(of Earth-101001)
Real Name: Mikage Kikyo
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-101001) human mutant
Occupation: Assassin
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Blade (Eric Brooks), Makoto, Wolverine, Yagyu Tenba, Yukio; formerly Deacon Frost, Yashida Shingen
Enemies: Stan Davis, Deacon Frost, Hideki Kurohagi, Vadhaka, Yashida Shingen; formerly Blade, Wolverine
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode, "Yukio" (January 14, 2011)
Powers/Abilities: Kikyo had an accelerated healing factor and also had retractable Adamantium arm-swords.
Height: 5'10" (by approximation)
Weight: 180 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
History: (Marvel Anime: Blade cartoon episode - "Teacher's and
Student's Bonds (The Bond)" (fb)) - Kikyo was taken in by Master Yagyu
Tanba, and studied swordsmanship under him with fellow student Eric
Brooks. Kikyo was very upset when Eric was going to leave Master
Tanba's dojo without one last duel and even more irate when Eric
refused to grant him that. Eric ended up slashing his Achilles'
tendons and walking away when Kikyo refused to back down. Eventually,
Tenba forced Kikyo to leave and experience the real world.
(Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode - "Yukio") - Kikyo appeared while Wolverine and his ally, Yukio, were escaping from the cops after being framed for murder. He had been hired by the crime lord Yashida Shingen to take out the mutant.
(Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode - "Kikyo") - Kikyo and Wolverine battled to a stand-still. Once Wolverine escaped, Kikyo reflected on his skills.
(Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode - "Asano") - Kikyo was waiting for Wolverine at Shingen's compound after the crime lord had fled the country. Before their duel, Wolverine asked if Kikyo had killed his friend Asano, but Kikyo had not. The pair then dueled and during their battle, AIM sent Omega Red to take care of Wolverine. Kikyo stepped aside since the machinations of AIM didn't interest him and sharing a victory would be dishonorable, though he watched the ensuing battle. After Wolverine triumphed, Kikyo opted not to fight him since he was exhausted and wounded but promised they would duel again.
(Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode - "Vadhaka (Statue)") - Kikyo arrived in Madripoor on the trail of Wolverine. He was attacked almost immediately, but managed to take down all of his attackers without a problem.
(Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode - "Hell Road") - Kikyo was waiting for Wolverine and Yukio once again, this time at the courtyard of the Dragon Palace.
(Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode - "Shingen") - Kikyo opted not to battle Wolverine since he was distracted by his quest to save Mariko and any victory would be dishonorable. He warned Wolverine that there were other dangers in the Dragon Palace, and was demeaned by Kurohagi for not killing Wolverine by that point. Kikyo then watched as Wolverine fought the living stone statue Vadhaka. By the end of their battle, Kurohagi has sent some armed men to gun down some Madripoor rebels. Yukio disamed them since he considered guns to be dishonorable. After Vadhaka killed a young woman named Min, Kikyo's sense of honor compelled him to join Wolverine in attacking the giant. Together, he and Wolverine defeated Vadhaka.
(Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode - "Kurohagi") -
Kikyo joined Wolverine and Yukio in their assault on the Dragon
Palace, resulting in Kikyo's official dismissal from Shingen's
(Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode - "Logan") - Kikyo stopped Kurohagi from shooting Wolverine with a poison dart by throwing himself in the way and was able to suck the poison out, making sure Kurohagi knew he would pay for that transgression. He then helped Yukio recover from an earlier attack by Shingen and they watched as Wolverine and Shingen battled. He then led Wolverine to the catacombs of the Dragon Palace to find Kurohagi. He helped Wolverine into the tomb where Kurohagi was hiding. Later, he met with Wolverine to finally have their duel.
(Marvel Anime: Blade cartoon episode - "Eternal Apocalypse (Old Wounds, Fresh Blood)") - Kikyo was sent to Vietnam by his new employer, Deacon Frost, to recruit a vampire named Stan Davis. Blade was there to protect Davis after he refused, and Kikyo battled Blade with delight since the pair studied swordsmanship under the same master. However, Kikyo fled the duel and killed Davis. Blade adomished him for being heartless, and the pair began to duel.
(Marvel Anime: Blade cartoon episode - "Teacher's & Student's Bonds (The Bond)") - Kikyo and Blade dueled while reminiscing about their history until their former master, Tanba, arrived. Tanba had been turned into a vampire, horrifying Kikyo, and explained that he had forced Kikyo out so that he wouldn't see him die. Instead of dying, he explained, he was invited to battle Deacon Frost. It was a trap and ended with Frost turning him into a vampire. Kikyo swore that he would make amends for leaving his master by ending his life. Kikyo was unprepared for his former master's new strength and speed and was easily struck down, and was only saved by Blade's intervention. While Blade defeated Tenba, Kikyo was there to witness his defeat and hear him say that he was grateful his two most beloved students were there so that he could tell them that being their teacher was a tremendous honor. Deacon Frost then arrived, took down Blade, and terminated Kikyo's contract. Kikyo informed Blade's partner Makoto where they had probably taken Blade and swore revenge on Deacon Frost for what he had done to Tanba.
(Marvel Anime: Blade cartoon episode - "To the Vortex of Sorrows (Sins of the Father)") - Kikyo arrived in Amarot, a city of vampires to assist Blade in killing Frost and ensure that no one had the opportunity to kill Blade first. He took on a vampiric hydra, allowing Blade to continue onwards towards Deacon Frost. Kikyo eventually defeated it. Kikyo was present when Blade emerged from Amarot and his battle with Deacon Frost and pledged to duel him another day.
Comments: Created by Warren Ellis, Kengo Kaji and Madhouse Inc. (see Appearances list for links to episode credits).
Since the "Marvel Anime" cartoon series was made in Japan, it aired there first before being translated and airing in America on the G4 cable network. As such, the airdates and episode titles may vary depending on what region you live in.
Profile by Mike Podgor.
Earth-101001's Kikyo has no KNOWN connections to:
images: (without ads)
Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode, "Kikyo" (all images in this profile)
Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon
episode, "Yukio" (January 14, 2011) - credits
Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode, "Kikyo" (January 21, 2011) - credits
Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode, "Asano" (February 4, 2011) - credits
Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode, "Vadhaka (Statue)" (February 18, 2011) - credits
Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode, "Hell Road" (March 4, 2011) - credits
Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode, "Shingen" (March 11, 2011) - credits
Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode, "Kurohagi" (March 18, 2011) - credits
Marvel Anime: Wolverine cartoon episode, "Logan" (March 25, 2011) - credits
Marvel Anime: Blade cartoon episode, "Eternal Apocalypse (Old Wounds, Fresh Blood)" (August 19, 2011) - credits
Marvel Anime: Blade cartoon episode, "Teacher's & Student's Bonds (The Bond)" (August 26, 2011) - credits
Marvel Anime: Blade cartoon episode, "To the Vortex of Sorrows (Sins of the Father)" (September 2, 2011) - credits
Last updated: 08/08/17
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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