he had merely unlocked Blackout's mind and it was Blackout's choice to
defy Zemo. Admitting that he was no Avenger and was present to repay an
old debt, Druid was threatened by Zemo until Captain Marvel returned
and fought Zemo herself. Captain America and Wasp arrived shortly after
and when Wasp asked what Druid was doing there, he calmly replied that
he was attempting to help against the Masters of Evil, admitting that
he had hoped to be of more help.
(Avengers I#278 (fb) -
BTS) - One week after Baron Zemo's attack on Avengers Mansion, Dr.
Druid visited Avengers member Black Knight in the hospital, hoping to
examine the Knight's Ebony Blade since he had an interest in the
occult, and ultimately requested to accompany Black Knight to Hydrobase
to recuperate.
(Avengers I#278) -
Accompanying the Black Knight to the Avengers Hydrobase, Dr. Druid
sparred with Black Knight, who admitted that he was glad to have run
into Dr. Druid at the hospital as exercise was just what he needed.
When Black Knight mentioned his surprise at Dr. Druid's hand-to-hand
combat expertise, thinking that Druid was strictly a sorcerer, Druid
explained that while he occasionally dabbled in the occult and had
investigated cases of unexplained phenomena, his powers came from the
mind. He then commended Black Knight on his skills with the
quarter-staff and when Black Knight responded that he had picked up the
skill during the five years he spent trapped in the 12th century, Druid
informed the Knight of his knowledge of Black Knight's time in the past
before their sparring session was interrupted by a communication from
the Wasp, who warned Black Knight that he was pushing himself too far
after his recent concussion. Black Knight assured Wasp he would be ok
and claimed he had even brought a doctor in case something happened,
introducing Dr. Druid. Assuring Wasp she needn't worry about Black
Knight, Dr. Druid informed the Wasp that the Black Knight had the
constitution of an ox and revealed that he had sufficient medical
training to make sure Black Knight didn't overdo it. Once the Wasp had
been sufficiently assured and ended the communication, Dr. Druid and
Black Knight were surprised by Hydrobase's perimeter alarm informing
them of the arrival of the Atlantean warlord Tyrak. When Black Knight
engaged Tyrak, Dr. Druid jumped into the fray as well, using his cloak
in an attempt to blind Tyrak, who easily swatted Druid aside and ripped
the cloak from his face. Dr. Druid followed up by attempting to
hypnotize Tyrak into not fighting but Tyrak fought against Druid's
entrancement. Avengers Captain Marvel, She-Hulk and Wasp soon arrived
on the scene as well and Tyrak was soon downed (although Tyrak merely
feigned defeat). As Captain Marvel briefed Wasp on the situation, Druid
noticed She-Hulk and thought to himself how impressive she was before
quickly sensing Tyrak's brainwaves and announcing his return to the
Avengers. Following Tyrak's second defeat at the sword of the Black
Knight, Dr. Druid remained to ensure Tyrak was held in one of
Hydrobase's oceanographic labs and Wasp thanked Druid for his
assistance. Commenting he had done very little, Druid confessed that he
had only originally visited the Black Knight in the hospital in an
attempt to study the Knight's Ebony Blade. The Wasp asked Druid not to
be embarrassed and she admitted she had let Black Knight defeat Tyrak
because she was tired of being the one to save the day, which Druid
commended on being a good judgment call. When the Wasp continued,
admitting she needed a break from the Avengers, Druid explained that
she was the only one who could make that decision.
(Official Handbook of
the Marvel Universe: Master Edition I#19 - Avengers Roster entry - BTS)
- Dr. Druid petitioned for membership into the Avengers.
(Avengers I#278) - Three days after the defeat of Tyrak,
Dr. Druid was invited to sit in on an Avengers meeting where the Wasp
formally invited him to join the team and announced her plans to take a
leave from the team after Captain America seconded Dr. Druid's
nomination. Captain America was then made interim team chairman and as
his first act, he announced that the team would need to vote on Druid's
membership before officially nominating the next chairman.
(Avengers I#279 (fb)) -
The votes from the Avengers came in and Dr. Druid accepted his
invitation to join the Avengers, thanking them all. He then sat at the
meeting as the Avengers voted on their newest chairman, with both
Captain America and Black Knight nominating Captain Marvel, secretly
thinking to himself about the things he could accomplish if he were to
lead the Avengers. His eyes fixed on the nervous Captain Marvel, Druid
decided to bide his time since probationary Avengers members were not
allowed to take the office of chairman while still in their
probationary period. As Druid watched, Thor and She-Hulk argued over
who should be leader until Captain America tabled the discussion until
the team's next meeting.
(Avengers I#279) -
Early one morning, while She-Hulk and Black Knight attempted to relax
on the beaches of Hydrobase, Dr. Druid played a hypnotic prank on
She-Hulk by making her see a monster, which she lunged at and hit only
sand. He then revealed himself, laughing hysterically, prompting
She-Hulk to warn Druid that he might not like her sense of humor if he
didn't watch his step.
(Avengers I#281) - Upon
learning that the comatose Hercules had been kidnapped from his
hospital, the Avengers investigated the hospital and Dr. Druid could
detect no psychic traces of anyone being in the hospital room, noting
that whoever had kidnapped Hercules had made it a point to erase all
evidence of ever being there. He remained there until Thor arrived and
Nurse Richards identified Thor as the kidnapper, prompting Thor to bust
through a window on a search for the real kidnapper himself. Druid and
the other Avengers followed but Thor insisted he saw who he thought was
the kidnapper and, proclaiming it a matter of gods, Thor flew off
again, soon losing Captain Marvel by teleporting with his hammer,
Mjolnir. When Captain Marvel returned to her teammates to discuss
Thor's teleportation, Druid felt the public should not see the Avengers
discussing private matters and used his powers to hypnotically make the
Avengers appear as everyday civilians. As the discussion continued, Dr.
Druid reminded the Avengers not to completely overlook the possibility
that Thor was involved in the kidnapping, prompting Captain America to
immediately come to Thor's defense. When Captain Marvel admitted Thor's
involvement might be possible, Druid continued, suggesting that Thor
could have been compelled against his will to aid in the kidnapping,
and Captain America deferred to Druid, asking Dr. Druid if there would
be signs of some sort of mental tampering. The discussion was soon
halted when She-Hulk began rampaging, shouting "kill!" While the other
Avengers attempted to talk sense into She-Hulk, Dr. Druid sensed a
supernatural agent at work unlike any he had ever encountered and
thought how, if the Avengers could not uncover its source, they would
be doomed. Captain Marvel soon managed to at least down She-Hulk,
quickly calling over Dr. Druid to help She-Hulk over her perceived
madness. As Druid attempted to hypnotically calm She-Hulk, he missed
seeing the disguised Olympian god Dionysus, who had secretly drugged
She-Hulk with his Elixir of Frenzy. Retaking control of She-Hulk,
Dionysus renewed She-Hulk's frenzy and she swung at Dr. Druid and would
have killed him if he had not ducked. Captain America re-engaged
She-Hulk, ordering Druid to get to safey while he kept She-Hulk busy.
Deducing Dionysus was no ordinary man when he shrugged off an attack by
the Black Knight, Dr. Druid had Captain Marvel blasted Dionysus into a
wall, seemingly knocking him unconscious and revealing his true form.
While checking Dionysus' vital signs, Dr. Druid quickly realized
Dionysus was only feigning unconsciousness when Dionysus got Druid in a
chokehold. Rendering Druid unconscious, Dionysus was attacked by
She-Hulk but he managed to down She-Hulk with a potion. Regaining
consciousness in Olympus, Druid and the other Avengers found themselves
facing the Olympian gods, where Zeus proclaimed the Avengers would face
judgment for injuries incurred on his son Hercules.
(Avengers I#282) -
Taken to Fortress Tartarus in Hades for torture, Dr. Druid was fitted
with a facemask and placed in chains while Captain America was placed
on a torture wheel and Black Knight and She-Hulk were chained together
around a column. Discovering the captive Avengers, Namor the
Sub-Mariner, who been led there after also being captured, freed Black
Knight and She-Hulk, who in turn, freed Druid and the other Avengers.
While his chains were being undone, Druid remarked that Thor was still
missing from their number and as the team escaped, Druid pointed out
the small army of guards heading their way. The Avengers quickly fought
back, with Dr. Druid using the power of illusion to trick the guards
into fighting one another. After locating Thor, the Avengers found the
Olympian Pluto pinning Thor to the ground with a massive stone block
and Druid suggested Black Knight slice the block precisely down the
middle while Captain Marvel destroyed Thor's chains, freeing him. Pluto
soon joined the fray, toying with the Avengers per Zeus' decree that
the Avengers die by torment and while avoiding the attacks, Dr. Druid
noted that he had never seen such sheer malevolence. Escaping Fortress
Tartarus, Druid and the Avengers were led to the Pathway of Infinity, a
golden bridge which connected Olympus to Hades. Unfortunately, She-Hulk
and Dr. Druid soon noticed that Pluto had followed with a war wagon,
which he used to split the Pathway of Infinity in half, preventing the
Avengers from progressing further.
(Avengers I#283) -
Deciding to stand their ground, Dr. Druid and the Avengers fought
Pluto's legions, with Druid surprising Thor with his physical prowess,
which Thor thought was as adept as the powers of Druid's mind. During
the battle, Pluto attempted to crush the Avengers with a large stone,
which Thor caught and wedged into the Pathway of Infinity, created a
bridge over the hole Pluto had earlier created, allowing the Avengers
to cross and escape out of Hades. Arriving in Olympus, Druid and the
Avengers briefly rested while determining their next course of action.
After witnessing Zeus' anger at the Avengers despite remarks from the
god Apollo that the Avengers might not be responsible for Hercules'
comatose state, thanks to a scrying pool from the sympathetic god
Prometheus, Druid suggested a retreat back to Earth rather than attempt
to change Zeus' mind on the matter of the Avengers' guilt but Thor
explained that the Avengers could not hope to reach the dimensional
gateway to Earth without being noticed. When the team discussed
standing their ground in Olympus rather than allow the god Ares to
unleash his legions on Earth, Druid admitted that he didn't think even
his mental powers would be enough to persuade Zeus to believe the
Avengers were not responsible for Hercules' condition and Captain
Marvel replied that perhaps the Avengers could manage to persuade
enough of the other Olympian gods to intercede on the Avengers' behalf.
Determining to choose their Olympian allies carefully, Namor the
Sub-Mariner and Captain Marvel visited Venus while Dr. Druid, Thor,
Captain America, She-Hulk and Black Knight visited Hephaestus and
Athena to retrieve Thor's hammer. Hephaestus responded by unleashing
his metal automatons against the group and Dr. Druid quickly realized
the automatons had no minds to mesmer, forcing him to levitate a nearby
chain to knock the automatons into Hephaestus' foundry. The flailing
automatons weakened the foundry, however, and it cracked, unleashing
molten metal throughout the area, which Dr. Druid levitated over,
noting that the metal was much hotter than the coals he had once trod
over. The other Avengers acted to save Athena and Hephaestus from the
molten metal and shortly after, convinced them to believe that Druid
and the other Avengers were not responsible for Hercules' condition as
Captain Marvel and Namor arrived with Venus, whom they had also
convinced. The three gods then led Druid and the others to Apollo, whom
Druid reminded that Zeus was not entirely infallible. Druid then asked
for permission to assist Apollo in pulling Hercules from his comatose
state but Zeus arrived, stirred on by Ares, and demanded to know what
was going on. When Captain America begged Zeus to listen to reason, an
angry Zeus attacked, severely injuring Captain America, Dr. Druid and
Black Knight (as well as Athena, Venus and Hephaestus), leaving only
She-Hulk, Thor, Captain Marvel and Namor standing. A weakened Cap asked
the standing Avengers to check on Druid and the others but Thor
announced a retaliatory attack.
(Avengers I#284) -
While Thor, Captain Marvel, Namor and She-Hulk fought Zeus, a
recovering Dr. Druid vanished, whisked away by the messenger god Hermes
to Prometheus, who bandaged Dr. Druid's head and attempted to heal the
other injured Avengers that Hermes had also absconded with. When the
broken-legged Captain America assured the Wasp, who had been captured
by the goddess Artemis, that the Avengers would pull through, Dr. Druid
remarked that he was in awe of Captain America's faith, prompting
Captain America to reply that if they had fought their way back from
Hades, anything was possible. As Prometheus continued trying to heal
the Avengers, Captain America commented on the legends of how
Prometheus had defied the gods to aid mankind and Druid admitted his
hopes that Prometheus was as capable as the myths suggested. When
Prometheus began his attempts at healing Hercules, Dr. Druid was
surprised at Prometheus projecting his own life force into Hercules,
whom Druid assumed had suffered severe brain damage and noted that
Prometheus would have to exert precise control to not further damage
Hercules. Captain Marvel subsequently bathed the entire area in light
from her battle with Zeus, temporarily blinding Prometheus during his
restoration of Hercules, who jumped from the table addled and perceived
enemies all around him. Druid then watched as Hercules proclaimed the
injured Avengers to be his enemies.
(Avengers I#285) - Savagely knocking aside the injured Captain America
and Dr. Druid, Hercules rampaged, downing Wasp as she attempted to wake
up Hera and Prometheus. Before Hercules could kill Wasp, Dr. Druid
jumped onto Hercules' back and attempted to mesmerize Hercules into
calming down and seeing the truth that the Avengers were his allies.
Briefly calmed, Hercules fought back, denouncing Druid's mesmerism as a
trick but fighting back the pain, Druid continued his attempt to
telepathically get into Hercules' inner mind and soon forced Hercules
to relive the memories of his recent encounter with the Masters of
Evil. Shamed, Hercules reacted on instinct, swatting the concussed Dr.
Druid aside before realizing the error of his rampage and rushing to
stop Zeus' attack on the other Avengers. After the unknowing Zeus
knocked Hercules into a tree before realizing who his attacker was,
Druid helped Prometheus carry Captain America to regroup with the other
Avengers. Realizing he had been made with grief over Hercules'
injuries, Zeus allowed Hercules and the Avengers to recuperate from
their injuries in Olympus and an hour later, Dr. Druid and a recovered
Captain America met with the other Avengers to reveal that the god
Apollo had healed their injuries. After Thor declined to have Apollo
waste time trying to heal the curse Hela had placed on him, Apollo
announced that Druid and the other Avengers had been invited to special
tribunal of the gods. At the tribunal, Dr. Druid watched as Zeus
declared Earth off-limits to the Olympians despite protest from both
Neptune and Ares. Following the tribunal, Prometheus was tasked with
seeing Druid and the other Avengers safely back to Earth and after an
ominous warning of tests to come, Prometheus transported Druid and the
others to a busy Manhattan corner. Wasp immediately announced that she
had to leave, as people were waiting on her, and Thor also left to deal
with Hela's curse as Dr. Druid remarked that Thor's tone sounded as if
Thor would not be returning. The rest of the Avengers then ventured
towards their Quinjet and when Druid asked if Captain America was
joining them, Cap told them to go ahead and he would see the team at
their next meeting.
(Mephisto Vs.#4) - Dr. Druid accompanied the Avengers as they were summoned to the scene of Thor's fight with the Midgard Serpent,
where a local informed Captain America of the battle and the wall of
flame that had shot up afterwards. Before the man could continue, the
Avengers' west coast branch also arrived on the scene and when
She-Hulk, Iron Man and Captain Marvel proved unable to penetrate the
wall of flame surrounding Thor, Dr. Druid surmised that the source of
the flames must be an entity of vast supernatural power. When a gap
appeared in the flames, Dr. Druid and the Avengers rushed inside to
find a still-breathing-but-unmoving Thor but Captain America soon
determined Thor dead once they removed his armored helmet. Seeing the
demon Mephisto near Thor, the Avengers rushed to avenge their fallen
teammate but Iron Man's repulsor beams were reflected by Mephisto to
hit Hawkeye and Dr. Druid before Mephisto easily defeated the remaining
(Thor I#381) - The
unconscious Dr. Druid and Avengers laid in the center of Mephisto's
wall of flame, unaware that Grundoth and a small group of mountain
giants had arrived to beat around the lifeless body of Thor.
(Mephisto Vs.#4/Thor
I#381) - Mephisto lost the rights to Thor's soul to Hela, who appeared
and removed the Avengers' memories of the events. As the confused
Avengers wondered why they were there, Dr. Druid sensed sorcerous
powers at work and remarked that, in time, he could find a solution to
the Avengers' confusion. Captain America suggested that, in the
meantime, the two Avengers branches return to their respective bases
and Druid boarded the Quinjet to depart alongside the Avengers' east
coast branch.
(X-Men vs. the
Avengers#1) - Dr. Druid and Captain America were dropped off in front
of a Mansfield, Ohio shopping plaza and Captain America quickly found
the security officer to order an immediate evacuation while Dr. Druid
went into the Kmart store, hypnotizing the intercom announcer into
telling the shoppers to look at Druid at the front of the store. When
the customers did so, Druid hypnotized them into leaving the area
quietly without pushing, thinking to himself how receptive the shoppers
were to his mass hypnotism and how it typically would not be as easy to
accomplish such a feat. His mind then drifted towards thoughts that he
was being useful there on the ground while others, such as Captain
Marvel, Black Knight, She-Hulk and Thor, were up in space blasting
meteors that threatened to hit Earth. When one of the last meteors sent
the Avengers Quinjet to Earth and Thor cushioned the landing with
summoned winds, Dr. Druid, Captain America and the Kmart shoppers were
there to see the victory. The National Security Council arrived moments
later and, after the Avengers determined the largest meteorite to be
magnetized and having tooled metal parts, the National Security Council
commended the Avengers on there service and admitted they couldn't wait
to tell the Russians about the meteorite, much to the confusion of Dr.
Druid and the other Avengers. A short time later, Dr. Druid joined the
other Avengers at a meeting where Captain America revealed that the NSC
had determined the meteorite to be part of Magneto's former orbital
base, Asteroid M, and that they were working with Russia to plot
Magneto's assassination. As the other Avengers discussed whether or not
Magneto's assassination was warranted, Druid admitted his ignorance of
Magneto's record and assumed the other Avengers were much more familiar
with the former mutant criminal. Druid then listened intently as the
Avengers shared various horror stories of Magneto's past crimes,
eventually remarking how he heard about Magneto sinking a Russian
submarine, killing everyone onboard. Determining that Magneto deserved
a fair trial rather than assassination, the Avengers tracked down and
attempted to arrest Magneto, who resisted, claiming he had no quarrel
with the Avengers. Dr. Druid managed to place Magneto in a hypnotic
trance and force him to relax but before Black Knight could place
restraints on Magneto, the X-Men intervened, announcing that if they
had a problem with Magneto, they had a problem with the X-Men. Before
any actions could be taken, Wolverine sensed the impending arrival of
others and Dr. Druid confirmed five approaching minds from the north:
the Soviet Super-Soldiers. The Soviet Super-Soldiers immediately
demanded the Avengers turn Magneto over to them but Captain Marvel
refused, reminding all present that he was in the Avengers' protective
custody. When the X-Men disagreed on how to handle the Super-Soldiers,
the Soviet Super-Soldiers misunderstood and moved to retaliate for
their aggression.
(X-Men vs. the
Avengers#2) - A fierce battle broke out between the X-Men, Avengers and
Soviet Super-Soldiers, with Dr. Druid and the X-Men's Storm facing off
against the Super-Soldiers' Ursa Major. Affected by Dr. Druid's
hypnotic illusions, Ursa Major tackled what he thought to be Dr. Druid,
only to find himself passing through the illusion, and Dr. Druid
followed up by revealing the ruse and wrapping Ursa Major in vines
manipulated via Druid's levitation powers. He then hypnotized Darkstar
into using her Darkforce powers to entrap her own teammates Ursa Major
and Vanguard then took over her mind, assuring her that no one would be
harmed. Druid then had Darkstar round up and contain the rest of the
Soviet Super-Soldiers despite her teammates pleading with the entranced
Darkstar to free them. Explaining to the other Avengers that Darkstar's
trance would last another hour, Druid assured them that they needn't
linger there in favor of finding Magneto, whom the X-Men had absconded
with. Druid was subsequently present when the Avengers learned that
Magneto had split from the X-Men to search for the remnants of Asteroid
M. Tracking Magneto, Dr. Druid and the Avengers confronted him after he
had gathered what belongings he wanted and was preparing to destroy
Asteroid M's remains. Magneto responded by trying to ward off the
Avengers for their own safety, knowing that the explosive charges he
had set to destroy Asteroid M were about to blow, but the Avengers were
soon met by the arriving X-Men and the two groups fought until Magneto
revealed the explosive charges. Captain Marvel tried in vain to find
the charges, however, and the Asteroid exploded, prompting Magneto to
protect everyone present with a magnetic shield. While the Avengers
took care of their own, Magneto escaped with the X-Men and Black Knight
wondered where Dr. Druid had gone, unaware that Dr. Druid had secretly
snuck into the X-Men's jet by hypnotically disguising his presence.
(X-Men vs. the
Avengers#3) - As Darkstar was snapped out of Dr. Druid-created
entrancement by Titanium Man, Dr. Druid remained within the X-Men's
jet, sensing that Magneto was now hiding something from the X-Men.
Knowing he would be discovered soon enough, Druid attempted to reach
out with his telepathy and contact the Avengers but the act of doing so
revealed him to the X-Men. Refusing to talk, Druid was kissed on the
forehead by Rogue, who learned that Druid had been unsuccessful in
revealing the X-Men's location to the other Avengers as Druid himself
passed out from the strain of Rogue absorbing his essence. Once the
X-Men had landed in Singapore and dropped off the unconscious Dr.
Druid, a subsequently recovering Druid used a short wave radio to
contact the Avengers and inform them of his location, explaining to the
arriving Captain Marvel how the local police had been most helpful but
the X-Men and Magneto were long gone by the time he had regained
consciousness. The other Avengers arrived soon after and they all split
up to search Singapore for signs of the X-Men, with Dr. Druid taking a
rickshaw and hoping his contacts in Asia might uncover a clue to the
X-Men's whereabouts, and that he would be the one who found the heroic
mutant group. When a ship sent out a distress call due to a battle
between the X-Men and the Soviet Super-Soldiers, Dr. Druid piloted the
Avengers Quinjet as the Avengers responded to the call, using his
hypnotic powers to ease the sailors' fears.
(X-Men vs. the
Avengers#4) - Dr. Druid accompanied the Avengers as they stormed into
an office where Mr. Ronalds, the head of the national unit seeking
Magneto, and demanded information on the whereabouts of the X-Men and
Soviet Super-Soldiers following their teaming with the Avengers during
the earlier ship rescue. After Magneto was spotted and Mr. Ronalds had
the Avengers leave, feeling as if they had their chance to capture
Magneto, Dr. Druid and the other Avengers left the room and discussed
whether they should have ever gotten involved. When Ronalds returned
and announced the X-Men's escape from government capture, the Avengers
angered Ronalds but refusing to recapture the X-Men. The Avengers did,
however, go out on their own to confront the X-Men but the argument was
interrupted when Magneto telepathically froze the Avengers where they
stood using circuitry in his helmet, wishing to speak with the X-Men
and Captain America only. After Captain America talked Magneto into
destroying the telepathic circuitry in his helmet and turning himself
in for trial, Dr. Druid and the other Avengers watched from Hydrobase
as Magneto went on trial.
(Marvels: Eye of the Camera#5) - Dr. Druid and the Avengers later
traveled to Paris in person, escorting the X-Men to Magneto's trial,
where a special tribunal was being held.
(X-Men vs. the Avengers#4) - Druid and the others stayed in the court
to hear Magneto's verdict, in which Magneto was allowed to go
(New Mutants I Annual#3 - BTS) - The holographic form of Dr. Druid and
the other Avengers was used in a Danger Room training session created
by the New Mutants' Cypher to test his fellow New Mutants. When the New
Mutants objected to fighting the Avengers, Cypher altered the
programming to make the holographic Avengers appear as teenage
counterparts of the adult Avengers. During the fight, Warlock managed
to knock out the holographic, teenage Dr. Druid.
Mangaverse I#6 - BTS) - An unknowing Dr. Druid (as well as
Earth-148611's Nightmask and future incarnations of Earth-616's Daimon
Hellstrom and Dr. Strange) was glimpsed by Earth-2301's Dr. Strange
when Strange encountered his reality's Eternity.
(JLA/Avengers#3 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid was briefly plucked from time
during a forced merger of Earth-616 and the reality of a distant cosmos
by the distant cosmos' alien scientist Krona.
(JLA/Avengers#3) - His memories altered by the reality merger, Dr.
Druid attended a party gathering the Avengers and the distant cosmos'
Justice League. During the party, Captain America and Superman, who
were equally time-displaced and retaining portions of their true
memories, came to blows over the way the world should be and when they
hit one another, it fractured the fragile merger of the two realities.
(Avengers/JLA#4) - As time and reality began breaking apart, the
surviving Avengers and Justice League members from a distant cosmos
stormed Krona's base and during the battle, as time shifts altered
costumes and brought in/took away heroes from throughout time and the
two realities, Dr. Druid and sorcerers from both realities battled
several time-displaced villains from both realities that had been
co-opted into Krona's service. When Krona was defeated, both realities
were restored to normal and the time-displaced heroes (including Dr.
Druid) and villains were returned to their proper time and reality with
no memory of what had transpired.
(West Coast Avengers II Annual#2/Avengers I Annual#16 (fb)) - Dr. Druid
participated in the east coast vs. west coast Avengers baseball game
within the Houston Astrodome, hitting the ball every single time he
came to bat. When the Silver Surfer arrived to warn the Avengers that
an Elder of the Universe was planning to kill them, the west coast
Avengers found that, by the time Silver Surfer had explained the
situation, Dr. Druid and the rest of the east coast Avengers had
already been killed. Transported to Death's realm, Dr. Druid and the
east coast Avengers appeared before the Elder of the Universe
Grandmaster, who expressed regret at their appearance there. Dr. Druid
quickly sensed dark energies present that made him uneasy and Captain
America asked the Grandmaster to explain his regret. Revealing that
both himself and the east coast Avengers were dead, the Grandmaster
explained that his fellow Elder, the Collector, had bargained with
Death to provide the west coast Avengers in exchange for immortality.
The west coast branch soon arrived, having been killed by the
Collector, who informed them that the Grandmaster planned to deliver
Dr. Druid and the others to Death, and mistakenly thought they would
have to fight the east coast branch to save them from Death. As the two
misinformed Avengers squads squared off, Dr. Druid battled Tigra,
dodging her attacks then briefly surprising her with illusions of
demonic creatures. Quickly realizing the illusions were not real due to
her enhanced sense of smell, Tigra stood still and Dr. Druid, still
trying to make Tigra believe the illusions, claimed he could not
control the creatures, which dissipated as Druid dropped the illusion
upon realizing Tigra knew they were fake. Tigra then prepared to attack
once more and Dr. Druid, realizing he could not mentally affected her
cat-like acute senses, ran for his life. Cornered, Dr. Druid resorted
to illusions again, threatening to topple a rock tower on top of Tigra,
who again saw through the illusion due to smell. Taking advantage of
Tigra's bravado, Dr. Druid threatened again to topple a rock tower but
this time, Tigra assumed the rock tower would again be a fake, only to
have her tail pinned by a real rock toppled by Dr. Druid's telekinesis.
With Tigra sufficiently distracted by the pain in her tail, Dr. Druid
finally managed to take control of Tigra's mind, stopping her attack.
Druid then returned to the Grandmaster, where he released Tigra from
her trance as the other Avengers returned with their defeated
opponents. Having succeeded in summoning Death due to the Avengers
defeating their teammates, Grandmaster then revealed his plan all
along, to succeed in involving Death, and announced that he had won the
(Avengers I Annual#16) - Realizing the Avengers had been duped by the
Grandmaster, Dr. Druid and both branches of the Avengers attacked
Grandmaster, who easily swatted them aside and revealed that he had
also gained Death's powers by trapping her. The Avengers then witnessed
Grandmaster reveal that he had started a new game in which he had
created five life-bombs that would detonate, causing a chain reaction
that would create a new big bang to start a new game of life. Admitting
that he knew the Avengers would challenge him to a game of sporting
chance, the Grandmaster summoned his Legion of Unliving, composed
of simulacra of beings then thought to be deceased, and revealed that
while the Avengers would attempt to destroy his life-bombs, the Legion
of Unliving would attempt to destroy the Avengers. Grandmaster then
transported Dr. Druid, both branches of the Avengers and the Legion of
Unliving away to compete in his game.
(Avengers I Annual#16/5) - Arriving in an ancient alien civilization
alongside Iron Man, Mockingbird and the Black Knight, Dr. Druid was
fascinated by the ancient civilization but the squad immediately set
out to find the Grandmaster's life-bomb there. Splitting from the group
to find the bomb, Dr. Druid thought to himself how he wished he had
more time to study the ruins but quickly noticed a swirling patch of
mist in front of him that revealed itself as the simulacra of Dracula.
Unsure if his will would be stronger than the legendary lord of
vampires, Druid quickly realized a physical attack would not work
against an intangible foe and was forced into a mental battle against
the vampire lord. Unfortunately losing, Dracula commended Druid on
resisting him far longer than he had thought possible before slapping
the entranced Dr. Druid to the ground.
(Avengers I Annual#16/7) - After Hawkeye tricked the Grandmaster into
restoring the Avengers with a rigged game of chance, a somewhat smiling
Death restored Dr. Druid and both branches of the Avengers back to life
and transported them back to the Houston Astrodome where they had been
playing their baseball game.
(Hawkeye IV#6 (fb)) - Known for his knowledge of A/V hookups, Dr. Druid
questioned "whither the HDMI?" to Hawkeye, who respected Druid's
knowledge on the subject.
(Avengers I#285) - A
week following the Avengers' return from Olympus, Dr. Druid joined
Captain Marvel and Namor in discussing the Fixer, one of the Masters of
Evil who helped overrun Avengers Mansion a few weeks earlier. During
the meeting, Druid asked if there was a point to the update on Fixer
and Captain Marvel reminded him that the Avengers should each have a
working familiarity with the Avengers' foes and their current statuses.
She-Hulk and Black Knight soon arrived and revealed to Druid and the
others that Captain America seemed to have gone missing, prompting
Captain Marvel to have them check Captain America's hotline and with
the Falcon to see if any new word on Captain America's status could be
(Avengers I#286) - From the communications center of Hydrobase, Dr.
Druid projected his astral form into the minds of his fellow Avengers
to mentally eavesdrop on their inner-most thoughts. In his astral form,
Druid observed Namor and Marrina arguing with Namor's lawyer about past
property damage Namor had caused during his attacks on the surface
world before switching observation to the Black Knight, who was
checking on equipment salvaged from the destroyed Avengers Mansion
while pining for the Wasp. A short time later, Dr. Druid received an
urgent call in the communications room from a party in Ohio and decided
to mobilize the Avengers despite team leader Captain Marvel not being
present. Once onboard the Quinjet, Druid refused to tell the other
Avengers the nature of the emergency until Captain Marvel flew into the
Quinjet. Explaining that he felt Captain Marvel would want the team
mobilized as quickly as possible, Dr. Druid began to explain the
emergency as Captain Marvel grew suspicious of Druid's intentions.
Captain Marvel and Namor flew ahead to investigate, downing a man
possessed by and dressed as the criminal Fixer, and when Druid and
the others landed the Quinjet, they found Namor defeated by the Awesome
Android. Drawing the Awesome Android's attention, Dr. Druid ordered the
Black Knight to rescue Captain Marvel, whom the Awesome Android was
clutching. The Awesome Android responded by blowing forceful winds from
its mouth that blew Druid and the other Avengers around before turning
away from the heroes. When the Awesome Android turned back to attack,
Dr. Druid telepathically informed She-Hulk of a specific nerve ganglia
under the Awesome Android's right armpit, which She-Hulk hit, downing
the Android. Dr. Druid then helped up Captain Marvel, claiming it
wouldn't be good for team morale to see her off her feet, and Captain
Marvel thanked him despite knowing that Druid knew she was more than
capable of helping herself up. When She-Hulk kissed Druid on the
forehead to thank him for assisting against the Awesome Android, Dr.
Druid berated She-Hulk for the emotional display, exclaiming that the
team should be acting like warriors not a lonely hearts club.
(Avengers I#287) - As state police arrived, Dr. Druid tended to the man
whose body the Fixer had briefly possessed and informed the police that
the man's pulse was steady and that he would be fine. Druid then asked
the officer to excuse him as he spoke privately with Avengers leader
Captain Marvel, whom Druid showed an overprotective concern for. Still
suspicious of Druid's intentions, Captain Marvel assured Druid she
would be fine and attempted to prove it by transforming into energy
despite Druid's suggestion that she was still too weak for such an act.
Volunteering to check on the downed Awesome Android himself, Druid and
the other Avengers were soon reunited with Namor and his wife Marrina,
who revealed that the true Fixer had escaped. As the group discussed
the Fixer, Dr. Druid received a mental image of the criminal Mentallo
claiming he was being tortured by the Fixer, which he projected for the
Avengers to see. Following the projection, Druid asked if She-Hulk
still considered Fixer a lightweight before Captain Marvel ordered the
Avengers onto their Quinjet. Tracing Mentallo's mental signal, Dr.
Druid led the Avengers to a warehouse, where guns soon fired on the
Avengers, causing their Quinjet to crash between two buildings. Namor
immediately erupted from the Quinjet to fight back and when Dr. Druid
and the other Avengers caught up, they were blown away by a wind
machine towards a spinning turbine. Briefly separated from Captain
Marvel and Namor, Dr. Druid, Black Knight and She-Hulk regrouped and
Captain Marvel ordered Dr. Druid to take the team directly to Mentallo.
After doing as ordered and leading the Avengers to Mentallo, Dr. Druid
helped the tortured Mentallo down from his restraints and warned Black
Knight to be easy with Mentallo, as the mental strain on him had been
enormous. Druid then watched as Mentallo informed the Avengers that the
Fixer's mind appeared huge and alien (Mentallo was unaware the Fixer
was actually the android Super-Adaptoid) before passing out. Hours
later, after the Avengers returned to Hydrobase to examine the Awesome
Android, Dr. Druid took lead in examining the Android as Captain Marvel
reluctantly stood to the side. Upon ordering the Black Knight to slowly
lower the Awesome Android, not wishing to disturb it more than
necessary, Druid noticed that one of the containment units appeared to
have been tampered with and he quickly informed the other Avengers,
prompting Black Knight to open the unit and reveal a man resembling the
Fixer. Druid got to work examining the Fixer, moments later confirming
his identity after cross-checking him through the Avengers' files.
(Avengers I#288) - Dr. Druid watched as Mr. Jacobs and a crew moved
parts of Avengers Mansion onto Hydrobase, remarking to Mr. Jacobs how
Namor, who was helping supervise, was a natural born leader. Druid then
commented how it was a pity that they were not filming such a historic
moving of one headquarters to another. Overhearing his remark, Captain
Marvel reminded Druid that her time as leader had put a lot of things
on her mind, least of which was filming the occasion, and asked Druid
to stop questioning her every decision. Druid claimed he meant no
offense as Black Knight arrived with a Texas newspaper clipping
involving the Super-Adaptoid and a group of escaped robots. The trio
discussed whether they should track down the Super-Adaptoid and when
Captain Marvel commented that the Adaptoid might be leading the
Avengers into a cold trail and wondered why the Adaptoid was only
interested in recruiting robots, Druid reminded Captain Marvel that the
Super-Adaptoid's first victim had been Mentallo, whom he had tortured
while posing as the Fixer. Agreeing with the Black Knight that tracking
down the Super-Adaptoid was of utmost importance, Druid volunteered to
continue supervising the Mansion move while Captain Marvel traveled to
Texas to check for the Adaptoid. Captain Marvel shortly returned to
find Dr. Druid and the Black Knight in Hydrobase's situation room,
where the duo had pulled up several files on the Avengers' robot
enemies. When Captain Marvel asked if they thought it was necessary to
pull files on destroyed robots, Dr. Druid suggested they not discount
any possibility before Black Knight gave a list of the most likely
robot candidates the Adaptoid might attempt to recruit. A half-hour
later, Dr. Druid joined the other Avengers at a meeting where Captain
Marvel split Dr. Druid and Black Knight into a team to investigate
TESS-One in Colorado and Namor and She-Hulk to investigate Sentinels in
Washington while Marvel herself planned to investigate the destroyed
robots. Traveling to Colorado, Dr. Druid and Black Knight were met by
military helicopters and they feigned engine trouble in order to land
safely. Once on the ground, Dr. Druid hypnotized the military personnel
and ordered them to take him and the Black Knight to TESS-One. With the
military under his sway, Druid had them load the seeming inert TESS-One
onto the Avengers Quinjet and thanked the officers for their
cooperation. As they took off, Dr. Druid explained to Black Knight how
the military mind was more susceptible to his hypnotic commands, as
they were used to taking orders. Black Knight then admitted that
Captain Marvel had not ordered them to take TESS-One back to Hydrobase
and Druid claimed Captain Marvel lacked foresight in the matter and
that she would see they made the right decision. When the Quinjet
suddenly lost control, Black Knight suggested Druid inform Captain
Marvel that they might be attacked by the Super-Adaptoid but Druid
refused, claiming that the Quinjet could have malfunctioned on its own
and they need not file a report unless they had evidence of attack.
After landing safely, Druid noticed their radar registered three blips
and the Super-Adaptoid and his Heavy Metal team attacked them,
prompting Druid to levitate himself as the Adaptoid gave chase. Quickly
realizing his levitation speed could not match the Adaptoid's jet pack,
Druid attempted to use illusions against the Adaptoid, who laughed at
the attempt as he easily saw through them. Deciding his only option was
to send a mental distress signal to Captain Marvel, Dr. Druid was
grappled by the Super-Adaptoid and went limp to concentrate on sending
his distress signal. Unfortunately, Captain Marvel left to return to
Hydrobase just as Druid's mental signal arrived and she missed the
telepathic link. Combining his physical strength with the adapted
mental powers of Mentallo, the Super-Adaptoid disabled Dr. Druid then
adapted his powers before tossing him onto the ground with Black
Knight. The Super-Adaptoid then had Machine Man dispose of the
unconscious Avengers as he activated TESS-One.
(Avengers I#289 (fb) - BTS) - Captain Marvel ultimately located Dr. Druid and Black Knight and got them to a hospital.
(Avengers I#289 - BTS) - When the Super-Adaptoid's robot group, dubbed
Heavy Metal, attacked Hydrobase using Dr. Druid and Black Knight's
Quinjet, She-Hulk rushed out to battle the robots, remarking that it
appeared it was not Druid and Black Knight in the Quinjet.
(Avengers I#290 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid and Black Knight checked out of
the hospital and began a return trip to Hydrobase in another Quinjet
borrowed from the west coast Avengers branch.
(Avengers I#290) - As they approached Hydrobase, Dr. Druid and Black
Knight witnessed the Super-Adaptoid replicating thousands of adaptoids
to replace humanity. Admitting his regret at seeing such chaos at
Hydrobase, Dr. Druid used his mental powers to create the illusion of
invisibility around them in hopes of landing safely but two of the
adaptoids were unfazed by the illusion and attacked the Quinjet, much
to Druid's surprise. When the adaptoids began adapting their powers,
Druid and Black Knight realized what they were and Druid ordered Black
Knight to use his sword without worry of harming the adaptoids.
Succeeding in destroying the Adaptoids, Black Knight barely had time to
be commended by Dr. Druid before they were both trapped in transparent
cubes by the Super-Adaptoid, who had adapted the Cosmic Cube powers of
Kubik. Sent to be with the other captive Avengers, Dr. Druid admitted
his trouble at getting his mind off the Super-Adaptoid's replication
and revealed that he had probed the Super-Adaptoid's mind, only to find
it more vast and complex than any he had ever encountered. Upon
learning of the Super-Adaptoid's Cosmic Cube abilities from Captain
Marvel, Druid asked about the Cosmic Cube and learned of its
reality-warping nature and how the Super-Adaptoid had internalized such
power. When the black-suited Captain arrived on the scene, having been
summoned by Kubik, Dr. Druid mind-probed him as well, learning that he
was actually his former teammate Captain America, and was inspired
while watching the Captain battle one of the adaptoids. Deciding to try
something different, Dr. Druid levitated his cube over to the
Super-Adaptoid and offered to help the Super-Adaptoid, claiming that
there would be no harm in listening to Druid's suggestions if the
Super-Adaptoid were indeed all-powerful. Explaining to the
Super-Adaptoid that it was possible that his mission of replication was
due to his programming, Druid asked what the Super-Adaptoid planned to
do once he had replicated humanity and when the Super-Adaptoid
proclaimed that he would rule, Druid asked what the Super-Adaptoid
would have his five billion subjects do. Suggesting that the
Super-Adaptoid lacked the imagination to properly rule, Druid bade the
Super-Adaptoid to use imagination and the Super-Adaptoid attempted to
create a being using his imagination, unaware that Druid's speech was a
distraction while the Captain defeated his adaptoid opponent. Proving
unable to inspire anything in his new creation, the Super-Adaptoid
swatted Dr. Druid aside as Kubik returned to Earth and removed the
sliver of Cosmic Cube power from the Super-Adaptoid, effectively ending
his menace.
(Thor I#390) - Thor appeared on the grounds of Hydrobase and exclaimed
"Avengers Assemble!" to rally Dr. Druid and the other Avengers to his
side, where he announced that he had returned from a sojourn in space
and was ready to rejoin the Avengers. Admitting it was good to see Thor
again, the Captain reminded everyone that Captain Marvel had placed him
in charge of cleaning up debris from the Avengers' encounter with the
Super-Adaptoid and he ordered Druid and the others to continue in their
cleanup efforts as he joined them. Minutes later, Dr. Druid informed
the Captain that the superhumanly strong Avengers had collected the
debris into one huge pile and asked what they should do with it.
Captain Marvel decided to worry about disposal later and suggested they
all take a break, prompting She-Hulk to ask Dr. Druid if he could give
her a lift to New York. Dr. Druid replied it would be his pleasure.
(Captain America: Hail Hydra#4) - The Captain recruited Dr. Druid as
well as several other Avengers and other allies to battle Hydra and
their army of zombies. During the battle, Dr. Druid was able to cast a
spell that obliterated several of the zombies.
(West Coast Avengers II#31 - BTS) - Dr. Druid joined the east coast
branch of the Avengers in sending an emergency call to the west coast
branch to inform them that the Captain was attacked by Iron Man days
earlier. After warning the west coast branch not to trust Iron Man, the
east coast branch ended their transmission.
(Strange Tales II#14/2) - During a battle between Dr. Strange and the
ancient Shuma-Gorath, Dr. Druid felt the mystic pain of Strange's
shattering mystic shield as a pain spiked through the back of his head.
(Alpha Flight I#61) - Dr. Druid and the rest of the Avengers watched
the trial of Canadian super-team Alpha Flight on charges of treason.
(Damage Control I#1) - After the Avengers defeated a gigantic robot
built by the Tinkerer with Spider-Man's assistance, Dr. Druid flew up
and announced that his mental powers had uncovered the robot's secret.
From his flying vehicle, Dr. Druid informed Spider-Man and the Avengers
that the Tinkerer had built the robot for a man named Virgil Starkwell,
who planned to use the robot to rob an automobile show. After hearing
Dr. Druid's information, the Avengers opted to quickly depart to stop
Virgil Starkwell, leaving Spider-Man behind, stuck inside the robot's
(Solo Avengers I#4/2) - Dr. Druid walked into the Hydrobase
laboratories to find Black Knight surrounded by electronics. Asking
what the deuce Black Knight was doing, Druid learned that Black Knight
was running tests on his Ebony Blade and agreed analyzation was a good
idea. Confessing his own intrigue concerning the Ebony Blade as the
only remaining Camelot artifact, Dr. Druid watched as Black Knight
displayed the weight of the Ebony Blade by allowing it to cut through a
granite block with its sheer weight. Fascinated, Dr. Druid was told of
the Ebony Blade's curse, which would slowly start controlling Black
Knight were the Blade to taste blood. In an attempt to help Black
Knight understand the curse, Dr. Druid made psychic contact with the
Ebony Blade itself, only to be possessed by the spirit of Last Knight,
one of the original Black Knight's
descendant from the alternate future of 2600 A.D. Transformed into a
duplicate of Last Knight, Druid fought Black Knight until Black Knight
defeated Last Knight, causing Druid to revert to his normal form with
his last thoughts being that of picking up a strange vibration from the
Ebony Blade. Asking what had happened, Druid was told that Black Knight
had received a glimpse of the future and that he had faced his own
(X-Factor I Annual#3) - When the High Evolutionary's Purifiers prepared
to eradicate the underground Moloids, one of the mutant Moloids sent
out a telepathic cry for help, which Dr. Druid picked up and recognized
as being of incredible power.
(Solo Avengers I#10/2) - In Manhattan, Dr. Druid was preparing to take
the subway as his assistant Charles spoke with him about doing a talk
show to push his newest book, remarking that occult books didn't sell
as well lately. Noticing ancient Celtic runes covering his delayed
subway train, Dr. Druid investigated further and realized the runes
spelled out a ritual for human sacrifice. When an old man stumbled out
of the subway train, not five steps away, Druid attempted to save him,
only to watch the man be killed by a woman who warned Druid, as a man
of power, to not pit his powers against hers or her disciples. Changing
into his costume, Dr. Druid asked Charles to cancel his talk show
appearance and when Charles reminded Druid that the appearance could
mean his life, Druid reminded Charles that mastering the unknown was
his life. Going into the subway tunnels, Dr. Druid generated a glowing
orb for light and found the tunnels filled with ugly creatures, one of
which pounced on him. Knowing there were too many to fight off, Dr.
Druid enlarged his orb and hurled it towards the creatures, the light
driving them back as he learned the woman he had seen earlier's name:
Stonecutter. Finding
that the
creatures had turned the subway tunnels into an ancient Celtic maze in
which a passing train triggers a mystic portal to a realm of sacrifice,
Dr. Druid levitated rocks to activate the spell and entered the realm
himself, disrupting one of Stonecutter's sacrifices with an earth
tremor. Stonecutter quickly ordered Druid's death and he fought off a
small swarm of Stonecutter's disciples, hypnotizing some of them into
fighting others. When Druid's earlier earth tremor caused a subway
train to fall through the ceiling, destroying Stonecutter's sacrificial
ruins, many of Stonecutter's disciples died and Stonecutter herself
aged into a crone. As the aged Stonecutter escaped, Dr. Druid rescued
the intended sacrifice from the falling train cars, providing what
medical attention he could. When the old man asked why Druid let
Stonecutter get away when he was merely an old man, Druid explained how
he used to be a doctor and could not permit a fellow traveler to die
before his time.
(Avengers I#293 (fb) - BTS) - Kang Nebula of Earth-6311 began secretly
seducing Dr. Druid in his dreams, driving his desire to lead the
Avengers as part of a continuing plan.

(Avengers I#291/Saga of the Sub-Mariner I#12 (fb)) - Dr. Druid dreamed of a beautiful woman (unaware it
was actually Kang Nebula) serving him and, despite knowing that the
dream warned of an impending life or death struggle that he must face
alone, he desperately wished to return to the dream on a nightly basis.
Startled awake by the dream, Dr. Druid felt as if the heart had been
cut of him and was still shaking, trying to calm himself, when he
noticed She-Hulk outside the window, who greeted and informed Druid
that he looked a little pale that morning. After She-Hulk suggested
Druid come down and help with some of the debris gathered during the
Avengers' cleanup of Hydrobase, Dr. Druid instead went down to the
beach, where he thought to himself how his teammates' senses did not
detect the foreboding menace in the air as he had but he soon began to
think how he had no evidence of any impending doom. Deciding to
meditate on the matter, Druid again saw the beautiful woman from his
dreams, bidding him to come into her arms. Druid later joined the other
Avengers at a New York City Hall gala in an effort to improve their
relations with New York City, where Druid spoke with a man who thought
the world might be better off without superheroes until he noticed a
woman resembling the beautiful woman from his dreams. Rushing his way
over to her, Druid soon learned that the woman's face did not match the
one from his dreams at all and the surprised woman asked if there was
anything she could do for Druid but Druid was quickly drawn away when
Avengers provisional member Marrina went on a rampage. Druid and the
other Avengers rushed to aid Namor against Marrina as one of the
partygoers remarked that trouble might not have happened if Donald
Trump had thrown the party. After Captain Marvel proved unable to
locate neither Namor nor Marrina, Dr. Druid suggested they return to
Hydrobase to plan their next move, a suggestion seconded by Marvel
herself. Two weeks later, Captain Marvel spoke with Dr. Druid,
admitting her concerns that Namor and Marrina were still missing as
ocean attacks had increased, and Dr. Druid suggested increasing the
Avengers' patrols in the Atlantic Ocean as the news reported a
seemingly Biblical Leviathan in the oceans. Unsure of how to handle the
Leviathan situation with everything else going on, Captain Marvel was
told by Druid that it couldn't hurt to check out the Leviathan
situation to be better safe than sorry. As Captain Marvel flew off to
investigate, Dr. Druid thought about how Captain Marvel still seemed to
be unsure of herself as leader and more than ever, he felt as if the
impending doom from his dreams was coming to pass. He continued
thinking how if recent events were the beginning of a global disaster
that not even all of Earth's heroes could forestall until Captain
Marvel returned and announced that she had found the Leviathan. Druid
then watched as Captain Marvel summoned the other Avengers and
subsequently accompanied the group to an underlying island near the
Bahamas, where the Leviathan was indeed rampaging.
(Avengers I#292) - After the Leviathan was revealed to be a transformed
Marrina and Namor refused to allow the Avengers to harm his beloved,
many of the flying Avengers returned to Dr. Druid in the Quinjet, who
suggested they return to Hydrobase to plan their next course of action.
Captain Marvel commended Druid on his suggestion and admitted that if
she ever stepped down as Avengers leader, Druid would make a ready
candidate. As the Avengers flew back towards Hydrobase, Druid thought
to himself how Captain Marvel's imagination in the use of her powers
was limited and that her leadership would be no match for the coming
danger, soon thinking that the other Avengers would need to be
convinced of Captain Marvel's lack of leadership skills. Druid then
slipped into a daydream, again seeing the beautiful woman, who served
him and tried to convince him that his dream was the true reality,
until Thor noticed Druid's Quinjet veering off-course. Awoken from his
dream by Thor, Druid's memories of the dream began to fade, and he
began to think how Marrina might have to be destroyed to save the
planet and how something would have to be done about Captain Marvel
soon. Back at Hydrobase, Druid suggested to the other Avengers that
Marrina/Leviathan would have to be killed but Captain Marvel vehemently
disagreed, remarking that Marrina was an Avenger and they should be
trying to help her rather than kill her. When most of the Avengers
sided with Captain Marvel and Thor explained how it was Captain
Marvel's call as leader, Druid questioned whether Thor also thought not
to kill Marrina but instead somehow wish the problem solved and Thor
replied by suggesting they contact Dr. Hank Pym for his biochemical
assistance. As Pym agreed to help, Druid noticed an emergency alarm
with a distress call from the S.S. Gosnold ship, which was under attack
by Leviathan. Captain Marvel went to investigate and soon returned to
Hydrobase, where Druid and the other Avengers monitored Navy radio
reports. When the reports stopped due to static interference, Captain
Marvel flew out again to investigate and Druid and the other Avengers
were soon heading out towards the Atlantic Ocean. Captain Marvel
scouted ahead and returned to order the Avengers to hurry as fast as
they could to the Leviathan damage, prompting Druid to remark that
Captain Marvel was losing her cool but She-Hulk asked Druid to ease up
on Captain Marvel. Upon arriving to see several modern warships
destroyed, Druid commented that the leaking oil and subsequent flames
were spreading, prompting Black Knight to fly out on his electronic
flying steed in an attempt to rescue survivors. After a Navy officer
berated Captain Marvel for not informing them that Namor and the
Leviathan were married, resulting in confusion as to why Namor tried to
prevent their attack on the Leviathan, Dr. Druid spoke with Captain
Marvel and mentioned that perhaps the Avengers still had time to save
their reputations. Angry that Druid would be concerned about their
reputation when men were dead and Leviathan was still a menace, Captain
Marvel suggested perhaps the Avengers' priorities needed examining and
Druid questioned what would happen when the public saw the Avengers not
being able to stop one of their own. She-Hulk came to Captain Marvel's
defense, informing Druid that the Avengers would do what had to be done
when it had to be done, and Druid grimly stared as She-Hulk, thinking
how he would also do what was necessary and that the Avengers had to be
convinced that Marrina/Leviathan would have to be killed, no matter her
(Avengers I#293 (fb)) - Feeling that he alone had the will to do what
was necessary to stop Marrina/Leviathan, Dr. Druid telepathically
reached out, using controlled clairvoyance to locate Leviathan and
generating an illusion of a tempted ship near the creature, prompting
it to attack Atlantis below.
(Avengers I#293/Saga of the Sub-Mariner I#12 (fb)) - Dr. Druid telepathically reached out to Namor
following Leviathan's attack on Atlantis, clouding his mind with
thoughts that Marrina must be killed and that only the Avengers could
succeed in doing the deed. Shortly after implanting the thought in
Namor's head, Dr. Druid collapsed from the strain. Upon recovering,
Druid thought his course of action was the right one and hoped that the
returning Namor would help convince the Avengers to kill Marrina, whom
he felt was too dangerous to live. As he ventured to regroup with the
other Avengers, Druid thought how Leviathan could be the start to the
menace that his dreams had heralded and wondered how he could convince
the Avengers of that suspicion as well. Deciding that it was best to
keep to his own counsel and to deflect the Avengers from Captain
Marvel's perceived "useless endeavors," Druid returned to the Avengers
as they were communicating with Hank Pym, who had designed darts
equipped with DNA suppressors in an attempt to return Marrina to
normal. Druid then remained with the Avengers as Namor arrived and he
accompanied the team as they flew out to Marrina/Leviathan's location.
As they neared her last location, Dr. Druid reached out with controlled
clairvoyance to find Leviathan's specific location and hours later, the
Avengers found and succeeded in reverting Marrina to normal. The
transformation was short lived, however, and she soon returned to her
Leviathan form, forcing the Avengers to renew their attack. When Namor
grabbed the Black Knight's Ebony Blade and stabbed Leviathan, inciting
the curse from the Ebony Blade that caused Black Knight to fall
unconscious, Druid and the other Avengers followed Namor in the Quinjet
underwater, where the injured Leviathan fled to guard her eggs. As the
Leviathan died, Marrina reverted to her true form and Namor left to lay
her to rest as Dr. Druid noticed Captain Marvel appeared to be missing.
(Avengers I#294) - Suffering from the curse of the Ebony Blade, Black
Knight had a convulsive fit and Dr. Druid ordered the other Avengers to
grab him as Druid lost control of the Avengers Quinjet. As the Avengers
fought to restrain Black Knight, Dr. Druid announced that he sensed the
presence of evil magic and Black Knight weakly said that Druid's
knowledge of the occult served him well. The Avengers then began their
search for Captain Marvel, whom Druid was secretly unconcerned about,
feeling that if she was dead, it was good riddance since he felt she
was too soft to lead the Avengers and her departure could not have been
more timely in his favor. When he announced that he had laid in a
course, She-Hulk exclaimed to Dr. Druid that they would not leave
Captain Marvel behind, but Druid explained that his course was laid for
a search pattern, suggesting She-Hulk not let her emotions runaway with
her. Claiming he had set the search patterns to track any energy
signature, Druid assured She-Hulk that he wished to find Captain Marvel
as much as the others. After hours of searching, Druid informed the
Avengers that the Quinjet was running low on fuel and She-Hulk resigned
herself that the Avengers had done all they could, suggesting they
return to Hydrobase. Once back at Hydrobase, Druid announced that he
had to retire to replenish his strength and he soon felt he heard a
voice calling to him before allowing himself to rest. While dozing,
Druid again saw the beautiful woman from his dreams though this time,
Kang Nebula appeared in her Kang costume, having not completed the
dreamweaving properly. Noticing something different, Dr. Druid was
nonetheless convinced it was the same woman he had been dreaming about
and he was soon lost in a dream, in which he was a flying hero battling
an evil Destructikon. After defeating the Destructikon, Druid returned
to the woman and Kang Nebula succeeded in manipulating Dr. Druid into
thinking his dreams were a glimpse into the realm of precognition and
that he was being granted foreknowledge no one else could see.
Manipulated into taking over as leader of the Avengers, Dr. Druid
returned to the Avengers to discuss their lack of members and Black
Knight's encroaching curse.
(Black Knight I#1 (fb)) - Dr. Druid watched with the other Avengers as
Black Knight required an exoskeletal armor just to move, thanks to the
Ebony Blade's curse.
(Avengers I#294/Avengers Infinity#1 (fb)) - When Black Knight sensed an intruder in
Hydrobase, Dr. Druid followed alongside the other Avengers despite his
supernatural senses not sensing anything as a severely weakened Captain
Marvel returned in a blinding flash of light, withered to almost
(Avengers I#294) - Thor quickly got Captain Marvel to a hospital and Dr. Druid
and the other Avengers followed after gathering Captain Marvel's
parents. After Captain Marvel's parents reunited with their daughter,
Dr. Druid suggested the Avengers nominate a new chairman with their
membership thus depleted and he asked the Rambeaus to wait outside,
much to She-Hulk's annoyance at his disrespect. Druid then quickly
nominated himself as chairman and while the other Avengers were unsure,
they decided to let the weakened Captain Marvel cast the deciding vote.
Driven on by Kang Nebula, Dr. Druid used his mental powers to force
Captain Marvel to nominate him and attempted to influence Thor as well
but Thor fought off the mental tampering and nominated himself instead.
Thor agreed to go with the majority, however, and Druid then used his
powers to force She-Hulk to nominate him as well before doing the same
to Black Knight, who also suggested Dr. Druid under influence. Despite
Thor suspected Druid's involvement, Dr. Druid was given the position of
Avengers chairman and Druid welcomed the Rambeaus back into the room
and announced that he would do all in his power to make sure the
Rambeaus and Captain Marvel could return home to Atlanta as soon as
possible. Later, as Captain Marvel and her family returned home, Dr.
Druid informed the Avengers that the cosmos reverberated with the
approach of unseen foes, still unaware that he himself was being
manipulated by Kang Nebula. He also explained that, as the Avengers'
new leader, the future was going to be much different than anyone
(Captain America I#343 - BTS) - Falcon phoned Hydrobase and spoke with
Dr. Druid, whom he asked to get in touch with Washington, D.C., as he
had reason to believe the water had been poisoned there.
(Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.#2) - Henry Peter Gyrich visited Dr. Druid
and the Avengers alongside S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Jack Rollins (secretly an
LMD loyal to the Deltite) and informed the group that Nick Fury had
become a fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D. and that the team should contact
S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately if Fury tried to contact any one of them. As
Rollins continued, he warned that if any of the Avengers did not report
such an incident to S.H.I.E.L.D, they would be charged with aiding and
abetting an enemy of the United States. Druid then watched as Thor
demanded to know what crimes Fury had committed but Rollins explained
that it was a national security concern that the Avengers weren't
privy and closed the meeting, warning that the Avengers would be
watched before announcing his plans to visit the Avengers' west coast
(Web of Spider-Man I#42) - Dr. Druid did a guest lecture at a college,
where he spoke about mysticism, and afterwards, Druid was approached by
Spider-Man, who admitted that since Dr. Strange wasn't available, he
needed Druid's help. Revealing that he was concerned about the
supposedly mystical Teacher and his Students of Love
cult, Spider-Man suggested the Teacher was faking his mysticism and Dr.
Druid confirmed that there was several ways in which the Teacher could
fake his "miracles" without alerting skeptics, remarking that
Spider-Man was far from a skeptic. Offering to meet the Teacher in
order to ascertain immediately whether he was a con artist or a true
mystic, Druid was told by Spider-Man that Spider-Man would take care of
it himself, as the wall-crawler felt it was his problem to deal with.
Spider-Man then thanked Dr. Druid for his assistance.
(X-Factor I#32) - Dr. Druid participated in a public event with the
other Avengers and Tony Stark as the mayor of New York City commended
the Avengers on donating the original site of the recently destroyed
Avengers Mansion to the city. As the press swarmed the Avengers,
seeking photos and statements, one of the press officers asked Dr.
Druid if ever smiled. Unaware of the alien Xartans in the crowd, the
Avengers each shook hands with one of the Xartans, allowing the aliens
to obtain the Avengers' genetic templates and transform themselves into
duplicates of Druid and the other Avengers.
(Avengers I#295/Avengers Spotlight I#37 (fb)) - Dr. Druid began a meeting with the depleted Avengers
roster where he suggested reactivating some of the team's reserve
members, unaware that Thor was questioning the validity of Druid being
chosen as Avengers leader. During the meeting, Dr. Druid, still under
the secret influence of Kang Nebula, became distracted and saw the
beautiful woman from his dreams (actually Kang Nebula herself), who
showed him a vision in which mechanical dinosaurs were attacking
humanity in Washington, and suggested that the Avenger Thor do
something about the mechanical plight. Thinking he was having a
clairvoyant vision, Dr. Druid took Kang Nebula's advice and ordered
Thor to Washington, D.C. to stop the mechanical dinosaurs despite the
rest of the team questioning why Druid was sending only Thor.
Announcing that his visions proved why he was fit to lead the Avengers,
Dr. Druid reminded the team that Thor would be equipped with a
micro-transmitter to contact the Avengers should he need assistance. As
Thor reluctantly flew off, admitting to himself how he was trusting Dr.
Druid's psychic powers less and less, Dr. Druid was summoned to Kang
Nebula in astral form and told that Thor presented the greatest threat
to Dr. Druid's leadership, as he had not voted for Druid to lead and
would not accept a mortal as leader. When Thor summoned the Avengers
for assistance, Dr. Druid, completely under Kang Nebula's thrall, used
his mental powers to affect She-Hulk's mind and make her dislike Thor
enough to leave him without help. She-Hulk soon shrugged off Druid's
mental tampering but Dr. Druid telepathically forced her to sit down
and discuss the matter despite She-Hulk's attempts to continue fighting
his influence. Demanding to know why Dr. Druid was forcing her to stay
and using his powers to place a mental block on She-Hulk using her full
strength, She-Hulk was informed by Druid that he had been granted a
special channeling ability that allowed him to see the future and that
the universe was at stake. Thinking Dr. Druid had completely lost all
reason, Black Knight tried to sneak past Druid and leave to assist Thor
but Druid noticed the Knight and announced that no one would leave
Hydrobase without consulting him as Avengers chairman. She-Hulk managed
to kick Druid down, costing Druid his concentration and allowing Black
Knight to escape to help Thor. Upon seeing Druid's failure to stop
Black Knight, Kang Nebula physically appeared in person and berated
Druid, asking she could control the Avengers if Druid wasn't up to the
task. Realizing she nearly blew her cover in anger, Kang Nebula quickly
fell back into character to ensure her manipulations of Dr. Druid, who
saw Kang Nebula as his spirit guide, would continue despite She-Hulk
pleading with Dr. Druid to see Kang Nebula for what she was. Kang
Nebula then kissed Dr. Druid, reminding him that she had promised to
come to him in person and with Dr. Druid still under her control, Kang
Nebula ordered Druid to go after Black Knight and Thor, quickly
teleporting the mystic away. After Black Knight managed to inform Thor
of Dr. Druid's evildoings, Dr. Druid returned to Hydrobase and realized
Thor would soon be on his way back to Hydrobase. Using psychic visions
of the events with Thor and Black Knight, Dr. Druid then managed to
affect She-Hulk's mind, turning her against Thor.
(Avengers I#296/Fantastic Four I#341 (fb)) - Further informed of how Dr. Druid had trapped
She-Hulk, Thor accompanied Black Knight back to Hydrobase as the
mind-controlled Dr. Druid and She-Hulk, as well as Kang Nebula, watched
the two Avengers return on CNN. Asking She-Hulk if she could handle
Thor, Dr. Druid claimed that Black Knight had misinformed Thor and
would need to have his thinking corrected. Feigning defeat by the
She-Hulk, Dr. Druid laid on the ground as Black Knight and Thor
arrived, sufficiently fooled into thinking She-Hulk had downed Druid.
When Black Knight remarked that it was a pity Druid was down, as he had
a few choice words to say, Dr. Druid sprung up and announced that there
was no time like the present, striking a blow to Black Knight's neck.
When Black Knight attempted to strike one blow being hitting the
ground, Dr. Druid announced that the mental power would need to be
increased and he downed Black Knight before ordering She-Hulk to quit
wasting time and take out Thor. After she did as ordered, Druid
explained that one mind-controlling Mindbender device would not be
enough to break Thor's spirit but three should suffice and when Thor
awoke, he would be a true Avenger at last: completely obedient. Once
Druid had all of the Avengers under his thrall, Kang Nebula informed
them all about the Council of Kangs and their Time-Bubble
weapon that she hoped to acquire. All serving Kang Nebula, Druid and
the other Avengers prepared to travel through time to acquire the
Time-Bubble for Kang Nebula with Dr. Druid showing off his levitation
powers by telekinetically bringing the Locus Generator device from Thor
to the Quinjet that Black Knight was retrofitting for time travel.
Druid then gloated at how the measure of a man was his mind and how his
had been trained to perfection, unaware Thor sought to strike against
Druid, thinking he was being shamed in front of Kang Nebula. Once the
Quinjet had been completed, Druid piloted the Quinjet as the Avengers
and Kang Nebula departed into the timestream, where they soon located
the Time-Bubble.
(Avengers I#297/Fantastic Four I#337 (fb)/Avengers Spotlight I#37 (fb)) - Dr. Druid and the other
mentally enslaved Avengers ventured near the Time-Bubble, where Druid
noted several thousand Quinjet counterparts, all venturing at the same
time. When the time flux caused the Avengers to be unable to touch down
on any substantial land, Kang Nebula thought perhaps the number of
Avengers was incorrect with how time should play out events and
immediately ordered Dr. Druid to nominate her for Avengers membership.
Commending Kang Nebula on her suggestion, Dr. Druid was also ordered to
mentally scan each Avengers' potential futures as she ordered them to
agree to her nomination so that she could learn who would survive the
encounter with the Time-Bubble. As each Avenger did as ordered and
nominated Kang Nebula, Dr. Druid confirmed that Thor existed in the
future, She-Hulk possibly did (he was only able to tell of a woman, not
specifically She-Hulk) and that Black Knight had no future history. Dr.
Druid then watched as Kang Nebula considered Black Knight dead weight
and ordered Black Knight to jump overboard. When Black Knight's Ebony
Blade curse limited his movement, Kang Nebula ordered She-Hulk to
jettison Black Knight and Dr. Druid opened the Quinjet hatch to allow
She-Hulk to throw Black Knight out of the ship. Unaware of several of
the Council of Kangs' interference, Dr. Druid soon witnessed Thor
overcome the Mindbender device and attack Kang Nebula. She-Hulk soon
joined in the attack after one of the Kangs disabled her Mindbender,
followed by Black Knight's, forcing Dr. Druid to intervene against
Thor. Unfortunately for Druid, She-Hulk downed Druid almost immediately
with one blow and when he began to come to, the still-entranced Dr.
Druid witnessed Kang Nebula falling into an aperture in time. Dr. Druid
leapt in after his "beloved" and the two disappeared almost
immediately. When the other Avengers subsequently returned to
Hydrobase, the similarly mind-controlled Edwin Jarvis asked where Dr.
Druid was and he was informed that Druid would not be returning as Thor
removed a Mindbender device from Jarvis.
(Fantastic Four I#341 (fb)) - Trapped on the perimeter of the
Time-Bubble, Dr. Druid and Kang Nebula were transformed into temporal
phantoms floating harmlessly through the timestream.
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#2 - BTS) - While trapped in the
body of rat, Dr. Stephen Strange thought about others that he could
reach out to for help, including Dr. Druid among others.
(Avengers West Coast I Annual#4/2 - BTS) - She-Hulk and Janet Van Dyne
played a bachelorette party game together, which they called "Rate the
Hunks," in which they displayed archival footage of various male
Avengers and gave them a numerical rating. When footage of Dr. Druid
came up, Janet remarked that Dr. Druid was the worst Avenger ever and
that there wasn't one thing about him that she liked except that he
used his cloak to cover up his pot belly. After Janet rated Dr. Druid a
"1," She-Hulk followed up that Druid was number one on her "hate
parade" as well, claiming that Druid's Bostonian accent was shoddy at
best and that his goatee was gross. Plugging her nose, She-Hulk
commented that she hoped Dr. Druid stayed lost in the time warp and
asked for the next footage to be displayed.
(Fantastic Four I#338) - Still floating within the timestream near the
Time-Bubble, the still-entranced Dr. Druid and Kang Nebula witnessed
the Fantastic Four (as well as Thor and Iron Man) travel past them in
the Time Sled vehicle. Kang Nebula ordered Dr. Druid to move them using
the powers of his mind but the sniveling Druid asked if that meant she
would leave him, remarking that he couldn't bear to traverse the
timestream alone without her. Claiming that once she had accomplished
what had to be done, Kang Nebula told Druid that they would escape the
timestream together and he would sit by her side in glory, convincing
the enthralled Druid to send Kang Nebula forward.
(Fantastic Four I#341 (fb) - BTS) - Thanks to Dr. Druid's mental push,
Kang Nebula was able to enthrall the mind of the Fantastic Four's Human
(Avengers Spotlight I#37 (fb) - BTS) - When the Time-Bubble was
destroyed when Galactus used the Ultimate Nullifier on himself, the
desperate Dr. Druid and Kang Nebula used Druid's powers to mentally
weave their minds into an idyllic safe haven where their minds adapted
by rendering them both amnesiac.
(Avengers Spotlight I#37) - Druid soon began to constantly suffered
waking dreams of his true memories. Dr. Druid suggested he merge minds
with the equally amnesiac Kang Nebula and once they did so, Dr. Druid
learned the truth of how Kang Nebula had manipulated him by claiming to
be his spirit guide. After realizing how he had been manipulated and he
had fallen for it completely, Dr. Druid claimed that he had earlier
leaped after Kang Nebula into the timestream on impulse because he
still loved her and soon realized that the idyllic existence they
seemingly lived in was nothing more than an illusion of the mind and
the illusion faded, revealing Druid and Kang Nebula to still be
floating in the timestream. Witnessing the actuality of the Time-Bubble
itself, the intrigued Dr. Druid opted to travel to the center of the
Time-Bubble to learn the secrets within but Kang Nebula quickly
attacked him, claiming that the Celestial weapon inside would be hers
alone. When Druid followed, warning Kang Nebula to be careful within
the center, Kang Nebula blasted him aside, having absorbed the power of
Anti-Time and warning that if he interfered with her again, he would
not even be a memory. Admitting that he had genuinely loved Kang
Nebula, Dr. Druid was soon enveloped by Kang Nebula's newfound power
from the Time-Bubble and they were both transported to Lincoln,
Nebraska circa 1961, where Kang Nebula hoped to find no superheroes to
stand in her way of conquering the planet. Despite his feelings for
her, Dr. Druid quickly realized Kang Nebula was tampering with forces
beyond her understanding and attempted to stop her, telepathically
reaching out to the Avengers, only to find none present in 1961.
Realizing he had arrived on Earth two years prior to the Kennedy
assassination, Druid accidentally terrified a young boy before Kang
Nebula, growing bored with Druid, tried to transport Dr. Druid to
another time period. His transportation was intercepted, however, by
1961's mystic Ancient One and Druid was deposited in 1961 Tibet.
Recognizing the temple of the lama that he had met decades ago, Dr.
Druid again went through the trials he had once participated to save
the lama, only to learn this second time that the lama had originally
summoned Druid to the temple to become the lama's disciple. Informing
Dr. Druid that he had been given some of the lama's power and that his
"death" that Druid had witnessed in the past had merely been the change
of one form to another, the lama revealed himself as the mystic Ancient
One and that Druid had been a temporary champion until the Ancient
One's true successor, Dr. Stephen Strange, arrived. At first somewhat
angry that he had been used for decades, Dr. Druid discovered that the
Ancient One sought forgiveness and Druid granted the Ancient One the
forgiveness he sought, laughing that it wasn't every day a person was
chosen to act as point man for Earth's sorcerer supreme. As the Ancient
One reminded Dr. Druid of Kang Nebula and apologized for mystically
bringing Druid there, Druid apologized himself, realizing he had been
selfish and egotistical of late with the Ancient One's teachings.
Returned to Lincoln, Nebraska, the newly-humbled Dr. Druid viewed Kang
Nebula's rampage from afar and decided to stop Nebula using Celtic
artifacts he hoped to find in the local museum. Using a vase designed
with an image of the Celtic three-headed god, Dr. Druid performed a
mystic ceremony within a pentagram, calling forth the power of the
three Celtic mother goddesses of war, Morrigan, Machia and Bade.
Empowered by the goddesses, Dr. Druid was able to summon forth two
alternate versions of himself, one in which he received the Ancient
One's power in his youth, and an aged future counterpart of himself.
Using the power of three Druids, Dr. Druid banished Kang Nebula into
the timestream, effectively transporting himself to the present in the
process. Finding himself appearing a few years younger, Dr. Druid flew
off, thinking perhaps he was now a better man than he once was,
thinking perhaps this time around, he might even keep his hair.
(She-Hulk III#12 (fb) - BTS) -
Dr. Druid was approached alongside supervillains Shocker and Vibro by
the enigmatic Nighteater to assist with a spell to transform Nighteater
into a renowned hero.
(She-Hulk III#12 (fb)) - Reluctantly agreeing to work for Nighteater,
Dr. Druid traveled to North Dakota and cast a spell that worked with
the fabric of reality itself, a spell powered by the vibrational
abilities of supervillains Shocker and Vibro. When Shocker whined and
asked how long they had to hold their constant vibrational projection,
Dr. Druid reminded them how delicate the spell he was casting was and
how dependent on Shocker and Vibro's vibrational powers he was to keep
the spell working. Ordering the two villains to keep firing at full
power or risk instantly perishing, Dr. Druid announced to Nighteater
that they had done as they were hired to and informed Nighteater that
the spell only needed mental energy for further fuel. Nighteater
assured Druid that he would have his fuel but warned that if Druid
allowed the spell to fail, he would slash his soul to ribbons. Druid
only responded by asking Nighteater to hurry, as new energies in the
North Dakota town threatened to make the situation more dire.
Announcing that heroes had arrived to stop the spell, Druid kept the
spell going while Nighteater attempted to deal with the heroes. With
Druid's spell in place, Nighteater locally altered reality to transform
himself into the heroic Nightwatch. When the warp was over, the heroes
immediately recognized Nightwatch as a hero and asked where the
villains were, prompting Nightwatch to point out Shocker, Vibro and Dr.
Druid. Unsure of what was going on due to the reality warp, Shocker
told the equally addled Dr. Druid and Vibro that they were in trouble
with Nightwatch there. Nightwatch quickly enveloped Dr. Druid, Shocker
and Vibro in his cape and suggested the other heroes help take down the
trio, much to Dr. Druid's surprise.
(Quasar I#23) - When Maelstrom used his control over kinetic energy to
halt the Earth's rotation, Dr. Druid was one of the many beings who
sensed the rotation grinding to a halt.
(Quasar I#24) - After sorcerer supreme Dr. Strange summoned the Earth
mother Gaea in an effort to solve the problem of Earth's rotation, Gaea
suggested Strange combine his mystic might with other mystics and
Strange soon summoned the astral forms of Dr. Druid and many other
mystics, who combined their power with Dr. Strange's.
(Quasar I#25) - Dr. Druid's astral form, as well as the astral forms of
other sorcerers such as Talisman, Shaman, Aquarian, Roma and
Earth-712's Moonglow, continued to lend their power to Dr. Strange and
together, the cast spell prevented the halting of Earth's rotation from
ravaging the planet with natural disasters. When Maelstrom's minion
Deathurge attacked Dr. Strange, disrupting the spell, Dr. Druid and the
other sorcerers sensed something wrong. Remaining connected to the
spell as Earth-712's Moonglow sent the Squadron Supreme to assist Dr.
Strange, Dr. Druid stayed calm as Dr. Strange held the spell in place
at the risk of his own health as the fate of Earth was decided by a
battle between Maelstrom and the protector of the universe, Quasar.
(Quasar I#28 (fb)) - As Her traversed Earth seeking the perfect mate,
Dr. Druid was one of many superhuman men that she passed over due to
his magic-based powers lying outside of the electromagnetic spectrum.
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#33 (fb) - BTS) - While sent into
the past by an Infinity Gauntlet-wielding Thanos, Dr. Strange
psychically transferred a portion of his power to Dr. Druid in an
effort to anchor himself and Clea to the present day.
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#33) - As Dr. Strange and Clea
returned to the present, where their ally Pip the Troll was waiting,
Clea asked which sorcerer Strange was able to utilize to anchor them to
their proper time and Dr. Druid, who had just walked into Strange's
Sanctum Sanctorum, announced his arrival and how he was the only man
capable of acting as an anchor due to his recently-revealed status as
the "test prototype" for Dr. Strange. Explaining how he had been chosen
to harness a fraction of the Ancient One's power while the Ancient One
awaited the arrival of Dr. Strange years earlier, Dr. Druid joked that
if the revelation surprised Clea, she could imagine how the revelation
had shocked Dr. Druid's own "fragile ego." Remarking that Dr. Druid had
adjusted to the role very well, Dr. Strange thanked Dr. Druid for
answering his psychic summons and acting as the magical link-up to pull
Dr. Strange and Clea back to the present day. Druid replied that he
should be thanking Dr. Strange for providing him a chance to make up
for his past misdeeds like mesmerizing the Avengers but Pip
interrupted, asking Dr. Strange what he planned to do about Thanos. As
Druid, Clea and Pip watched, Dr. Strange admitted he had no idea then
began to meditate.
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer
Supreme I#34) - Dr. Druid joined with Clea and Dr. Strange for a
summoning spell as Pip the Troll watched. Moments after Dr. Strange's
apprentice Rintrah arrived, Dr. Druid and the other sorcerers succeeded
in summoning Scarlet Witch immediately from her near-death at the hands
of Thanos to Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum. After Scarlet Witch appeared
in the Sanctum, Strange commended Druid and Clea for their assistance
but a modest Dr. Druid admitted they had provided only an extra bit of
mystic ballast. When Scarlet Witch recalled dying at the hands of
Thanos, Dr. Druid confirmed that it was exactly what had happened as
far as Thanos knew. Strange then followed up, admitting that it had
taken awhile to reconstitute Scarlet Witch there and Dr. Druid further
explained that while his own powers were mostly ritualistic, his status
as Dr. Strange's temporary precursor allowed him to add to Dr.
Strange's powers, increasing them enough to summon Scarlet Witch. As
Dr. Druid watched, Dr. Strange explained that he had been instructed by
Adam Warlock to gather as much of Earth's defeated heroes as possible
and revealed the glass shards that were once Thor and the charred husk
of armor that was once Dr. Doom. Further revealing that Dr. Doom was
somehow still alive and that answers to how needed to be sought on
Earth, Dr. Strange informed Scarlet Witch that he and Dr. Druid would
search for answers to Doom's plight while Scarlet Witch and Clea pored
over the glass shards that were once Thor. Dr. Strange and Dr. Druid
then flew off, with Dr. Doom in tow, and along their travels, Druid
remarked on the cold, asking Strange if he truly believed the Earth was
headed for a new Ice Age. Strange replied that it would be if Thanos
wasn't stopped and Druid continued conversing, asking why Strange
decided not to include Clea on their mission since Strange had
previously forced her to sleep during his previous mission. Strange
then revealed that Strange, Druid and Doom all had something in common
that Clea did not and a surprised Druid asked what before further
asking where they were going exactly. The group then stopped in Tibet,
where Strange explained that all three doctors had found their
destinies. Somewhat surprised, Dr. Druid asked if Doom's origin story
was bound up with Druid and Strange's and after they both related how
their two origins connected, Strange brought Druid and the inert Doom
past the Ancient One's lamastery, which Strange and Druid both saw
differently as the ones they had both encountered years ago. Not
stopping, Strange explained that they were taking Doom to the scene of
his origin as opposed to their own and Druid remarked that he had no
complaints and was willing to completely trust Dr. Strange as his way
of atoning for his past misdeeds with the Avengers, which Strange said
Druid had made up for when he saved Earth from the machinations of Kang
Nebula. Admitting he had loved Kang Nebula, Druid commented that at
least in stopping Nebula, he had turned time back on himself and was
made younger, complete with restored hair, which Druid considered the
Multiverse's way of giving him a second chance that he intended to make
the best of. Druid and Strange then touched down among the group of
monks who had once served Dr. Doom, where Dr. Druid levitated Doom's
inert form for the monks as they ventured inside the monks' cave
dwelling. Somewhat sarcastically asking Dr. Strange if Dr. Doom were
not another "test run" for Strange's role as sorcerer supreme, as Druid
himself had been, Druid was assured by Strange that Doom was not and a
smirking Druid followed up by asking if Strange was sure he had not
been a "test run" for Doom, prompting only silence from Strange. Once
inside, Druid and Strange found that the monks were planning to subject
the inert Doom to the fires that forged his armor in an effort to
cancel Thanos' magical effects on Doom. Druid asked if Strange was sure
the idea would work and Strange replied that he wasn't sure but if
anything could restore Doom, the fires would. As the monks prepared
Doom for the fires, Druid heard gunshots outside and Druid and Strange
investigated outside to find Chinese soldiers had shot one of the monks
welcoming him. Strange warned the soldiers to depart and when they shot
at the two mystics, Dr. Druid thanked Strange for erecting a mystic
shield, as he was too far away to hypnotize the soldiers. Strange then
halted the soldiers with the Rings of Raggador and when Druid and
Strange returned to the cave, they found that Doom's shadow-self had
emerged from his physical body. The good opposite of the evil Dr. Doom,
Doom's shadow-self refused to allow the evil Doom to be restored and
swatted aside Dr. Druid, claiming that only sorcerer supreme Dr.
Strange posed any real threat to him. While Strange battled Dr. Doom's
shadow-self, Druid, determined to help in some way, carved Celtic runes
on the floor of the cave and summoned help from the three Celtic
goddesses Morrigan, Macha and Badb for protection. When Dr. Strange was
injured by Doom's shadow-self, Druid bid Dr. Strange to enter his
protective circle, explaining that it would take an immense expenditure
of power for Doom's shadow-self to penetrate Druid's unseen mystic
shield. Unsure whether they would survive the next attack, Dr. Druid
was surprised when the true Doom appeared and at first, wondered if
perhaps he and Strange were on the wrong side of the fight but Strange
assured Druid that their fight was with Doom's shadow-self. Agreeing to
defer to Strange as the true mystic, Dr. Druid gathered together the
power granted by the three goddesses and participated in a mystic
attack combined with Strange and Doom against Doom's shadow-self,
returning it to Doom's body where it belonged. When Strange suggested
that Dr. Doom was a mix of both good and bad, and Doom responded by
raising his hand as if to fire on the sorcerer, Druid attempted to warn
Strange but Doom quickly lowered his hand, admitting that he had lost
control of ego when battling Thanos and agreeing to act at Dr.
Strange's disposal in the coming battle against Thanos. As Dr. Strange
and Dr. Druid departed, Druid asked if Strange was sure that was the
real Dr. Doom, as he was acting weak and compliant, and Dr. Strange
replied that it was the real Dr. Doom. Druid followed up by questioning
whether Dr. Doom would revert to his old ways during a potential
rematch with Thanos and Strange admitted that one couldn't be certain,
only hope for the best.
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#35) - Dr. Druid joined Dr. Strange
to a location between dimensions, where Strange was able to summon the
Hulk, who had been shrunk down in size by the Infinity
Gauntlet-wielding Thanos. When Dr. Druid mentioned that the situation
with Thanos was now even worse, Dr. Strange reintroduced the
then-intelligent Hulk to then-younger Dr. Druid before explaining that
Strange was tasked with rescuing the heroes to await a later retrieval.
Departing the Hulk to continue his mission, Dr. Strange said goodbye
and Dr. Druid replied that it was nice meeting the Hulk before they
left Hulk between dimensions, annoyingly awaiting being called back. As
they left, Druid admitted that the Hulk was not someone he would want
angry at him but Dr. Strange replied that the Hulk had no choice but to
sit tight, as there was no way for the Hulk to leave the dimensional
crossroads unless summoned. Druid and Dr. Strange then returned to the
Sanctum Sanctorum, where Dr. Strange ignored his apprentice Rintrah's
greetings to focus on reconstituting the shards of Thor. Pip the Troll
noticed the ignoring of Rintrah and whispered to Dr. Druid how Rintrah
seemed hurt by the slight but Dr. Druid quietly reminded Pip that Dr.
Strange had a lot on his mind. When Dr. Strange determined that they
needed to take Thor's shards to Muspelheim and Niflheim, Dr. Druid
readied himself but Strange suggested the tired Dr. Druid get some rest
and that Clea and Scarlet Witch could accompany him this time.
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#36) - Following Thanos' defeat, Dr.
Druid and many other friends and allies of Dr. Strange participated in
a toast to celebrate Dr. Strange's role in assisting against Thanos.
When Dr. Strange kissed Clea while levitating, Topaz remarked on the
rare occurance, prompting Dr. Druid to joke that here he had been
hanging around Stonehenge. Strange then admitted he was glad Dr. Druid
and Scarlet Witch could make the party and Druid shared the sentiment
but admitted that he would soon need to leave for a research project in
Wales. Strange replied by asking Druid to give his regards to Professor
Iowerth at the University of Swansea and Druid commented that he would
look Prof. Iowerth up.
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#46 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Strange gave Dr. Druid a spare key to his Sanctum Sanctorum.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition I#19 -
Avengers Roster entry - BTS) - Having become an ally of Dr. Strange,
Dr. Druid sought to reconcile with the Avengers.
(Captain America I#402) - While investigating his missing pilot John
Jameson, who had once had a problem with transforming into a wolf-man,
Captain America at first thought to reach out to Dr. Strange but when
Dr. Strange proved unavailable, Cap decided to visit Dr. Druid in
Boston, Massachusetts. Noting that Dr. Druid had not parted terms with
the Avengers on a good note, Captain America hoped he could patch
things up in person while seeking his knowledge on the occult with the
werewolf case. Arriving at Dr. Druid's townhouse, Captain America found
that the door swung open of its own accord and, upon seeing all of the
artifacts within the townhouse, Cap knew he had the right place as Dr.
Druid announced that he was upstairs. Surprised to see Captain America,
the levitating Dr. Druid promised to be with Cap in a moment and
Captain America remarked that Druid looked different. Explaining that
he had been given a new lease on life, Dr. Druid ended his
psychokinesis exercise and asked what he could do for Cap, who revealed
that he was looking for his pilot and feared the supernatural might be
involved. Asking for a photo, Dr. Druid proved unable to get a strong
psychic impression from the photo and asked if Cap had anything John
Jameson had worn or handled and Captain America replied in the
negative, noting that he had not even told Druid Jameson's name. When
Captain America further explained that Jameson had once been
transformed into a werewolf, Druid noted the recent werewolf-style
killings north of Boston and offered to investigate the killings
alongside Captain America. Pulling his cloak to his neck, Dr. Druid
then accompanied Captain America up north, admitting that he had been
hoping to patch things up with the Avengers along the way. Dr. Druid
quickly had Captain America land his Avengers craft in the nearby
woods, where Dr. Druid sensed a recent attack from a beast-man,
pointing out the dried blood to Captain America before a werewolf
attacked them both. Scratched by the werewolf, Druid attempted to
staunch the blood flow while Captain America fought off the werewolf
until Moonhunter arrived and wrangled the werewolf.
(Captain America I#403) - When Moonhunter flew off with the werewolf,
Captain America checked on Dr. Druid, who was in a near-trance. Druid
whispered that he had stopped the bleeding and was almost over the
pain. Assuring Cap he was okay, Dr. Druid told Captain America to
pursue Moonhunter. After Moonhunter caused Captain America to crash his
craft, Cap decided to return and check on Dr. Druid, whom Cap found
laying on the forest floor. Awakening from a sleep, Druid revealed that
he had done everything he could for the wolf wounds and had decided to
rest until Captain America returned. Asking Cap about an explosion he
had heard, Druid learned that Captain America's aircraft had exploded
and after Cap decided not to involve the Avengers, Druid remarked that
there would be no need since he was now able to track the werewolf
after touching it. Two hours later, Dr. Druid and Captain America had
hiked their way to Starkesboro, where Druid proclaimed the werewolf to
be nearby. After again assuring Captain America his wound was fine, Dr.
Druid suggested they continue their search before the daybreak sun
transformed the werewolf back into a human. Upon venturing into
Starkesboro, Druid began sensing something unusual about the town as if
it were a hotbed of arcane activity and the two heroes were soon
surrounded by werewolves, at which Druid admitted his wishes that
Captain America had convinced him to rest.
(Captain America I#404) - As ready as they would ever be, Captain
America and Dr. Druid were attacked by the werewolves and Dr. Druid
levitated himself into the air. Once high enough to be out of the
werewolves' grasp, Dr. Druid mesmerized several of them to fight the
others and spread the mesmerism among their pack. Druid then rested on
a nearby rooftop and then used his mental powers to cloak Captain
America from the werewolves' vision before telekinetically lifting Cap
onto the rooftop as well. The duo then watched as the werewolves went
further into the seemingly abandoned town, where Captain America
deduced their base must be. Druid then offered to do what he could to
keep them invisible as they tracked the werewolves but when Moonhunter
arrived on the scene with a werewolf Dougie, who had led Moonhunter to
the location where he lost Captain America's scent, Dr. Druid cast an
illusion of a firework to distract Moonhunter while Druid assured they
were invisible to Moonhunter as well. As daybreak came, Dr. Druid and
Captain America further investigated Starkesboro, noting several people
that were likely werewolves the night before running around, unable to
see the two heroes. Explaining that while he sensed magic at work in
the town, Druid sensed something else responsible for the werewolves'
transformations and the two soon ventured to the Starkesboro mayor's
home, where the villainess Nightshade unleashed a brainwashed Wolverine
against the duo. During the scuffle between Captain America and
Wolverine, Dr. Druid disappeared, leaving Cap to wonder what had
happened to him.
(Captain America I#405) - Having ventured further into the town during
the distraction Captain America provided battling Wolverine, Dr. Druid
assumed Captain America could he handle himself while he searched for
the hidden power within Starkesboro. Starting with the church, which he
noticed had replaced its Christian artifacts with Druidic ones, Dr.
Druid entered the church's study and found its occult artifacts rivaled
his own. Investigating the Moongem artifact, Druid was noticed by the
villain Dredmund Druid and the two fought a battle of mesmerism,
unaware Captain America had been transformed into a werewolf and was
running wild in the town. Soon realizing that despite his mental
prowess, Dredmund Druid was resisting his mesmerism, Dr. Druid
suspected an outside agent and sought to destroy the nearby Moongem.
When Dr. Druid attempted to levitate a wolfhead artifact, Dredmund
Druid found an area of Dr. Druid's mind not focused on resisting and
managed to down Dr. Druid.
(Captain America I#406/Captain America I#407 (fb)) - While chaining up
Dr. Druid, whom Dredmund Druid placed a metal facemask on, Dredmund
announced that Dr. Druid was no longer be the master of Druidism and
remarked how fortunate it was that Dr. Druid had come to him, as
Dredmund had planned to attack Dr. Druid following his business in
Starkesboro. Dredmund then cut off Dr. Druid's ponytail and explained
that the next time Dredmund unsheathed the knife, it would be to slice
Dr. Druid's throat. Later, after being berated for their failures by
Dredmund Druid, Moonhunter and Nightshade walked past the captive Dr.
Druid before encountering the werewolf Captain America, who had
regained his mind but not form. That evening, Dredmund Druid prepared
to sacrifice Dr. Druid in front of his werewolf followers but "Capwolf"
busted in. While Dredmund's werewolves battled Capwolf, Dredmund
managed to slit Dr. Druid's throat, dousing the Moongem into Dr.
Druid's blood before donning it to become a godlike werewolf.
(Captain America I#407) - Dubbing himself Starwolf, Dredmund Druid
knocked Capwolf into the motionless and still chained Dr. Druid, whom
Capwolf freed from the chains. Noticing that Dr. Druid wasn't bleeding,
Capwolf wondered if Dr. Druid had bled to death or if Dr. Druid was
somehow holding his blood inside his body. While focused on Capwolf,
Dredmund missed the werewolf John Jameson get the lifeless Dr. Druid to
Nightshade's lab, where he transformed Nightshade into a werewolf to
force her to find a cure for the werewolves' condition. As Jameson
stood over Nightshade, Moonhunter and a freed Wolverine arrived and
ordered Jameson to put down the needle, at which point Dr. Druid sprang
to life and used his mental powers to restore Wolverine and Moonhunter
to their right minds. Moonhunter and Wolverine then reunited with
Captain America against Starwolf, explaining how Dr. Druid had restored
them but remained behind to heal his slit throat.
(Captain America I#408) - Dr. Druid watched as Nightshade attempted her
cure on John Jameson and Capwolf brought the unconscious Dredmund Druid
into Nightshade's lab. Revealing to Capwolf that he had sealed his
throat wound by sheer force of will, Dr. Druid asked what had happened
to Dredmund Druid and upon learning that Dredmund's throat had been
slit, Dr. Druid informed Capwolf that he would see to Dredmund's
medical needs. Dr. Druid then tended to Dredmund as a Captain America
doppelganger entered the room in an attempt on the true Captain
America's life. Dr. Druid then watched as Capwolf transformed back into
human form and took down his doppelganger, spilling Nightshade's
werewolf antidote. Three hours later, after Nightshade was forced to
create more antidote to restore the Starkesboro townspeople to normal,
Dr. Druid hypnotically shielded Wolfsbane and Jack Russell, the
Werewolf, from the Vault Guardsmen as Nightshade was arrested. Dr.
Druid and Captain America then saw to the restored townspeople until
Moonhunter arrived in his flying motorcycle and offered the two heroes
a ride back.

(Infinity War I#3/Wonder Man II#13) - During a crisis involving the
evil Adam Warlock counterpart, Magus, Scarlet Witch brought Dr. Druid
and her mentor Agatha Harkness into a group of superheroes who working
on the situation. Wonder Man immediately recognized the younger-looking
Dr. Druid and asked Scarlet Witch if he could be trusted but Scarlet
Witch vouched for Druid and assured all heroes present that Dr. Druid
was a radically changed man, reminding them that they needed his unique
(Fantastic Four I#368) - Despite Scarlet Witch vouching for Druid,
Wonder Man whispered to Druid that he might have conned Scarlet Witch
into vouching for Druid but Wonder Man refused to trust Druid after his
past betrayal of the Avengers. Dr. Druid replied by insisting that he
was a changed man before loud noises from another room in which some of
the heroes were playing foosball drew Druid and the others' concern.
(Infinity War I#3/Fantastic Four I#368/Quasar I#38/Warlock & the
Infinity Watch I#8) - Scarlet Witch then explained that it would take
all four mystics present (Dr. Druid, Agatha Harkness, Shaman and
herself) to find the source of the unusual radiation involved with the
Magus crisis. Quasar later returned to Earth to inform Captain America
that he had learned nothing that would help the heroes as Dr. Druid and
the other sorcerers sat in a mystic circle, preparing to teleport a
squad of heroes into battle. Dr. Druid pricked him finger and dripped a
drop of blood into the spell and the sorcerers then teleported a large
squad of heroes away, as well as themselves. Traveling through space
with the mystics and assembled heroes, Dr. Druid arrived to confront
Adam Warlock and the mad Titan Thanos, whom the heroes mistakenly
thought was behind recent attacks.
(Alpha Flight I#111) - Dr. Druid stood among the assembled mystics as
Alpha Flight's Guardian looked over to find Shaman not with them.
(Wonder Man II#14) - As the heroes continued battling Thanos and Adam
Warlock's Infinity Watch, Wonder Man glanced over at the mystics to
check on Scarlet Witch, who was still alongside Dr. Druid as the
mystics kept the portal to Earth open for the heroes.
(Infinity War I#4) - After Thanos and the Infinity Watch ultimately
sided with the heroes against the Magus, who captured Adam Warlock, Dr.
Druid and Dr. Strange were ordered by Captain America to depart to
their Earth's normal dimension to help the populace overcome Magus'
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#46) - Dr. Druid accompanied Scarlet
Witch, Dr. Strange, Agatha Harkness and Shaman back to Earth's
dimension, where they found Earth's population completely entranced and
frozen where they stood. Noticing a woman mere seconds from being hit
by a car, Dr. Druid proved unable to affect the woman with any sort of
Celtic magic, as he needed a series of three to have any effect. Shaman
joined in, trying to animate the woman with his Spirits of Life, and
Scarlet Witch asked Agatha Harkness to act as a third but Agatha soon
learned the woman's mind was frozen as much as her body was. Druid then
suggested Dr. Strange attempt to revive the woman, figuring that if the
Sorcerer Supreme could not affect her, nothing would. When Dr. Strange
stopped, noticing two moons in the sky, and Agatha Harkness confirmed
that there were also two Earths, Dr. Druid nonetheless announced his
plans to continue helping the woman until the Mindscape dimension's
Sleepwalker appeared. A brief fight ensued until Dr. Strange used the
Eye of Agamotto to determine Sleepwalker to be an ally, convincing both
Scarlet Witch and Dr. Druid. When Dr. Strange saw a frozen Wong and
Imei, he admitted he now understand Dr. Druid's desire to continuing
helping the frozen woman they had seen. Assuring Dr. Strange that
Rintrah and Clea were likely fine, Dr. Druid used his spare key to the
Sanctum Sanctorum to open the door, accidentally unleashing a slew of
demons inside. Knocked aside, Druid was ordered to his feet by the
Scarlet Witch, who used her own magic to protect him as the mystics
fought the swarming demons. Dr. Druid was soon shocked when a duplicate
Dr. Strange appeared from the Sanctum Sanctorum's door. Thinking the
duplicate one of the Magus' doppelgangers, Druid and the mystics fought
back against the duplicate Strange's demons, soon realizing they
couldn't keep up the fighting forever. Dr. Druid and the other mystics
were soon downed by the duplicate's demon swarm and the duplicate
claimed Dr. Strange as his own prize.
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#47/Infinity War I#6) - Dr. Druid
and the other mystics were placed in mystic bindings and forced to sit
at a table while the deranged duplicate Dr. Strange held the true Dr.
Strange in chains. When the duplicate noticed Scarlet Witch lost in
thought, he berated her and accused her of being more mutant than mage,
prompting Dr. Druid to request the duplicate release them and see who
was a mage. After hearing the duplicate's Counter-Earth origins, Dr.
Druid and the other mystics questioned why the duplicate chose to
attack normal Earth's Dr. Strange, soon learning that while the
duplicate was not created by the Magus, he was in the Magus'
employment. Before the duplicate could kill Dr. Strange with the Vapors
of Valtorr, Dr. Strange added the duplicate's power to his own and
transported Dr. Druid, himself and the other mystics to a nearby
asteroid, complete with a magic aura of oxygen to sustain them. When
Strange mentioned that Agatha Harkness' cat could get them back to
Earth, Dr. Druid seemed surprised that a cat could do such a thing but
the mystics soon found that Agatha Harkness' soul was no longer in her
body. Dr. Druid and the other mystics then laid hands on Agatha's body
and used her soul connection to her cat Ebony to transport themselves
back to Earth. Once back, Dr. Druid and the mystics fought off the Dr.
Strange duplicate's demons while Strange himself went to battle the
duplicate alone. When Strange returned, Dr. Druid welcomed him back as
the mystics rounded up the last of the demons. Strange then banished
the duplicate and his demons back to Counter-Earth and prepared to
return to Galactus' ship, prompting Druid to ask if Strange thought
their work on Earth was done. Agatha decided to stay on Earth while
Strange then opened a portal that Dr. Druid, Scarlet Witch and Shaman
(Infinity War I#6) - Shortly after Thor returned to Galactus' ship,
where the assembled Earth's heroes based, Dr. Druid and the other
mystics emerged from Dr. Strange's portal onto the ship. Galactus
himself returned soon after and Druid watched as Galactus reluctantly
agreed to side with the heroes against the Magus. A short time later,
Druid accompanied Thor, Dr. Strange and Moondragon into the fray as
several more of Earth's heroes battled their Magus-created
doppelgangers while Galactus positioned himself from his ship. Having
watched events unfold from afar, the Magus used the Infinity Gauntlet
to remove the doppelgangers before generating a whirlwind that consumed
Dr. Druid, Earth's heroes and Galactus himself, trapping them as
trophies within a giant gem within the Magus' headquarters.
(Fantastic Four I#370) - After being freed from the gem, Dr. Druid and
Earth's heroes were drawn back into Galactus' ship as Adam Warlock and
the Magus wrestled over the Infinity Gauntlet.
(Infinity War I#6 - BTS) - Dr. Druid was restored to Earth after Adam Warlock succeeded in defeating the Magus.
(Secret Defenders I#16 (fb)) -
Traveling to San Francisco to repossess a collection of mystic
artifacts from sorcerer Mr. Magnus, Dr. Druid appeared as a guest lecturer at
the University of San Francisco. While there, young graduate student
Jillian Woods was compelled to meet Druid and the two felt an immediate
psychic link between them. Intrigued by the connection, Dr. Druid
offered to use his powers to determine the origin of the connection and
learned that Woods and himself were forbidden lovers in a past life.
Despite being shocked by the revelation, Woods nonetheless began a
romance with Druid. When Woods learned the truth as to why Druid was in
San Francisco, she insisted on accompanying him on his mission to
reacquire the artifacts but she ultimately disturbed a series of
protective wards and unleashed a demon. The last thing Woods saw was Dr. Druid leaping to save her life.
(Secret Defenders I#22 (fb)) - Desperate to save Woods' life, a
maddened Dr. Druid challenged the Celtic gods that empowered him. As if
in response, a small figure called the Bride of Slorioth appeared and
Druid picked up the figure and placed it near Woods. As Druid watched,
the figure absorbed the remaining spark of life left in Woods and
fanned it, creating a shadowy form of Woods herself. When the
shadow-form became self-aware, Druid quickly came up with a story of
Woods' survival.
(Secret Defenders I#15 (fb)) - Woods, in the shadow form, awoke
seemingly alive and was led to believe that she had gained strange
shadow powers from the demon. Woods then returned to
Boston with Dr. Druid so that he could study her newfound condition.
(Guardians of the Galaxy I#31 (fb) - BTS) - When the Earth-691
Guardians of the Galaxy ventured to modern era Earth-616, Dr. Druid
suggested Captain America and the Guardians' leader Major Victory keep
their shields separated.
(Guardians of the Galaxy I#31) - Following a training session between
Captain America and Earth-691's Major Victory, Dr. Druid contacted
Captain America and informed the two heroes that they had been wise to
keep the shields separated, as keeping them separated would preserve
reality as they knew it. Shortly after meeting Captain America and
Major Victory at Avengers Mansion, Dr. Druid managed to remove the
danger to reality from both of the heroes' shields, returning them to
their owners. When Major Victory seemed confused, Druid questioned him
and learned that Major Victory simply wanted to know what all of the
fuss was about, prompting Dr. Druid to ask if the destruction of the
time/space continuum seemed like something to make a "fuss" over. Using
his illusion powers to generate a chronal collapse, Dr. Druid admitted
to not being a master of time but suggested that since the shields were
from two different timelines, chronological chaos would ensue if the
two shields came into contact. He then explained how he had placed a
polarization spell on the shields to repel the shields from one another
to keep them from contacting. Druid then departed, telling both Captain
America and Major Victory good day.
(Secret Defenders I#22 (fb)) - Dr. Druid began using the Bride of
Slorioth figure to summon Jillian Woods' shadow form in physical form,
Woods' very existence dependent on whether or not Druid wished to use
the Bride of Slorioth. Using Woods as a sort of genie in a bottle,
Druid summoned her at will but each time he did, a portion of his soul
was collected within the figure.
(Captain America I Annual#11) - Dr. Druid was levitating while
meditating in his Boston townhouse when he sensed someone else there
and demanded they show themselves. Kang Nebula then revealed herself,
insisting that Druid need not make threats, and Druid admitted his
suspicions that she was still alive but exclaimed that she had a lot of
nerve returning after their previous encounter. Insisting that she had
been crazed by the power she had acquired in the timestream, Nebula
requested Dr. Druid's help but he coldly announced that she must have
had him confused with someone who still loved her and prepared to
return to his meditation.
(Thor I Annual#17) - Kang Nebula grew angry and announced that if Dr.
Druid refused to aid her willingly, she would force his assistance,
remarking that he was never able to resist her control. Resisting, Dr.
Druid revealed that he was no longer the psychic pushover he once was
and deflected Nebula's brain-blast back at her. Feigning respect for
his newfound power, Kang Nebula attempted to use her charm to get her
way but Druid announced that he was leaving before she was able to talk
him into falling for her once more. When Kang Nebula refused to believe
that Druid's love for her was completely dead, Druid grabbed her and
exclaimed that it didn't matter who loved who, he was not going to do
her bidding. He then demanded to know why Kang Nebula had sought him
out again and Nebula explained that Kang had began a new scheme against
the modern era and she hoped to stop him since she was stuck in the
modern era as well. Kang Nebula then asked Dr. Druid if Kang's plot
outweighed any ill will Druid might feel towards her and Druid admitted
that it did despite his suspicions that she might be lying. Insisting
she was not lying, Kang Nebula asked for a chance to prove she was
trustworthy and Dr. Druid reluctantly agreed to accompany her, warning
that he would be watching her like a hawk and that he was no longer the
lovestruck swain he was when they were stuck in the Time-Bubble.
(Fantastic Four I Annual#25 (fb) - BTS) - Realizing Kang Nebula was not
the space pirate Nebula and not knowing her true identity, Dr. Druid
began referring to her as the Temptress as he sought to recruit the
Fantastic Four against Kang, having long hoped to make the acquaintance
of Mr. Fantastic.
(Fantastic Four I Annual#25) - Dr. Druid generated an illusion of the
Fantasti-Flare, luring Human Torch into an alleyway where he explained
to the Torch that he meant no harm. Human Torch responded by
surrounding Dr. Druid in flames and warning that counterfeiting the
Fantasti-Flare was against city ordinance but Druid revealed that he
hoped to enlist the Fantastic Four's aid against Kang the Conqueror,
whom the Torch quickly recognized as an Avengers foe and asked why
Druid did not contact the Avengers. The Temptress then appeared and
joked that it was because of her, the Avengers did not trust Druid.
Human Torch began to be enthralled by Temptress as he once had in the
past but Dr. Druid fought back, exclaiming that he had told the
Temptress to stay out of sight and warned her not to use mind tricks to
convince Human Torch to help. Ordering the Temptress to drop the
illusions she was using to affect Human Torch, Dr. Druid forced
Temptress to show her true form as the rest of the Fantastic Four
arrived, recognizing Dr. Druid as a former Avenger and occult expert.
Recounting his past as an Avenger and his association with the
Temptress, Dr. Druid managed to convince the Fantastic Four to assist
against Kang and Dr. Druid was soon traveling to Timely, Wisconsin
alongside the FF. Traveling inside Kang's citadel, disguised as Timely
Industries, Dr. Druid, Temptress and the Fantastic Four lost control of
Mr. Fantastic's Time Sled and were forced down. Dr. Druid levitated
everyone safely to the ground, unaware that the Avengers had also
arrived at Timely Industries to investigate their missing members
Vision, Captain America and Thor. Dr. Druid and the Fantastic Four
immediately came under attack by a street gang in Punisher costumes and
the Avengers also arrived, having been drawn into the citadel by a
tractor beam. Disguising herself in the outfit the Avengers would
recall, the Temptress accused the Avengers of being Kang agents in
disguise and the Avengers, thinking the Fantastic Four were being mind
controlled by the Temptress, joined in the attack. During the scuffle,
Dr. Druid noticed the Temptress fleeing the scene and gave chase. Soon
returning after failing to catch the Temptress, Dr. Druid revealed that
the Avengers were truly who they said they were and the Fantastic Four
were not being controlled, effectively ending the tussle. Suspecting
the Temptress had went through one of Kang's time portals, Dr. Druid
admitted he saw where the next portal went but did not want to venture
through it without his allies in the Avengers and Fantastic Four.
Before the heroes could continue, they found themselves faced with
Kang's Anachronauts, who welcomed them to Chronopolis and announced
their plans to capture the heroes.
(Avengers I Annual#21) - Dr. Druid prepared to battle the Anachronauts
but during the fight, Druid pulled the Avenger Sersi aside and make a
quiet suggestion. A short time later, Druid found himself on the ground
with the Anachronaut Raa pointing a pointed staff right Druid's chest.
Exclaiming that the fighting must stop or he would be impaled, Dr.
Druid convinced the Avengers and Fantastic Four to surrender, secretly
to gain entrance in Kang's stronghold. Ordered inside the stronghold,
Dr. Druid and the other heroes found themselves trapped within a force
cube, where the supposedly true Kang announced that he would give the
heroes a span of years to stop his latest plan. As the Kang was
monologuing, the Temptress appeared and stabbed the Kang to death,
prompting the true Kang to appear and announce that he had allowed Dr.
Druid and the other heroes to infiltrate his Chronopolis in an effort
to have the heroes lure the Temptress to him after she had murdered
several Kang counterparts within the Council of Kangs. Kang ultimately
became intrigued at how ruthless Temptress, who began calling herself
Terminatrix, had become and challenged her to duel, unaware that the
Anachronaut Raa, secretly a disguised Sersi, used the duel as a
distraction to free the Avengers, Dr. Druid and the Fantastic Four. The
heroes quickly escaped and during the ensuing battle, Dr. Druid got a
punch in on Terminatrix but she continued her focus on Kang. While the
other heroes focused on the Anachronauts, Mr. Fantastic met up with Dr.
Druid and suggested they find something to use against Kang. Kang was
ultimately gravely injured by Thor's hammer and Terminatrix abandoned
her plans to kill Kang in favor of saving his life, leaving Dr. Druid,
the Avengers and the Fantastic Four to escape Chronopolis in their
Quinjet, which had the Fantastic Four's Time Sled strapped to its
(Captain America I#408/3 (fb) - BTS) - Following the Kang affair, Dr.
Druid rejoined the Avengers as a reserve member. He soon received a
summons to Avengers Compound alongside other reserve members by new
Avengers leader Black Widow to brief them on recent shake-ups involving
the Avengers.
(Captain America I#408/3) - As Captain America reunited with his old
partner Falcon, Dr. Druid carried on a conversation with fellow reserve
Avenger Quicksilver.
(Captain America I#409) - Captain America had Dr. Druid display an
illusion of his ally Diamondback's current status. When Druid burned a
portion of Diamondback's clothing to get a psychic reading and
displayed an image of Diamondback surrounded by smoke and fire, Cap
asked Dr. Druid if he could pinpoint where she was but Druid proved
unable to do so, only identifying that there were mountains nearby.
Noticing that Diamondback appeared trapped, Captain America asked Druid
if he could get an impression of who Diamondback was with and Druid
could only sense a man in a skull mask. Deciding that the Rocky
Mountains were a good first start in terms of places to search, Captain
America invited Dr. Druid to accompany Falcon and himself to search for
Diamondback but Druid declined, feeling that he was better suited to
supernatural situations and sensing that there was nothing supernatural
about Diamondback's predicament. As Captain America and Falcon departed
to find Diamondback, thanking Dr. Druid for his assistance, Edwin
Jarvis came into the room and asked if Dr. Druid was done burning
clothing, as he had meals to attend to. Druid apologized, explaining
that the kitchen seemed like the most logical choice of where to burn
something and Jarvis responded by informing Druid that nothing had ever
been burned in that kitchen.
(She-Hulk III#12 (fb) - BTS) - As the only North Dakota resident that
remembered the true events following Nightwatch's earlier reality warp,
George Saywitz found that not even his hometown was recalled as ever
existing, prompting him to sue all heroes and villains present at the
reality warp, including Dr. Druid, Tigra, Captain Marvel (Monica
Rambeau), Nightwatch himself, She-Hulk, Wyatt Wingfoot, Vibro and
(She-Hulk III#2 (fb) - BTS) - A
motion to change the venue of the court case of George Saywitz vs. Dr.
Druid and the other heroes and villains to North Dakota was filed but
the court case was never completed and the paperwork was filed in a
blue file alongside other legal documents pertaining to the case.
(Secret Defenders I#15 (fb) - BTS) - Together with the shadow form of
Jillian Woods, who donned a costume as Shadowoman, Dr. Druid mesmerized
the Living Mummy and the Blazing Skull to act as his agents, dubbed
Shock Troop, to police the occult.
(Quasar I#46 (fb) - BTS) - Sensing occult disturbances in North Carolina, Dr.
Druid and the Shock Troop traveled there to investigate.
(Quasar I#45) - After the cosmic protector Quasar crashed to Earth
carrying Antibodies, Dr. Druid and his newly-created Shock Troop squad
confronted Quasar as he emerged from the crater his impact had created.
I#46) - Presuming the
man in the crater was Quasar, Dr. Druid extended his hand to assist
Quasar, who recognized Druid as a former Avenger, out of the crater.
Explaining that Shock Troop was in the area due to its infestation of
occult entities, Dr. Druid levitated Quasar from the crater as Shock
Troop began battling the entities that Quasar had been fighting. Druid
revealed that Shock Troop was there to police the occult and asked the
situation, prompting Quasar to explain that the Antibodies multiplied
when hit and that radioactive mutant Presence and Imperial Guardsman
Neutron were also in the area. Explaining that Shock Troop's field of
expertise was the occult, Druid informed Quasar that Shock Troop would
handle the Antibodies while Quasar handled the Presence and Neutron. As
Quasar flew off, Dr. Druid ordered the Living Mummy to bring him one of
the Antibodies and when the Living Mummy delayed after being swarmed by
Antibodies, Druid exclaimed a reminder, prompting the Living Mummy to
ask for a free moment. While the Living Mummy held one of the
Antibodies in place, Druid attempted to enter the Antibody's mind to
learn its origins and motivations. Sensing two men within the
Antibody's thoughts, Dr. Druid ordered the Antibody to explain what the
men wanted and why the Antibodies were rampaging. Invoking the three
Celtic goddesses Macha, Morrigan and Badb, Dr. Druid learned that the
Antibodies were in torment but was unsure of how to remedy the torment,
soon summoning Shadowoman with an idea. Explaining that the Antibodies
were in torment due to lack of a host body, Dr. Druid asked Shadowoman
to project her Darkforce energy around the Antibody and then had
Blazing Skull and the Living Mummy allow the Antibodies to progress.
Giving the Antibody a psychokinetic charge, Dr. Druid watched as the
progressing Antibodies were drawn into the one Druid was examining,
only to be sent into the Darkforce dimension due to Shadowoman's
covering the Antibody with Darkforce energy. Sensing that Shadowoman
could not hold her energy projection for long, Dr. Druid was soon
overwhelmed by the remaining two dozen Antibodies and he psychically
summoned Quasar back to the scene for help. When Quasar, he had the
Shi'ar Imperial Guardsman Glom attached to his arm and Glom quickly
jumped into battle, devouring several Antibodies as Dr. Druid wondered
Glom was. Upon learning that Glom was an energy-eating alien, Druid had
Glom throw the remaining Antibodies into the one he was examining in
hopes of sending them all to the Darkforce dimension while Shadowoman
could continue projecting the energy around the single Antibody. Once
the Antibodies were all banished except for the one Druid was
examining, Glom took a large bite out of the remaining Antibody,
shocking Dr. Druid and Shock Troop, who thought Shadowoman was still
connected to the last Antibody. After Shadowoman revealed that she had
disconnected from the Antibody before Glom had chomped down, Dr. Druid
was surprised when three other Shi'ar Imperial Guardsmen arrived and
soon learned that they were also aliens affiliated with Glom. Once the
Imperial Guard had departed, Quasar thanked Dr. Druid and Shock Troop
for the assist, admitting that the Avengers might have been wrong about
him, and Druid replied that he walked in different circles these days.
He then told Quasar that if he ever had a problem with the
supernatural, he knew who to call.
(Quasar I#50) - When the swamp creature Man-Thing lumbered towards the
visible Nexus of Realities, Dr. Druid and many other mystics sensed
that something momentous was about to happen in the Florida swamps
where the Nexus appeared. A short time later, Dr. Druid and Shock Troop
were summoned to the Nexus of All Realities alongside several other
heroes by Dr. Strange to investigate, only to be surprised when Quasar
emerged from the Nexus and to learn that the multiversal threat was
already over.
(Quasar I#51 (fb)) - After Quasar's friend Kayla Ballantine was
depowered by the Living Tribunal, Quasar sought out Dr. Druid in an
effort to help Kayla deal with the trauma of recent events.
(Avengers: The Terminatrix Objective#2 - BTS) - When confronted with
Terminatrix, Iron Man and Thor wondered who she was but Captain America
recognized her as the woman who manipulated Dr. Druid to almost wreck
the Avengers.
(Captain America I#420 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid attempted to help his
Shock Troop teammate, Blazing Skull, remove a belt that had previously
left the Skull's skin transparent and glowing when a removal was
attempted. After learning that the Night Shift had recent supernatural
dealings, Druid sent Blazing Skull to investigate the organization.
(Captain America I#420 - BTS) - Following a brief encounter between the
Shock Troop's Blazing Skull and Captain America, who at first suspected
the Blazing Skull of being in league with the Red Skull, the Blazing
Skull explained that he worked for Dr. Druid, a man he believed Captain
America knew. When the police arrived, Blazing Skull opted to leave,
claiming the police didn't like his looks, and Captain America thought
that as soon as Blazing Skull was out of earshot, he was going to call
Dr. Druid to see if Druid would vouch for Blazing Skull.
Girl & Devil Dinosaur I#15 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Dr. Druid
published papers on the energy patterns of mystic energy.
(Secret Defenders I#15 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Dr. Druid hired
Deadpool for unidentified work, establishing a usual fee and delivery
place for the money.
(Secret Defenders I#15) - Dr. Druid spent forty-eight hours on a
binding spell that he cast spell using various runes. As he finished
the spell and prepared to relax, he received an astral message from Dr.
Strange, announcing that Druid had been called to serve. Unsure what
Strange was talking about, Dr. Druid touched Strange's astral form and
was bombarded with memories and future visions. As new visions
enveloped him, Dr. Druid realized that a mantle had passed and Druid
would now feel compelled to act whenever the natural order of the
universe was threatened. Feeling as if he had been cursed, Dr. Druid
cried out, drawing the attention of Shadowoman, whom assumed her shadow
form at Druid's suggestion. Revealing that he had seen a vision of the
mystic Moebius Stone artifact and how dark forces had reassembled the
Stone except for two pieces in Agamotto's absence, Dr. Druid decided to
recruit defenders to protect the two remaining Moebius Stone fragments
until such a time that Druid and Shadowoman could arrive on the scene.
When Shadowoman asked if he planned to mesmerize a new Shock Troop
squad, Druid remarked that a simple phone call would suffice, as the
first fragment was in Chicago. Phoning Luke Cage, Dr. Druid tipped him
off to criminals performing a heist in the Chicago Museum of Art, where
the Moebius Stone fragment resided, and hired Cage to guard the Museum.
Having also hired the mercenary Deadpool, Dr. Druid arrived at the
Chicago Museum of Art to find Luke Cage fighting with Deadpool. Asking
who Dr. Druid was, Luke Cage was informed by Deadpool that Druid was
the "Rod Serling of the Celtic Set" before Deadpool refused to
participate in anything involving Druid. Using his mental abilities,
Druid mesmerized Deadpool, reminding him of their past association and
Deadpool's recent epiphany that he could be using his talents for more
than killing. Affected by Druid's mesmerism, Deadpool agreed to join
Druid's Secret Defenders in exchange for his usual fee and when
Shadowoman questioned whether mesmerism was necessary, Druid replied
that he had only given Deadpool a small psychic nudge, as the mercenary
was already on the verge of agreeing to work with Druid. With Cage also
joining up, Druid led the Secret Defenders to another wing of the
Museum, where the ancient Sword of Iskandar resided. Acquiring the
Sword, Druid suggested the Secret Defenders pay no heed to the alarms,
as they would be gone before police arrived and their enemy drew near
in search of the Moebius Stone fragment in the Sword's hilt. Upon
seeing Druid grab the Sword, Luke Cage warned that he didn't care if
Druid was paying him, he wasn't going to allow Druid to steal the Sword
of Iskandar but before any more arguments could be made, Druid was hit
by a blast fired by the ancient Malachi. Recognizing Malachi from his
earlier visions, Druid warned that the Moebius Stone was not meant for
human hands but Malachi proclaimed that she had sought to complete the
Moebius Stone for centuries and that she did so out of love. When
Malachi blasted Druid again, the Secret Defenders rushed at Malachi,
who brought the Museum's paintings and statues to life. As the Secret
Defenders were sufficiently distracted battling living paintings and
statues, Deadpool asked for Dr. Druid's help, only to find that Druid
was seemingly nowhere to be found. While the Secret Defenders thought
Druid had left them to fend for themselves, Dr. Strange viewed Tarot
cards inside in Sanctum Sanctorum, one of which proclaimed Dr. Druid
the Fool.
(Secret Defenders I#16) - Still thinking Dr. Druid had ran out on them,
Luke Cage and Deadpool argued, with Cage accusing Deadpool of being
money-grubbing and Deadpool asking how Druid was paying Cage. Having
not actually left the scene, only used mesmerism to render himself
undetectable, Dr. Druid levitated above the fight and realized the
living paintings and statues were nothing more than images created by a
mystical trick of light. Psychically ordering Shadowoman to project her
shadow-self across the entire room, Dr. Druid revealed his presence and
explained how Shadowoman's shadow-self would prevent any light from
entering the area, effectively ending the illusory images. Fully
appearing to the Secret Defenders, Dr. Druid informed the group that
Malachi's solid illusions had been fully capable of killing the heroes
and announced his trust that the Secret Defenders would have more faith
in him in the future. Determining that Malachi had escaped during the
scuffle, Druid proclaimed that they must follow and began fiddling with
an ancient Celtic artifact that he could use to teleport the Secret
Defenders back to his Boston townhouse. When Luke Cage argued against
Druid taking an artifact for his own use, Druid grimly informed Cage
that he would no longer be needed and his payment had been made.
Dismissing Cage, Druid reminded him that police frowned upon
ex-convicts being at the scene of Museum break-ins but Cage refused to
leave, claiming he would staying close to Druid until the Moebius Stone
fragment was returned to the Museum. Agreeing to allow Cage to continue
with the Secret Defenders, Druid assured Cage that he had no intention
of purloining the Museum's artifacts and bid the Secret Defenders to
step into the circle of ancient stones he had arranged on the floor. As
Dr. Druid and the Secret Defenders teleported away, the police arrived
to see them disappear. Arriving at his townhouse, Dr. Druid asked the
Defenders to relax while he made preparations for a spell that would
allow them to track the Moebius Stone fragment in Malachi's possession.
After Dr. Druid warned the group not to touch anything, Luke Cage asked
Shadowoman her story and she recounted her past association with Dr.
Druid. Returning a short time later to inform the Secret Defenders that
all was ready with the spell, Dr. Druid ordered Deadpool to unhand a
mystic icon he was handling and grimly informed Cage that Shadowoman's
fate was of her own making, warning that if Cage didn't follow Druid's
instructions implicitly, a similar fate might befall Cage as well.
Locating Malachi in a graveyard after she had kissed a young boy named
Cody, draining his life force, Dr. Druid and the Secret Defenders
attacked but were blasted aside by Malachi. Malachi mystically animated
gravestones to fight Cage and Deadpool while Dr. Druid snuck into the
tomb housing the final piece of the Moebius Stone. Despite Dr. Druid's
warnings, Malachi reassembled the Moebius Stone and as her power grew,
the young boy she had killed returned to life as the mystic guardian
Cadaver. Ordering the Secret Defenders to stop Malachi, Dr. Druid found
them unable to help despite Cadaver's assistance and Druid soon
witnessed Malachi unraveling the very fabric of time itself with the
Moebius Stone.

(Secret Defenders I#17) - As time unraveled across the world, Malachi
captured Dr. Druid and Shadowoman in mystic bindings while Luke Cage,
Deadpool and Cadaver attempted to fight back. Proclaiming Dr. Druid to
be a noble opponent, Malachi admitted that creating a temporal vortex
had somewhat drained and she siphoned life energy from Dr. Druid, aging
him. When Shadowoman escaped her bounds to fight Malachi, the aged Dr.
Druid used the distraction to escape his own bounds and use his "Third
Eye" inward on himself to accelerate the birth and rebirth of his own
cells until he was restored to his true age and rejuvenated health.
Malachi soon hurled Shadowoman away from her and Druid rushed to her
side, admitting that Shadowoman should not have been able to survive
such an assault. Suggesting they speak about her surviving later, Dr.
Druid was instead grabbed by Shadowoman, who demanded they speak about
it now and asked what Druid had turned her into. Malachi then commented
that Shadowoman was unaware of her true nature and questioned how Dr.
Druid himself might use the Moebius Stone but Druid warned Malachi not
to incur his wrath. Malachi laughed off Druid's threats and turned her
temporal powers on Luke Cage, aging her back to before he had
superhuman powers, but Deadpool soon caught up to Malachi and stabbed
her through the heart. Realizing that Malachi's time vortex would go
wild without a human host to control it, Dr. Druid grasped the Moebius
Stone from the neck of the deceased Malachi and prepared to use it to
repair the damage she had done to the timestream. Once the Moebius
Stone was in his hands, however, Dr. Druid became tempted to use the
Moebius Stone to correct his own history, putting right what went wrong
with Shadowoman, Kang Nebula and the Avengers, but before he could use
the Stone, he was blasted by the mystic construct Strange, who appeared
and announced that Druid had fulfilled his role in the Moebius Stone
affair. When Strange attempted to acquire the Moebius Stone for itself,
Dr. Druid announced to the Secret Defenders that Strange must not be
allowed to obtain the Moebius Stone, prompting Cadaver to slice Strange
with his Sword of Bone. Unaffected, Strange considered acquiring the
Sword of Bone as well, easily downing the Secret Defenders. During the
scuffle, Luke Cage grabbed the Moebius Stone and, realizing that
Strange was not the Dr. Strange he knew, hurled the Moebius Stone to
Dr. Druid, who used the Moebius Stone on itself, reversing Malachi's
time vortex effects until the Stone itself was unmade. Dr. Druid then
boasted to Strange to remember that it was Druid who had denied
Strange's whims and taken pleasure in doing so. As Strange then
prepared to depart the scene, Dr. Druid ordered Strange to tell Dr.
Strange that he would pay for cursing Dr. Druid with the precognitive
visions that led to him taking Dr. Strange's role as leader of the
Secret Defenders. Exclaiming that he was no man's lackey, Dr. Druid
ranted that Dr. Strange would pay dearly for the burden now levied upon
his head.
(Warlock & the Infinity Watch I#30) - When Adam Warlock and the
enigmatic Maya appeared to share a connection, the Infinity Watch
summoned Dr. Druid, who admitted that the spell that bound Warlock to
Maya was so complex that not even his supernatural knowledge was able
to stymie the connection. Druid was eventually forced to admit that
there was nothing he could do and remarked that he wasn't even sure any
mystic in reality could help. Resigned to his situation, Adam Warlock
nonetheless thanked Dr. Druid for the assistance and commented that he
was in Druid's debt. Warlock then asked Moondragon to show Dr. Druid
the way out.
(Secret Defenders I#18) - Dr. Druid ran tests on Cadaver, confirming
not only that Cadaver was indeed dead but that he also lacked a soul,
which had vacated the body of Cody Fleischer when Malachi killed him.
Explaining how the lack of soul left Cody's body free to be inhabited
by the Moebius Stone's guardian, Dr. Druid revealed that in time, they
could discover why Cadaver was still around despite being dead before
remarking that they were about to have a visitor. When Cadaver remarked
that he didn't hear anything, Dr. Druid boasted that it was because he
was not Dr. Anthony Druid, Master of the Unknown. Picking up a small
figure, Dr. Druid used it to summon Shadowoman to greet their guest but
Shadowoman questioned Druid's request, claiming she didn't hear the
doorbell. After informing Shadowoman that their guest would arrive
shortly, Druid overheard Cadaver commenting how Shadowoman acts as if
she were in their presence the entire time and informed Cadaver that
Shadowoman's condition was sensitive, ordering Cadaver not to speak to
Shadowoman about witnessing her sudden summoning into the room. The
Secret Defenders' guest, Mathieson, an old friend of Dr. Druid's,
informed them that his secret bureau, Bureau 18, had been investigating
a series of recent killer bee attacks and disturbances in insect
migration, converging at a supercollider project at a Rand-Meacham
facility in Houston, Texas. Mathieson admitted that he realized Dr.
Druid was active again after seeing a series of arranged stones at the
Chicago Museum of Art and requested Dr. Druid's help in investigating
the migrational disturbances. Agreeing to help the man this one time,
Dr. Druid informed the man that he would need the help of insect
behavior expert, Dr. Henry Pym, better known as Giant-Man. When
Giant-Man was summoned to investigate the supercollider, Dr. Druid,
Shadowoman and Cadaver observed from afar, thanks to Dr. Druid's subtle
psychic screen, as Dr. Druid felt the Avengers thought him a threat at
worst and an incompetent at best. An insect attack soon covered the
Rand-Meacham facility, forcing into action Giant-Man and Iron Fist, who
was at the facility in his secret identity of Danny Rand. Dr. Druid,
Cadaver and Shadowoman then revealed themselves as well, traveling deep
into the facility, where Druid sensed a disturbance in insect harmony.
Cadaver then used his Sword of Bone to carve a way into the epicenter
of the insect disturbance, where a cave-in allowed the disturbance's
cause, the sentient bee colony called Swarm, to trap Dr. Druid and
Cadaver. While Shadowoman remained hidden in her shadow form, Dr. Druid
attempted to make contact with to discern Swarm's history. At first
wracked with psychic feedback pain, Druid soon deduced that the
migrational disturbance was actually an act of war by Swarm, whose
colony of bees was disturbed by the world's energy emissions.
Recognizing that he would need assistance to stop Swarm, Dr. Druid
psychically contacted the X-Men's Archangel and Iceman, posing as
Professor X to summon them to the scene of the Secret Defenders' battle
with Swarm.
(Secret Defenders I#19) - Still trapped by Swarm, Dr. Druid noticed
Shadowoman's shadow form and telepathically informed her of Swarm's
plans to create a massive electromagnetic pulse using the Rand-Meacham
supercollider. Explaining how imperative it was that Cadaver and
himself be freed, Dr. Druid had Shadowoman compress her shadow form
small enough to enter Cadaver's trap, allowing Cadaver to pass through
Shadowoman's shadow form and escape. Cadaver immediately freed Dr.
Druid while Giant-Man and Iron Fist disturbed the migrated insects
above ground. Dr. Druid and the Secret Defenders then confronted Swarm
while Giant-Man, Iron Fist and the arriving Archangel and Iceman dealt
with the swarming insects. During the battle against Swarm, Dr. Druid
managed to divine the location of Cadaver's Sword of Bone and used
psychokinesis to pull the Sword of Bone back to Cadaver's hands.
Cadaver then cut a swath through Swarm's bees, destroying the hive, and
got Druid and the Secret Defenders back above ground. When Swarm
followed, announcing that he could not be killed, Dr. Druid spoke with
Swarm and suggested Swarm wait until humanity destroyed itself before
taking over, warning that any acts of aggression by Swarm would only
earn humanity's enmity. Realizing Druid was right and that creating
more enmity would only provoke humanity into destroying him, Swarm
opted to depart, warning that if Dr. Druid's suggestions proved false,
he would return. After the battle, Dr. Druid and the Secret Defenders
met back up with Mathieson and Druid informed him that the affair was
over as long as the supercollider remained abandoned. Shadowoman then
warned Mathieson that Swarm was still out there, prompting Druid to
chime in that Swarm's eyes were everywhere and he would return if
humanity failed to see the consequences of their actions.
(Secret Defenders I#20) - Dr. Druid used the mental power of
transubstantiation to transport Shadowoman, Cadaver and himself back to
his Boston townhouse. Once inside, Druid suggested the Secret Defenders
turn their attention to more pressing matters such as repaying Dr.
Strange for the curse that prompts him into action. Cadaver
interrupted, explaining that he needed to be returning home to Seattle,
and when Shadowoman argued that Cadaver would only make things worse
now that he was dead, Dr. Druid suggested allowing Cadaver to return
home if he wished. Teleporting Cadaver to Seattle, Dr. Druid wished him
godspeed and reminded Cadaver that if he did not find what he sought,
Druid's door would always be open for him. Revealing to Shadowoman that
Cadaver had nowhere to go and would return to the Secret Defenders,
Druid was quickly assaulted with questions from Shadowoman, who
demanded to know more about her powers and her mysterious
resurrections. Kissing her, Dr. Druid agreed that she deserved to know
the truth but then remarked "but not today" and restored Shadowoman
psyche to the small figure he had earlier used to summon her. Druid was
then almost immediately suffered a precognitive vision and as he cursed
Dr. Strange for plaguing him with visions in the first place. Realizing
he had to act quickly lest he be plagued with another vision spurring
him into action, Dr. Druid decided he needed minions with both Cadaver
and Shadowoman absent. Teleporting away, Dr. Druid figured he would
have to mesmerize any local superheroic talent he could to ensure their
servitude. Arriving in San Francisco in the middle of the street, Dr.
Druid saw Julia Carpenter and her daughter and recognized Julia as
Spider-Woman. Announcing that Spider-Woman was needed, Dr. Druid was
quickly berated for jumping in front of her car but Druid only smiled
and produced his reserve Avengers identicard, explaining that he was an
Avenger like herself. When Spider-Woman accused the east coast Avengers
of treating her badly recently, Dr. Druid used his mesmerism powers and
explained that he too had been treated unfairly by Captain America,
suggesting that they could work together on this mission to untarnish
their reputations. Affected by Druid's mesmerism, Spider-Woman agreed
to help but asked about her daughter Rachel and Dr. Druid saw that she
was taken care of by mesmerizing a bystander to ensure Rachel was
delivered to her destination unharmed. Dr. Druid's vision led
Spider-Woman and himself to the San Francisco sewers, where Venom
accused them of intruding on his base of operations, but Dr. Druid
mesmerized Venom into thinking they were bystanders, prompting Venom
into leaving, swearing to protect them. Dr. Druid and Spider-Woman then
ventured into the sewers, where Spider-Woman questioned whether or not
they should have kept Venom around but Druid explained that Venom's
alien/human mind would prove difficult to control for long. When a
creature attacked them, Dr. Druid rendered himself undetectable as
Spider-Woman thought she had been abandoned. Spider-Woman was soon
captured by the creature, forcing Dr. Druid to reveal himself despite
his wishes to determine the creature's nature first. Attempting to
mesmerize the creature, Dr. Druid was put in a chokehold and Druid
quickly realized his mesmerism was useless against a creature whose
minds were at odds with one another. When he later regained
consciousness, Dr. Druid found Spider-Woman and himself woven into a
mound of living creatures by the enigmatic Slaymaker, who claimed Druid
and Spider-Woman were now part of his masterpiece, the pyramid-shaped
Panentropic Engine.
(Secret Defenders I#21) - While still trapped within the Panentropic
Engine, Dr. Druid telepathically contacted Cadaver and summoned him to
San Francisco. When Dr. Druid attempted to mesmerize Slaymaker and
force him to release Spider-Woman and himself, Slaymaker, who could
manipulate flesh, sealed up Dr. Druid's eyes to prevent any future
mesmerism, causing Druid great pain. Awaking hours later, Dr. Druid
found he was in no pain but explained how hindered his mesmerism powers
were with his eyes sealed before assuring Spider-Woman that had had
made arrangements for reinforcements that would arrive shortly. After
both Cadaver and U.S.Agent, who had been summoned by Spider-Woman's
daughter Rachel, arrived on the scene, failing to turn the tide, Dr.
Druid ordered Spider-Woman to allow him to psychically see through her
eyes. Impatiently realizing that he had to do what he felt was
necessary to win, Dr. Druid psychically set Cadaver ablaze to produce
the fear the creatures had of Slaymaker's own pyrokinetic touch. When
Slaymaker empowered the Panentropic Engine, Dr. Druid took drastic
measures, asking Spider-Woman to weave a psychic web throughout the
Engine, which Druid then took control of with his mental powers.
Overwhelmed by all of the minds in the Panentropic Engine, Dr. Druid
suddenly disassembled the Engine, causing immense psychic feedback that
knocked out Slaymaker. Leaving Spider-Woman and U.S.Agent to clean up
the mess, Dr. Druid had Cadaver follow up in leaving, claiming that
while the nightmare of Slaymaker was over, his own nightmares had just
(Secret Defenders I#22) - Dr. Druid met to negotiate with the demon Slorioth, who
offered to give Druid his fondest desires and wishes in exchange for
succeeding in a particular venture. After learning that Druid had been
summoning and sending her back to the Bride of Slorioth figure at will,
Shadowoman erupted from the figure and sought out Dr. Druid for
revenge. Finding him about to pass through a portal, Shadowoman grabbed
Druid by the throat and accused him of metaphysically violating her.
Warning Shadowoman that he was her link to the Earthly plane, Dr. Druid
claimed that everything he had done to her was done out of his love for
her. As Cadaver came in to check on Druid, Dr. Druid explained how he
had only done what he could to save her and informed the Secret
Defenders that arguments had to be set aside, as a new task awaited
them. Accusing Dr. Druid of caring only about their business,
Shadowoman was surprised when Dr. Druid revealed that their next
adventure promised an end to all three of their curses. He then reached
telepathically, mesmerizing Drax the Destroyer, vigilantes Cloak and
Dagger, and the cybernetic Deathlok to aid in their upcoming venture.
Druid then asked the Secret Defenders for help as well and after
Cadaver agreed to help, Shadowoman agreed but opted to change her alias
to Sepulcre. Dr. Druid then opened a portal of transubstantiation and
promised that by the end of the day, the Secret Defenders would be no
more. The group then disappeared as a young boy named Joshua arrived
too late to catch them. Joshua pulled a strange severed head in a jar
from his backpack and the head told Joshua to look at the oak in
Druid's townhouse. When Joshua replied that it was rotting, the head
explained that the oak reflected Druid himself.
(Secret Defenders I#23) - Having been telepathically compelled to
travel to the town of Starkesboro, Deathlok found that the vigilante
Dagger had also been compelled to go there and when Deathlok asked what
brought Dagger there, Dr. Druid revealed the Secret Defenders and
himself, having been invisible the entire time, and explained that he
had summoned the two heroes there. Introducing his teammates, Dr. Druid
beckoned for Deathlok and Dagger to follow the Secret Defenders into
the house called Wyldwind so that he could more candidly explain the
mission that had provoked Druid to summon them there. Once inside,
Druid revealed that the demon Slorioth had been bound to the land of
Starkesboro and how the spell that kept him bound was waning. Informing
Dagger and Deathlok that a new spell to support the original would
require three pure spirits to traverse the land, Dr. Druid introduced
the third hero he had summoned as Drax the Destroyer came crashing
through Wyldwind's glass skylight, unaware that the mystic Cognoscenti
were in his Boston townhouse learning that the townhouse resided along
mystic ley lines. Dr. Druid then led Dagger, Drax and Deathlok to a
spot to begin their mission but when Cadaver grew impatient, Druid
warned him not to question his orders. After facing down their fears
within a mystic doorway, Dagger, Deathlok and Drax returned, where Dr.
Druid commended them on successfully leading the way for the Secret
Defenders to progress against Slorioth. Holding aloft the Bride of
Slorioth figure, Dr. Druid announced that only he could venture through
the Gate of Perdition, which was opened by the Bride figure. The Gate
soon emerged from the ground and Dr. Druid ordered the other Secret
Defenders to remain behind, reminding them again that only he could
venture through the Gate but his progress was soon halted when the
time-displaced Namor the Sub-Mariner, Hulk and Silver Surfer appeared
and announced the Secret Defenders to be pretenders to the good name of
the original Defenders team.
(Secret Defenders I#24) - While the Secret Defenders, Deathlok, Dagger
and Drax fought Namor, Silver Surfer and Hulk, Dr. Druid ventured
through the Gate of Perdition towards Slorioth's tabernacle, his trek
witnessed by the Cognoscenti, who had arrived alongside Namor, Hulk and
Silver Surfer, whom they had transported the scene themselves. Druid
soon noticed the Cognoscenti's Joshua Pryce and when Pryce mentioned
that he had been trained to protect mankind since birth, Druid
recognized Pryce as one of the Cognoscenti and attacked, shattering a
stone column to incapacitate Pryce. Admitting his lack of impression in
Pryce, Dr. Druid continued to Slorioth, announcing to the demon that
its needs had been met and all had been made ready. When Slorioth
promised to fulfill Druid's desires upon being freed, Druid realized
that being within Slorioth's tabernacle had increased his own mystical
abilities and he turned on Slorioth, announcing that Slorioth's freedom
was no longer an issue and that he finally had a chance to free himself
from his curse. Slorioth angrily fought back against Druid, informing
that his physical form had grown from Druid's own tainted soul, which
he claimed belonged to Slorioth from the moment Druid had invoked the
Bride of Slorioth figure to save Jillian Woods. Slorioth's physical
aspect then merged with Dr. Druid as the helpless Cognoscenti watched.
Affected by the merger, Druid/Slorioth proclaimed that his secret,
silent yearnings had been fulfilled and he announced that he should
return payment to his master as he placed the Bride of Slorioth figure
on an altar, the act of which awakened the true Slorioth.
(Secret Defenders I#25) - The corrupted Dr. Druid explained to the
captive Cognoscenti how Earth would provide a fertile place for
Slorioth to sow his seeds and when the Cognoscenti asked why Druid did
what he had done but Druid only smiled and remarked that chaos was life
and was more interesting than order. Admitting his interest in Joshua
Pryce, having never encountered a true Cognoscenti before, the
corrupted Druid announced his plans to hone a weapon to slay the soul
of Earth itself. He then revealed that while Dr. Strange had sided with
the mystic Vishanti during the then-unfolding War of the Seven Spheres,
Druid chose to side with Slorioth and accelerate the shadowing of the
world to its end and inevitable new dawn. The Cognoscenti Al accused
Pryce of being responsible for the situation as much as Druid himself
because he had stopped to help an injured couple on the way to Druid's
Boston townhouse but Pryce responded by transporting Druid's Secret
Defenders teammates, Sepulcre and Cadaver, into Slorioth's tabernacle
for assistance. Shocked to see the corrupted Druid, Sepulcre questioned
him and Druid revealed that what remained of himself now belonged to
Slorioth and that he had done everything for Sepulcre. Explaining how
his original bargains with Slorioth were intended to be withheld and
the Secret Defenders' individual curses lifted, Dr. Druid grew angry
when the Secret Defenders aligned against him to save Earth. Announcing
that Dr. Strange's visionary curse on Dr. Druid had expired and that
Pryce needed to strike, the Cognoscenti Al was removed from his jar by
Dr. Druid, forcing Cadaver to pull the Sword of Bone on Druid, who
blasted Cadaver aside and melted his corpse form. When Sepulcre fought
back to avenge Cadaver, Dr. Druid exclaimed that Sepulcre only existed
at his behest and began to remove her from his existence, prompting
Joshua Pryce to pick up Cadaver's Sword of Bone and stab Dr. Druid with
it. Unaffected, Dr. Druid fiercely battled Joshua Pryce, who called for
help to prevent a temporal disaster resulting from the deaths of the
time-displaced original Defenders. Empowered by the birth of a new
Cognoscenti, Rose Steadbaur, to the couple Pryce had earlier saved,
Joshua Pryce renewed his attacks on Druid, creating another of a mystic
"bang" to draw the attention of the mystic Vishanti. The fight between
Pryce and the corrupted Dr. Druid soon also drew the attention of the
cosmic Living Tribunal, who drew Slorioth and his influence from Earth,
effectively ending the battle. Later, with Dr. Druid seemingly nowhere
to be found, Jillian Woods asked Joshua Pryce what would happen to the
Secret Defenders with Druid gone and Pryce explained that while Druid's
Secret Defenders were no longer a team, it was up to Woods and Cadaver
to decide what to do next. As Woods decided to depart Wyldwind with
Cadaver, Druid's "butler" asked if they would like more refreshments
before they left but the duo replied in the negative and left. The
butler watched them off then returned inside Wyldwind, remarking to
himself that Starkesboro as well as Earth itself was now safe and that
after all the lies and deception, the Secret Defenders had reached its
own foregone conclusion. The butler then looked into a mirror,
revealing himself as a restored Dr. Druid. He then proclaimed his own
curse lifted and with no one wise of his newfound lease on life, Druid
monologued that he was now free to pursue his own agendas once more.
Entering a mystic portal, Druid remarked that all that was left was to
decide whether his new agendas would be for the cause of good or evil.
(Druid I#1 (fb)) - With his death now faked to the Secret Defenders and
the world, Dr. Druid began to look back at his life and think it a
joke. Obtaining penthouse space in New York using his mesmerism powers,
Dr. Druid began frequenting dive bars and allowed himself to get close
to many broken, low-level mystics, who soon became his followers, dabbling
in the occult for fun.
(Secret Avengers I#20 (fb)) - Druid's former ally Black Widow visited
Dr. Druid at his New York penthouse and asked for his help against the
Shadow Council, whom Druid had only heard of. Druid asked why Black
Widow did not go to her friend Dr. Strange first and Black Widow
replied that Druid had a reputation for being more pragmatic. Black
Widow then informed Druid that she needed to know how to close a mystic
portal opened by the Shadow Council and Druid revealed that magic was
merely effects generated by will and art, suggesting that while he
could give her a mantra and a chicken that would kill the portal, a
suitcase nuclear device might accomplish the safe feat. A surprised
Black Widow admitted that she had seen mystics attack each other with
mystic blasts in the past but Druid explained that mystics were merely
irradiating one another and tapped certain iconography to increase
their own power. He then eerily smiled, pulled out a book and remarked
that he just needed to provide Black Widow with the proper radiation to
dissolve the portal.
(Doc Samson II#1 (fb) - BTS) - Low-level sorcerer Jack Holyoak trained
with Dr. Druid for a week before moving on to train with various other
(Druid I#1) - Awaking one morning crying, Anthony Druid overheard one
of his followers, Scurve, reciting text from one of his occult books
and rushed into the kitchen to find that Scurve had unintentionally
summoned Daimon Hellstrom. When Hellstrom slew Scurve, Dr. Druid
attempted to punish Hellstrom for murdering Scurve but Hellstrom easily
fought off Druid's assaults, claiming that Druid wasn't really worth
the effort. Proclaiming that the "Master of the Unknown" might someday
rise up to become "King of Toilets," Hellstrom warned Druid that he
would eviscerate him the next time they met before disappearing. Moved
by his failure to save Scurve, Dr. Druid ran out into the larger
penthouse, where his followers were lounging around, and proclaimed
there to be heretics and babykillers everywhere. Rushing back into his
room, Druid announced that he would not be broken and warned his
followers not to disturb him or he would nail their guts to the great
oak tree. Inside, Dr. Druid beseeched the Celtic gods for help and was
first shown a vision of Druidic history before a second vision showed
him the world as it was. As the second vision ended, Druid found the
fat melted from his body and Celtic sigils covering his body. A third
vision then left Druid reborn as the destroyer of the world as it was.
Unhinged by the experiences, Druid denounced his Americanized "Anthony
Druid" name and proclaimed himself once more "Anthony Ludgate" as his
followers looked on in surprise. Emerging from his room claiming that
he now possessed the power of every druid, Anthony proclaimed himself
the last druid, renamed himself the Druid, and announced that the world
would shake at his touch.
(Druid I#2) - From his penthouse, Druid looked out at New York and
thought it a cesspit, thinking that he ought to nail everyone in the
city to the great oak tree. Thinking how he could and might do just
that, Druid further thought about how his newfound status as the last
druid allowed him to do anything he wanted. Summoning his follower
Redeyes, Druid had her gather another follower, Hemingway, so that he
could go out into the city of New York and Druid soon found himself in
a cab whose driver was complaining about immigrants. When Druid
remarked that the driver's drivel was barely English, the cab driver
pulled over and prepared to fight Druid, who mystically ignited the
phosphorus in the driver's blood, killing him and shocking Hemingway.
Druid next commented that he had a task for Hemingway who, after seeing
Druid kill the cab driver, promised to do anything Druid wanted and
when Druid questioned why Hemingway was suddenly so loyal after calling
him a "mad old cretin" earlier, Hemingway explained that Druid was now
like a god. Punching Hemingway, Druid sternly reminded Hemingway that
he was not a god, only the representation of the word of the ancient
Celtic gods, before explaining that he wished to return to consulting
on matters of the occult. Druid then offered to pay Hemingway to find
and bring clients to him, which Druid would then pick based on whether
or not he could either win the case or whether it would provide new
magical knowledge. After giving Hemingway his orders, Druid then went
for a walk until he witnessed a woman washing his own suit in the river
and suspected it was warning of future unavoidable death like the
washer in the story of Cuchulain. Returning to his penthouse, Druid
thought about how Cuchulain had been afflicted with a geis as told by
the druids and how, if he were now afflicted with a geis, Druid had no
other druids to inform him what his geis was. A short time later,
Druid's follower, Baby Icon, summoned him from his room to meet the
potential client Hemingway had returned with. When the client, Nekra
Sinclair, saw Druid, she admitted that she had suspected someone more
celestial and Druid, annoyed that Hemingway had again likened him unto
a god, kneed Hemingway in the stomach as punishment. Druid then
introduced himself to Nekra, who informed Druid that her Cult of Kali
temple had recently been plagued with some men stealing corpses for use
in constructing some sacreligious. Druid then sat and listened to
Nekra's story about her suspicions that the Second Assembly, a splinter
group of the Dry Academy, was responsible for the thefts as Druid
continued wondered to himself if offering to help people was his geis.
Nekra then admitted that she had only visited Druid in hopes that he
might provide some local knowledge as to the thefts but Druid, having
only recently moved to New York, was unable to help with knowledge.
Refusing to let filth like the Second Assembly continue to occur, Druid
ordered Hemingway and Baby Icon to seek out information from their
(Druid I#3) - Druid assured Nekra that his followers and himself would
locate the Second Assembly and he would wrap their innards around the
great oak tree. He then suggested that while his followers acquired
information about the Second Assembly's activities, Nekra could fill
him in on the history of the Second Assembly. Nekra agreed, explaining
to Druid how the Second Assembly had splintered off from the Dry
Academy, an organization buried in Tunguska, Siberia that controlled
the world by casting a spell that prevented the general populace from
seeing the true horrors of the world. Angered, Druid accused Nekra of
lying, shattering a table in the process, and promised to take care of
the Second Assembly with their false god and then the Dry Academy with
their false religion. When Hemingway returned with information that the
Second Assembly was active in an old Salvation Army building in New
York's Bowery, Druid announced that he would go alone, quickly taking a
cab to the location, which he opened with druidic magic. Confronting
the Second Assembly, Druid took down the member inside by twisting the
water in his body before going further inside, where the rest of the
Second Assembly resided. Warning the Second Assembly to commit suicide
or face the unlovely death that awaited them at his own hands, Druid
watched as one of the Second Assembly actually committed suicide. Druid
then killed each of the Second Assembly members by manipulating the
wood and plant matter around them before confronting the Second
Assembly's false god itself. Denouncing the false god's existence as
blasphemous, Druid revealed his plans to kill the "god" and when the
god began telling Druid that the Dry Academy's religion was right,
Druid refused to her the god's remarks and killed the false god,
proclaiming him to be nothing more than an abomination and a meat
puppet. Returning to his penthouse, Druid informed Nekra that the
Second Assembly had been destroyed but his mission against the Dry
Academy was just beginning. Nekra then asked to speak with Druid
privately and his followers heard a scream from his room shortly after.
(Druid I#4) - Demanding to see what had happened, Druid's followers
stormed his room to find Nekra and Druid, who was crying about being
afflicted with a geis. Nekra then explained to Druid's followers that
Druid's geis was to love witches and that she had actually been sent to
Druid to determine Druid's destructive power and defuse him, if
necessary. Nekra then revealed that she had done just that and Druid
stood there, trapped by the pain of his disappearing Celtic wisdom and
power. As Nekra boasted of her action against Druid, Druid himself
recalled the tools near him and summoned Hemingway to his side. Druid
then used a sword to sacrifice Hemingway to the three Celtic goddesses
that had empowered him in hopes of regaining his lost power. The power
granted, Druid's head appeared to blaze and his newfound knowledge
revealed to him that while his follower Baby Icon was innocent, Redeyes
had been planning to murder Hemingway as her eighteenth kill. Before
Druid could sacrifice the criminal Redeyes, someone in the shadows shot
her and Druid soon learned that the shooter was a member of the Dry
Academy, with which Nekra had been working the entire time. Preparing
to destroy the Dry Academy from afar, Druid was shot by Nekra and he
managed to unleash one mystic bomb-blast that damaged the Dry Academy,
forcing him to briefly see their reality as his own. Following the
vision, Druid was shocked that he still possessed skin but found
himself faced with Daimon Hellstrom, who explained that Druid was still
dying from Nekra's gunshot wounds. Hellstrom then revealed that Nekra
had actually been working for him while with the Dry Academy and that
Druid's attack on the Dry Academy had failed to completely destroy
them. Hellstrom then proclaimed Druid a failure and a lunatic before
Druid succumbed to death.
(Avengers III#11 (fb) - BTS) - Hellstrom then burned Dr. Druid's body beyond recognition.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC Vol. 3 - Dr. Druid
entry (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid's corpse was then placed in a garbage can.
(Avengers III#11 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid's severely burned corpse was found.
(Squadron Supreme IV#4 (fb)) - Following his death, Dr. Druid's spirit wandered, untethered to Earth.
(Squadron Supreme IV#5 (fb) - BTS) - Due to the nature of his death at
the hands of Daimon Hellstrom and Nekra, Dr. Druid's spirit was unable
to permanently manifest in physical form on the grounds of Earth.
(Avengers I#400 - BTS) - An image of Dr. Druid, among many other
Avengers, was displayed onto a computer screen from the memories of
Edwin Jarvis as a disguised Loki attempted to use the Avengers' own
past enemies against them.
(Avengers III#1 - BTS) - When the founding Avengers summoned every past
and present Avenger to Avengers Mansion, an image of Dr. Druid was seen
on their computer screen, marked as "deceased."
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC Vol. 3 - Dr. Druid
entry (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid's soul was claimed by undead Avengers
villain Grim Reaper.
(Avengers III#10) - During an attack on the Avengers from beyond the
grave, the Grim Reaper resurrected the corpses of Dr. Druid, back in
his original form, as well as past Avengers Hellcat, Thunderstrike,
Captain Mar-Vell, Swordsman and Mockingbird (who was actually a Skrull
impostor) as a new, brainwashed Legion of Unliving. Revealing a
brainwashed Wonder Man as the final member of his Legion of Unliving,
Grim Reaper unleashed the Legion against the then-current Avengers team
and Druid quickly engaged Wasp, claiming that he should have been
leader of the Avengers and remarking that if he had been, he would not
have let members like himself die unavenged. Wasp warned Dr. Druid to
stay back, not wishing to hurt him. Unfazed by Wasp's idle threats, Dr.
Druid remarked that Wasp couldn't hurt him on her best day and felled
her with a mind-blast before turning his attention towards the
Avengers' newest member, Justice. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Druid and the
Legion of Unliving had managed to take down the entire Avengers team.
(Avengers III#11) - When Scarlet Witch returned to Avengers Mansion,
she found the Mansion ransacked and Dr. Druid and the Legion of
Unliving holding butler Edwin Jarvis hostage. She was soon knocked out
by the Legion of Unliving's Mockingbird and as she passed out, the
still-brainwashed Dr. Druid informed Scarlet Witch that they had
replaced the true Avengers and had taken the Mansion as their spoils.
As Scarlet Witch regained consciousness, the Legion of Unliving
informed her of Grim Reaper's plan to bring his pain to the living and
control the world after killing the Avengers. The Legion of Unliving
quipped that they had died while the Avengers had lived and Dr. Druid
chimed in that they were taking back what they earned. Remaining silent
during the Legion's boasts, Scarlet Witch weaved a magic hex that began
restoring the brainwashed Legion's right minds and they began sensing a
change in their way of thinking. After Scarlet Witch succeeded in
restoring the deceased Avengers' true spirits, Dr. Druid regained his
mental faculties and accompanied Wonder Man and the rest of the Legion
to the Grim Reaper, who demanded to know what evil they had
accomplished. The Legion revealed their true colors, however, when
Thunderstrike freed Thor and Dr. Druid followed by freeing Giant-Man.
Siding with the current Avengers, Dr. Druid and the Legion of Unliving
fought off Grim Reaper, who summoned an army of demons to battle the
Avengers. When Scarlet Witch attempted to permanently resurrect Wonder
Man from afar, Wonder Man's connection to the underworld began to
vanish and since he was the key to maintaining the other resurrected
Avengers, Dr. Druid and the other deceased Avengers returned to the
(X-Men Unlimited I#24/2 - BTS) - While watching archival footage of his
life via computer screens, Magneto watched video of the X-Men's battle
with the Avengers during Dr. Druid's tenure on the team.
(Avengers Finale - BTS) - Following a catastrophic battle between the
Avengers and an insane Scarlet Witch, the surviving Avengers and Edwin
Jarvis met in the remnants of Avengers Mansion and the group recalled
their strongest memories of the Avengers, Jarvis recalling the time
that the Masters of Evil attacked the Mansion and Dr. Druid teamed with
the Avengers to take the villainous group down.
(Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone - BTS) - Dr.
Druid's journal entry about Gorgilla made its way to Jacob Hathaway,
the son of his former Explorers Club ally Stanley Hathaway. Jacob then
shared Druid's entry with Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four, who
provided emailed additional notes about the entry, commenting that,
contrary to Dr. Druid's wishes in the journal entry, Gorgilla did not
remain on Midnight Mountain in Borneo and had since returned to the
United States, where Mr. Fantastic ultimately shrank him to human size
and in an effort to rehabilitate several formerly giant monsters. Dr.
Druid's notes on the shadow Warlord Kaa also made their way to Jacob
Hathaway, who wrote a small update at the bottom of the notes that
noted Kaa's later encounters with both Alpha Flight and the Defenders.
Dr. Druid's prior journal entry on the alien monster Manoo and his
notes on the alien Blips made their way into the hands of monster
hunter Elsa Bloodstone, daughter of Druid's former Monster Hunters
teammate Ulysses Bloodstone, who compiled the journal entry and notes
together with notes and papers on other monsters from various other
(Young Avengers I#12 - BTS) - When the Young Avengers opted to create
statues of fallen Avengers while also repairing some of the existing
statues in the gardens around Avengers Mansion, they created a statue
of Dr. Druid alongside other Avengers such as Captain Mar-Vell, Ant-Man
(Scott Lang), Marrina and the Swordsman (Jacques Duquesne).
(Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural#5) - Dr. Druid was very
briefly resurrected by a reality warp created when the demon Nightmare
escaped the Dream Dimension into normal reality. Using nightmarish
visions to manipulate Earth's heroes into his service, Nightmare sent
Druid and numerous other heroes after Doctors Voodoo and Doom, who
remained the universe's last defense against Nightmare. Dr. Druid was
quickly taken down by Doctor Voodoo and Nightmare's influence was
eventually erased, resetting reality back to before Nightmare's
invasion and essentially returning Dr. Druid to the afterlife.
(Chaos War: Dead Avengers#1) - Following the Amatsu-Kami Chaos King's
destruction of the underworld, Dr. Druid and many other deceased
individuals were returned to Earth. Appearing on Earth among other
deceased Avengers including Captain Marvel, Deathcry, Yellowjacket,
Vision and Swordsman, Dr. Druid found himself surrounded by many of
Earth's then-current heroes, who all appeared to be comatose or dead.
Deathcry immediately attacked Yellowjacket, thinking Yellowjacket to be
responsible for pulling her from the peaceful afterlife, and when
Vision suggested Deathcry calm down and use logic, Dr. Druid cynically
remarked that his faith told him that it was an affront of nature to
see Vision among the restored Avengers. When Druid further commented
that Vision was a synthezoid with no true life or soul, Vision
sarcastically remarked on how pleasant it was to see Dr. Druid again.
Captain Marvel quickly revealed that chaos had enveloped the universe
and ejected the dead back on Earth with the destruction of the
afterlives, having sensed the universe's cry for help with his Cosmic
Awareness, and Dr. Druid soon learned from a rudimentary telepathic
scan that the entire living world had been rendered comatose. When the
Dead Avengers heard cries for help outside, Captain Marvel rushed to
defend those under attack but Dr. Druid reminded Marvel that their time
on Earth had ended and that they were not beyond concepts such as duty
and desire. He then suggested the Dead Avengers not interfere with the
natural order of things but the Dead Avengers nonetheless rushed into
action. When Druid protested, claiming their sense of duty was
pointless and stupid, Yellowjacket recalled how Dr. Druid was known to
be a "$%&*" and accused Druid of being an even bigger one now that
he was dead. Yellowjacket then left to help the other Dead Avengers,
remarking that while she wasn't sure what her role was back on Earth
but that she was sure it was not with Druid. The Dead Avengers soon
realized that those they protected were also dead and the creatures
attacking them were removing them from existence and when they fled
with survivors, Dr. Druid levitated into the air and caused an
overgrown of thorny vines to seal the Dead Avengers' escape. Captain
Marvel responded by asking if Druid had changed his mind but Dr. Druid
claimed sealing himself with vines was the only way to get some privacy
so that he could meditate to learn what the triple goddesses would have
him do next. Swordsman replied by calling Dr. Druid a twit and revealed
that he had died by sheer accident and while the other Dead Avengers
shared how they died, Dr. Druid informed Swordsman that his death was
none of Swordsman's "damn business" before Swordsman explained how they
had all been given a second chance to find a cause worth dying for.
Druid and the Dead Avengers were interrupted, however, when the Grim
Reaper, who announced that he had sworn fealty to the Chaos King,
revealed that he summoned the Dead Avengers there so that all Avengers,
living or dead, could be together.
(Chaos War: Dead Avengers#2) - Holing up in the nearby Olympus Group
building on Wall Street, the Dead Avengers attempted to protect the
deceased civilians and when Captain Marvel assured everyone that they
would be ok, a levitating Dr. Druid cynically remarked that Marvel was
doling out so much false hope that it was criminal. Druid then reminded
Marvel that his assurances were dependent on reinforcements which
weren't coming and Druid sternly informed Marvel that they were
existing during the end times of the world, remarking that Marvel's
plan only made sure that the dead would die a second time tired. When
some of the dead began agreeing with Druid and questioning why they
were barricading the Olympus Group building, Captain Marvel flew up to
Druid and informed Druid that work helped keep the survivors off their
predicament, to which Druid argued that the dead should be making peace
with their gods instead of "arranging chairs on the Titanic." An angry
Captain Marvel then threatened Druid, warning him to stop demoralizing
the survivors, but an unafraid Druid replied that Marvel would not do
anything. Druid continued levitating as Vision, Yellowjacket and
Swordsman returned from outside to inform Captain Marvel on the
situation. When Vision mentioned that Grim Reaper had a companion in
Nekra, Druid was shocked from his meditation and asked Vision to repeat
that Nekra was present and with the Reaper, but when Marvel asked why
that mattered to Druid, Druid only replied "it is nothing." Druid then
projected his astral self, resembling his Celtically-altered form prior
to his death, to Nekra, who laughed and expressed hope that Druid was
not still mad she had killed him. Claiming that she had only ushered
him from one state into another, Dr. Druid's astral self kissed Nekra
but Nekra shunned Druid, claiming that his love was the reason she
never kept him around once she had learned what information she could
from him. Nekra then informed Druid that Grim Reaper's hate was so
unyielding that it drew the attention of the Chaos King, whom they had
pledged to serve. Nekra then began monologuing about her ability to
bring death until the other Dead Avengers attacked her and she quickly
realized that Dr. Druid had done nothing more than distract her while
the Dead Avengers located her. Druid then revealed that the only
feelings he still truly had for Nekra were hate and that he wanted
nothing more than to watch Nekra and her "idiot boyfriend" perish with
the reality of reality like the maggot scum they were. Nekra responded
by attacking Druid's astral self, causing intense psychic backlash to
Druid's physical self and projecting Nekra's own hate into Druid's
mind. While Druid was overcome with Nekra's hate, the thorny barrier he
had summoned began to dissipate, allowing Grim Reaper and Nekra to get
at the deceased survivors.
(Chaos War: Dead Avengers#3) - Falling to the floor overcome with
Nekra's pure hatred, Dr. Druid pleaded with the Celtic triple goddesses
for assistance, begging them to show him the way. Druid's naked mind
was then transported to the sacred Oak Circle realm, where he hoped to
initiate himself in the ways of the druid. Begging to be fully
initiated in their ways, Dr. Druid was told to recite his name for his
impending rebirth in the gate between life and death, nature and
supernature, and when Dr. Druid recited "Anthony Ludgate," the
priestess of the Oak Circle carved a third eye into Dr. Druid's
forehead and pronounced that he was "Anthony Ludgate" no more, but
rather, Druid, who could use his third eye to see the past and future
as one. His eyes open and full awareness given, Dr. Druid awoke in the
physical world thanking the triple goddesses for the insight and he
quickly announced to the dead survivors that they had to protect the
comatose modern Avengers at all costs. Levitating the comatose
Avengers, Dr. Druid ordered the dead survivors to get the comatose
Avengers to the Olympus Group building's roof and announced that he
would hold off Grim Reaper and Nekra as long as possible. When one of
the survivors noted the change in attitude from Dr. Druid, Druid
explained that he had been wrong to oppose the Dead Avengers' attempts
at helping the survivors and how he had learned that living was too
precious a gift to willingly give up. Grim Reaper and Nekra soon busted
into the building and Dr. Druid set himself ablaze, warning the
criminal duo to stay back, as he guarded the border between life and
death. Proclaiming that Grim Reaper and Nekra would not pass him, Dr.
Druid stood ready as Nekra jumped into battle against him while the
dead survivors got the comatose Avengers to the roof. Swordsman quickly
came to Druid's aid but Druid ordered Swordsman to help the survivors,
reminding him not to give up his second chance. Deathcry, dubbing
herself Lifecry after having inherited Captain Marvel's Cosmic
Awareness, jumped in to assist Dr. Druid, who was struck down by the
Grim Reaper and eradicated from physical existence.
(Squadron Supreme IV#4 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid's spirit continued to wander the afterlife.
(Hawkeye IV#6 - BTS) - While trying to hook up Tony Stark's video
player, Hawkeye lamented Dr. Druid's death, claiming that Druid knew
from A/V hook ups.
(Thunderbolts II Annual#1 - BTS) - When W.A.N.D. prepared the
Thunderbolts to take down a rogue Dr. Strange, Director Pamela Peters
informed the Thunderbolts that they would not recall their mission
after the fact and would instead recall that they had raided one of Dr.
Druid's caches. Once the Thunderbolts had been equipped, Peters had
Agent Todd cast the Mouth of Madness and Mismemory spell and the
Thunderbolts' memories recalled raiding Dr. Druid's cache to get their
weapons and fighting an illusion of Dr. Druid that was protecting the
fictional cache.
(She-Hulk III#2 - BTS) - Having obtained the blue file containing court
documents for the past case involving Dr. Druid, herself and several
other superhumans while researching another case, lawyer She-Hulk
considered the blue file her only active case before getting
(She-Hulk III#4 - BTS) - She-Hulk reopened the blue file, showing the
case to her investigator Hellcat and paralegal Angie Huang and
explaining how she had found the file while researching another case.
When Hellcat remarked on how the case named She-Hulk herself, Dr. Druid
and others as defendants, She-Hulk admitted she had no recollection of
any such past court case involving herself and that North Dakota's
records showed no such file number.
(She-Hulk III#5 - BTS) - When She-Hulk visited the criminal Shocker,
who had been sued along with Dr. Druid, herself and others years ago,
to ask him about the blue file, Shocker read through the file, noting
that the included Dr. Druid was now dead and that he also didn't recall
being part of any such case.
(Mighty Avengers II#13 - BTS) - As Power Man attempted to track Blade
using his chi, the mystic Kaluu began making impatient comments,
prompting She-Hulk to mumble that it was like dealing with Dr. Druid
all over again.
(Avengers World I#12 - BTS) - During a battle involving the Avengers
and Euroforce, Sebastian Druid appeared in an effort to help turn the
tide and Black Knight introduced himself, remarking how he had served
in the Avengers with Sebastian's father, Dr. Druid.
(She-Hulk III#12 - BTS) - She-Hulk learned the secret of the blue file
involving Dr. Druid, other heroes and villains and herself, discovering
that the heroic Nightwatch had hired Dr. Druid to assist with a spell
that would transform him from a villain into a heroic using a reality
warp that also affected the memories of all present.
(Deadpool IV#35 (fb) - BTS) - Shortly after joining the Avengers,
Deadpool was given Avengers-level security access by S.H.I.E.L.D. and
Deadpool proclaimed himself to be the worst Avenger but Agent Emily
Preston informed Deadpool that she was pretty sure "Mister Druid" was
the worst Avenger. Preston continued, remarking that she thought Druid
was able to talk to trees, but Deadpool asked that Preston not rob the
man of his dignity, reminding her that Druid was a doctor.
(Deadpool IV#1 - BTS) - During a televised interview, Deadpool was
asked if his inclusion on the Avengers team cheapened their legacy and
Deadpool responded by reminding the reporter of Dr. Druid, a man whom
Deadpool claimed wore a bathrobe and muttered to trees. Deadpool then
questioned the reporter, wondering why no one questioned Dr. Druid
about tarnishing things.
(Squadron Supreme IV#4 (fb) - BTS) - During the multiversal collapse
and restoration known as the Secret Wars, Dr. Druid's spirit found
itself deposited into the Weirdworld realm with a new physical form.
(Squadron Supreme IV#5 (fb) - BTS) - Upon awakening in his restored
physical form, Dr. Druid noted Weirdworld's splendid lands and coral
dawn and was thankful to have his body back.
(Squadron Supreme IV#4 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Druid soon learned that his
physical form would only manifest within the confines of Weirdworld
after he tried to travel to Earth, only to find himself once more a
corporeal being. After such trial and error, Dr. Druid decided to
simply stay in Weirdworld, sending his newfound agent Modred the Mystic
to Earth to act on his behalf when needed. Realizing he needed
something to amplify his existing psychic powers, Dr. Druid tortured
the wizard Ogeode into creating a large castle for Druid to reside in.
(Squadron Supreme IV#9 (fb) - BTS) - Upon finding the mystic Eye of Xot
artifact, Dr. Druid had Ogeode construct a large crystal that mirrored
the Eye of Xot to amplify his mesmerism abilities.
(Squadron Supreme IV#4 (fb) - BTS) - After having the crystal installed
atop his castle, Dr. Druid mesmerizing Arkon, the crystal and magma
warriors of Crystallium, the Elves of Klarn and other races of
Weirdworld, eventually taking over ruling an entire kingdom on the
continent. The amazon Thundra eventually opted to visit her friend
Arkon in Weirdworld and learned of Dr. Druid's takeover of the kingdom
(Squadron Supreme IV#4) - Following an encounter between Dr. Druid's
lackey Modred the Mystic and the multiversal Squadron Supreme, Modred
returned to Druid with some captive Squadron Supreme members and
informed him that the Squadron Supreme were vanquished within moments.
Admitting his delight at Modred's success, Druid smiled and commented
on how much more he preferred ruling a magical kingdom over being an
Avenger or a simple Earth sorcerer whom most regarded as "the one who
wasn't Dr. Strange." Modred replied that Druid had said that before and
added that Druid had also remarked that he enjoyed ruling over being
dead as well. Dr. Druid then mused, asking Modred if perhaps he should
start calling himself king as "Doctor Druid" now seemed like an
understatement, and his words awakened Nighthawk, who recognized
Druid's name from his databases. When Nighthawk mentioned that Dr.
Druid wasn't well liked or regarded, both Arkon and Warrior Woman
wanted to attack Nighthawk but Dr. Druid calmed them, admitting that
Nighthawk's accusations were true at one point. Dr. Druid then revealed
to Nighthawk how he could only manifest physically within Weirdworld
and Nighthawk questioned how Dr. Druid was able to mind control an
entire kingdom when his databases didn't note that Druid ever had such
power. Dr. Druid answered by explained that he had low-level power
capable of mesmerizing a single person or small group but used a
crystal atop his castle to amplify his powers enough to control the
races of Weirdworld. When Nighthawk asked if Druid's power was
absolute, Druid admitted that there were a few that continued to resist
him such as the elf Tyndall and the amazon Thundra. Druid further
revealed that anyone crossing from Earth to Weirdworld would also be
enthralled by his powers and surmised that Thundra had originally
brought the Squadron Supreme to Weirdworld in an attempt to overthrow
Druid, hoping that since the Squadron Supreme came from different
realities, they might be able to resist his power. Druid then boasted
that while Thundra had been right about the Squadron Supreme being able
to resist him, the group was now in disarray and no one on Weirdworld
could stop him.
(Squadron Supreme IV#5) - After the surviving Thundra and Hyperion met
up with Skull the Slayer, who was also unaffected by Druid's mesmerism,
the group discussed why Dr. Druid had no effect on them and Skull
suggested that Druid's magic was imperfect, noting that his own spent
among Druid's former Shock Troop made Skull realize that imperfection
was a possibility. Unaware of the rebellion growing against him and the
escaping Nighthawk and Blur, Dr. Druid looked out over his kingdom and
felt thankful that Weirdworld had provided him with his body, wondering
if he might be nothing more than a vengeful spirit had he not been
deposited in Weirdworld. Interrupted in his thoughts by Modred, Druid
admitted he had been thinking about his plan to enthrall Earth and how
the plan seemed to work as well with the Squadron Supreme as it might
on any Avengers that might try to halt his plans. He then explained to
Modred that it was time to begin Stage Two of his plan but Modred
informed Druid that Stage Two would proceed without him, as he was only
helping Dr. Druid in exchange for the mystic Eye of Xot artifact.
Remarking that Warrior Woman would be able to assist him and assuring
Modred that he was a man of his word, Dr. Druid gave Modred the
artifact and wished him good fortune as Modred teleported away. Moments
later, Thundra, Hyperion and Skull the Slayer stormed Dr. Druid's
castle and Dr. Druid ordered the mind-controlled Magma Men to kill the
heroic trio. While Thundra and Skull battled the Magma Men, Dr. Druid
used an illusion of himself dissipating into a small demons to
seemingly disappear from the battle, unaware that Doctor Spectrum and
Hyperion were attempting to destroy the crystal amplifying Druid's
powers. The group succeeded in destroying the crystal, restoring the
minds of everyone enthralled by Dr. Druid. As the Squadron Supreme
returned home to Earth-616, Dr. Druid, who had telepathically rendered
himself invisible to the heroes present, thought about the Squadron
Supreme's victory and how it was a victory for himself as well since
the Squadron returned home.
(Uncanny Avengers III#6 - BTS) - After Avengers Mansion was converted
into a theme hotel, only to be attacked by the Wrecker, Quicksilver and
Deadpool helped clear the costumed civilians, one of which was dressed
as Dr. Druid.
(Squadron Supreme IV#9 - BTS) - When Warrior Woman mentioned Modred's
mystic power, Modred informed her that his newfound increase in power
was due to the Eye of Xot, a gift given to him by Dr. Druid in exchange
for his service, and explained that Druid had mirrored the Eye of Xot
when creating the crystal that had amplified Druid's own powers.
(Deadpool IV#18 - BTS) - Deadpool asked Rogue if he had the shortest
Avengers tenure ever and Rogue reminded him that he was still an
Avenger, further commenting that she was pretty sure he lasted longer
than Dr. Druid did as an Avenger. Deadpool followed up by asking if Dr.
Druid had the power to talk to trees and if Druid had died in the line
of duty but Rogue admitted she didn't remember and was only trying to
make Deadpool feel better. Deadpool then remarked that comparing him to
Dr. Druid did not make him feel better.
(Squadron Supreme IV#15 - BTS) - The Squadron Supreme met to discuss
their future and Hyperion admitted that the team was far from supreme,
having not accomplished much of anything other than liberating
Weirdworld from Dr. Druid.
(Guardians of the Galaxy IV#149 - BTS) - When Ant-Man and the Guardians
of the Galaxy worked with the telepathic dog Cosmo, Ant-Man remarked in
excitement at hearing a Russian dog in his mind and Cosmo replied that
he could hear the least popular Avenger, prompting Ant-Man to comment
that he thought Dr. Druid was the least popular Avenger.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and
Steve Ditko.
Some online sources list Larry Lieber as another writer of the Tales to Astonish I#12 story alongside Stan Lee.
Dr. Druid was a character wrapped in retcons. For example, he was
originally a character called "Dr. Droom" in Amazing
Adventures I#1-4 & #6 with a somewhat stereotypical Asian theme
(which you can see in the Dr. Droom image here). The stories in Amazing
Adventures I#1-3 were
eventually retconned in Weird Wonder Tales I#19-22 to be the character
we all known as Dr. Druid (with the Amazing Adventures I#6 story
earlier retconned to be Dr. Druid in Man-Thing I Giant-Size#3). The
Amazing Adventures I#4 story was much later retconned in Marvel
Universe I#4 (1998). Since all of Dr. Druid/Droom's Amazing Adventures
appearances were retconned in later comics, perhaps the versions that
feature "Dr. Droom" were fictional accounts published by Earth-616's
Marvel Comics, similar to the Young Allies Comics from the 1940s or the
early Two-Gun Kid issues, which were fictional accounts of presumably
actual 616 adventures. For the purposes of this profile, I went with
the retconned versions of the stories and tried to mix in as much of
the original story as possible without going against the retconned
version. In regards to "Dr. Droom," it should be noted that Dr. Druid's
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition profile
established that "Dr. Droom" was an alias that Dr. Druid had been
erroneously called as a way of retconning the use of the name and
attaching it to Dr. Druid. In addition to the retconning of Druid's
name and appearance, the order in which the adventures seen in the
Amazing Adventures series was later retconned to occur slightly out of
order from the order in which they were printed. Basically, his origin
story in Amazing Adventures I#1 is first, then the story from Amazing
Adventures I#4 (which is slightly retconned & seen in a flashback
in Marvel Universe I#4), then Druid's adventures with the Monster
Hunters (Marvel Universe series & his Marvel: The Lost Generation
appearance), then Amazing Adventures I#3 (battle vs. Zamu/Zemu), #2
(battle vs. Aquaticans/Atlanteans) and then #6 (battle vs. Krogg). I
went with the retconned order in Druid's History section in this
Speaking of names, the 1995 Druid mini-series tried to establish
that the British-born Anthony Druid's real name was "Anthony Ludgate"
and that he had adopted the alias of "Anthony Druid" as a way of
integrating himself in American society. Druid's later Official
Handbook of the Marvel Universe entry and other stories have followed
the original idea that his real name was "Anthony Druid" so for the
purposes of this profile, I chose to list "Anthony Ludgate" as the
alias. While at various points during Druid's history, he had been said
to have been born in either Britain or the USA, his later Marvel
Handbook entry simply listed his place of birth as unrevealed, which I
think is the best way to look at the conflicting stories.
In regards to the retconned versions of his adventures, Dr. Droom
fought Zemu, an alien from Saturn in
Amazing Adventures I#3 but the retconned version of the story has Dr.
Druid fighting Zamu, an alien from R'Zahn. The retconned version of the
story from Amazing Adventures I#2 has Dr. Druid fighting undersea
dwelling Aquaticans instead of Atlanteans. Another retcon made Dr.
Druid one of the archaeologists present during the Gorgilla
story in Tales to Astonish I#12, effectively retconning Dr. Druid's
first appearance. This particular retcon was a little tricky, as Weird
Wonder Tales I#21 reprinted the Gorgilla story with Dr. Druid replacing
story's original hero, Scotty. Later stories in the 1998 Marvel
Universe series confirmed that Druid was one of the archaeologists
present so this retcon allows for both Druid and Scotty to be present
in the story so Dr. Druid's presence is likely slightly different than
Scotty's and I chose to go with as much detail as possible for the
history listing for Tales to Astonish I#12/Weird Wonder Tales I#21
without removing Scotty's involvement and still including Druid. With
this in mind, the Anne that Druid knows at the beginning of Weird
Wonder Tales I#21 must be a different Anne than the one Scotty is
familiar with and Druid's Anne is given a subprofile here. Another
retconned difference is that the retconned version of the Amazing
Adventures I#4 story in Marvel Universe I#4 has the story ending
somewhat differently, in which the aliens in the spacecraft were
actually seen and destroyed by Druid. For the sake of inclusion, I
believe that the Amazing Adventures story's ending, in which the aliens
were terrified by Dr. Druid's use of the derrick into retreating
off-planet, could be the official story told to the public by Jake
Curtiss and the National Security Agency, who are seen in the retconned
version in Marvel Universe I#4, perhaps with the help of Druid's own
mesmerism powers to convince the public of what they "saw."
Speaking of dates, the Amazing Adventures stories and some
flashbacks to Dr. Druid's origin story place the origin story in real
time circa 1961 but the 1998 Marvel Universe shows that Dr. Druid
joined the Monster Hunters at their formation, which was shown to occur
after Dr. Druid's adventures that were seen in Amazing Adventures. The
Monster Hunters show up again in the Marvel: The Lost Generation
mini-series and the date is given as 1958, effectively retconning Dr.
Druid's early Amazing Adventures/Weird Wonder Tales/Giant-Size
Man-Thing adventures and his joining/founding the Monster Hunters as
occurring in the late 1950s. Thanks to stories such as Avengers
Spotlight I#37 and the 1995 Druid mini-series, Dr. Druid's survival
into the modern era can be easily explained since he was deaged to the
prime of his life in Avengers Spotlight I#37 and his body and form were
altered again in Druid I#1.
Dr. Droom/Druid's inaugural story in Amazing Adventures I#1 had no credits listed but the
Amazing Spider-Man: Official Index to the Marvel Universe TPB lists
Stan Lee as writer, Jack Kirby as penciller and Steve Ditko as inker.
Doctor Druid had profiles in Official Handbook of the Marvel
Universe I#3 (1983), Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe
Edition#3 (1986), Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master
Edition#26 (1993), Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age
2004 (2004) and Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC/TPB
Vol. 3 (2008/2012).
The band of mystics teaming up during the Infinity War were called
the Strange Bedfellows on the cover of Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme
I#46 (1992).
Dr. Druid appeared in a non-616 continuity humor story in Marvel Super Heroes III#15 (1993).
In his Squadron Supreme IV appearances, Dr. Druid noted that he had
been killed in such a way that he was unable to manifest in physical
form on Earth yet we had seen Dr. Druid manifest twice in physical form
on Earth, once controlled by the Grim Reaper and second when the Chaos
King destroyed the afterlife realms. My explanation for this is that
Dr. Druid was unable to manifest PERMANENTLY in physical form, as both
times he returned were only temporary, and both times, he was
essentially a walking corpse rather than truly returning in his normal
physical form.
Dr. Druid's eye color was shown to be all sorts of colors during his
appearances, ranging from green to brown to red to blue to black. He
even sometimes appear to have no visible irises at all.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Doctor Druid has no known connections to:
- Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom), Latverian despot @ Fantastic Four I#5
- Druid, an alias used by Dredmund Druid @ Strange Tales I#144
- Druid (Sebastian Druid), Dr. Druid's son @ Mighty Avengers I#13
- or any other "Doctor" or "Druid" characters
Anne was a friend of Dr. Druid's who was visiting
Druid when Druid learned that the proposed missing link was last seen
in Borneo.
--Weird Wonder Tales I#21/2
Charles was a later assistant of Dr. Anthony Druid's
who pushed him to go on a talk show, commenting how big of a push it
would be for Druid's newest book since occult books didn't sell as well
at that time. When Druid uncovered ancient Celtic runes and witnessed a
man being killed, he changed into his costume and told Charles to
apologize to the talk show host for him. As Druid ran off, a shocked
Charles reminded Druid of what the cancellation might do to Druid's
career and life.
--Solo Avengers I#10/2
Henshaw was Dr. Druid's assistant during his stay at
the New York Plaza Hotel. While there, Henshaw went over Dr. Druid's
itinerary involving an autograph session and a talk show appearance.
--Avengers I#276
Ramu was a servant of the Ancient One in his guise as a Tibetan
lama. When the Ancient One summoned a doctor from the west and Dr.
Anthony Druid arrived, Ramu informed Dr. Druid that there would be no
payment for Druid's services. After Druid refused to let the lama die,
Ramu explained that Druid would need to cross sacred ground to get to
the lama and continued advising Druid via speakerbox as Druid made his
way through the lama's monastery, avoiding being burned by hot coals
and the monstrous Gorlion. Ramu then returned to the lama's side, where
Druid found him and the lama after escaping the Gorlion. When the lama
seemingly perished, Ramu covered the ruse by confirming the lama's
death then agreed to faithfully serve Druid, whose own mystic powers
were awakened by the lama. Later, when the S.S. Luxuria ocean liner
disappeared, Ramu accompanied Druid to the site of the disappearance
and assisted in lowering Druid into the water inside a bathysphere.
Ramu was subsequently present onboard the boat when Druid emerged from
the water.
--Amazing Adventures I#1 (Amazing Adventures
I#1/4/Weird Wonder Tales I#19/Avengers Spotlight I#37 (fb), Amazing
Adventures I#2/3/Weird Wonder Tales I#22,
images: (without ads)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z TPB Vol. 3. Dr. Druid entry main image (Dr. Druid, main image)
Weird Wonder Tales I#19, p2, pan2 (Dr. Anthony Druid, headshot)
Druid I#1, p2, pan1 (young Dr. Druid as "Anthony Ludgate")
Marvel Universe I#4, p8, pan7 (Dr. Druid in suit)
Marvel Universe I#5, p12, pan5 (Dr. Druid in early costume)
Marvel Universe I#6, p7, pan2 (Dr. Druid in military uniform disguise)
Marvel: The Lost Generation I#2, p5, pan1 (Dr. Druid in suit and hat)
Weird Wonder Tales I#22, p3, pan5 (Dr. Druid in scuba gear)
Man-Thing I Giant-Size#3, p33, pan6 (Dr. Druid in trenchcoat costume)
Incredible Hulk II#210, front cover (Dr. Druid ordering Hulk to capture Maha Yogi)
Incredible Hulk II#210, p2, pan3 (Dr. Druid with hood up)
Incredible Hulk II#210, p2, pan6 (Dr. Druid with illusory suit & cane)
Ghost Rider II#26, p8, pan1 (Dr. Druid in purple suit)
Avengers I#225, p4, pan1 (Dr. Druid beckoning to the Avengers)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3, p25, Dr. Druid entry main image (Dr. Druid, main image)
Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions#1, p15, pan4 (Dr. Druid headshot from the side)
Power Man & Iron Fist I#118, p12, pan1 (Dr. Druid levitating)
Avengers I#276, p7, pan4 (Dr. Druid changing from his suit into costume & Henshaw images)
Avengers Finale, p26-27, splash page (Dr. Druid aiding the Avengers against the Masters of Evil)
Avengers I#278, p20, pan2 (Dr. Druid without cloak)
Avengers I#279, p10, pan3 (Dr. Druid in swimsuit)
Avengers I#282, p9, pan5 (Dr. Druid in torturous face mask)
Avengers I#285, p5, pan1 (bandaged Dr. Druid hypnotizing Hercules)
Thor I#381, p7, pan1 (cloakless Dr. Druid standing behind Captain America)
X-Men vs. the Avengers#1, p2, pan7 (Dr. Druid using mass hypnosis)
Marvels: Eye of the Camera#5, p15, pan1 (Dr. Druid draping his cloak in front of himself)
Avengers I Annual#16, p23, pan4 (Dr. Druid running amongst ruins)
Hawkeye IV#6, p5, pan2 (Dr. Druid questioning HDMI)
Thor I#390, front cover (Dr. Druid running with billowing purple cloak)
Captain America: Hail Hydra#4, p19, splash page (Dr. Druid casting a spell)
Strange Tales II#14, p19, pan6 (Dr. Druid grasping his head in pain)
Alpha Flight I#61, p17, pan3 (Dr. Druid in white cloak)
Damage Control I#1, p11, pan1 (Dr. Druid piloting flying craft)
Solo Avengers I#4, p14, pan5 (Dr. Druid transforming into Last Knight's form)
X-Factor I Annual#3, p5, pan4 (Dr. Druid picking up psychic distress call)
Solo Avengers I#10, p15, pan2 (Dr. Druid holding glowing orb)
Avengers I#291, p8, pan4 (Dr. Druid in tuxedo)
Saga of the Sub-Mariner I#12, p20, pan2 (Dr. Druid piloting Avengers Quinjet)
Black Knight I#1, p13, pan3 (Dr. Druid with orange gloves and boots)
Avengers Infinity#1, p3, pan2 (Dr. Druid in flashback, orange-hued image)
Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.#2, p29, pan4 (Dr. Druid acting as chairman at Avengers meeting table)
Web of Spider-Man I#42, p18, pan3 (Dr. Druid in costume with red slacks)
X-Factor I#32, p1, splash page (Dr. Druid standing with Tony Stark)
Fantastic Four I#338, p4, pan2 (Dr. Druid & Kang Nebula as temporal phantoms)
Avengers Spotlight I#37, p23, pan7 (Dr. Druid, after being merged with younger counterpart)
She-Hulk III#12, p7, pan1 (Dr. Druid, next to Vibro)
Quasar I#23, p19, pan3 (Dr. Druid's mystic senses)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#33, p16, pan3 (Dr. Druid with ponytail)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#34, p16, pan4 (Dr. Druid forming Celtic protective circle)
Captain America I#404, p2, pan2 (younger-looking Dr. Druid levitating in blue cloak)
Captain America I#406, p5, pan3 (Dr. Druid in metal facemask as his ponytail is cut)
Infinity War I#3, p29, pan1 (Dr. Druid with cut ponytail)
Wonder Man II#13, p21, pan5 (Dr. Druid in brown cloak & belt, with staff)
Fantastic Four I#368, p21, pan2 (Dr. Druid in a trance)
Warlock & the Infinity Watch I#8, p21-22, splash page (Dr. Druid alongside three mystics in space)
Alpha Flight I#111, p7, pan4 (Dr. Druid among other mystics)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#46, p2-3, splash page (Dr. Druid running in red cape)
Secret Defenders I#16, p9, pan5 (ponytailed Dr. Druid in civilian clothing)
Guardians of the Galaxy I#31, p9, pan2 (Dr. Druid using Earth magic on
Captain America & Major Victory's shields)
Captain America I Annual#11, p16, pan4 (Dr. Druid levitating, talking about Nebula)
Thor I Annual#17, p21, pan4 (Dr. Druid in red robes)
Fantastic Four I Annual#25, p2, pan5 (Dr. Druid with Human Torch)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition I#26, Dr.
Druid main image (Dr. Druid standing straight)
Quasar I#45, p22, splash page (Dr. Druid in Shock Troop robes)
Quasar I#46, p2-3, pan2 (Dr. Druid levitating Quasar)
Quasar I#51, p2, pan5 (Dr. Druid helping Kayla Ballantine)
Secret Defenders I#15, front cover (Dr. Druid in blue cape & ponytail, bare arms)
Secret Defenders I#15, p4, pan2 (Dr. Druid levitating in red & blue caped costume)
Secret Defenders I#17, front cover (Dr. Druid flying near Deadpool)
Secret Defenders I#17, p6, pan4 (Dr. Druid, aged by Malachi)
Warlock & the Infinity Watch I#30, p7, pan3 (Dr. Druid standing, remarking "of course")
Secret Defenders I#18, front cover (Dr. Druid, covered in insects)
Secret Defenders I#19, front cover (Dr. Druid, trapped by Swarm)
Secret Defenders I#20, front cover (Dr. Druid, headshot with ponytail, near demon)
Secret Defenders I#21, p6, pan4 (Dr. Druid with sealed eyes)
Secret Defenders I#24, p19, splash page (Dr. Druid merged with Slorioth)
Secret Avengers I#20, p12, pan1 (Dr. Druid after faked death)
Druid I#1, p21, pan3 (Druid as the last druid)
Avengers III#10, p20, pan2 (zombie Dr. Druid)
Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural#5, p1, pan3 (briefly resurrected Dr. Druid, defeated)
Chaos War: Dead Avengers#1, p20, pan2 (dead Dr. Druid, deposited on Earth)
Chaos War: Dead Avengers#2, p13, pan2 (the dead Dr. Druid's astral form)
Squadron Supreme IV#5, p12, pan2 (Dr. Druid in Weirdworld physical form)
Amazing Adventures I#1, p25, pan4 (Dr. Droom, pre-retcon)
Weird Wonder Tales I#21, p7, pan2 (Anne)
Solo Avengers I#10, p12, pan2 (Charles)
Amazing Adventures I#1, p22, pan3 (Ramu)
Tales to Astonish I#12 (October,
1960) - "I Discovered Gorgilla! The Monster of Midnight Mountain!"
story - Stan Lee (writer, editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), Steve Ditko
Amazing Adventures I#1 (June, 1961) - "I am the Fantastic Dr. Droom!"
story - Stan Lee (writer, editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), Steve Ditko
Amazing Adventures I#2 (July, 1961) - "The World Below!" story - Stan
Lee (writer, editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), Dick Ayers (inks)
Amazing Adventures I#3 (August, 1961) - "Doctor Droom Meets Zemu" story
- Stan Lee (writer, editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), Dick Ayers (inks)
Amazing Adventures I#4 (September, 1961) - "What Lurks Within? Starring
Doctor Droom!" story - Stan Lee (writer, editor), Jack Kirby (pencils),
Dick Ayers (inks)
Amazing Adventures I#6 (November, 1961) - "Dr. Droom Defies the Menace
Called...Krogg!" story - Stan Lee (writer, editor), Paul Reinman (art)
Man-Thing I Giant-Size#3 (February, 1975) - "Dr.
Druid Defies the Menace Called...Krogg!" story - Stan Lee (writer),
Paul Reinman (art), Roy Thomas (editor)
Weird Wonder Tales I#19 (December, 1976) - "I am Dr.
Druid!" story - Stan Lee (writer), Jack Kirby (pencils), Steve Ditko
(inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Weird Wonder Tales I#20 (January, 1977) - "Behold the Power of
Zamu!" story - Stan Lee (writer), Jack Kirby (pencils), Dick Ayers
(inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Weird Wonder Tales I#21 (March, 1977) - "Behind the Dreadful
Door!" story - uncredited writer, Gene Colan (art), Archie Goodwin
(editor); "I Discovered Gorgilla!" story - Stan Lee (writer), Jack
Kirby (pencils), Steve Ditko (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#209 (March, 1977) - Len Wein (writer, editor), Sal Buscema, Joe Staton (art)
Incredible Hulk II#210 (April, 1977) - Len Wein (writer, editor), Sal Buscema (pencils), Ernie Chan (inks)
Incredible Hulk II#211 (May, 1977) - Len Wein (writer, editor), Sal Buscema, Ernie Chan (art)
Weird Wonder Tales I#22 (May, 1977) - "The World Below!" story - Stan
Lee (writer), Jack Kirby (pencils), Dick Ayers (inks), Archie Goodwin
(editor); "When a Planet Dies!" story - Stan Lee (writer), Jack Kirby
(pencils), Dick Ayers (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Ghost Rider II#26 (October, 1977) - Jim Shooter (writer), Don Perlin (pencils), Sam Grainger (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Ghost Rider II#27 (December, 1977) - Jim Shooter (writer), Don Perlin (pencils), Sam Grainger (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Super Hero Contest of Champions#1 (June, 1982) - Mark Gruenwald (story,
editor), Bill Mantlo (story, script), Steven Grant (story), John
Romita, Jr. (pencils), Pablo Marcos (inks), Tom DeFalco (editor)
Avengers I#225 (November, 1982) - Steven Grant (writer), Greg LaRocque (pencils), Chic Stone (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#226 (December, 1982) - Steven Grant (writer), Greg LaRocque (pencils), Chic Stone (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3 (March, 1983) - Mark
Gruenwald (head writer, designer, editor), Allen Milgrom (Dr. Druid
entry art), Josef Rubinstein (inks)
Ghost Rider II#78 (March, 1983) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Bob Budiansky (pencils), Kevin Dzuban (inks), Tom DeFalco (editor)
Power Man & Iron Fist I#118 (July, 1985) - Jim Owsley (writer),
Mark Bright (pencils), Jerry Acerno (inks), Denny O'Neil (editor)
Man & Iron Fist I#120 (November, 1985) - Jim Owsley (writer), Mark
Bright (pencils), Jerry Acerno (inks), Denny O'Neil (editor)
Avengers I#276 (February, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), John Buscema
(breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#277 (March, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), John Buscema (breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
I#278 (April, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), John Buscema
(breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
X-Men vs. the Avengers I#1 (April, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), Marc
Silvestri (pencils), Josef Rubinstein (inks), Mark Gruenwald, Ann
Nocenti (editors)
X-Men vs. the Avengers I#2 (May, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), Marc
Silvestri (pencils), Josef Rubinstein (inks), Mark Gruenwald, Ann
Nocenti (editors)
Avengers I#279 (May, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), John Buscema (breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
vs. the Avengers I#3 (June, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), Marc
Silvestri (pencils), Josef Rubinstein (inks), Mark Gruenwald, Ann
Nocenti (editors)
Avengers I#281 (July, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), John Buscema (breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Mephisto Vs.#4 (July, 1987) - Al Milgrom (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Bob Wiacek (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Thor I#381 (July, 1987) - Walter Simonson (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
X-Men vs. the Avengers I#4 (July, 1987) - Tom DeFalco
(writer, co-plot), Jim Shooter (editor-in-chief, co-plot), Keith
Pollard (breakdowns), Josef Rubinstein (finishes), Bob McLeod, Al
Williamson, Allen Milgrom (inks), Mark Gruenwald, Ann Nocenti (editors)
Avengers I#282 (August, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), John Buscema (breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
I#283 (September, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), John Buscema
(breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
New Mutants I Annual#3 (September, 1987) - Chris Claremont (writer),
Alan Davis (pencils), Paul Neary (inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)
West Coast Avengers I Annual#2 (September, 1987) - Steve
Englehart (story), Tom DeFalco (script), Al Milgrom (art), Mark
Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I Annual#16 (October, 1987) - "Chapter One: The East &
West Coast Avengers!" story - Tom DeFalco (writer), Bob Hall
(breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor); "Chapter
Five: Iron Man! Mockingbird! The Black Knight! Doctor Druid!" story -
Tom DeFalco (writer), Jackson Guice (breakdowns), Kevin Nowlan
(finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor); "Chapter Seven: Captain America!
Hawkeye!" story - Tom DeFalco (writer), Bob Hall (breakdowns), Tom
Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#284 (October, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), John Buscema (breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#285 (November, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer), John Buscema
(breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#286 (December, 1987) - Roger Stern (plot), Ralph Macchio
(script), John Buscema (breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark
Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#287 (January, 1988) - Roger Stern (plot), Ralph Macchio
(script), John Buscema (breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark
Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#288 (February, 1988) - Ralph Macchio (writer), John Buscema
(breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#289 (March,1988) - Ralph Macchio (writer), John Buscema (breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#4 (March, 1988) - "Knight's Errant" story - Roger Stern
(writer), Paul Ryan (breakdowns), Bob Layton (finishes), Mark Gruenwald
Avengers I#290 (April, 1988) - Ralph Macchio
(script, co-plot), Mark Gruenwald (co-plot, editor), John Buscema
(breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes)
Thor I#390 (April, 1988) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Ron Frenz (breakdowns), Brett Breeding (finishes), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Coast Avengers II#31 (April, 1988) - Steve Englehart (writer), Al
Milgrom (layouts), Mike Machlan (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Strange Tales II#14 (May, 1988) - "Apogee" story
- Peter B. Gillis (writer), Rich Case (pencils), Randy Emberlin (inks),
Carl Potts (editor)
Avengers I#291 (May, 1988) - Walter Simonson (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#292 (June, 1988) - Walter Simonson (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#293 (July, 1988) - Walter Simonson (writer), John Buscema (layouts), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Captain America I#343 (July, 1988) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Kieron Dwyer (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.#2 (July, 1988) - Bob Harras (writer), Paul Neary
(pencils), Kim DeMulder (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Alpha Flight I#61 (August, 1988) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Jim Lee (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Carl Potts (editor)
X-Factor I Annual#3 (August, 1988) - "Unnatural
Selection" story - Louise Simonson (writer), Terry Shoemaker (pencils),
Al Milgrom (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Avengers I#294 (August, 1988) - Walter Simonson (writer), John Buscema (layouts), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Solo Avengers I#10 (September, 1988) - "Token
Sacrifice" story - D.G. Chichester, Margaret Clark (writers), Lee Weeks
(art), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Web of Spider-Man I#42 (September, 1988) - Peter
David (writer), Alex Saviuk (pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Jim
Salicrup (editor)
X-Factor I#32 (September, 1988) - Tom DeFalco (plot, editor-in-chief),
Louise Simons (script), Steve Lightle (art), Bob Harras (editor)
Avengers I#295 (September, 1988) - Walter Simonson (writer), John
Buscema (layouts), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#296 (October, 1988) - Walter Simonson (writer), John Buscema
(layouts), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#297 (November, 1988) - Walter Simonson (writer), John
Buscema (layouts), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Gamer's Handbook of the Marvel Universe#1 (1988) - Scott Bennie, David
E. Martin, Chris Mortika (writers), Anne Brown, William Connors,
Richard Steinberg (editors)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#2 (January, 1989) - Peter B. Gillis
(writer), Rich Case (pencils), Randy Emberlin (inks), Carl Potts
Damage Control I#1 (May, 1989) - Dwayne McDuffie (writer), Ernie Colon (pencils), Bob Wiacek (inks), Sid Jacobson (editor)
Saga of the Sub-Mariner I#12 (October, 1989) - Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas
(writers), Rich Buckler (pencils), Bob McLeod & Co. (inks), Terry
Kavanagh (editor)
Avengers West Coast I Annual#4 (November, 1989) - "Rate the Hunks"
story - Mark Gruenwald (writer, editor), Amanda Conner (pencils), Chris
Ivy (inks)
Fantastic Four I#337 (February, 1990) - Walter Simonson (writer, art), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Fantastic Four I#338 (March, 1990) - Walter Simonson (writer, art), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Fantastic Four I#341 (June, 1990) - Walter Simonson (writer, art), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Black Knight I#1 (June, 1990) - Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas (writers), Tony DeZuniga (art), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Spotlight I#37 (October, 1990) - Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas (writers), Bob
Hall (pencils), Win Mortimer (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Quasar I#23 (June, 1991) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Greg Capullo (pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Quasar I#24 (July, 1991) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Greg Capullo (pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Quasar I#25 (August, 1991) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Greg Capullo (pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#33 (September, 1991) - Roy Thomas, Dann
Thomas (writers), Chris Marrinan (pencils), Mark McKenna & Friends
(inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#34 (October, 1991) - Roy Thomas,
Dann Thomas (writers), Dan Lawlis (pencils), Jim Sanders III, Chris Ivy
(inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Quasar I#28 (November, 1991) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Greg Capullo (pencils), Harry Candelario (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#35 (November, 1991) -
Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas (writers), Dan Lawlis (pencils), Sam DeLarosa,
Donald Hudson (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#36 (December, 1991) - Roy Thomas,
Dann Thomas (writers), Dan Lawlis (pencils), Andrew Pepoy (inks), Mike
Rockwitz (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition#19 (June,
1992) - Glenn Herdling, Peter Sanderson, Murray Ward (writers), Keith
Pollard (pencils), Josef Rubinstein (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Captain America I#402 (Early July, 1992) - "The Prowling" story - Mark
Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins (pencils), Danny Bulanadi (inks), Ralph
Macchio (editor)
Captain America I#403 (Late July, 1992) - "City of Wolves" story - Mark
Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins (pencils), Danny Bulanadi (inks), Ralph
Macchio (editor)
Captain America I#404 (August, 1992) - "Children of the Night" story -
Mark Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins (pencils), Danny Bulanadi, Don
Hudson, Ray Kryssing (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Captain America I#405 (August, 1992) - "Dances with Werewolves" story -
Mark Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins (pencils), Steve Alexandrov (inks),
Ralph Macchio (editor)
Infinity War I#3 (August, 1992) - Jim Starlin (writer), Ron Lim (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Alpha Flight I#111 (August, 1992) - Simon Furman (writer), Pat Broderick (pencils), Bruce Patterson (inks), Rob Tokar (editor)
Captain America I#406 (Early September, 1992) - "Leader of the Pack" story - Mark Gruenwald
(writer), Rik Levins (pencils), Danny Bulanadi (inks), Ralph Macchio
Captain America I#407 (Late September, 1992) - "Lord of the Wolves!"
story - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins (pencils), Danny Bulanadi
(inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Fantastic Four I#368 (September, 1992) - Paul Ryan, Tom DeFalco (plot,
pencils, script), Dan Bulanadi (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Wonder Man II#13 (September, 1992) - Gerry Jones (writer), Jeff Johnson (pencils), Dan Panosian (inks), Fabian Nicieza (editor)
Quasar I#38 (September, 1992) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Greg Capullo (pencils), Harry Candelario (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Warlock & the Infinity Watch I#8 (September,
1992) - Jim Starlin (writer), Tom Raney (pencils), Keith Williams
(inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Infinity War I#4 (September, 1992) - Jim Starlin (writer), Ron Lim (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Captain America I#408 (October, 1992) - "Dark
Dawn" story - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins (pencils), Danny
Bulanadi (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor); "Joyride" story - Mark
Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins (pencils), Don Hudson (inks), Ralph
Macchio (editor)
Wonder Man I#14 (October, 1992) - Gerard Jones (writer), Jeff Johnson (pencils), Dan Panosian (inks), Fabian Nicieza (editor)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#46 (October, 1992) - Roy Thomas (writer), Geof Isherwood (art), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
America I Annual#11 (October, 1992) - "Citizen Kang, Part 1: An Epic
Adventure" story - Roy Thomas (writer), Larry Alexander (pencils),
Kathryn Bolinger (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Thor I Annual#17 (October, 1992) - "Citizen Kang, Part 2: The Hammer,
the Cross-and the Eye" story - Roy Thomas (writer), Geof Isherwood
(pencils), Fred Fredericks (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Fantastic Four I Annual#25 (October, 1992) - "Citizen Kang, Part 3:
Twice Upon a Time" story - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Herb Trimpe
(pencils), Brad Vancata (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Avengers I Annual#21 (October, 1992) - "Citizen Kang, Part 4: Kang's
World" story - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Herb Trimpe (pencils), Charles
Barnett, Brad Vancata (finishes), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme I#47 (November,
1992) - Roy Thomas (writer), Geof Isherwood (pencils), Bob Petrecca
& Co. (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Infinity War I#6 (November, 1992) - Jim Starlin (writer), Ron Lim (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Fantastic Four I#370 (November, 1992) - Tom DeFalco,
Paul Ryan (plot, pencils, script), Danny Bulanadi (inks), Ralph Macchio
Captain America I#409 (November, 1992) - "Blood & Diamonds" story -
Mark Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins (pencils), Danny Bulanadi (inks),
Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Guardians of the Galaxy I#31 (December, 1992) - Michael Gallagher
(writer), Kevin West (pencils), Steve Montano (inks), Craig Anderson
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition#26 (January,
1993) - Peter Sanderson, Murray Ward, Glenn Herdling (writers), Keith
Pollard (pencils), Josef Rubinstein (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Quasar I#45 (April, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Grant Miehm, David Day, Dan Day (art), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Quasar I#46 (May, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Andy Smith (pencils), Ralph Cabrera (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Quasar I#50 (September, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Andy Smith (pencils), Ralph Cabrera (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
I#51 (October, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), John Heebink (pencils),
Ralph Cabrera, Jim Amash, Michael Avon Oeming (inks), Mike Rockwitz
The Terminatrix Objective#2 (October, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer),
Mike Gustovitch (pencils), Bud LaRosa, Martineck (inks), Ralph Macchio
America I#420 (October, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins
(pencils), Danny Bulanadi (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Secret Defenders I#15 (May, 1994) - Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich
(writers), Jerry DeCaire (pencils), Tony DeZuniga (inks), Craig
Anderson (editor)
Secret Defenders I#16 (June, 1994) - Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich
(writers), Bill Wylie (pencils), Tony DeZuniga (inks), Craig Anderson
Defenders I#17 (July, 1994) - Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich (writers),
Jerry DeCaire (pencils), Tony DeZuniga (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Warlock & the Infinity Watch I#30 (July, 1994) - Jim Starlin (writer), Patrick Olliffe (art), Craig Anderson (editor)
Secret Defenders I#18 (August, 1994) - Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich
(writers), Bill Wylie (pencils), Don Hudson, Tony DeZuniga (inks),
Craig Anderson (editor)
Secret Defenders I#19 (September, 1994) - Tom Brevoort, Mike
Kanterovich (writers), Bill Wylie (breakdowns), Tony DeZuniga
(finishes), Craig Anderson (editor)
Secret Defenders I#20 (October, 1994) - Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich
(writers), Bill Wylie (breakdowns), Tony DeZuniga (finishes), Craig
Anderson (editor)
Secret Defenders I#21 (November, 1994) - Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich
(writers), Bill Wylie (pencils), Tony DeZuniga (inks), Craig Anderson
Secret Defenders I#22 (December, 1994) - Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich
(writers), Bill Wylie (pencils), Tony DeZuniga (inks), Craig Anderson
Defenders I#23 (January, 1995) - Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich
(writers), Bill Wylie (pencils), Tony DeZuniga (inks), Craig Anderson
Secret Defenders I#24 (February, 1995) - Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich
(writers), Bill Wylie (pencils), Tony DeZuniga (inks), Craig Anderson
Secret Defenders I#25 (March, 1995) - Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich
(writers), Bill Wylie (breakdowns), Tony DeZuniga (finishes), Craig
Anderson (editor)
Druid I#1 (May, 1995) - Warren Ellis (writer), Leonardo Manco (art), Marie Javins (editor)
Druid I#2 (June, 1995) - Warren Ellis (writer), Leonardo Manco (art), Marie Javins (editor)
Druid I#3 (July, 1995) - Warren Ellis (writer), Leonardo Manco (art), Marie Javins (editor)
Druid I#4 (August, 1995) - Warren Ellis (writer), Leonardo Manco (art), Marie Javins (editor)
Avengers I#400 (July, 1996) - Mark Waid (writer), Mike Wieringo (breakdowns), Tom Palmer (finishes), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers III#1 (February, 1998) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George Perez (pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Marvel Universe I#4 (September, 1998) - Roger Stern (writer), Mike Manley (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Marvel Universe I#5 (October, 1998) - Roger Stern (writer), Bret Blevins (pencils), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Universe I#6 (November, 1998) - Roger Stern (writer), Jason Armstrong
(pencils), Mike Manley (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers III#10 (November, 1998) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George Perez (pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Marvel Universe I#7 (December, 1998) - Roger Stern (writer), Jason
Armstrong (pencils), Mike Manley (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers III#11 (December, 1998) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George Perez
(pencils), Al Bey, Bob Wiacek (finishes), Tom Brevoort (editor)
X-Men Unlimited I#24 (September, 1999) - "Aftermath" story - Joe Pruett
(writer), Tom Raney (pencils), John Holdredge, Nelson DeCastro, Rich
Perrotta, Alitha Martinez (inks), Jason Liebig (editor)
Avengers Infinity#1 (September, 2000) - Roger Stern (writer), Sean Chen (pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Marvel: The Lost Generation#2 (January, 2001) - John
Byrne (co-plot, pencils), Roger Stern (co-plot, script), Al Milgrom
(inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Mangaverse I#6 (November, 2002) - Kevin Gunstone (story), Ben Dunn (story, art), C.B. Cebulski (editor)
JLA/Avengers#3 (December, 2003) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George Perez (art), Tom Brevoort, Mike Carlin, Dan Raspler (editors)
Avengers/JLA#4 (December, 2003) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George Perez (art), Mike Carlin, Dan Raspler, Tom Brevoort (editors)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age 2004 (2004) -
Ronald Byrd, Michael Hoskin (writers), Al Milgrom (Dr. Druid entry
art), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Avengers Finale (January, 2005) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Dave
Finch, Alex Maleev, Steve Epting, Lee Weeks, Michael Gaydos, Eric
Powell, Darick Robertson, Mike Mayhew, David Mack, Gary Frank, Mike
Avon Oeming, Jim Cheung, Steve McNiven, George Perez (pencils), Danny
Miki, Mark Morales, Mike Perkins (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone (2006) -
Michael Hoskin (head writer, coordinator), Madison Carter, Jeff
Christiansen, Sean McQuaid, Stuart Vandal, Eric Moreels, Ronald Byrd,
Barry Reese (writers), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Doc Samson II#1 (March, 2006) -
Young Avengers I#12 (August, 2006) - Allan Heinberg (writer), Jim
Cheung (pencils, inks), Livesay, Dave Meikis, Mark Morales (inks), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Mighty Avengers I#13 (July, 2008) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Alex Maleev (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC Vol. 3 (2008)
- Jeff Christiansen (head writer), Al Sjoerdsma, Chad Anderson, Chris
Biggs, David Wiltfong, Eric J. Moreels, Jacob Rougemont, Madison
Carter, Mark O'English, Michael Hoskin, Mike Fichera, Rich Green,
Ronald Byrd, Sean McQuaid, Stuart Vandal (writers), Al Milgrom (Dr.
Druid entry art), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Marvels: Eye of the Camera#5 (June, 2009) - Kurt Busiek, Roger Stern (writers), Jay Anacleto (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural#5 (April, 2010) - Rick
Remender (writer), Jefte Palo (art), Lauren Sankovitch (editor)
Chaos War: Dead Avengers#1 (January, 2011) - Fred Van Lente (writer),
Tom Grummett (pencils), Cory Hamscher (inks), Mark Paniccia (senior
Chaos War: Dead Avengers#2 (February, 2011) - Fred Van Lente (writer),
Tom Grummett (pencils), Cory Hamscher (inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Chaos War: Dead Avengers#3 (March, 2011) - Fred Van Lente (writer), Tom
Grummett (pencils), Cory Hamscher, Terry Pallot (inks), Mark Paniccia
Captain America: Hail Hydra#4 (June, 2011) - Jonathan Maberry (writer), Kyle Hotz (art), Bill Rosemann, Tom Brennan (editors)
Secret Avengers I#20 (February, 2012) - Warren Ellis (writer), Alex Maleev (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Hawkeye IV#6 (February, 2013) - Matt Fraction (writer), David Aja (art), Stephen Wacker (editor)
Thunderbolts II Annual#1 (February, 2014) - Ben Acker, Ben Blacker (writers), Matteo Lolli (art), Jordan D. White (editor)
She-Hulk III#2 (May, 2014) - Charles Soule (writer), Javier Pulido (art), Jeanine Schaefer, Tom Brennan (editors)
She-Hulk III#4 (July, 2014) - Charles Soule (writer), Javier Pulido (art), Jeanine Schaefer, Tom Brennan (editors)
She-Hulk III#5 (August, 2014) - Charles Soule (writer), Ron Wimberly (art), Jeanine Schaefer, Tom Brennan (editors)
Mighty Avengers II#13 (October, 2014) - Al Ewing (writer), Salvador Larroca (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)
Avengers World I#12 (November, 2014) - Nick Spencer (writer), Marco Checchetto (art), Wil Moss (editor)
She-Hulk III#12 (April, 2015) - Charles Soule (writer), Javier Pulido (art), Jeanine Schaefer (editor)
Deadpool IV#1 (January, 2016) - Gerry Duggan (writer), Mike Hawthorne (pencils), Terry Pallot (inks), Jordan D. White (editor)
Supreme IV#4 (April, 2016) - James Robinson (writer), Leonard Kirk
(pencils), Paul Neary, Marc Deering (inks), Katie Kubert (editor)
Squadron Supreme IV#5 (May, 2016) - James Robinson (writer), Leonard
Kirk (pencils), Paul Neary, Marc Deering (inks), Katie Kubert (editor)
Uncanny Avengers III#6 (May, 2016) - Gerry Duggan (writer), Carlos
Pacheco (pencils), Dave Meikis, Scott Hanna, Mariano Taibo (inks), Tom
Brevoort, Daniel Ketchum (editors)
Squadron Supreme IV#9 (September, 2016) - main story - James Robinson
(writer), Aco (pencils), Hugo Petrus (inks), Katie Kubert (editor)
Deadpool IV#18 (November, 2016) - Gerry Duggan (writer), Mike
Hawthorne, Brian Level (pencils), Terry Pallot (inks), Jordan D. White
Squadron Supreme IV#15 (March, 2017) - James Robinson (writer), Emilio Laso (art), Mark Paniccia (senior editor)
Moon-Girl & Devil Dinosaur I#15 (March, 2017) - Brandon Montclare,
Amy Reeder (writers), Ray-Anthony Height (art), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Deadpool IV#35 (October, 2017) - Gerry Duggan (writer), Mike Hawthorne (pencils), Terry Pallot (inks), Jordan D. White (editor)
Guardians of the Galaxy IV#149 (February, 2018) - Gerry Duggan (writer), Marcus To (art), Jordan D. White (editor)
First Posted: 07/06/2018
Last updated: 07/06/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let
me know.
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