(of Earth-313710)

Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-313710) human mutate (? - see comments)

Occupation: TV Super Hero

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: 6 Million Dollar Man, Air Patrol, American Hero, Annie, Aquaman, Astronaut, Atom Ant, Batgirl, Batman, Betty Bonnet, Bewitched, Big Bird, Birdman, Blue Fairy, Bozo the Clown, Bunny, C-3PO, Capt. America, Capt. Kirk, Carrie-Little House on the Prairie, Chewbacca, Chips, Cinderella, Clown, Cookie Monster, the Count, Cowardly Lion, Disco Dazzler, Dr. Strange, Donald Duck, Dorothy, Drum Majorette, Eighth Man, Ernie, Fairy, Fairy Princess, Fire Chief, Fireman, Flintstone, Giraffe, Great Grape Ape, Green Lantern, the Grouch, Grover, Gypsy, Hollie Hobby, Hong Kong Phooey, Isis, Jeannie, Jungle Man, Evel Knievel, L'il Chief, L'il Clown, L'il Fairy, L'il Indian, L'il Trooper, the Lone Ranger, Mickey Mouse, Micronaut, Minnie Mouse, Mr. Fantastic, Mr. Magoo, Mr. Spock, Mork, Morticia, Nurse, Panda, Plastic Man, Mary Poppins, Princess Leia, Puppy Dog, Pussy Cat, R2-D2, Raggedy Andy, Raggedy Ann, Robin Hood, Buck Rogers, Scooby Doo, Shazam, Shazzan, Sleepy Bunny, Snow White, Spider Woman, Spiderman, Straw Man, Strawberry Shortcake, Super Boy, Supergirl, Superman, S.W.A.T., Tarzen, Teddy Bear, the Thing, Tin Man, Tinker Bell, Tom & Jerry, Trooper, Vincent from the Black Hole, Walt Disney's Mouseketeer, Wonder Woman, Woody Woodpecker, Yado, Yogi Bear, Zebra

Enemies: Baba Fett, Big Foot, Black Cat, Black Panther, Capt. Hook, the Creature, Darth Vadar, Devil, Dinosaur, Dracula, Frankenstein, Galen, Ghost, Godzilla, Great Bird, Grizzly Bear, Gus the Ghost, King Kong, Klingon, Land of the Lost, Leopard, L'il Devil, L'il Ghost, L'il Tiger, Lion, Monster, Mummy, Pirate, Red Skull, Shark, Skeleton, Storm Trooper, Tiger, Vampire, Warrior, Web Woman, Werewolf, Witch, Wolfman

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: "The Green-Skinned Goliath"

Base of Operations: Unrevealed

First Appearance: (actual real-life Halloween costume by Ben Cooper, Inc., Earth-1218): store shelves (196? - see comments)
(original Ben Cooper, Inc. version of Hulk, in print, Earth-313710): Woolworth's newspaper ad (1968)

Powers/Abilities: The Hulk did not actually display any superhuman powers (other than getting really mad) but he possibly had the same superhuman strength, durability and healing that his Earth-616 counterpart had.

Height: 5'5" (by approximation)
Weight: 135 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black

History: (Woolworth's 1968 Halloween costume advertisement) - Hulk emerged from a giant television-shaped pumpkin alongside numerous other heroes including Mr. Fantastic, as Spiderman watched from afar.

(Ben Cooper 1968 catalog) - Having emerged from the giant television-shaped pumpkin, the Hulk appeared alongside the Thing, Capt. America and a slew of other heroes.

(Ben Cooper 1976 catalog) - Hulk, now sporting a sleeveless costume, joined Spiderman and others, crouching down in an angry pose.

(1970s Ben Cooper comic book advertisement) - Hulk teamed with Captain America and Spiderman for a Halloween night of trick-or-treating.

(1970s Ben Cooper comic book advertisement) - Hulk ran alongside Spiderman, each carrying a bag of candy.

(Ben Cooper 1980 catalog) - Hulk appeared alongside other "tv super heroes" and later joined Spiderman and Spider-Woman alongside other heroes, where he briefly switched from a sleeveless costume to first, a sleeved costume with a picture of his bare chest on it, then a poncho with a masked hood.

Comments: Created by an uncredited writer and artist.

I could not determine when exactly the actual real life Halloween costume first appeared on store shelves but it was definitely at some point in the 1960s, likely just prior to the first advertisement featuring Hulk.

It was not clear if the Hulk had any superhuman powers and if he did, it was not revealed how he obtained them.

If not clear, this version of Hulk was based on the Ben Cooper, Inc.'s real-life Halloween costume and covers all of the Ben Cooper Hulk's printed appearances that I'm aware of. I'm sure there's many more out there in old newspapers or long-since-forgotten Ben Cooper catalogs so if you see another appearance, let me know and I will update this profile accordingly! I've included an image of the real Halloween costume for comparison to the printed version. When exactly the real-life

Also, the "misspellings" in Hulk's affiliations and enemies ("Darth Vadar" and "Yado," for example) are spelled exactly as they appeared in the Ben Cooper catalogs, suggesting that on Earth-313710, that is how these characters spelled their names.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Earth-313710's Hulk has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Ben Cooper 1980 catalog, p1, splash page (Hulk in purple pants, main)
1970s Ben Cooper comic book advertisement (Hulk in sleeveless costume with bag of candy)
Woolworth's 1968 newspaper ad (Hulk in his original costume)
Ben Cooper 1968 catalog, p7, splash page (Hulk with purple sleeves & pants)
Ben Cooper 1976 catalog, p8, splash page (Hulk in sleeveless costume, black & white image)
Ben Cooper 1980 catalog, p21, splash page (Hulk wearing long sleeve shirt with image of his bare chest)
Ben Cooper 1980 catalog, p22, splash page (Hulk in mask and poncho)

Woolworth's 1968 Halloween costume advertisement (1968) - uncredited writer & artist
Ben Cooper 1968 catalog (1968) - uncredited writer & artist
Ben Cooper 1976 catalog (1976) - uncredited writer & artist
1970s Ben Cooper comic book advertisement (late 1970s) - uncredited writer & artist
1970s Ben Cooper comic book advertisement (late 1970s) - uncredited writer & artist
Ben Cooper 1980 catalog (1980) - uncredited writer & artist

First Posted: 10/25/2018
Last updated: 10/25/2018

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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